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The REAL US-Ukraine Shenanigans EXPLAINED

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posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: JimmyNeutr0n

originally posted by: SleeperHasAwakened
Putin stepped over the line when he opted to invade the entirety of Ukraine, not just contested Donbass region.

Then again, there are so many side plots and unanswered questions, .... who knows .... maybe someone payed (or called in a favor or offered one) to Putin if he did this.

Check the video I posted in the fourth post on this topic. Who's to even say Russia has fully invaded Ukraine?

I am posing that the Ukrainian National Guard units mentioned above, are shelling their own cities, setting up check-points on the inlets and outlets of towns, and massacring their own people. However, when I say "their own", these are CIA funded, operated and armed guerilla units...with no allegiance other than to cause chaos and destruction... Real life Nazis... "In the name of Ukraine", nationalistic, just like the Germans of WW2...

When thinking about it the US government (or those in power) are the enemy of people, even @home but more so abroad, see this video below for that > ''Funny'' thing The US and Ukraine, the only two countries which voted against UN resolution Condemning Nazism; see @ 9:20 in this video:

Can't be long before Jimmy Dore get's blocked on youtube I think.

So they use their big companies to sensor and force the public in; seeding hate for Russia which has been ongoing for many years before, Russia caused Trump to win and you name it.

Anyways I said way before this war, that the US is putting hundred's of millions of people in poverty and even in starvation worldwide with the power they have on international trade @any country they have a problem with or is in interest for them (like oil or whatever). They can also start wars without consequences, but just look at the war against Iraq alone. With sanctions against Iraq (before the 1st war with Bush I, even medicine for children where forbidden to sell to Iraq and hundreds of thousands children died because of that, that alone is kinda like Nazism, in the very least just plain evil.
Also they warned Europe not to use Nordstream 2 and saying don't buy russian gas! before the war but the US still buys allot of Russian oil on the same time (today)! They also supported&trained terrorist in Syria to get rid of Assad but Russia got in the way, which may have been the start starting a policy against Russia blaiming them for many things and now trying to ''destroy Russia economically'' and Europe, well Europe, somehow they get along with it but Europe shoots herself in her own foot. Watch Europe going downhill economically hard soon. Wondering why that's the reason the UK left the EU just in time as well and remember the Euro was/is a threat for the world trading currency ''$''.
Sorry a bit off-topic but also not.

edit on 5-3-2022 by Pluginn because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-3-2022 by Pluginn because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-3-2022 by Pluginn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

Good research. But how many neonazis are in the Ukraine Parliament?
I read none. It's supposedly a small minority.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 09:53 PM
I trace it back to 2013 and the Snowden files being stolen. One year later Russia annexes Crimea and our relationship with Russia totally changed. I think there was information in those leaked documents that spurred all of this.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: seeking77

Do you have firsthand experience of Russia? Have you been, lived or taken an extended visit?
I simply ask, because if not, you only know what you were taught to believe from a government with long standing history of contempt towards one person.
The OP has substance and research. A respectable amount. Your opinion wreaks of MSM headline bias to me.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

You lost any semblance of any attempt at credibility when you said you admired putins morality and so on.

No one in their right mind with even half a brain would ever claim that. Anyone that does claim that is automatically completely disingenuous and false unless you claim to know him personally and see something other than what everyone else sees?

He has remained in power far longer than legally possible because power is his goal he cares for nothing else. He is a dictator that cares nothing for his people

People that have spoken our against him have dossapeared never to be heard from again.

People protecting against him or this war get imprisoned.

Media has no freedom to report and are controlled by his people.

He is a dictator that cares nothing for his people at all and only for his personal power.

He is a cowardly, insane, narcissist willing to drag the entire world to WW3 basically threatening global destruction if he does not get what he wants. Like a 2 year old throwing a tantrum.

Although you made many things up in your post. For one soviet union wasn't against nazis in ww2 they operated similarly. They were against someone threatening to take power from them. With no regard for their people they gave orders to gun anyone down that retreated throwing countless bodies at the gGermans.

I never said he was a fool or a stupid man, insane, cowardly, and power hungry are all accurate.

Your posts clearly define you as a stooge, groupie, paid schill, or terrified owned slave trying to push a blatantly false narrative of putin being anything close to decent

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: Moelson

I have first hand experience dealing with Russian navy when I was in the navy. Never got to visit because tensions were always high. Been almost everywhere else in the world though.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: seeking77

Do you know Putin personally then?? You say it like you knew him personally.

Frankly I don't believe what Western Media portrays what Putin is, he seems to be a shrewd man and I don't think he is stupid, cowardly or insane..

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:18 AM
Having looked at a map of Ukraine, its most resource rich areas, and reading other information, I suggested in another thread that Putin has never had any intention of taking the whole of Ukraine.

