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America is destroying itself.

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posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by astroblade
that's some serious research there oleneo and good for you. but, what if nothing happens this april? what if your prediction, just like so very many others, doesn't come to fruition?

If nothing happens in April, it usually mean something: there's always next month.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 09:15 PM
The Pope died in April?

Or isn't that enough for you?

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Cutwolf
There is no NWO. There is not a single shred of hard evidence to support the NWO, is there? Does anyone have anything that could remotely be considered proof (no this does not mean bending a dollar bill saying it looks like an "N" therefore it must mean "NWO.")

In my opinion, the NWO exists as an idea and a title to events (9/11 = the major terrorist attacks, NWO = government becoming more powerful.) I want proof of an actual NWO group. How did the idea start? Either there is hard evidence of something called the NWO or it started as a guess by someone.

Enjoy reading this:

Enjoy reading this if you order the blueprint of a totalitarian state America:

"The High Priests of Globalization" (a rather huge informational, very legitimate and credible resources on NWO):

This will "illuminate" your mind:

Enjoy reading.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 10:23 PM

If nothing happens in April, it usually mean something: there's always next month

that's just so damn convenient isn't it?! "hey, i know i said something would happen this month, but it doesn't mean anything that i was wrong. Just that next month is when something big will happen!" ---that's the shared mentality of people like you. that is a summation of how you and your like continue to delude yourselves into thinking there's a giant conspiracy to get you. aren't you the same type to demonize politicians when they say something similiar? when something covenient happens to a politician don't people like you shout off that it isn't convenience--no, no--rather it's decietful strategy?sane people really don't like it when others refuse to admit their mistaken. and we really hate it when those mistaken people continue to lie to themselves just so they can believe.

The Pope died in April? Or isn't that enough for you?

oh really? yeah i've been totally cut off from every news source in the world...what's your point? first off, the insinuation was that something related to the beginnings of a revolt, or move by the NWO, or some huge factor in that whole conspiracy theory would occur. prove to me the pope's death is connected to something like the NWO and i'll consider considering it. second, the pope's death isn't a major deal, not on a global-NWO-conspircy theory level. his death, while tragic and his absence will certainly be felt, it's not going to lead to a rebellion or overtaking or anything of that sort. a new pope will be elected and the church will return to doing whatever it usually does. third, we were told that a major event is still forthcoming. the pope has already died. the problem there is pretty obvious. all in all, no the pope's death doesn't seem to meet the stated prediction of a major event.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 10:44 PM
I have been hearing about the NWO for 20 years now. They are always going to take over this year and then the year passes and nothing happens. Its been 20 years and I am still waiting.

Alex Jones tells a little truth with a lot of bull. I remember a video where he showed marines training in the Carolinas. He said that they had taken over a town and had it under martial law. He said that the marines were pulling cars over and searching them for contraband. What he failed to mention was that the people had a sign in there care stating tha they were willing participants of the training exersice. Jones made it sound like the marines had taken over the town by not reporting the whole truth.

I wonder how much money Alex jones is making. I bet he is making a bundle by exploiting peoples fear.

I watched his Bohemia grove video and it was a total joke. It did not prove a thing. When I saw that video I lost total respect for Jones and do not believe very much that he says.

I have heard many of his guests debunk his outrages lies. He had a nurse on his show when he was talking about forced inoculations of school kids in a Texas school. the nurse said it was not forced, she said that the kids had to have their parents sign a waiver the week before in order to get the shots. No waiver no shot.

[edit on 3-4-2005 by cryptorsa1001]

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by astroblade

If nothing happens in April, it usually mean something: there's always next month

that's just so damn convenient isn't it?! "hey, i know i said something would happen this month, but it doesn't mean anything that i was wrong. Just that next month is when something big will happen!" ---that's the shared mentality of people like you. that is a summation of how you and your like continue to delude yourselves into thinking there's a giant conspiracy to get you. aren't you the same type to demonize politicians when they say something similiar? when something covenient happens to a politician don't people like you shout off that it isn't convenience--no, no--rather it's decietful strategy?sane people really don't like it when others refuse to admit their mistaken. and we really hate it when those mistaken people continue to lie to themselves just so they can believe.

Jeez, take a chill pill. Don't you ever heard a little ole thing called humor?

Relax. In this insane world, we all need good humor.

[edit on 4/4/2005 by the_oleneo]

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 06:56 PM
Lol Driver..

