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The REAL US-Ukraine Shenanigans EXPLAINED

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posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 03:44 AM
For the 2018 government spending bill, congress enacted, in Sec 8129, the prohibition of "training, arming and other assistance" to a neo-nazi organization.

Sec. 8129. None of the funds made available by this Act may be used
to provide arms, training, or other assistance to the Azov Battalion.

But we can go back further... To where it all started. Lets look at post-crimea.

As we do every year, in 2015, we met in congress to vote on the defense budget for 2016, H.R.2685 - Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2016.

In the DEFENSE bill, we authorized the DoD to spend money on "assistance and sustainment of the military and national security forces of Ukraine", which falls under Sec. 9014.

Now again, at the end of 2015, as we do every year (once again), congress met to vote on our next years spending bills for the COUNTRY. H.R.2029 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016. In this bill, Ukraine was "guaranteed" loans, under Stat. 2766, section (o):

(1) Loan guarantees.--Funds appropriated under the headings
``Economic Support Fund'' and ``Assistance for Europe, Eurasia
and Central Asia'' by this Act and prior Acts making
appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations,
and related programs may be made available for the costs, as
defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974,
of loan guarantees for Jordan, Ukraine, and Tunisia,

Furthermore, approximately $900M+ was given directly to Ukraine as part of the "`Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative'', which can be found in Sec. 9014 ($250M) of this bill and Sec. 7069 ($650M) "assistance for former independent states of the former soviet union".

Now, Rep. Conyers made an amendment, 492, which was agreed to, that would prohibit funding to the Azov Battallion (specifically), however, I've read in multiple sources that the 'Pentagon pressured congress to revoke the amendment', but could not find a credible source that listed the amendment as being revoked (on a .gov website).

I'm sure you've all heard about the Azov Battalion by now. But are you aware of the Donbas Battalion? The Aidar Battalion? These are ruthless individuals. You know, the word that we throw around anytime something doesn't go right? Burger flipper over cooked your burger? Must be a nazi. Bakery misspelled your mothers name? Must be a nazi.

No, these are the real deal NEO-Nazis. And emphasis on "Neo". The best way I could describe it to anyone not willing to research it themselves is like the movie 'American History X', but with a more structuralist and centralized philosophy.

There have been reports SINCE 2015, when these units were established, of human rights abuses, AGAINST THEIR OWN PEOPLE. From sexually raping disabled people, discrimination, political killings, extortion, ect. There are multiple reports and video documented evidence (allegedly) of entire villages being held captive, at gun point, and locking everyone in their cellars while they (the people in question) stole everything.

In the link above, it talks about these units being specifically trained by British officers and agents. And during this same time, the Donbas Battallion was actually shelling the city of Gorlovka which resulted in the COMPLETE destruction of most homes. Again......the Ukranian "national guard" was shelling its own cities as recently as 2015...

So I've been thinking, and thinking......and thinking. I have an account on DocumentingReality, and I've been following the gruesome videos coming out of Ukraine.

I've noticed a few interesting things I would like to point out here, which seem to be building a narrative with all the previous information I provided above.

1) I'm seeing dead people, soldiers, guards in RANDOM places within the middle of cities.
A)The other day, I witnessed a bridge guard, laying dead with a bullet wound to his head, in the middle of a busy city on a sunny morning. A person nonchalantly passes and I guess started filming the scene. Who killed this person...? A Russian soldier? If the Russians were running around the streets, "invading", I wouldn't expect the videos to be so....non chalant... No.. it looked like a sniper got him from afar.
B)I'm seeing video after video of CIVILIAN convoys being attacked more than anything else. And it's mostly ambush attacks at night on the open roads. I've been noticing more and more these "no-go" zones, where anyone traveling on or about the roadway gets fired at by a stationed machine-gun nest.
2)I'm seeing videos of assassinations on civilians, soldiers, guards, ANYONE for that matter, in places that Russia has "yet" to even have a presence! For example, Lyuboml and Kovel.
3)Very, verrry discrete bombings, which usually come out of no where, no fore-warning or no troop activity in the vicinty. And furthermore, most of these bombing targets have been civilian or civilian infrastructure, nothing to do with military.

I'm going to go out on a limb here. And I'll probably get myself put onto the watch list for sure if I'm right. But....I think the Russians aren't even in Ukraine or if they are, they're fighting "us" (and I'll get to that). I firmly believe we are waging a terror campaign, through "our" military units operating in Ukraine.

