originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
Releasing so much of the reserves without also turning on the tap is stupid and reckless, but democrats have complete control for another 9 months so
nothing we can do about it right now.
Or might not turning on the taps reveal a foreseen decrease in the demand for oil?
If so then what could cause a decrease in demand? Maybe
environmental concerns? Maybe an alternative technology?
The perhaps justified view that the current US admin make a lot of mistakes doesn't necessarily mean that
everything they do is a mistake.
Maybe this is an attempt to win votes, maybe it's a cash-in, or god forbid a genuine attempt to do the right thing.
But as you've pointed out, they're not turning on taps to replenish the reserves. It's worth considering this a clue to something other than idiocy
being afoot.
'Idiocy'... As the saying goes “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist”. If that's true i'd add that
second greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he's an idiot in order to avoid closer scrutiny, as we dismiss his
actions as pathetic.
It's often said here that he UK's Tory kleptocrats in power make so many gaffs, bad moves and mistakes because they're idiots. Yet these 'idiots'
continue in power, avoid sufficient scrutiny, evade rule breaking that would've buried their predecessors all the while making their privileged chums
lords and multi-millionaire thrice over with public money. Makes you wonder who the idiots really are!
Likewise all of Biden's 'mistakes' seem only to push Putin down this road to ruin. Imo that's been the plan and Biden saying dumb things off script
like Putin needs to be removed is a in fact on script in that plan. I wish they weren't carrying out such a plan - it's unbelievably risky screwing
with a someone like Putin and all his nukes. But i imagine that they think such mind games worked for Reagan so why not for Biden. So Biden plays the
idiot, making dumb statements that increase Putin's paranoia - decreasing the chance that he'll back down - hoping this will be Putin's Vietnam and
destroy his home support.
This 'idiot narrative' encourages the public to simply sigh, ''Meh, they're dummies", missing the true agenda of the gaffs.
...I'm drifting off of my own topic a little, but it's in order to make the point that labelling part of the Biden reserve oil strategy - not making
the move to refill those reserves - as dumb might just be exactly what they want you to think.
edit on 3-4-2022 by McGinty because: (no reason given)