Prove to me a few things:

1) Concentration camps
2) The "Nazi" type laws. Show me the genocide towards the nation's own people please.
3) Last but not least, please, for the LOVE OF GOD, prove to me that the REPTILIANS actually exist..

lol wow..I thought april 1st was over..


posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 06:58 PM
Actually, the NWO WILL come to pass. Just not with Camps, killings, a massive government, etc etc.

The NWO is already here. It's called the CORPORATE WORLD. They do influence things, fund who is elected, make money of wars, etc.

They are here. Those who are convinced that they will come with some fanciful type of world war are utterly confused. Open your eyes to the TRUTH. Follow the money trail, follow the money trail...


posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 07:01 PM
There is many forms of proof of the concentration camps. Not only is there authentic pictures of them. But nobody is attempting to hide them. You can for the most part drive up and see them. Thats factual information, Not conspiracy, or anything like that. There have been several posts made about it that give more info.

If you add up the facts, and do some research of your own, you will find out that the attack on 9/11 wasnt a terrorist attack at all.
Thats one scenerio of the government killing its own people for its good. Think about this, 9/11 was the best thing to ever happen to president bush.

Pal, please dont tell me you believe that America is a free country. And dont tell me you believe our government GIVES A DAMN about us.

If you believe that, you better start waking yourself up from this illusion you call "your life" right now.

If not. Have a nice day!

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 07:26 PM
I agree that corporations have massive influence, probably a lot more than most people would think, over the workings and policies of many nations... as far as the USA turning into a brainwashed bunch of zombies headed for the camps... i think thats pretty far fetched. The Bush admin has DEFINATELY exploited the 9/11 event for it's own purposes and will probably continue to do so for a long time to come, unless the American people wake up to his fear mongering. All he has to do now is raise the threat level to red or something for a few days saying that he has critical intel that the US is facing another terrorist attack within days, and he can do whatever the heck he wants. Just look at your military budget... how are new subs, jets, missiles, etc going to protect you from terrorists? Simple, they don't. Never have, never will.... I think he has something else up his sleeve... I just hope it isn't an attack on China, Iran, or North Korea... cuz that will get realllly messy. As far as the NWO that I keep reading about, probably a little far fetched... but never say never.

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 01:12 AM
It's not that America is destroying itself, it's that people are destroying themselves. I think the individual is on the decline. There are few ambitious people left.

Nobody has a plan anymore. Before people had plans that they didn't realize. Now they simply don't have a plan.

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 01:17 AM

Our aim is to remind Americans of these lessons and to draw their consequences for today. Here are four consequences:

• we need to increase defense spending significantly if we are to carry out our global
responsibilities today and modernize our armed forces for the future;

• we need to strengthen our ties to democratic allies and to challenge regimes hostile to our interests and values;

• we need to promote the cause of political and economic freedom abroad;

• we need to accept responsibility for America's unique role in preserving and extending an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles.

Such a Reaganite policy of military strength and moral clarity may not be fashionable today. But it is necessary if the United States is to build on the successes of this past century and to ensure our security and our greatness in the next.

Elliott Abrams Gary Bauer William J. Bennett Jeb Bush

Dick Cheney Eliot A. Cohen Midge Decter Paula Dobriansky Steve Forbes

Aaron Friedberg Francis Fukuyama Frank Gaffney Fred C. Ikle

Donald Kagan Zalmay Khalilzad I. Lewis Libby Norman Podhoretz

Dan Quayle Peter W. Rodman Stephen P. Rosen Henry S. Rowen

Donald Rumsfeld Vin Weber George Weigel Paul Wolfowitz


When things go to hell, make sure you remember those names. A lot of them will be at Mt Weather, others at Norad. These names comprise of pretty much all the major right wing thinkers, aswell as 70% of the banking system (pretty much wolfowitz alone controls everything). PNAC is the "NWO". Patriot act I was simply one of the first stages in stripping our rights. The patriot act is so unbelievably vague its amazing. Under the patriot act, if you have ANY drugs (including pot) you can be considered a terrorist. When you are considered a terrorist you can be held without trial forever. I don't know about you, but that scares the holy bejesus out of me. It's real and it's coming, when is a completely different question. All you can really do is know your rights and make sure that they are not infringed upon. Hell, Even our rights are just an illusion.


Some think australia is the safest place to hide. I however do not believe this to be the case, south america will i think be the best bet. US Military machine has been setting up bases on australia for the past 30 years. Either way, if you have any balls/intelligence at all you'll fight, any and every way you know how.

[edit on 5-4-2005 by senseless]

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 02:17 AM
People keep trying to debunk this whole idea based on some delusion that because there is no group specifically called the NWO that the whole thing is a farce.
Now assuming that the people doing this are fairly smart, they would never put a name to their group as it would at some point generate a paper trail. If you want names of groups who are involved try doing searches on PNAC, trilateral commission, the bilderbergers, and CFR.

