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How do people with IQs of 140 - 200 think?

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posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 03:34 PM
I feel that persons with higher than normal I.Q.'s tend to think in a logicial pattern following a predetermined route so to say. Most scholars I have spoken with say the key to being able to recall massive amounts of material is actually easy if you can find the system that is right for you. Often for me, most information is easy for me to digest. When it becomes more complex, I tend to find something from a color, word, phrase or smell to help with memory. I know it will not work well with the masses' but it gets the job done for me.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 06:47 PM
Personally for me, I feel very alone, and isolated in this world. I find life a beautiful thing, even though it can be so cruel. I made this post to hopefully find more people like me, and I think I have. I learnt that everyone is special in their own unique way. I must say I find peace in God, and in nature.

posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by LiquidationOfDiscrepancy
Personally for me, I feel very alone, and isolated in this world. I find life a beautiful thing, even though it can be so cruel. I made this post to hopefully find more people like me, and I think I have. I learnt that everyone is special in their own unique way. I must say I find peace in God, and in nature.

Great. Relate it to the rest of the thread that you started. Keep the topic going. React. Engage.


posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 02:20 AM
I have noticed one thing in common with the gifted, smug pretension. I had to sit and listen to a class of college honor students blah blah blah about how "stupid people" should be sent to their own island. Now that's real friggin intelligent, isn't it?

I can tie my shoes. I can find the grocery store.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by IndigenousDave
I have noticed one thing in common with the gifted, smug pretension. I had to sit and listen to a class of college honor students blah blah blah about how "stupid people" should be sent to their own island. Now that's real friggin intelligent, isn't it?

I can tie my shoes. I can find the grocery store.

I find your summary of the encounter too vague and sounds biased, and I doubt it is a very good description of what was said. Honestly, was that the purpose of the talk? Was nothing else discussed? Were there any reasons, criteria, etc., given for such a radical notion?
Also, why did you 'have' to sit through it? Did you have to write a report on it? If I heard that the subject of the talk was what you say, I wouldn't have bothered going, cuz the whole idea is ridiculous.

I supposedly have an IQ over 140, and as for the question, how do I think...
I try not to. The less I think, the better. I try to listen to my heart.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
Emotionally - I used to have very powerful, simple emotions, in a sort of rotating spray. I fell head over heels in love more than a dozen times as a youth. I felt huge sadness, terrible, crushing sadness. I hated with extreme pashion as well.

I find myself doing this alot right now. I am only fourteen years old yet i can talk circles around most adults, i read at an amazing speed, and when i get started on something i cnat leave it alone (for the past 6 months i have done nothing but bash George Bush).

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:02 PM
I've been working to increase my IQ from 23 to 30 so I can learn to breath. Hopefully, one day, I'll break 100, but as of now, I have no idea

posted on May, 7 2005 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by junglejake
I've been working to increase my IQ from 23 to 30 so I can learn to breath. Hopefully, one day, I'll break 100, but as of now, I have no idea

You can do it jj, but why bother, high IQs are a pain. I suggest starting up a band and learning guitar, cuz once you can play three chords that go together you can record a cd and maybe become a famous musician. You have plenty of IQ points to do that, just look at who else has made it.
Hey...wanna trade some of your ATS points for some of my IQ points, I have more than I need, and can't seem to figure out how to generate very many ATS points.

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 05:10 PM
Dancer, you posted your thoughts in some of my other threads, I'd like to see your thoughts on this one.

Your friend LOD

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 07:09 PM
i've always tested above 140 starting in 6th grade. Contrary to popular belief, yes, I.Q. points do change. I've tested from 144 to 158. I dont think that I'm smarter than anyone else, but I do notice that I think ENTIRELY different than other people.

There's that famous test of perception..."is the glass half empty or half full". My 11th grade Psychology teacher looked like he saw a ghost when I said "neither...the glass is twice as big as it needs to be to hold the water". It seems as if he'd never heard anyone with that perspective before and to me, that's just normal.