And I come to this conclusion also because Putin used the word "de-nazify". I thought that was conjecture based on the Azov Battalion, but as I dug deeper, and let my gut feelings come to the surface, the puzzle started looking a bit different.

You know...even if this is just far out conspiracy, isn't it f***'ed up that we hear about "nazi this" and "nazi that" and "right wingers!" every damn day of our life, as we have our PATRIOTS sitting in confinement, labeled as white supremacists guilty of insurrection....we literally created the neo-nazi movement, which exists to this day...who I would argue is at the peak of its power too.

*I won't get into bio-lab talk here in this conversation as I feel that would be more suitable for its own thread entirely, but if you feel inclined on mentioning it, please do so in the comments*

Disclaimer to Mods: This article could've been placed in so many topics, 'General Conspiracies', 'World War 3', 'Military Projects', but I felt compelled to put this in the 'US Political Madness' as at the root of this entire topic, is quite literally US Political Madness around the world. But if you feel compelled to place it in a more suitable topic, please do so.

ETA: Sorry this was a rough-draft when I posted it, so if there are any open ends, I apologize.
edit on J52322 by JimmyNeutr0n because: (no reason given)

+8 more 
posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 03:56 AM
Oh, I also wanted to talk about the Smith-Mundt act.

At the end of 2012, we signed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013. In this bill, Obama "amended" the Smith-Mundt act as the "Smith–Mundt Modernization Act of 2012".

Smith-Mundt act made it illegal and prohibited the dissemination of propaganda on the United States Citizens. The "amendment" actually said the contrary, that we (the government) could disseminate propaganda against its own citizens.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 04:16 AM
Great .
You actually use history as well.
Makes one look way less ignorant than the ones that will deflect and deny .
Keep up your due diligence to the ATS Motto and DENY IGNORANCE .

edit on 3/5/22 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 04:34 AM
I think this video is also worth mentioning, I uploaded this to my personal YT account I typically use for video gaming, and only people with this link can see the video, otherwise it does not exist and I only stumbled across it.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 05:01 AM
Now that is what i call a coincidence, a real one this time. I just read this german article here:

USA: What is the role of the CIA's training of Ukrainian special forces?

"Since 2015, members of elite Ukrainian units have been trained by the Special Activities Division (SAD).

Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, Javelin anti-tank weapons and other Western weapon systems that have recently been supplied en masse to Ukraine can only be operated after training by the soldiers and the nationalist volunteer associations or militias, which have been incorporated into the National Guard for legitimacy."

This article is also talking about the Stay Behind Program


I left the german wiki links because they contain way more information than the english ones, almost as usual. Please use a translator.

The USA is working hard since 2004 on what is happening right now in the Ukraine. since the Orange Reolution (again the german link, same reason like before, more info)

"The activists of these movements were trained by a coalition of professional Western advisers, aides and pollsters. The activities were funded and supported by Western governments, agencies and organizations such as the Konrad Adenauer Foundation[6] and - according to the British daily The Guardian - by the US State Department and USAID together with the National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute, the Freedom House organization, which is largely funded by the American government, and billionaire George Soros with his Open Society Institute. The German weekly Die Zeit claimed, among other things, that Yushchenko and his circle received at least 65 million US dollars through various channels from the USA alone. The aim of the USA is to expand NATO and weaken the EU in this way."

Seems their plans are working now.
edit on 5 3 2022 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 05:22 AM
There are Russian troupes in Ukraine.
Once again the real truth is being distorted.
Japan has a few reporters there but l think they will be leaving real soon.
The nuclear plant is now under the control of the Russian s . So a lot of ahead planning here. ciia didnt know this, come on man, this s55t doesn't happen overnight.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 05:28 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
There are Russian troupes in Ukraine.
Once again the real truth is being distorted.
Japan has a few reporters there but l think they will be leaving real soon.
The nuclear plant is now under the control of the Russian s . So a lot of ahead planning here. ciia didnt know this, come on man, this s55t doesn't happen overnight.

Who's truth?

ETA: Not overnight, the culmination of half a decade of geo-political maneuvering...I mean listen, I could be chasing a rabbit down a rabbit hole, but I'm just over here putting puzzle pieces together and presenting my picture. Take what I say with a grain of salt...I'm a 10 year experienced plumber who studies religious occultism and esoteric subjects, the hell do I know.

edit on J33322 by JimmyNeutr0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: JimmyNeutr0n

originally posted by: musicismagic
There are Russian troupes in Ukraine.
Once again the real truth is being distorted.
Japan has a few reporters there but l think they will be leaving real soon.
The nuclear plant is now under the control of the Russian s . So a lot of ahead planning here. ciia didnt know this, come on man, this s55t doesn't happen overnight.

