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Israeli funeral directors are overrun and see deaths increase tenfold.

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posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies
You do know that FOI revealed that the average age of death from covid is the majority of people don't die from covid anyway.

edit on 29-3-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

Not the first time it has been used in humans...

Actually, it IS the first time they have been used on humans outside of trials.

In December 2020, the US FDA issued emergency use authorization for mRNA vaccines developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, making them the first mRNA vaccines available to the public.

WEF agenda pushers even say so

That is just poor practice, I was told to wait 3 times. There is a very small chance with all vaccines a person can experience a bad reaction. So what is your point here?

I'm not saying that it is good practice not to wait, just that from my experience A LOT of people vaccinated with these shots were NOT asked to wait.

My point is that there are more adverse reactions to this vaccine than with any other vaccine I have ever heard of. You don't see other products that have resulted in TENS OF THOUSANDS of life altering reactions stay on the market and be pushed as "safe and effective". The adverse reactions from these shots are minimalized by the press and unless they are forced to do otherwise they are not talked about unless it is to tout them as a conspiracy theory. Well, tell that to the many people who have been harmed that now feel helpless because they are being told there is no way the vaccine caused this when until they got the shot they were perfectly healthy.

I don't give a crap if you do or not. If you should get it due to preexisting conditions and don't and then die so be it. I'm very libertarian in that area. I just see so much doom porn as the reason people don't trust it and so I speak up, but do or do not as Yoda would

Good, just as I pay no mind to if you have taken it or not. If you have, I hope you are not one of the many that have adverse reactions, and if you haven't, I wish you well as well.

Personally, I don't care for doom porn either. What I do care about is false narratives being pushed on and by people. I appreciate the truth, and want to help others find it.

That is total BS, so try again. It is two totally different things here being viewed as fully vaccinated and having issues with the vaccine. They are not one and the same in any way shape or form.

I really find it hard to bother replying when you are so out of the loop, but insist you are correct.

In general, people are considered fully vaccinated: ±

2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or
2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine
If you don’t meet these requirements, regardless of your age, you are NOT fully vaccinated.


Unfortunately, they are not two totally different things. Matter of fact, those who have had both shots and the booster(s) are more likely to have issues. This, actually, is more evidence that it is the shots causing the issues and not covid itself.

Just take a second to research mRNA articles up until 2019. All the way up until the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 people were hopeful of the technology but worried about the possible issues. This was because all the initial testing showed that the carriers for mRNA gathered in the liver and caused damage. They had many many issues in getting the effect they needed with small enough amounts of mRNA and also with controlling how much protein the body would produce based on a measured amount of mRNA. That was even before they made the mRNA replicate a cytotoxic protein in your body for this covid 19 shot.

it is not since you are basically inventing a concern that is not reality.

Please see above, and if then you still don't believe me... well, then it is your problem.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: andr3w68

Actually, it IS the first time they have been used on humans outside of trials.

So? My point was that humans have been in mRNA trails going back 10 years. That is a good amount of time to see if long term effects come about. The reason why I even bring all this up is because the popular narrative is that mRNA went from the lab rat to humans in weeks and that is far from the truth.

I'm not saying that it is good practice not to wait, just that from my experience A LOT of people vaccinated with these shots were NOT asked to wait.

They were wrong not to force people to wait. Allergic reactions can kill, the good news there really is very few with mRNA. Even my wife who got hers in a drive thru type station was forced to park and wait. I got mine at the VA and some battle nurse watched me down to the second, eyeballing me just to try and leave if I

My point is that there are more adverse reactions to this vaccine than with any other vaccine I have ever heard of.

Is that really true or just the optics of it all. Never in human history has a vaccine been monitored at the level this one has been, and never before has so many people received a vaccine as we are talking billions now. Take Isarel who has strictly monitored their whole population at a crazy level. We also have never had the massive level of the social net giving all kinds of information good or bad, with much just fear porn.