I'm sure other people think the way I do, but tha'ts just it...more often than not, I have to be in a 'mode' to think. If I'm not, my thoughts are almost entirely run my emotions and feelings which clould my thinking a lot....sometimes to the point where I can't think...I can only feel. When I'm able to think in terms of logic, I have to be in 'work mode' and when i think that way, the sky is the limit. But if I'm not in that 'mode', I simply cannot see the forrest for the trees.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by LiquidationOfDiscrepancy
Dancer, you posted your thoughts in some of my other threads, I'd like to see your thoughts on this one.

Your friend LOD

I am pleased that you enjoy my posts...
I did post around page 5 and didn't want to bore everyone with my rambelings...
- You present some very interesting subject material...

If we are so smart, why are their sentances that one can speak, that which one cannot write properly?

"There are three too's in the english language"
I have noticed, (Yes, I am sure that I have not been the only one who noticed) that those of lower inteligence have little or no interest in IQ testing. perhaps this is because they don't do so well on tests and are scared. Where as those with IQ's that are above average have at least a mild curriosity about their placement in the greater scheme of things.

Among the posts that echo through my mind as I read the IQ related queries is the reminder that IQ and sucess do not go hand in hand.

One may be suprised to discover how many Menza canidates have jobs that would be concidered menial. I think part of it would be that they are just there for the money and jobs fitting that description leave the mind free to contemplate issues of more interest.

I suppose one way to look at it may be How many times can you eat Steak or lobster in a week, How many cars can you drive at the same time? and other logistical practicalities.

Another tangent on that is that those with brains intimidate employers, they want to belive that they are the smartest ones there, and/or are concerned that someone who they percive to be smarter than themselves may pose a ral (or unreal) threat to them regarding their job security.

Another slant on things is that those who are not gifted, just plod along in life perhaps they are too dumb to realise that they failed and they finnaly suceed.

They may be inclined to buy the "I made $1,000,000 in 45 days selling stale fish" book. Follow and work every step of the book and make it work, while anyone with a brain would not buy the book to start with - dismissing it as rubbish from the start, or if they did get the book they would read the step by step instructions as a concept instead of actually practicing it, or in reading the steps they would likelydismiss/underestimate a few of them as non-essential and find that the plan doesn't work without them.

[edit on 5/14/2005 by dancer]

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 10:36 PM
Level IQ Range
Mildly (or basically) Gifted 115 - 129
Moderately Gifted 130 - 144
Highly Gifted 145 - 159
Exceptionally Gifted 160 - 179
Profoundly Gifted 180+

Several researchers over the last 70 years have proposed that the number of children who score in the extremely high ranges of IQ exceeds the theoretical expectations derived from the normal curve (Terman, 1925; Burt, 1968; Silverman, 1989; Gross, 1993). Even the most generous over-prediction would affirm that exceptionally and profoundly gifted children comprise a tiny minority even among the gifted.

Although, as discussed earlier, the majority of teachers tend to view gifted students as a fairly homogeneous group, researchers have noticed profound differences between moderately gifted and exceptionally gifted children on almost every cognitive and affective trait that has been studied. In the realm of intellectual capacity alone, a profoundly gifted child of IQ 190 differs from his or her moderately gifted classmate of IQ 130 to the same degree that the latter differs from an intellectually handicapped child of IQ 70.

[edit on 103131p://555 by LiquidationOfDiscrepancy]

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 11:11 PM
Does anyone else have any input in this area?

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 11:43 PM

How do people with IQs of 140 - 200 think?

How do geniuses with IQ's Of 140 - 200 think? How do you geniuses feel emotionally, socially, and what are your ideologies in life?
I would like to hear from posters who have official test results, and other forms of IQ test.

