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Fauci Says More Vaccines Needed Immediately After Pfizer CEO Says 4th Dose Required

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posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Madviking

And imagine the Ship you have to put up with....from 'people' that work there..... dang...

I really can't type what I am thinking right now.

Well I can.
But I won't .

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 02:55 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 03:21 PM
In 10 months, Fauci's position will be eliminated... Or he will be removed from it. Whichever is easier for Congress to do.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
In 10 months, Fauci's position will be eliminated... Or he will be removed from it. Whichever is easier for Congress to do.



posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 04:45 PM
Yeah, but, if one is ambitious and wants to make connections, it can be worth it.

It's the same with political campaigns. I worked with a bunch of people who worked on presidential and congressional campaigns. They were either unpaid volunteers or low paid while on campaign, but received cushy jobs later through their connections. Same with other internships or low paid jobs, if in the right sphere. United Nations. At the UN for a long time all internships were unpaid, in NYC, but were pretty high level internships. People with masters degrees, Phds, years of experience. Generally, not sophomores in college.

But, a major issue too is how it intersects with economic privilege (take that lefties). For example, for these low paid congressional staffers/interns, campaign workers, and United Nations interns, often only people with family support can do that for a year or two without real income. Who can afford to take on a full time unpaid internship or volunteer on a campaign full time unless someone else is paying the bills, or you are wealthy.

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: Madviking

And imagine the Ship you have to put up with....from 'people' that work there..... dang...

I really can't type what I am thinking right now.

Well I can.
But I won't .

edit on 15-3-2022 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 06:52 PM

And Senator Mitt Romney just voted to keep 2 year-olds wearing masks in the Federal "Head Start" program.


Romney is a criminal hiding inside a smiley Mormon exterior. But if his constituents are happy with him, so be it.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

And Senator Mitt Romney just voted to keep 2 year-olds wearing masks in the Federal "Head Start" program.


Romney is a criminal hiding inside a smiley Mormon exterior. But if his constituents are happy with him, so be it.

Hes always been deep state.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 01:02 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
And here YOU thought it was over?

No way, things are just getting started.

I never thought it was over, but then again I haven't participated in the COVID BS since the beginning. COVID hasn't really affected my life much at all. I still just keep to myself and do what I want and ignore Government and the MSM garbage.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: Metallicus

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
And here YOU thought it was over?

No way, things are just getting started.

I never thought it was over, but then again I haven't participated in the COVID BS since the beginning. COVID hasn't really affected my life much at all. I still just keep to myself and do what I want and ignore Government and the MSM garbage.

That's good to hear, but the majority of people can't escape it that easily.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 11:58 AM
Pfizer and other pharma using emergency act to push for 4 boosts for adults, really, this monster wants to eliminate the older generation as fast as they can.

Got to push the killer jabs still.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 06:50 PM
Screw Fauci and screw Congress.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 07:21 PM
base I am currently working at, havent met a single person that is willing to take another stick.

Lotta people are also at that point, you can only move the goal posts so far before people say F it no more I dont care.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
base I am currently working at, havent met a single person that is willing to take another stick.

Lotta people are also at that point, you can only move the goal posts so far before people say F it no more I dont care.

This is where forced vaccinations come in, or mandates 2.0 once the next virus is released, I mean naturally occurs.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Kinda hard to do if the military starts to walk, I am sure some will abide by the dictates but more right now wont.

Course if they utterly and completely destroy the economy you will see more agree to stay on and feed their families.

ETA: and 400+ million fire arms in private hands, 22 million veterans not counting currently serving, I would hate to be the cop trying to enforce it.
edit on 16-3-2022 by Irishhaf because: (no reason given)

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