You don't see other products that have resulted in TENS OF THOUSANDS of life altering reactions stay on the market and be pushed as "safe and effective". The adverse reactions from these shots are minimalized by the press and unless they are forced to do otherwise they are not talked about unless it is to tout them as a conspiracy theory. Well, tell that to the many people who have been harmed that now feel helpless because they are being told there is no way the vaccine caused this when until they got the shot they were perfectly healthy.

So much of the negative reactions like blood clots in younger women are actually associated with the J&J shot. Like upwards of 90%+ are coming from the J&J shot. The interesting thing here is that it is viral vector based that is created the more traditional way, so it is not mRNA. The mRNA vaccines are kind of taking a bad rap from the J&J shot. There has been some cases of mild heart inflammation associated with Pfizer and Moderna in younger men, but we are talking about very mild self recovering conditions and a few 100 cases out of like 150 million doses in England. I think Israel also reported the same with like 50 cases out of 10s of millions of doses. Israel is most likely the most accurate post vaccine monitoring. In the end when I actually look into numbers that some people post I just can not find where they are coming from outside of someone suggesting VAERS is listing millions, but that is where the narrative starts and stops as no one actually goes into VAERS and looks. We also need to understand that VAERS is just a reporting system and serious reports are investigated and there hasn't been any changes from those investigations.

Rare heart inflammation cases were reported in teenagers after their COVID-19 vaccination. These cases have been mild and self-resolving. However, the chance of developing severe illness and death after a COVID-19 infection is much higher (2-10%). There is a higher risk of myocarditis from COVID itself than there is from the vaccine.

When you say 10,000s of serious life altering reactions where is that information really coming from. It is quite easy to manipulate numbers to match one's narratives. I'm not saying that is what you are doing, but just be carful in believing what you see.

Personally, I don't care for doom porn either. What I do care about is false narratives being pushed on and by people. I appreciate the truth, and want to help others find it.

So do I, but I find in many cases on either side no one wants to come off their narrative even one inch. You might think I'm some vaccine nut, but in reality I feel that people under the age of 40 and are healthy should not get it, or really need it. I'm a risk to reward type of person and as example I do not see the reward for an 18 year-old to get it when the viruses is nothing to them in the first place, so no matter how low the risk is with the vaccine it is still not zero, so why get it. Under 18 I think it is on the crazy side to even think about it, and we should let the virus flow through the young population creating heard immunity while vacc the old and high risk to help them over come more serious level they could face.

So in the end I bet the two of us are not that far apart in what we think is the right thing to do.

I really find it hard to bother replying when you are so out of the loop, but insist you are correct.

Maybe I don't understand you point. What I'm saying is if you have issues with just one shot lets say even 1 days after you got it then it is reported as a vaccine related issue. If you get COVID 4 days after getting one shot and have issues then you are still considered not vaccinated, so what I'm saying is if a person has vaccine related issues whether 1 shot, 2 shots or a booster does not change how it is reported for vaccine related issues whether they are considered vaccinated or not.

Unfortunately, they are not two totally different things. Matter of fact, those who have had both shots and the booster(s) are more likely to have issues. This, actually, is more evidence that it is the shots causing the issues and not covid itself.

I think you need to define what you mean by issues, as in issues with the shots or the virus. What are the issues being reported? And what are being reported with the booster? I'm in Spain right now on vacation and I had to get the booster to come here. Its been 270+ days since my initial vaccination and so they said I needed to have a booster to be once again fully vaccinated.

Just take a second to research mRNA articles up until 2019. All the way up until the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 people were hopeful of the technology but worried about the possible issues. This was because all the initial testing showed that the carriers for mRNA gathered in the liver and caused damage. They had many many issues in getting the effect they needed with small enough amounts of mRNA and also with controlling how much protein the body would produce based on a measured amount of mRNA. That was even before they made the mRNA replicate a cytotoxic protein in your body for this covid 19 shot.

I have read them in the past. One of the initial concerns was that the minimal amount of mRNA in the vaccine was not enough to really trigger the immune response, this is why we get two shots and not one. Since mRNA last only about a day it really isn't around very long to make the protein unlike the actual virus that can flood your whole body over a much longer period of time. The virus itself is massively worse than the vaccine.

edit on 29-3-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

The interesting thing here is that it is viral vector based that is created the more traditional way, so it is not mRNA.