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 05:24 AM
I think a lot of you are a bunch of idiots.

First of all, David Icke theory has NO evidence, and by that I'm talking about the Reptilian shape shifting alien crap, if George Walker Bush was an ET he would be a hell of a lot more Intelligent.

Second of all there is a NWO, the guys involved with it admit it, it's just what type of NWO exists or is coming that should be debated.
America is dying, and It will soon be dead before long if the people of America don't wake up, stand up and fight against this force which has pulled many major deceptions over there eyes such as 9/11.
And for those of you who still don't think 9/11 was an inside job, you really need to do your homework, before I investigated 9/11 i used to think the whole conspiracy "theory" was totally insane and made up by "conspiracy nuts"
The NWO is coming and the group behind this are planning more terror attacks either this year or next, and about 2012.

If anything happens then it will simply be the Illuminati and the last part of there End Game, which for those of you who don't know is hoaxing an alien attack on the earth (Source: Dr Steven Greer)

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by aelphaeis_mangarae
I think a lot of you are a bunch of idiots.

First of all, David Icke theory has NO evidence, and by that I'm talking about the Reptilian shape shifting alien crap, if George Walker Bush was an ET he would be a hell of a lot more Intelligent.

Its upsetting to see so many say such comments when I could bet my arm they have never read anything more on the reptillian theory and shapeshifting theory than maybe one or two brief articles. In most cases they have read nothing of it atall so really, they are simply forming an opinion based purely off logic (which is DESIGNED to trap your mind), pre-conceptions and a bucketload of half-truths which have shown themselves throught this whole thread.

I wont bother to try and convince you of these things. All I will say is read the Biggest Secret by David Icke or Children of The Matrix or any of his amazing videos so you can gain enough knowledge to enable yourself to form an opinion that is not just based off pre-conceptiual crap, half-truths and dis-inf that so many of you are full of here.

[edit on 5-4-2005 by Driver]

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 07:10 PM

I agree almost 100% with you here man... I couldnt have said what you said any better. So if I'm one of the people you are refering to when you said there are a bunch of idiots.... You can count yourself in with that group as well.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 04:18 PM
Oh my what have I got started.

Ok if I knew this thread would turn argumentative I would of never opened my mouth, but here i go agian.

I just want people to stop this "OH! America is turning into the Nazis" nonsense, many of these people claim to deny ignorance but all there doing is spreading ignorance and backing it up with people like David icke and Alex Jones, Like I said earlier these people feel the need to try and "enlighten" us with bull # when some tragedy happens in the united states. This BS. is what the ignorance is. So carry on as you wish keep spreading the BS but let you know this, your wasting your time.

No pun intended to those who beg the differ, If you think I'm the ignorant I am sorry, I don't want to come across that way, I am different from you I view your ideologies differently (Its not that I can't see were your coming from, the thing is I know were your coming and strongly disagree from experiencing the questions of the subject) besides I will not lie to you and agree I see things total different, your entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine, just as Michale Moore, Alex Jones, and David icke are entitled to theres.

[edit on 9-4-2005 by iksmodnad]

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by the_oleneo

Originally posted by Cutwolf
There is no NWO. There is not a single shred of hard evidence to support the NWO, is there? Does anyone have anything that could remotely be considered proof (no this does not mean bending a dollar bill saying it looks like an "N" therefore it must mean "NWO.")

In my opinion, the NWO exists as an idea and a title to events (9/11 = the major terrorist attacks, NWO = government becoming more powerful.) I want proof of an actual NWO group. How did the idea start? Either there is hard evidence of something called the NWO or it started as a guess by someone.

Enjoy reading this:

Enjoy reading this if you order the blueprint of a totalitarian state America:

"The High Priests of Globalization" (a rather huge informational, very legitimate and credible resources on NWO):

This will "illuminate" your mind:

Enjoy reading.

With all due respect, look at the links you provided. Find me a source that went into investigating an NWO conspiracy WITHOUT A PREDETERMINED CONCLUSION, and then we'll talk. "" doesn't count.

[edit on 9-4-2005 by Cutwolf]

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 04:26 PM
I know what your saying snd as an American I pretty much believe that other countries are either sickend or pitty America. Lot's of americans are like oh this is the greatest country in the world when WE SUCK!

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by cropsmoker
I know what your saying snd as an American I pretty much believe that other countries are either sickend or pitty America. Lot's of americans are like oh this is the greatest country in the world when WE SUCK!

Then leave?

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