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How far are we from the real economic freak out?

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posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

When the Fiat Currency becomes Worthless , Precious Metals and Commodities such as Food and Fuel will be the Only thing Keeping People Alive . In that Regard , the Man makes Sense . You are Showing your Naivety here Old Man .....

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 07:47 PM
New invention to make it look like grocery stores are fully stocked when they are not is hitting the market.

We use to laugh that North Korea has fake grocery stores to propaganzie how well the country is doing; now we will have similar propaganda in the west.

Freezer Screens

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Over $10 USD per gallon in the UK.

It's always been expensive here but this is beyond ridiculous.

8 bucks or more in Japan now

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: cmdrkeenkid

Find a seller of organic eggs around from a good farm, where I live is plenty of farms that sells eggs, just do a big of digging, you probably will even be able to get milk too.

unpasteurized makes great cheese.

everyone should get a book by euell gibbons.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Economies are run by oil, how can Russia's economy be toast. They will still have it when Europe is paying an arm and a leg for it. It won't affect the rich much.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 10:55 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: vNex92

Economies are run by oil, how can Russia's economy be toast. They will still have it when Europe is paying an arm and a leg for it. It won't affect the rich much.

Unless those rich own russian stocks, bonds, currency, real estate, or businesses that import or export stuff, or sell stuff to the russian public.

The rest are safe.

edit on 12-3-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit
You are not thinking it through. When fiat currency becomes worthless the very vast amount of people aint got no precious metals, they couldn't afford them before and they couldn't afford them now. So, just what are these people gonna do with nothing, they've got nothing. What buys the food, what buys the fuel, more importantly what do they want fuel for? To drive somewhere where they'll be in the same situation.
The only thing they'll want fuel for is heating when the weather gets cold. Then comes the choice between food or heating. The man is in the minority, the vast amount of people do not have the wherewithall to choose to buy precious metals, their money NOW goes on food and shelter.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: Zanti Misfit
You are not thinking it through. When fiat currency becomes worthless the very vast amount of people aint got no precious metals, they couldn't afford them before and they couldn't afford them now. So, just what are these people gonna do with nothing, they've got nothing. What buys the food, what buys the fuel, more importantly what do they want fuel for? To drive somewhere where they'll be in the same situation.
The only thing they'll want fuel for is heating when the weather gets cold. Then comes the choice between food or heating. The man is in the minority, the vast amount of people do not have the wherewithall to choose to buy precious metals, their money NOW goes on food and shelter.

You are 100% right. The younger generation does not care about gold or silver or precious metals at all. Many of them wear silicone, stainless steel or tattooed wedding rings!!!

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 02:51 PM
Russias credit rating was downgraded a few days back, they are due to default on bond payments imminently. The question is will the federal bank be able to stabilize inflation? Will they bother trying? MMT all the was I suspect.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 03:03 PM
i am still transitioning to my VA voucher apartment,,, i must have at least 250 cans of foods, 5 ea 25lb sacks of rice and 50 bags of assorted 1-2 lb bags of assorted beans back at my old efficiency apt ----some 3.5 miles north of my new place
(i use a 48volt cart)

the really bad thing with SS+VA monthly income is the inflation COLA award takes place September and GOLA $ starts next January 2023

the price of foods scares me, at the current 7.9% general inflation this month (march) suggests my present $70 grocery week will balloon to ~$200 per week outlay for groceries by the 4th quarter of '22 ....

looking at processed fake meats and lots of starchy, carbs in the near future of the 're-set of Diet' that is underway
edit on th31164720239013132022 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 06:38 PM
Of course, we are seeing and feeling controlled rises in prices, whilst many stores operate on a 'profiteering' basis. Prices of products have gone up that shouldn't really have gone up, it's all just profiteering which even now is compounding a crisis that shouldn't be hitting us yet.