The envelope is not mRNA, the envelope is a monkey virus (in the viral vector type).

But the content of the envelope are the same.......a code that tells your cells to manufacture spike proteins.

Can you name some traditional vaccines that do that so I can check them out?
edit on 29-3-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: Xtrozero

The interesting thing here is that it is viral vector based that is created the more traditional way, so it is not mRNA.

The envelope is not mRNA, the envelope is a monkey virus (in the viral vector type).

But the content of the envelope are the same.......a code that tells your cells to manufacture spike proteins.
I don't think that's like traditional vaccines.

Where did cowpox come from that was used as an initial smallpox vaccine? The traditional way is to find a like virus that doesn't trigger the body as much. The smallpox vaccine is highly contagious and can leave a nasty scar, but it is not like the real thing.

A live virus vaccine does the same thing. It makes RNA that then makes protein as part of the virus replicating process. RNA and protein is part of the cell replicating process too. What triggers the immune response is the protein in all cases with live virus vaccines, mRNA vaccines and the actual viruses.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero
Can you name some traditional vaccines that contain a genetic code that tells your cells to manufacture a protein spike so I can check them out?

edit on 29-3-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

Can you name some traditional vaccines that contain a genetic code that tells your cells to manufacture a protein spike so I can check them out?

I can name a virus.... So can you. The reason for the spike protein is because SARS is a spike RNA is RNA is RNA. The mRNA is the virus protein unable to reproduce the virus. Most viruses are spike proteins, so I'm not sure what you are asking. Spoiler alert... If you get COVID your body gets invaded with 100 billion spike proteins that basically get everywhere...

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero
SARS is not a spike protien.

Both mRNA and viral vector vaccines contain instructions that teach our cells how to create "spike proteins", which is the protein found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19.

Spike proteins are found on the surface of the virus......a virus is not a spike protien.
edit on 29-3-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

Spike proteins are found on the surface of the virus......a virus is not a spike protien.

OK, let's take this a different way, sorry for my assumptions... I'm not sure your point though.

Viruses are not protein, they are viruses...we agree?

RNA is also not protein, but RNA, maybe another agreement?

RNA makes protein, agree?

RNA from viruses makes spike protein, and so mRNA that is the RNA from the same virus also makes spike protein, agree?

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: andr3w68

Actually, it IS the first time they have been used on humans outside of trials.

So? My point was that humans have been in mRNA trails going back 10 years. That is a good amount of time to see if long term effects come about. The reason why I even bring all this up is because the popular narrative is that mRNA went from the lab rat to humans in weeks and that is far from the truth.

I'm not saying that it is good practice not to wait, just that from my experience A LOT of people vaccinated with these shots were NOT asked to wait.

They were wrong not to force people to wait. Allergic reactions can kill, the good news there really is very few with mRNA. Even my wife who got hers in a drive thru type station was forced to park and wait. I got mine at the VA and some battle nurse watched me down to the second, eyeballing me just to try and leave if I

My point is that there are more adverse reactions to this vaccine than with any other vaccine I have ever heard of.

Is that really true or just the optics of it all. Never in human history has a vaccine been monitored at the level this one has been, and never before has so many people received a vaccine as we are talking billions now. Take Isarel who has strictly monitored their whole population at a crazy level. We also have never had the massive level of the social net giving all kinds of information good or bad, with much just fear porn.

You don't see other products that have resulted in TENS OF THOUSANDS of life altering reactions stay on the market and be pushed as "safe and effective". The adverse reactions from these shots are minimalized by the press and unless they are forced to do otherwise they are not talked about unless it is to tout them as a conspiracy theory. Well, tell that to the many people who have been harmed that now feel helpless because they are being told there is no way the vaccine caused this when until they got the shot they were perfectly healthy.

So much of the negative reactions like blood clots in younger women are actually associated with the J&J shot. Like upwards of 90%+ are coming from the J&J shot. The interesting thing here is that it is viral vector based that is created the more traditional way, so it is not mRNA. The mRNA vaccines are kind of taking a bad rap from the J&J shot. There has been some cases of mild heart inflammation associated with Pfizer and Moderna in younger men, but we are talking about very mild self recovering conditions and a few 100 cases out of like 150 million doses in England. I think Israel also reported the same with like 50 cases out of 10s of millions of doses. Israel is most likely the most accurate post vaccine monitoring. In the end when I actually look into numbers that some people post I just can not find where they are coming from outside of someone suggesting VAERS is listing millions, but that is where the narrative starts and stops as no one actually goes into VAERS and looks. We also need to understand that VAERS is just a reporting system and serious reports are investigated and there hasn't been any changes from those investigations.

Rare heart inflammation cases were reported in teenagers after their COVID-19 vaccination. These cases have been mild and self-resolving. However, the chance of developing severe illness and death after a COVID-19 infection is much higher (2-10%). There is a higher risk of myocarditis from COVID itself than there is from the vaccine.

When you say 10,000s of serious life altering reactions where is that information really coming from. It is quite easy to manipulate numbers to match one's narratives. I'm not saying that is what you are doing, but just be carful in believing what you see.

Personally, I don't care for doom porn either. What I do care about is false narratives being pushed on and by people. I appreciate the truth, and want to help others find it.

So do I, but I find in many cases on either side no one wants to come off their narrative even one inch. You might think I'm some vaccine nut, but in reality I feel that people under the age of 40 and are healthy should not get it, or really need it. I'm a risk to reward type of person and as example I do not see the reward for an 18 year-old to get it when the viruses is nothing to them in the first place, so no matter how low the risk is with the vaccine it is still not zero, so why get it. Under 18 I think it is on the crazy side to even think about it, and we should let the virus flow through the young population creating heard immunity while vacc the old and high risk to help them over come more serious level they could face.

So in the end I bet the two of us are not that far apart in what we think is the right thing to do.

I really find it hard to bother replying when you are so out of the loop, but insist you are correct.

Maybe I don't understand you point. What I'm saying is if you have issues with just one shot lets say even 1 days after you got it then it is reported as a vaccine related issue. If you get COVID 4 days after getting one shot and have issues then you are still considered not vaccinated, so what I'm saying is if a person has vaccine related issues whether 1 shot, 2 shots or a booster does not change how it is reported for vaccine related issues whether they are considered vaccinated or not.

Unfortunately, they are not two totally different things. Matter of fact, those who have had both shots and the booster(s) are more likely to have issues. This, actually, is more evidence that it is the shots causing the issues and not covid itself.

I think you need to define what you mean by issues, as in issues with the shots or the virus. What are the issues being reported? And what are being reported with the booster? I'm in Spain right now on vacation and I had to get the booster to come here. Its been 270+ days since my initial vaccination and so they said I needed to have a booster to be once again fully vaccinated.

Just take a second to research mRNA articles up until 2019. All the way up until the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 people were hopeful of the technology but worried about the possible issues. This was because all the initial testing showed that the carriers for mRNA gathered in the liver and caused damage. They had many many issues in getting the effect they needed with small enough amounts of mRNA and also with controlling how much protein the body would produce based on a measured amount of mRNA. That was even before they made the mRNA replicate a cytotoxic protein in your body for this covid 19 shot.

I have read them in the past. One of the initial concerns was that the minimal amount of mRNA in the vaccine was not enough to really trigger the immune response, this is why we get two shots and not one. Since mRNA last only about a day it really isn't around very long to make the protein unlike the actual virus that can flood your whole body over a much longer period of time. The virus itself is massively worse than the vaccine.

Which trials?

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: flice

Which trials?

You quoted my whole post with two words, maybe cut down what you want from my post. You maybe asking about the human mRNA trials for rabies?

In 2013 a clinical trial began of an mRNA rabies vaccine in healthy human adults. This rabies trial was important because the safety requirements for a vaccine in a healthy population are more stringent than those for a vaccine being used to treat a disease. The study ran from 2013–2016, and continues to collect long-term safety data.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

So? My point was that humans have been in mRNA trails going back 10 years. That is a good amount of time to see if long term effects come about. The reason why I even bring all this up is because the popular narrative is that mRNA went from the lab rat to humans in weeks and that is far from the truth.

Sure, I will whole heartedly agree that humans have been in trials going back about 10-12 years with mRNA based medicine. Moderna was founded in 2010 and was the first to really garner attention with their mRNA products.

However, why do you think that there has been testing on these products for 10-12 years now and this is the only time they have come to market? Where are the products they were working on all those years ago? Truth is, they couldn't get the mRNA to be effective enough as a treatment in small enough doses that the carrier lipids wouldn't cause harm to the liver. Now, magically, they have a covid vaccine ready in less than a year based on the same tech. Seems like a huge coincidence to me. Either that or they saw this as a window to finally make some profit after 10 years of financial backing with nothing but promising trials with unfortunate side effects that kept them from being marketable.

Is that really true or just the optics of it all.

I can pull up several videos where you can hear the people talk about their ailments for yourself if you wish. They are real. Very real. I guess it might be hard to find them seeing as they get pulled down off of facebook and youtube because the big tech corporations have deals with big G to censor any information that might cause vaccine hesitancy.

We're flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation. We're working with doctors and medical experts…who are popular with their audience with accurate information. So, we're helping get trusted content out there."

That's White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki brazenly saying the quiet part out loud regarding the U.S. government colluding with a private company in deciding what constitutes misinformation and what doesn’t.

The Hill

When you say 10,000s of serious life altering reactions where is that information really coming from. It is quite easy to manipulate numbers to match one's narratives. I'm not saying that is what you are doing, but just be carful in believing what you see.

Well, considering there are 9,460 deaths alone attributed to these vaccines in the VAERS database, as well as 1,729 instances of acute kidney injury, 1,186 cases of cardiac arrest, 2,724 cases of cerebrovascular accidents, 1,456 cases of deep vein thrombosis, 12,924 cases of dyspnoea, 1,120 cases of hyperhidrosis, and 1,479 cases of hypertension. Those total 32078 life altering events. Keep in mind that up until covid hit it was thought that the VAERS database was generally underreported by large margins.

Since VAERS is a passive system, it is inherently subject to underreporting. For example, a confidential study conducted by Connaught Laboratories, a vaccine manufacturer, indicated that “a fifty-fold underreporting of adverse events” is likely.13 According to David Kessler, former commissioner of the FDA, “only about one percent of serious events [adverse drug reactions] are reported.”14 Less serious vaccine adverse events (e.g., swelling, fever, or redness at the vaccination site) are more underreported than more serious vaccine adverse events (e.g., hospitalizations and death).

National Institute of Health

What I'm saying is if you have issues with just one shot lets say even 1 days after you got it then it is reported as a vaccine related issue. If you get COVID 4 days after getting one shot and have issues then you are still considered not vaccinated, so what I'm saying is if a person has vaccine related issues whether 1 shot, 2 shots or a booster does not change how it is reported for vaccine related issues whether they are considered vaccinated or not.

I see what you are saying, but unfortunately MOST times adverse events are not considered adverse events by medical professionals. Here is a quote from a forbes article in 2015 before it would be blasphemous to suggest such a thing as it is now.

Well-controlled, randomized clinical trials are the best thing we have for assessing drug safety and effectiveness before a product hits the market. But they are too small and too selective to provide a representative view of a drug’s safety profile once it starts being prescribed to many patients on the market.

Chances are that many readers of this column have had an adverse drug reaction or have a family member who has suffered from a similar situation. One estimate published in 1998 in the Journal of the American Medical Association said that adverse drug reactions ranked somewhere between the fourth and sixth-leading causes of death in the U.S.


One systematic review that attempted to measure the magnitude of under-reporting found that across 37 studies, in 12 countries, the median under-reporting rate was 94%, according to results published in 2006 in the journal Drug Safety. Another review published three years later in the same journal found that under-reporting of adverse events was mainly caused by physician ignorance, the fear of looking ridiculous for reporting merely suspected adverse drug reactions, procrastination, indifference, insecurity and complacency. In a twisted bit of logic, the researchers found that many doctors didn’t report adverse events because they figured the FDA only allows safe drugs on the market. Apparently these physicians fail to realize that regulators need to get their data points from somewhere.

Forbe s

I'm in Spain right now on vacation and I had to get the booster to come here. Its been 270+ days since my initial vaccination and so they said I needed to have a booster to be once again fully vaccinated.

Congrats on the vacay, I hope you enjoy it! However, don't you think it is absurd that you have to have a medical procedure before you are allowed to travel? Doesn't that make you wonder if in the future worse things may be imposed? Like, say for instance, a micorchip implanted under your skin to act as a passport? The tech exists now and if we allow them to start mandating these things we open the door for much worse down the road.

Since mRNA last only about a day it really isn't around very long to make the protein unlike the actual virus that can flood your whole body over a much longer period of time.

That sentence is verifiably false. The mRNA from these vaccines has been found in Lymph node tissue up to two months after vaccination.

In contrast to disrupted germinal centers (GCs) in lymph nodes during infection, mRNA vaccination stimulates robust GCs containing vaccine mRNA and spike antigen up to 8 weeks postvaccination in some cases.


posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: andr3w68
However, why do you think that there has been testing on these products for 10-12 years now and this is the only time they have come to market? Where are the products they were working on all those years ago? Truth is, they couldn't get the mRNA to be effective enough as a treatment in small enough doses that the carrier lipids wouldn't cause harm to the liver. Now, magically, they have a covid vaccine ready in less than a year based on the same tech. Seems like a huge coincidence to me. Either that or they saw this as a window to finally make some profit after 10 years of financial backing with nothing but promising trials with unfortunate side effects that kept them from being marketable.

Well COVID is not rabies, so as far as the COVID vaccine has gone it has been successful. Now some people only see success is some black or white point it needs to be a cure all to be successful, but as far as pretty much every country has reported it has helped a good deal. I think more people would accept that success as it is if so many countries didn't go all draconian on us along the way.

I can pull up several videos where you can hear the people talk about their ailments for yourself if you wish. They are real. Very real. I guess it might be hard to find them seeing as they get pulled down off of facebook and youtube because the big tech corporations have deals with big G to censor any information that might cause vaccine hesitancy.

1000, 10,000, 1 million videos? Remember how many people actually have received doses. Its well over 11 billion doses so 11 billion, so how many (most likely true) videos are out there? How many billions are dead or close to it by how some think?

Well, considering there are 9,460 deaths alone attributed to these vaccines in the VAERS database, as well as 1,729 instances of acute kidney injury, 1,186 cases of cardiac arrest, 2,724 cases of cerebrovascular accidents, 1,456 cases of deep vein thrombosis, 12,924 cases of dyspnoea, 1,120 cases of hyperhidrosis, and 1,479 cases of hypertension. Those total 32078 life altering events. Keep in mind that up until covid hit it was thought that the VAERS database was generally underreported by large margins.

So typically it is under reporting, well until this has become a hot issue and now people report like crazy. Is it because there is more or just more people are reporting? I said after the investigations there is no uptick. BTW who listed those numbers.

We are not going to convince each other one way or the other, but don't just take what others post and report 1000 times. It happens all the time one post from a mouth breather in his mother's basement gets reported 1000, 10,000 times and is now seen as true.

I see what you are saying, but unfortunately MOST times adverse events are not considered adverse events by medical professionals. Here is a quote from a forbes article in 2015 before it would be blasphemous to suggest such a thing as it is now.

So all vaccines have always had issues, mRNA is looked at on a lesser side of all that than most other vaccines. We are freaking out because they made, or tried to make it, mandatory, not that it is worst than other vaccines. My point all along is you do not need to think the vaccine will kill you to also think mandates are wrong. Focus on where the real issue is.

