posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to:
18-60 compulsory enlistment is likely a huge problem in all countries that used to be part of the USSR and those looking to avoid such a thing or have
been forced and trained in such a thing become the very people moving all around other countries trying to avoid the compulsory military service and
those trained served but didn't want to becoming the internal terrorist cells against the ultra nationalists that see that service as a great door as
China sees the great wall.
It honestly reminds me of the US during the late 1950's through to the mid 1970's where it was ultra nationalists proud of Vietnam those drafted
regardless of economic station or education and hated it and those that went to other countries or managed to avoid that military service draft. The
witch hunting etc and conflicts of those three groups still go on to this very day and at times shows itself on the state and federal level even
attacking generations that have no idea or education about it and still those three become cause to beat the drums and still look to send people off
to do the same for any reason even though that war and the involvement was seen as unconstitutional and never should have occured... yet those people
are still driving the bus into more of the same sort of thing for all the following generations that do not want it.
Quelling that generational noise of people that sat on their asses for over thirty plus years stirring the pot on each other is an important thing and
should have been an important thing immediately afterwards... but no we got twenty years of Vietnam referred to as the Gulf War that those people
goaded into happening... hopefully all of those from the Gulf don't do the same crap even though I have already seen it brewing and stirring and of
course they'd just love to route everyone leaving the Gulf right on in there into more business not our business.
Good luck maintaining your day to day and moving to what is normal nd working on a politics that isn't goading the next generations to go through what
they have as if it is ever a good thing... that's where true pride arises from in my opinion the ability to work on avoiding those future conflicts by
not goading and complaining and just tuning that out and learning to be content with peace.
I turn off the news, I skip posts about war and conflicts people get drunk on that sort of business and whipped into a frenzy and such a thing is
neither healthy nor is it a sane thing to be doing for oneself or others.
All I can say is after dealing with the gulf? ALL generations want the Vietnam era generation to stfu having goaded us into that illegal
unconstitutional paranoid war.