Fact is, having to decide whether or not you can either heat your home or feed yourself and your family, or at a later stage, do neither, doesn't bode well for the stability of an already crumbling society. People are not just going to sit in their homes and allow themselves to go cold and hungry, they're not going to remain obedient citizens with one another. If they find out you have supplies, they're going to come for it, firstly to see if you will share some things, and if not, they will attempt to take it. Best to keep the level of your supplies to yourself. However, no matter how much you may have, supplies always run out.

The intentions of all these ever rising crises is to remove all avenues of independence, particularly for those living in cities. Food and energy shortages will hit hard, harder than Sars-Cov-2. I needn't belabour the points of implications shortages will bring to the surface. It will be ugly and brutal.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

They don't care about air either, it is when it's gone you start to worry.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

" So, just what are these people gonna do with nothing, they've got nothing "

Starve to Death or try to take your Food from you . Either Way they are Dead.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: elysiumfire

Prices of products have gone up that shouldn't really have gone up, it's all just profiteering which even now is compounding a crisis that shouldn't be hitting us yet.

This is going on big time. I think most people are reasonable, but we've been taken advantage of just too much!

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 08:59 AM
Cost of living is the worst I've ever seen it right now. Gas, electric, housing, grocery. Amazing how just a couple quick years can ruin things.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:06 AM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
Cost of living is the worst I've ever seen it right now. Gas, electric, housing, grocery. Amazing how just a couple quick years can ruin things.

I've been having some discussions on real estate. I think we are going to see a price drop.

Yes inventory is tight, yes yes... but.
At some point, something has got to give.
People still need a car for work, still need food.
I've already seen on social media that the perception of multigenerational housing is changing.

We are going to see middle aged people move in with boomers, or vice versa. We are going to see huge droves of the younger folks either move in together or move back in with parents. This is already happening.
Many people are going to default on their houses.. just watch.
There have been too many artificial things propping up people - student loan deferment, rent deferments, child tax credits, covid credits,
etc. Lots and lots of extras that wouldn't normally happen are all going to be shut off at the same time.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: YouSir
Ummm…probably about 8 months out…
Like you, my guess would be later.

It could be an event they want started in warmer weather ... if they want neighbor-on-neighbor violence.

Tell ya this though, if my retirement income gets effed-over, I'm taking out the power grid myself.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: Zanti Misfit
You are not thinking it through. When fiat currency becomes worthless the very vast amount of people ain't got no precious metals

The only precious metal during such times ... is lead.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:56 AM
Real estate dropped a while back but people are still listing high. RV's are dropping fast I expect layoffs in Indiana by the end of the month.

House down the street listed for $399k sold for just over $200k and they let it go in less than a week. People in the know are dumping fast.

2 Weeks to the end of the month and the bottom falling out of lots of things.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 01:48 PM
There is method in 'their' madness. There is a confidence in the strategies 'they' are using. Bringing in one crisis after another, to eventually have crises running side by side. From a far-viewed perspective the people of the western-world are being steered into chaos and breakdown of what was considered common sense normality, and in its place is left irrationality and confusion and bewilderment. They want us all in a place so bad that we will eventually accept what they are imposing on us.

It will certainly be a different 'normality'. A form of digital feudalism across the western world, the power of which will be exercised through the strangulation of your independence, and the death of your individuality. Society's rights and needs will trample all over individual rights and needs to such an extent that individualism will be seen as a direct threat to society itself.

Individualism (also known as the exercise of freedom), will be utterly stamped out! it's a grim future for the younger generations, and a despairing visual horror for the present-living older generations who can only watch as the world they knew is swept aside by tyrannous visionaries.

You can, of course, seek to disconnect voluntarily, live on the fringes of our shaped-shifted societies, and try to hold your individualism together, but such attempts will only be temporary, because all avenues of individualistic expression will be closed off as your ability to remain independent is shrunk down to a worthless exercise. Your life will not be yours, it won't belong to you. It will belong to the local masters and their daily whims. Your only purpose will be to serve as a serf. This is part of that which all the madness of their method is leading to.
edit on 14/3/22 by elysiumfire because: (no reason given)

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