Who's truth?

ETA: Not overnight, the culmination of half a decade of geo-political maneuvering...I mean listen, I could be chasing a rabbit down a rabbit hole, but I'm just over here putting puzzle pieces together and presenting my picture. Take what I say with a grain of salt...I'm a 10 year experienced plumber who studies religious occultism and esoteric subjects, the hell do I know.

No, l like your post. Its a great post. Just wanted to say there are Russian troupes there.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

2)I'm seeing videos of assassinations on civilians, soldiers, guards, ANYONE for that matter, in places that Russia has "yet" to even have a presence! For example, Lyuboml and Kovel.

You say that Russia doesn't have a presence in these locations, but the region they are in borders Belarus, which is definitely working on the side of Russia in this fight. I guaranty there are all kinds of terrorist organizations coming out of the woodwork in this fight too. So don't suspect that every civilian killing is Russian or Ukrainian military, especially when we know that all walks of civilians are taking up arms there.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

Well this thread is about to go down like a fart in a spacesuit, history and facts better get ready to be attacked by prejudice and feels.

Don’t you know NATO is as pure as Jesus with an M4.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

A lot of these people they interviewed were opportunistic looters. Looters probably are responsible for some of the deaths by normal crime and corruption in ukraine.

They are using this to tie up loose ends.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

You included a lot of good information there so thank you. Though I believe your numbered posts and conclusion are off.

A few things overlooked, Russia has never shown they care about nazi or humanitarian concerns. Anything claimed by Russia has been an excuse to gain more power and an attempt to take over to prop up their economy likely.

Putin especially has only ever shown he desires and admires one thing only which is power. Previously he tested the waters and resolve of global community when he annexed Crimea and when nothing happened he knew he could take the very mineral rich ukraine which was a major part of the former soviet union economy. The below information is pretty good explaining this.

He keeps clearly showing his intent with actions such as putting nuclear forces on high alert with no threat whatsoever to Russia itself only to threaten off the rest of the world. Demonstrating his focus on power thinking because he has the biggest and/or most nuclear bombs he is justified in doing almost anything and scaring off the world. The Russian people themselves are average people just like the ukranian people. Putin is the problem, he seems to have his own napoleon complex.ike he was weak, bullied or scared a lot as a kid so he is loud, belligerent, and tries to be the scariest bully now basically because of his fear. Like he feels he always has to prove how manly and tough he is so no one will mess with him because he is a coward at heart. Of course that is just my take on him.

The media might be painting ukraine as all innocent and good and so on. Mainly because it makes for a good story. People love the underdog David vs Goliath type fights. They do not need to distort anything about Russia at all though. The facts are though that ukraine was invaded by basically a dictator seeking power. These sanctions against him will make him push harder. Russia absolutely needs new income and although corrupt like most governments they can probably get more out of them than the current corrupt ukraine government.

Our entire political system has brainwashed people into believing horrible things can be justified by claiming the other side is worse. Our entire country was founded on the idea of giving everyone a voice so that all ideas about what is best for our country are heard. Except both major sides only care about claiming the other side is the enemy and so horrible no one should look at the horrible things their side has done. It is tearing our country up and showing itself in how we view others. People either want to ignore russias evils or ukraines evils to say the other side is worse so who cares what is done. If we had more Americans and less Republicans and democrats we would be far better off here.

As far as what is going on with Russia and Ukraine this is a power move by Putin who would love to reestablish the former soviet union. He wants to be the biggest Bully on the block. He will use excuses to do so some might have some basis in reality others completely fabricated but he cares nothing beyond gaining power regardless of excuses.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 10:09 AM
Saturday, March 5, 2022

IMO - KNOWING that Putin does NOT really want to kill him, Ukraine President Zelensky held a ZOOM teleconference call with U.S. Senators this morning.

Looks Relaxed Doesn't He?:

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

Excellent OP.

I hate to think it, but what you describe has been one of my "worst case suspicions" so to speak from the git go. Some things just aren't adding up, and we all know that we cannot trust the media or political critters to tell us the truth. Much less the whole truth.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 12:05 PM

a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n
we hear about "nazi this" and "nazi that" and "right wingers!" every damn day

Will the Ukraine-Russia conflict be used to construct a Neo-Nazi terror threat

Soon after Russia began military operations in Ukraine, Foreign Affairs – the media arm of the Council on Foreign Relations – published an article entitled “The Coming Ukrainian Insurgency.”

