originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: LABTECH767
Mate you should collect all of your post on ATS and write a Book .
Now let's be frank shall we instead of being subtle in our discussion.
The idea of Kinetic projectiles is an old one and one that has been adapted as an idea for space based weapon systems since the first time a numb
nut's general somewhere saw how a meteorite can cause as much damage as his best bomb's.
Now let's also talk about the Rod's from God conspiracy, it's an old one that has been morphed over time but begins with the idea of taking a peace
of metal lets say a piece of Tungsten and wrapping it around a much more dense metal such as depleted uranium then taking that very high indeed the
higher the better and dropping it either as a precision guided non explosive armour (and bunker) piercing stiletto type ordnance OR from even higher
from a satellite and giving it a little assistance before it re-enters the earths atmosphere over a target at a very high angle, the higher the better
as air has resistance and you don't want it burning up before it hit's the target.
The basic idea is man made meteor strikes, now as you can see the day someone put's rockets and a guidance system on a world killing asteroid we are
all up (Outflow) creek without a paddle now are we not.
But if you think this very old idea is NOT real and is just dreamed up yet they are now mounting lasers on jet fighters.
The Shroud is a word which is used to represent hidden or veiled as in shrouded and wrapped around something so a Shroud of kinetic missile carrying
radar and light absorbent material coated satellites that would NOT give away there position once they were in there designated WAITING orbit, Waiting
for the command to use there chemical rocket to move into position over a target location using precision guidance systems before dropping there
kinetic dart onto there target.
Meanwhile the Targets defence radars are scanning the atmosphere in all directions but not UP, out of the sky the kinetic missile drops onto the
target with enough force to pierce even a hardened bunker several story's under ground and even if it can't reach a deeper site the meteorite like
impact will send down a shock wave into the ground that may collapse even some deeper structures.
So of course they have planned such devices, of course they were on someone's drawing board probably BOTH sides in the cold war in fact.
But it is hard to put them up there so you have to cut costs, how do you do that.
One way is to do away with the launch vehicle the Rocket, tried and tested it may be but it is also extremely expensive and every time you launch
something it creates huge atmospheric disturbance, noise and thermal energy so even a secret launch is often watched and monitored very closely by
eye's that may not be friendly.
What is the solution, well you have to go really old school here.
Rockets are not the only way to get stuff into orbit and they are mostly not re-usable.
It still takes a ton of energy but a magnetically accelerated launching system is not only feasible it is an idea just as old as Modern space rockets
and is really just a take on the oldest throwing idea of all time the catapult.
Dig deep, put a huge amount of power into those tokomaks and wrap your payload in a one time use disposable shell that can be accelerated so rapidly
that a human could not survive and point it to the orbit you want, now you don't have to move the whole shebang and caboodle you only have to alter
the magnets near the final part of the projectile's (launching shell) acceleration as it leaves the aperture of your what for lack of a better word we
today would call a Rail Gun (And yes they have small rail gun's but they were merely an attempt to miniaturize something that could be built decades
earlier but would have had to be much bigger).
So you launch the object kinetically, CHEAPLY and invisibly to thermal and rocket monitoring spy satellites into an orbit ABOVE those spy satellites
were it will enter either and elliptical or if it uses it's sold state engines a circular orbit and wait for the command to drop onto a designated
These thing's can take out ICBM silo's with no difficulty whatsoever, moving targets are harder, bunkers may be too deep but they can make a hell of
a mess on the surface and if you avoid the depleted uranium etc (there are other heavy metals you can use that are also cleaner) then due to the
energy they release on impact just like a meteor the kinetic projectile can even be designed to vaporise on impact giving the state using them even a
possibility to claim they know nothing about it.
On the other hand it may be possible that assassination satellites also have plausibility but in there case I am not so sure since that would then be
putting directed energy weapons into space, these would use directed narrow beam microwave energy much like ground devices but instead of being on the
ground this beam would be aimed from orbit possibly with a spotter team on the ground unless there optics would make the best CIVILIAN optical
technology look backward though it would be far more likely for this type of device to be ground based, cause heart attack's, strokes and other
affects on targets, kill someone and it looks like they had a heart or brain embolism and there have been rumours that these devices first on the
drawing board as far back as the late 1950's if not even earlier WERE developed despite arms reductions treatise and an agreement not to weaponize
The ONLY people in the US or for that matter any other nation that developed them that knew if they did or did not have them would be the
intelligence community OR some general somewhere and in the case of the US thanks to the compartmentalization of the government designed to prevent
foreign powers from learning there secrets and there use of PROXY private industry which soon became more powerful than it's intelligence and military
parent's would be front corporation or rather some people within such.
Now we know that someone has used energy or sonic weapons on US embassy staff, that someone is probably DECADES Behind what is hidden in the US and
NOT on easily accessed computers so no the Chinese would not have what is hidden there despite all there hacking and stealing of ideas.
You also know the idea of using RAY's (Energy) to shoot down incoming aircraft was actually also being pursued during Hitler's wonder weapon
program's but we will likely never know how far they got since we beat them before they could get any further than there V2's.
So you do know that the world facing arm's race after arm's race during the cold war did not sit on it's hand's during that time.
The Soviet's were developing a killer RADAR.
AND it was right next to Chernobyl.
It NEEDED a nuclear reactor to work.
It used the INVERSE COMPLEX CONJUGATE of the most absorbed radio frequency's of an incoming plane, missile or even satellite (they only got to the
state of destroying undammed test planes and may (MAY I AM surmising here) have been testing it and demanding more energy when Chernobyl happened.
The idea was basic and simple, you know the old idea of harmonic resonance like an opera singer shaking a glass so it shatters by getting it to
resonate, RF not sound and at the atomic level.