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Pfizer Had Need To Hire 2400 New Employees To Record Adverse Effects

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posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Wait... so the FDA and Pfizer are the same company? That would certainly make sense considering!

That would explain a lot.

posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 09:28 AM

originally posted by: LastFirst

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

This is just becoming absurd at this point. You'd have to be a brain-dead Zombie to continue defending and deflecting for Pfizer and the rest of these criminals.

Oh wait

Like TRUMP..?

The great Dunning Kruger masses leader.

Warp speed...and he hired the best people?!

Extreme TDS noted.

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 08:31 AM
I don't know what it is; ego or what, which prevents people from returning to a thread in which their points have been proven wrong and say: Ok, I was wrong.

Do people have so much invested in being right? Here, I'll start. It's not that difficult.

I thought that by now I would have been fired from my job due to federal vaccine mandates. I was wrong.

I also thought that a vaccine passport would have been in full force but was wrong there too.

Feels good and freeing to admit this! Anyone else want to give it a shot?

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: zosimov
I don't know what it is; ego or what, which prevents people from returning to a thread in which their points have been proven wrong and say: Ok, I was wrong.

Do people have so much invested in being right? Here, I'll start. It's not that difficult.

I thought that by now I would have been fired from my job due to federal vaccine mandates. I was wrong.

I also thought that a vaccine passport would have been in full force but was wrong there too.

Feels good and freeing to admit this! Anyone else want to give it a shot?

Its not about the truth, some people have financial reasons to deny it.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 10:36 PM

originally posted by: Byrd
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Or.... maybe the numbers are misrepresented?

Here is the actual data from the stock market about number of employees for Pfizer

About 500 jobs were added, yes... but notice that at the beginning of Covid, they downsized by 10,000 or so, and in fact the numbers have been declining since 2009. This is the lowest number of employees they've had since 2014.

Furthermore, they're a global company.

On the data side, hiring 600 people to "enter vaccine harm data" is just... silly.

Their harm reporting system already dumps the data into a big database. It's not phoned in or mailed in or handed to them on paper.

It doesn't take 600 people to crunch data that someone else has been entering (I had a sudden and amusing vision of them hiring 600 people to run on treadmills to power the electricity to power the computers). New York City can handle 6,000+ emergency calls per day with a staff of 1500 (according to two sources)

Dive into the source. Crunch the numbers. Look at how many vaccines were administered and of those how many had reported vaccine injuries (to do this, divide vaccine injuries number by total number of doses. The answer is "0.00033345329", which is 0.03% (three hundredths of one percent.)

The total number of reports is on page 9. The total number of vaccines given is on page 6 (general overview.)

Just for fun, you can crunch more numbers....
Page 6 gives the total number of fatalities (divide that by the total doses)

And check the breakdown on the data (starts on page 9)... turns out "nervous system disorders" is primarily "headache" followed by "dizziness"

And it took me just a handful of minutes to find those numbers. With a good database search, it'd take about an hour or so to retrieve all the stats... more time to write it up, of course and put in all the frills and details.

tl;dr - someone's leaping to the wrong conclusions if they're claiming that 1800 people had to be added to deal with all the adverse event reports coming in over a 2 year period. The number of cases reported is roughly the same as the number of emergency calls that New York City's 911 dispatchers can handle (and enter into a database) in a one month period.

Great post.

You get it!

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

So you also believe that Pfizer misrepresented their own employee data on their report? If this is the case, do you still trust them to properly compile a report of vaccine related damage/deaths?

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