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 12:11 PM
Ballet troupes? a reply to: musicismagic

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: seeking77
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n
A few things overlooked, Russia has never shown they care about nazi or humanitarian concerns

Weren't the Soviets arch nemesis' during World War 2 with the National Socialists...? And Hitler likewise/contrary to the Communists.

And to further give a decent answer to your post mate, I wouldn't trust any media or western created profile of Putin. Aside from the narrative that is presented about the man, I have never understood him to be A) a fool, B) a soviet tyrant (although every leader is a tyrant), C) a stupid man, D) a hateful man. As a matter of fact, I've always respected him for his morality and character.

I'm sure after saying that, I will be accused of being a Putin stooge. Well hey, they said Alex Jones was crazy. That man changed the definition of "conspiracy theory" to "spoiler alert" smh..

originally posted by: seeking77
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n
He keeps clearly showing his intent with actions such as putting nuclear forces on high alert with no threat whatsoever to Russia itself only to threaten off the rest of the worlds

I would like you, for a second, to empathize with my OP. Even if you disagree, please just empathize for a moment. IF, what I'm saying is true, and you're empathizing the situation with me, would it make sense to you to make these moves as a leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world? I just need you to put yourself in my head for a moment, and perhaps we can come up with a REASONABLE explanation for your question, rather than a plain/bland media narrative that the man is bonkers.

Hear hear brother, either way. In ANY of my posts, I try not to take any sides, furthermore, I try to steer away from politics although its one of my favorite topics. I learned from a very smart man long ago, that you cannot win ANY war or ANY battle UNTIL you've empathized WITH your enemy, until you've put yourself in the shoes of your enemy. Who knows, maybe we weren't meant to be enemies after all ...

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

Excellent OP.

I hate to think it, but what you describe has been one of my "worst case suspicions" so to speak from the git go. Some things just aren't adding up, and we all know that we cannot trust the media or political critters to tell us the truth. Much less the whole truth.

Thank you, and if we want any historical context about this alleged "what-if" scenario, lets just take a look back at Afghanistan lmao Before we had boots on the ground over there, we had CIA operators and local paramilitary organizations we were funding, training and arming even up to the late 2000's
edit on J35322 by JimmyNeutr0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 07:10 PM
The fighting in the Eastern section of Ukraine (Russian separatists vs Ukraine regular and "irregular" forces") has been going on, with only a few sparse cease fires, for almost a decade. The context you lay out in your OP is conveniently ignored by the media, along with a lot of other inconvenient facts/history.

Putin stepped over the line when he opted to invade the entirety of Ukraine, not just contested Donbass region.

Then again, there are so many side plots and unanswered questions, .... who knows .... maybe someone payed (or called in a favor or offered one) to Putin if he did this.

This narrative is doing a fine job of cleaning the table from the narrative of the past 2 years.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

Right on JimmyNeutr0n! Great research.

I in no way support Putin but something is definitely off.

Questioning this is like questioning vaccines, Covid, truckers, elections, and January 6th. It shall not be done or you are an antivax Covid denying, alt-right, nazi fringe minority.

Some people will be along shortly to brand you a pro-Putin traitor.

But you’re not. You are questioning the narrative and denying ignorance.


A video of a lecture from 2015 by John Mearsheimer.

“John Joseph Mearsheimer is an American political scientist and international relations scholar, who belongs to the realist school of thought. He is the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago. He has been described as the most influential realist of his generation.“

edit on 3 5 2022 by NorthOfStuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: SleeperHasAwakened
Putin stepped over the line when he opted to invade the entirety of Ukraine, not just contested Donbass region.

Then again, there are so many side plots and unanswered questions, .... who knows .... maybe someone payed (or called in a favor or offered one) to Putin if he did this.

Check the video I posted in the fourth post on this topic. Who's to even say Russia has fully invaded Ukraine?

I am posing that the Ukrainian National Guard units mentioned above, are shelling their own cities, setting up check-points on the inlets and outlets of towns, and massacring their own people. However, when I say "their own", these are CIA funded, operated and armed guerilla units...with no allegiance other than to cause chaos and destruction... Real life Nazis... "In the name of Ukraine", nationalistic, just like the Germans of WW2...

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