He will cleave off the south-south eastern region (i.e north of the Crimean peninsula) and then consolidate.
A buffer will be created, defended by Russian artillery and air power, and Ukraine will be powerless to stop it or take it back.
This region, along with the western area of Ukraine that borders Poland, is, by far, the most abundant in minerals, oil etc...

He will steal this area and then seek a ceasefire or move toward diplomacy.
I realise this is not a revelation to anyone, but it is my belief as regards what will happen in the long term.

Just as aside, I get what the OP means when he mentions the strange things happening in areas that aren't under Russian threat etc...

Kyiv, supposedly under imminent threat, is the quitest, most serene city I've ever seen.

There are random civilian targets being hit, for no strategic reason - except it looks great on the news to reinforce the narrative.

I can't put my finger on it, but something feels off.

Now, we can't know if an apartment is being used as an ammo dump, or is firing at Russian armoured columns etc...but, again, it certainly plays well for the 6 o' clock news.

edit on 6-3-2022 by Godabove09 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-3-2022 by Godabove09 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: thethirdsign

I have a brain, never said anything that requires personal knowledge. What I said is simply demonstrated for everyone to see.

Also again I never called him stupid.
He IS cowardly though that is a personal insight and he is insane which the entire world can see.

You do not remain in power far beyond legal limits for your country while numerous people who speak out against you dissapear because you care for others.

You do not threaten global nuclear destruction to try and scare countries off of preventing taking over another country because you are mentally sound.

He will NOT stop with Ukraine if he manages to cow the world here he will spread further because his only concern is power at any cost.

edit on 6-3-2022 by seeking77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: seeking77

I don't buy that he's insane or irrational.

Everything he's doing is based off of a calculated, rational appraisal of the facts.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

Good research. But how many neonazis are in the Ukraine Parliament?
I read none. It's supposedly a small minority.

Denys Shmyhal, he is the Prime Minister of Ukraine.

Oleksandr Turchynov, he was Ukraines national security secretary right after the CIA coup in 2014, up until 2019. He is also a wanted man for "capturing state buildings". "Was" wanted in his own country, we fixed that though.

Oleh Tyahnybok, leader of the far-right nationalist party in Ukraine, Svoboda (which directly operates the Azov and Donbas battalions).

And there are others. But lets just go with these three.

ETA: How did I forget Arseniy Yatsenyuk! The former Prime Minister of Ukraine. An arrest warrant was issued against him by the Russian Federation for involvement in an international murder-conspiracy ring. Interpol was even notified, until the western allies pressured them to drop the warrant

Ever see Ukrainian money?

Notice the "Eye of Providence"?
edit on J54322 by JimmyNeutr0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 07:56 AM

Russia has never shown they care about nazi or humanitarian concerns. Anything claimed by Russia has been an excuse to gain more power and an attempt to take over to prop up their economy likely.

This can NOT be overstated.

As well..the info in the OP can't be dismissed. It should be all over MSM. It doesn't make what's happening right or good in any way. If this nazi threat is so real, then why not a coalition? It wouldn't matter if US had funded them in the past..US helps people all the time that end up being turds..but that doesn't stop us from fixing a mistake, or learning for next time.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: didntasktobeborned

Russia has never shown they care about nazi or humanitarian concerns. Anything claimed by Russia has been an excuse to gain more power and an attempt to take over to prop up their economy likely.

This can NOT be overstated.

As well..the info in the OP can't be dismissed. It should be all over MSM. It doesn't make what's happening right or good in any way. If this nazi threat is so real, then why not a coalition? It wouldn't matter if US had funded them in the past..US helps people all the time that end up being turds..but that doesn't stop us from fixing a mistake, or learning for next time.

I appreciate you thinking people have goodness in their hearts, just goes to show you're a good person yourself.

But brother, these people are pure evil. They don't want to "help" or "fix" anything, well...they don't want to "fix" anything THEY "broke"...intentionally...with a goal.

We're not talking about the past my friend, we're talking about the present.


We let the Japanese get away with worse atrocities than the Nazis. We killed off the Nazis that wouldn't work for us, and created NASA for the ones who did want to work for us. I mean, I would say our leaders are s**t, but if I say that, some would assume I'm saying that about themselves, because in America we "vote" for our leaders. Contrary, we don't "vote" for our leaders, anymore than we "choose" our day to die. The entire centralized American government is a house of cards, and society is the choir as the ship sinks, playing "Nearer, my God, to Thee".

edit on J15322 by JimmyNeutr0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 08:39 AM
I am 'Praying' as well.
I think a lot can be said about what a person 'Prays' for when there's a gun to their head.
The old 'Jail House Prayer'.
But Yours is more like a submission prayer. Sorry, sometimes I type random and don't edit..its a way of facing fear..
Thank You for the Hymn.
Or was it a metaphor? If it was simply a metaphor, then Bra Vo...and You just snuck 'God' in there just in case?
Thats how they get you.."What do you have to lose by being a Christian? If Im right then You go to hell, and I go to heaven, if Im wrong then it doesn't matter anyway, what do I have to lose by being a Christian? Actually everything to gain..right?" Its a 'safe' bet and appeals to the gambler in us all.
Remember the creep on The Mummy with all the necklaces?

