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originally posted by: MetalThunder
If anyone is keeping score
Susan Rice tested Positive
“This morning I tested positive for COVID-19,” Rice tweeted. “I’m feeling fine and grateful to be vaccinated and double boosted. I last saw the President in person on Wednesday—masked—and under CDC guidance he is not considered a close contact.”
FBI leadership was seemingly alarmed after Trump tweeted that he knew Obama was wire tapping Trump Tower.
originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
An interesting side note that any buddies of Elon Musk may wish to pass on...
Most Twitter tweet downloaders provide the latest 3000 tweets for an individual account by using the Twitter API.
This has worked consistently for me for 4 years now, using multiple downloader tools.
So why does Elon Musk's account only give a max of 21 tweets???
Is this a rogue twitter programmer who has changed a parameter for that specific account?
It's annoying because I download tweets approx. once every 24hrs for the 24 accounts audit trailed in the spreadsheet. Since Elon tweets more than 21 times a day, I miss some of his tweets!
originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
If the water level drops any lower we're going to find Jimmy Hoffa's remains, Howard Hughes treasure and a crashed UFO. I think a B-29 is still down there.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: cbaed3 No.46773 📁
Dec 7 2017 00:28:58 (EST)
As The World Turns.
On 13 September 1945, “Lake Mead’s B-29,” serial number 45-21847, was put into service. In 1947 it was stripped of armaments, re-classified as a reconnaissance B-29 (F-13), and moved into the Upper Atmosphere Research Project. The purpose of this project was to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile guidance system that used the sun for direction and positioning. The system was known as "Sun Tracker", and to test it a plane capable of high-altitude flight followed by a rapid low-level flight was needed. The B-29 was a useful test platform as it was the first mass-produced aircraft with a pressurized cockpit, and after World War II there were many surplus B-29s available.
On 21 July 1948, after completing a run to 30,000 feet (9,100 m), east of Lake Mead, Captain Robert M. Madison and the crew began a descent and leveled out just over 300 feet (91 m) above the surface of Lake Mead. The crew described the lake as looking like a mirror, with the sun reflecting brightly off the surface. Along with a faulty altimeter, the pilot lost his depth perception from the glare of the lake surface. These conditions make judging height above a surface considerably more difficult. The aircraft then slowly began to descend below 100 ft (30 m) until it struck the surface at 230 mph (370 km/h) and started skipping along it. Three of the aircraft's four engines were ripped from its wings and the fourth burst into flames. The aircraft managed to gain around 250 ft (76 m) but then settled back onto the water's surface in a nose-up attitude and slowly skiing to a stop. The five-man crew then evacuated into two life rafts and watched the aircraft sink. Though most of the crew was uninjured, the scanner, Sgt Frank Rico, broke his arm.
The crew was rescued from the lake six hours later and was instructed not to disclose any details of the flight, its mission, or its loss. As the mission was classified, these details were not released until fifty years later.
originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: Menesses
It's not DNA per se that is changed, it is HOW the immune responds that is changed.
originally posted by: Menesses
a reply to: nerbot
Any idea what would happen if it was left under this coming full blood moon eclipse?
Coming Blood Moon Eclipse Significance?
originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
The main Mr Pool twitter account profile picture has lost the central Red Star but retained the Red corons: