a reply to:
I know this is a long post, but bare with me and please read fully.
Yeah, idk why these people think farmers are all flashy. It is hardly the case, they are hard workers. They work their arse off and most of the time
barely pull profits without government subsidies stepping in.
People forget that product costs were actually hard locked by government which is why milk cost 4$ a gallon instead of 9-10 like in other countries.
Farmers probably get 25c to a dollar a gallon (If they are lucky - and aren't ordered to dump it all in attempts to bankrupt them by forcing imports
from out of state so they have no idea where to bring it.). The rest is store markup.
Another example is corn which I know is 1000% fact, farmers get about 15c an ear(and it takes 6 months to grow - this isn't sprouts people; that fine
dining experience on 7 days of growth.), average plant holds about 3-5 ears. When buying local they often charge 25c and 10c goes to the person who
sold it. Stores buy it at the same price and mark it up often between 50-75c. So again this proves your targeting the wrong people.
People also seem to forget, land tax, seed purchase fertilizer, herbicides/insecticides, equipment rentals, fuel, water, laborers all cost a crapload
of money. (Farmers get paid often 1-2x a year. Your check would look bigger too if you had to wait 6 months to get paid. It often doesn't even equal
minimum wage either for time spent doing it. Not to mention a huge portion of your check goes to all the stuff I already listed for the next
season/year otherwise you won't be able to grow) This isn't including field tests to test the balance of soil which changes with crops, fertilizer and
This does not include costs of bad weather, or disaster. Which happens almost yearly, where at a minimum 5-20% of the crop can't even be sold, due to
the above or any form of disease. Then you also have to account for bad germination which often ranges between 2-5% of crops never even growing to
begin with.
Then at least in the US they were capped on what they could charge thanks to government subsided programs. But those programs actually came to an end
just before the start of the pandemic and wasn't renegotiated because our government was to busy keeping trump from doing his job with non-stop
impeachment hearings.. so that too will also drive up prices.
Farmers around where I live are getting ready to kill off 30-40% of their livestock because of feed cost as well as the 6,000$ per head tax on cattle
and pigs. (This again, will bring up prices.)
In short the government went from supporting our farmers, to going to war with them. Many of the smaller US owned farms had to sell to the big
corporate companies or china because of the entire production line being destroyed for two years.
If you think BLM destroying a few family owned businesses was bad. You should of been paying attention to what they did to the farmers. We are lucky
any of them are even bothering to try at this point. (As it was
Bidens plan to recover the trillions of dollars he and his administration handed
out like birth control during prom night to every Tom, D, and harry who asked for it, was from FARMERS; he said this himself with support from nancy
and passed a landslide bill thanks to the democratic majority; taxing farmers $6250 per cow, 3500 per pig. Chickens are less, but not by much..
Not big corporate companies, FARMERS. Now let's get into that a little bit here.
Those that are still fighting for their right to feed you and your family really really need help.
If you want to help out farmers, compost.
Eggs, coffee grinds, leaves, etc.. do some research and make a donation. This is the best thing you and your community can do to help the farmers
keep prices down.
Because the
democrats have declared war against our farmers with unfair taxes that is YEARLY. Not just products sold or bought, but yearly
carbon taxes for the same head.
every year Betsy is alive is a $6,250 (carbon)tax - which is new, so now costs have skyrocketed when you
have to have Betsy provide 6250$ worth of milk+ cover the cost of her feed, vet bills, housing/land tax.. at 4$ a gallon store price Betsy has to
produce over 1500 gallons, but as I said farmers get a fraction of that. So it went from 1500 gallons before profit it's to almost 12,000; per year..
there's 365days in a year, even if she produced 3(typical)-5(rare)gallons daily, your still insanely short on meeting the NEW yearly requirements..
this is without farm hand costs.) The only way to even be remotely profitable is to Milk Betsy for the year then butcher her. Cycling the cattle with
breeding, milking and butchering.
After all, they were trying to shorten the entire weaning process of baby calves to 6weeks (not to long ago). Instead of the 3 months down from 6(for
healthy cattle) they were doing.. which will only make the babies sick, I'll and malnourished. So it looks like they will be trying to force farmers
to do this, even if it's not healthy for the animal.
If you can't see what they are doing here, then there is no hope for you..
These people really want you to eat lab grown (celebrity) meat, and cheese from rats..
But for real, their goal is to get rid of small business owners with these taxes. As big corporations get plenty of write-offs to make a huge impact
to ensure profits. When those politicians recieved money from countries like china. For our farm land and even national parks. When they decide they
want to claim said farmland. The government needs to evict people off their land without drawing attention to it.
How does one do that? Tax them so it's unprofitable. They are forced to sell the land or it's reclaimed because farmers often starting farmers and
any business owners just setting up a business usually don't become profitable for an average of 10years, which means banks own the property until it
is paid off. Loans on farmland are often HUGE, easily half a million to get started. These are usually placed against the person's house, (which for
most farmers are generational housing).
So targeting a transition generation is not only an ideal time to reclaim the land, but when you have a mass death spike from the baby boom under your
wing a lot of things go unnoticed. Especially if they keep you distracted until there is nothing you can do about it. (Impeachment/covid/Ukraine/food
shortage/water shortage incoming - in the next 6 months to a year.(kinda forget if it was suppose to be mixed in with the farming issue or seperate -
ah well it is already starting with plastics, then probably nuclear contamination, etc.)
My aunt recently lost her farm, over 500 acres. She was forced to sell it for various reasons, but she is not the first and won't be the last. But
those reasons lines up with things being unprofitable, and crushing debt because of it.
edit on 26-3-2022 by BlackArrow because: Please read
the livestock bill that passed. I posted on it once when it happened.