All in all..Pretty funny..8.5

I appreciate Your sense of humor.

Think Ill go bury my head in the sand for a bit.

Only watch list You have to worry about IMO is the long list of People who don't much care for bombs falling on old ladies and little kids for no apparent goal other than conquest..Showing the aggressor in a situation like that AND their motivations is important, and yes I have read of the terrible behavior of these far right extremists/nazis..whatever you want to call them....Putin should have plead his case better, and even thou he is a POS, he's easily smart enough to know he would need support in any special military operation he undertook..he threw the nazi card way too late.Putin has learned a lot from the US, he uses his twisted version of US tactics...He reminds me of a can of rotten peaches.

If there is a far reaching nazi element in the Ukraine, then what? Putin backs down, they become emboldened, and Putin annihilates them later? Or does he push through and carry out his objective? What he said Yesterday was chilling in a way.."Thank God It Hasn't Come To That" concerning actual war..what does he think he is doing?! a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

edit on 6-3-2022 by didntasktobeborned because: ?

edit on 6-3-2022 by didntasktobeborned because: facing the fearz 'B'

edit on 6-3-2022 by didntasktobeborned because: rollin tha deyes

edit on 6-3-2022 by didntasktobeborned because: ok. You got me.

edit on 6-3-2022 by didntasktobeborned because: again..

edit on 6-3-2022 by didntasktobeborned because: communication barrier

edit on 6-3-2022 by didntasktobeborned because: no edit

edit on 6-3-2022 by didntasktobeborned because: no edit lol

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n Good stuff OP, thanks for sharing, I had never saw Ukrainian money before, the Eye of Providence on it is creepy. I have held the belief that the US and NATO have been behind this entire situation since the Maiden incident in 2014. The CIA sure has a gift for causing political upheaval in any country that dosent toe the line.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n
That's an interesting side of the story I'll dig into .
Just read a part that these so called Azov Battalion are hunted throughout Ukraine by the Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Russia’s Chechnya forces.
Both seemingly want find each other on the battlefield ...

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 04:13 PM
The people convincing themselves Putin won't use nuclear weapons or that his military will magically "overthrow" him are living in a fantasy. Of all the shenanigans and hijinks is this obvious attempt to wade into WW3.

Unlike much of the US and West, Putin isn't asleep at the wheel and his mission is unambiguous. Allowing any factor to draw us into any war (especially a world war) is only going to benefit the military industrial complex. This isn't 1940's America. The people are vastly different. We can't win another world war. We will lose.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: thethirdsign

Is reading comprehension that difficult for you? You obviously cannot connect the dots with actual facts.

He claimed putin was so moral and so on but there has NEVER been anything to remotely show that. The ONLY way someone might legitimately feel that in direct contradiction to all the facts is if they personally know Putin. Even then you have to ignore everything he has ever done to simply accept his word I'm sure Hitler told everyone he was a great guy.

Nothing I said require perso al direct knowledge. It is very simple to see where he stands how he cares for nothing and no one beyond how they can affect his personal power.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:01 PM
I'll do ya one better,

John McCain and Lindsay Graham preparing ukraine for a proxy war in Russia in 2016
edit on 6-3-2022 by canuckster because: (no reason given)

You know what that also means,.........trump stopped it. Until he was removed.
edit on 6-3-2022 by canuckster because: Grammar nazi

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:22 PM

we have our PATRIOTS sitting in confinement, labeled as white supremacists guilty of insurrection.

Do You realize how many PATRIOTS then are in Rikers Island at the moment..labeled carjackers, thieves and crackheads? A lot of them coming up on two years..every one of them innocent until proven guilty..and certainly given the opportunity would present themselves as victims of a corrupt system, and 'Real' Americans in their hearts.

Im not saying this to be contrary. I mean it. Every one of those yeehawdis (not my word but its great int it?) from Jan 6th are innocent until PROVEN guilty.
And You're asking..Why are they in jail if they are presumed innocent?
The charges are serious enough, and they are either a flight risk or danger to society. Bond works different for the feds than it does with the state..You can't just buy your way out of a federal charge like you can in the state. Thats why those PATRIOTS are there.
edit on 6-3-2022 by didntasktobeborned because: oops

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