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Israeli funeral directors are overrun and see deaths increase tenfold.

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posted on Mar, 31 2022 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

Second link isn't a paper, it's an editorial.

posted on Mar, 31 2022 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

It looked like a good starting point for someone new too asking the tough questions about the vaccination. Links to the source if you want dig deeper. If it don't work for you, that is your call.

Was just talking to one friend into genetics and microbiology. What he has found, with the decline in B cells, it was a paper looking at one of the vaccinations used in China. His main concern is with the T cells, these are the ones that clean up the mess. As they go down, rates of cancer and other pathogenic conditions rise.

One paper from the early days of the vaccination program found a slight decrease in T Cells.

Impact of SARS-CoV-2 variants on the total CD4+ and CD8+ T cell reactivity in infected or vaccinated individuals

There have been some more recent reports around that subsequent boosters are compounding this effect.

A more recent one looking at T cell production for cancer patients that have taken the jab:

Limited T cell response to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine among patients with cancer receiving different cancer treatments

For a more recent and general look at T cells and the jab:

Understanding T-cell responses to COVID-19 is essential for informing public health strategies

there are no corresponding programs to analyze the T-cell response at a national level...

comprehensive evaluation of vaccine-induced immunity will help counter vaccine misinformation that has arisen, in part, due to lack of T-cell metrics.

Critical data supporting the role of T cells in actual protection against COVID-19 is vital and currently lacking. This issue is further evidenced by gaps in data generation regarding T cells in the development of existing and future vaccines. In addition to characterizing the role of T cells, we also need to implement clinical studies to define protective, and maladaptive, T cell responses and the impact they have on clinical presentations and course of disease.

With such a narrow focus on antibody production, there is some much more going on with the immune system that is getting missed. If this mRNA tech did follow the usual vaccination path, then why all the boosters? Why does efficiency wane after a couple of months? Just what else is going on with the immune system as the usual vaccination theory fails? Surely one vaccination should be enough if the B cells are working as intended?

Or does the medical mafia know what is going on and will not fund a study that will call them out? This is nothing new, why won't Fauci release a study that compares the overall health between the vaccinated and vaccinated? Is it that he knows the results are not good for profits and does not want to lose his liability waiver with products on the childhood vaccination schedule?

posted on Apr, 1 2022 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: InwardDiver

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle]

Sadly, I have. Number 24 died the beginning of January from the jab.

Cheers - Dave

First of all, I'm sorry you lost 24 friends, family and acquaintances over the past year or so. That must be devastating. If I lost 24 people much of my support group would be gone.

How do you know they died from the jab? Did they die shortly after?

I wonder why such losses are so irregular. One person losing so many and many others none at all all.

24 people make up less than 0.1% of the people in my primary and secondary circles, so 24 is not that large a number for me. Yes, most died within 24hrs to 1 week, a few died at 1 week to 1 month and a few more 1 month to 4 months. All were healthy, no co-morbidities when they got the jab, but they rapidly declined. Most were not in my direct support group, a few were, but most were close friends of friends.

Losses are irregular due to the nature of injection and the site. The closer the injection site is to a vein, the more rapid the death. Injection into a vein can produce death in less that 15 minutes due to massive endothelial damage which generates numerous and large clots. Injection into deep/solid muscle tissue allows capillary leakage to occur over time, reducing rapid onset clotting, but still producing micro-strokes in every organ of the body.

I did not get the jab and neither did my wife (she has Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy). We have been around a large number of people though, who have had the jab. Over the last year, I have developed multiple arterial blockages including my carotid artery (symptoms presented about 2-3 months ago), so not to be dramatic, but rather factual, I am dying as there is only a small probability they can fix the carotid artery. I don't know if this is jab related, eg. shedding or migration of mRNA particles, but take this is a warning. Err on the side of caution.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 4/1.2022 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

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