Congrats on the vacay, I hope you enjoy it! However, don't you think it is absurd that you have to have a medical procedure before you are allowed to travel? Doesn't that make you wonder if in the future worse things may be imposed? Like, say for instance, a micorchip implanted under your skin to act as a passport? The tech exists now and if we allow them to start mandating these things we open the door for much worse down the road.

Ya don't really care one way or the other. I'm sure all kinds of sh!t will come that we have not even thought about. In 10 years we will be laughing about mRNA vaccines, so don't sweat the small stuff, I don't. BTW did you know you had to get the yellow fever vaccine before you traveled for many decades in the past.

That sentence is verifiably false. The mRNA from these vaccines has been found in Lymph node tissue up to two months after vaccination.

Can you quote the study? RNA has a half-life of 8 hours... That is 100% fact..

Not to just go back and forth there is two directions you can go.

1. The whole government worldwide is out to kill us all, everyone is in on the big pharma take, everyone (in the know) is basically evil and we are all screwed

2. Most Governments suck, big pharma is not your friend or enemy, there are a lot of people in research trying to do good their whole lives, so don't discredit them. After all said and done most are trying to do good...

edit on 29-3-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 09:30 PM
The coronavirus vaccine causes AIDS? Did you actually read that sentence before you quoted it?
That is easily the most ridiculous thing I've seen this year. Why don't any of the vaccinated individuals whom I personally know have recent symptoms and diagnoses of AIDS, then? Why don't I? The two people I know you have an HIV infection don't even have AIDS. I'm starting to worry about this planet.
a reply to: Sander1976

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: pfishy

The first study to kick off the associations between SARS CoV 2 and HIV was this one back in Feb 2020, shortly after the genetic sequencing was released by China.

Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag

From what I comprehend of it, basically it allows the spike protein to attack white blood cells through the action of the furin cleavage site.

Next we got an Australian University working on a vaccination getting most of the test subjects testing positive on HIV tests after injection. Weird?

Now reports are coming through that some people are getting increasing reductions in some of their B and T Killer cells with subsequent jabs. The result is an increase in cancers and other suppressed pathogens like herpes, shingles and a wide range of other usually suppressed conditions arising. This is reflected by an increase in the all cause mortality that is occurring.

As reports about the impacts on the B and T cells came out, an increase in the stock price of AIDS medications took place.

If this is the first time you have heard about associations between covid and HIV, there is some catching up to do. The buzzword going around is VAIDS or vaccination induced AIDS.

posted on Mar, 30 2022 @ 11:53 AM
Why are you attacking me, go read.

Vaccine induced AIDS (VAIDS) is a point of discussion.


You can look it up at the EMA website. And I think you are capable of doing that.

a reply to: pfishy

edit on 30-3-2022 by Sander1976 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2022 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: Sander1976
Your link doesn't mention VAIDS, just that repeated frequent boosters can lower the immune response to the virus. I actually can't find an article that doesn't unambiguously refute the VAIDS claim from any publication that I would trust for medical information.

Do you have links to any, perchance?

posted on Mar, 30 2022 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: kwakakev
Your link is concerning the virus itself, and probably the Alpha variant. The proteins are changing with most every variant, which is how they are able to bypass the immune response and reinfect people.

Do you have any links to the vaccine-induced immunodeficiency you are talking about?

posted on Mar, 31 2022 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: pfishy

Here is a link to one paper looking into some of the immune responses from the vaccinations:

Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and microRNAs

Here is another site looking at some of government data and other studies around:

Covid-19 Vaccines are causing people to develop AIDS according to wealth of Scientific Evidence & Government Data

When it comes to searching for this information, Google and others are flooded with the bought and paid for opinionated fact checkers. Yandex is doing a bit better in sifting through the information war going on.

posted on Mar, 31 2022 @ 05:17 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: AaarghZombies
You do know that FOI revealed that the average age of death from covid is the majority of people don't die from covid anyway.

It's 86 for a double vaxxed person now, and the important bit is where covid weakened the person and made them susceptible to something else, like pneumonia.

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