[edit on 113131p://444 by LiquidationOfDiscrepancy]

Allright im no genius, but i know im above average or sumthing like that, its been a while. Since you were originally asking how do geniuses think or sumthing, i thought id at least tell you how i think. Because sumtimes its hard to stop thinking, and it drives me insane. I'm not srue how smart i really am, but i do at least know im a thinker. I've even briefly experienced the feeeling many geniuses get as they say "going on the verge of insanity". I can't remember it well enough right now, the feelings that is. But when i've felt this i literally just wanted it all to stop! I didnt want to know anything, its sumthing undescribable really, b/c you simply can't escape your mind. Day by day, i think of the wildest most random things! If a person mentions something sumwhat interesting, like a time machine perhaps, as if the person is jsut simply talking about a movie that had a time machine in it. I can end up thinking about it for hours, i'll think of theories. Every possibility will begin moving thru my mind, the possibility of myself paying attention in school at that point, just isnt going to happen! lol
I think very fast, i find ways to disprove my own theories and make new ones just in my head. I wish i could always just stop everything and write it all down!!!! But i never have any paper around! Gurrrrrrrr!!!!
Allright, as i was saying be4, when i get the "going insane" feelings i guess you could say. It's sort of like a big bundle of emotions combining mostly fear, anger, frustration, etc. I think the movie A Brilliant Mind depicts a genius on the verges of insanity excellently! Thats exactly how i feel at times, thank god its not often! When its over im glad im not smarter!
Back to how i think, as i was saying i pretty much cant control my thoughts, and when i just cant take anymore is when i begin getting nutty i guess lol. Next time this happens to me ill be sure to write it down for a good description, of me beating my brains out from the I'm actually afraid to think too much about it right now tho, b/c i might end up in that state, an i really dont like it! I feel so trapped...
So basically a genius usually thinks nonstop, they see the smallest thing, realize a problem with it, and find a way all inside of their head how to fix the problem! This can happen within a matter of seconds depending on the genius.
Allright, i hope thats good enough, but as i said, im pretty sure the iq tests have always only said i was above average. Maybe im actually smarter! lol
Best wishes,

[edit on 20-5-2005 by Vesuvius 13]

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken
How do people with IQs of 140 - 200 think?
We think quite well thank you very much...

[edit on 31-3-2005 by Netchicken]

Well, if Netty isn't going to reveal our secret, who am I to do so?

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 06:38 AM
I had my IQ Mensa tested and my score was 155... however, I think that in life confidence, rather than intellect, will probably take you the furthest

I perhaps think a bit quicker than other people I know and tend to be able to read people well. I am extremely unpredictable (might be my Aquarian nature!) I DO have a thirst for knowledge but last year asked my husband where the country "Scandinavia" was????
lol. I think people who score highly probably have better memories than those who don't, I also think that if you are familiar with the types of questions on a standard IQ test you are more likely to score higher than someone who has no idea what to expect. Most are timed and you have a head start if you know what's involved. Is an IQ score the definitive guide to someone's intellect? Personally I don't think so. My English is very good, mathematics is above average and as for geography, don't ever stop to ask me directions!!

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 12:28 PM
Vesuvius 13..........

Welcome to the club.
You may or may not be suprised to know that you are smarter than you concider yourself.

We think because others don't, we are partly turned on by riddles - puzzels, and ideas. It doesn't matter if they are accepted as feasable or belived to be so far beyond Sci-Fi that it could make an average persons brain melt.

It took me years to learn how to unplug my brain, some times it doesn't work. Although I have found that if you write down the ideas - just to get them out of your head sometimes you don't beat those tangents to death and it can help. I've taken to folding a single sheet of paper in half 3x and keeping a lottery pencile with it - it beats a tablet and is good enough for a few notes.

Now sometimes I have trouble plugging my brain back in, or focusing or concentrating on something.

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 01:21 PM
This is all very interesting, please keep posting.

-Thanks LOD

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 09:42 PM
I'm not certain, but if it counts, all the online tests i've taken, including the PHD ones, have said I'm above average, so....
Also, I tend to figure things out more quickly than average people do and I can make connections ahead of other people in Symbol books. I also tend to have somewhat different views than others in certain areas. Also, my STM is very bad which might be the reason why I don't do so well in IQ tests.

[edit on 5/22/2005 by Lifeadventurer]

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 07:40 PM

artistic bases covered, connecting pieces of information, lonely. mathematical, independent, fads and material things are of minimal importance, unsatisfied curiosities, doesn't get laid much...constantly thinking of the universe and reasons for possibility...dunno...thats just me.

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