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Amazon workers unionize

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posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: JIMC5499

When I was in the Navy, all I heard was they guys who wanted to get their Veteran's Bonus and apply for the Post Office so they could screw around all day and get paid for it.

The Post office and railroad provide a second retirement outside of the military one. If they went GS then they still get only one, whichever is more. I know a number of people who went to the railroad and I know only one that stayed, hard freaken

I'm sure the post office is not really easy, but I'm sure the system breeds mediocrity. Most companies can not survive in that way.

edit on 3-4-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Amazon prime membership price about to skyrocket due to gas price increases.

Add in the cost of the Union and all items will cost more.

Amazon will be for fast, convenient delivery.

Not for saving money on products any longer.

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Now obviously I'd be thrilled to work within such a system!
One because it's "normal" & if not already, industry standard. Secondly because employees learn how the other sections of the manufacturing plant operate, hopefully fostering understanding. But at least maybe stopping the departmental backbiting over the product stream. It doesn't take much time to do inspections and fresh eyes stop complacency.

I'm rather hoping for some of our old middle Mgt to retire, or the new corporate owners to speed up the transition so things finally switch to current practices. Some of my coworkers who've also worked for other companies have been just as shocked as me at what goes on an also are hoping things change. It's pretty sad when we have to watch a training video, but some of us already have filled out the questionnaire and aced it because we've received these trainings everywhere else, multiple times. You'd think Mgt might question why this info is "new to them?"

I can tag the info back to trainings from 2000.

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 10:14 PM
a reply to: majesticthirteen

Much of that "anti-union rhetoric" is spot on truth. I have seen it with my own eyes. Some is exaggerated whining, but then so are many union claims of their accomplishments.

All of the things you describe as being the results of union representation are available at non-union shops too. And the things you complain about from non-union shops are ingrained into the unions and will never be eliminated. That hard working janitor? He may be the only one. I have seen a union janitor push the same pile of dust around in a circle for hours at a time. Only at the end of his shift did he even try to get it into a bin. That is what unions create - workers who do as little as they possible can because no one can make them do more and they know it. Some people have a work ethic, some don't. But this is where the difference is. People with no work ethic don't survive long in the non-union work world. They thrive in a union because they will get raises and promotions they do not deserve and they get it all just for showing up. That benefits no one, clients, company, or co-workers. As overhead increases so do prices. We all pay for that lazy janitor. Every single one of us.

I love how your examples of union companies are all big brand name government contractors and non-union companies are fast food. I worked for and retired from one of the biggest government contractors in the US. No one dared to say the word union in our facility without expecting to hear some bad news shortly thereafter. I have no doubts there were unions somewhere in the corporation, but not everywhere. People made good money, had advancement opportunities, 401k, and a pension. We had quite a few high school diplomas making six figures turning wrenches, running machines, all sorts of labor positions. All non-union. The only union I knew of that ever set foot in our facility was electricians but they were all subcontractors. We eliminated our in-house electricians, the whole department. Most likely because someone said the "U" word. Now they can work somewhere else and their services are a write-off for us.

In all fairness I have to say I am from Chicago. If there is a union here - its corrupt as the day is long. Ghost payroll and site-sitters are the specialty here. And all that expense gets pushed on to the consumer.

Long ago unions were necessary. They served a purpose. Today they are no longer needed. There are at least as many bad unions as there are good.

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