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god dosnt exsit

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posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 03:53 AM
People people there is no such thing as god you have all been brainwashed!
How can anyone in "western society " still think god exsits? :shk:
Who in there right mind would take the bible/Koran as anything but ancient novels?

Wake up reglion is nothing but a means of controlling the masses!
If people want to impose morals based on regilon go live in Iran you will be happy there.

I have nothing but contempt for reglion.
Repeat after me there is no god!

[edit on 31-3-2005 by xpert11]

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 02:48 PM
Haha, okay. What ever you say man. Go tell that to about 95% of the world, and see how they respond.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 03:08 PM
So I guess since you dont beleive in GOD I can call you a monkey

If there is no GOD then how come you exist?

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 03:15 PM
Please note that I am 100%, logically and rationally, AGAINST the idea of a conscious god. Now with that said...

What are you hoping to achieve with this thread? Do you honestly believe that you are going to change people's minds with such a blatent attack on their most sacred beliefs?

I love when people say I should stop smoking because it is bad for my health. No, really!?! Bad for my health you say? I'll quit right now and thank you so much for the tip. I would like to beat the hell out of these morons. No sh1t it's bad for my health! However I do it anyway because it comforts me. What concern is my life and the way I live it of yours? It isn't! If you are content and confident with your beliefs then live them out and let other people do the same. It is the herd mentality that seems so popular. It is people that need the reassurance of others in order to believe what it is that they believe has validity. There are NO Neos here, no messiahs or saviors that are going to 'wake us all up from our delusions'. We have grown confortable with those delusions which help us get through this supposed reality. Live your deluted idea of reality and let others live theirs because NONE of us has all the answers, but our one comminality is that we are all fooling ourselfs in someway.

And in closing, the next idiot that attempts to enlighten me as to the dangers of smoking is going to discover exactly how dangerous a cigarette can be when I put it out in their eye.

Wow, I feel a little better now!

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 03:37 PM
you know...

YOU will NEVER know FOR SURE if there is a God or not...


stop trying to preach that there is / isn't a God...

it is 50 / 50...

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 05:00 PM
Oh man, the Lord is soooooo gonna be
and smite you all

Y'all gonna be
from heaven becuase you didnt

You gonna feel like
with ur eyes like

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 05:34 PM
Well, I am a PK, and I'm not going to say anything against you, just know this:

If we Lutherans are wrong about God's existance, big whoop. But if you're wrong about God, you're external image

Ever heard of the phrase "Better safe than sorry"? People of normal intelligence figured out what it meant eons ago.

[edit on 3/31/2005 by diehard_democrat]

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 08:51 PM

What are you hoping to achieve with this thread? Do you honestly believe that you are going to change people's minds with such a blatent attack on their most sacred beliefs?

It was a Rant of course I dont expect to change peoples beliefs. I didnt attack any one person I just got my point of view off my chest.

If there is no GOD then how come you exist?

Because of a process known as evolution.

Ever heard of the phrase "Better safe than sorry"? People of normal intelligence figured out what it meant eons ago.

People of normal intelligence have figuered out that there is no god.
I am not taking any risks by not belving in god.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by BangorangRufio
Haha, okay. What ever you say man. Go tell that to about 95% of the world, and see how they respond.

no, lets try this. tell 95% of the world that there is no god and see how long you can stay alive. my money is about 5 minutes

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by xpert11
People people there is no such thing as god you have all been brainwashed!
How can anyone in "western society " still think god exsits? :shk:
Who in there right mind would take the bible/Koran as anything but ancient novels?

Wake up reglion is nothing but a means of controlling the masses!
If people want to impose morals based on regilon go live in Iran you will be happy there.

I have nothing but contempt for reglion.
Repeat after me there is no god!

[edit on 31-3-2005 by xpert11]

What's wrong with believing in God? Seriously it gives people hope and religion gives them guidelines. I know there seems like a lot of cases where a particular religion seems to create it's own psychos but really aren't they psycho's anyway?Imagine a world without religion , A world where people didn't care what effects their actions had? now maybe a couple of people don't need the Fear of God to straighten them out . but i think the majority of society does. People by nature can easily become greedy ,selfish and cruel.

And what bases do you have to suggest that there is not god? THere is as much to learn about the universe now as there was 2000 yrs ago dude. We're not even beginning to scratch the surface of all there truly is to know.
While i'll admit to me alot of those religious books rate a bit on the silly side when you take them too seriously ,it doesn't mean the concept of a powerful force that watches after you isn't there.

There are alot of people in the world that are Spiritual, While i've never been able to experience what these people have, I am not going to limit myself by saying "if I don't see it , It don't exist" , Religion is just like science it can both cause things beneficial to society and things that aren't.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 09:55 PM
God is a 1000% real. No typo there. How you ask since 100% is the highest you can go? He's God he can do anything.

If there was no God there would be no universe. There would be nothing.

And dont effing say Big Bang, cause if thats true then something had to start the big bang.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 11:57 PM
bordnlazy the best way I can explain is this people use to think the earth was flat and Gallolo was put under house arest for proving the earth orbited the sun.
The term god is used to explain the unexplainable hence "god" is needed less and less.
I dont give a toss about regilon and yet I still care for people so the argument that people dont care without reglion is bunk. :shk:
Society functions better without reglion.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by xpert11
bordnlazy the best way I can explain is this people use to think the earth was flat and Gallolo was put under house arest for proving the earth orbited the sun.
The term god is used to explain the unexplainable hence "god" is needed less and less.
I dont give a toss about regilon and yet I still care for people so the argument that people dont care without reglion is bunk. :shk:
Society functions better without reglion.

Look as i stated above some people don't need strict rules to guide their lives, while I(my opnion)feel that most people need something to keep them in check. Children always misbehave when they don't think anybody is watching.

Most religions are based of a set of simple rules to live by, now unless you find a way to be able substitute that, Most people would revert to a every man for himself mentality. I really hope for the best in people, but i see day in day out how much corruption there is with humanity.

the world was once thought to be flat or 2dimensional, then we discovered it was a globe or 3dimensional, now were are learning that it has more dimensions than that, then one day in the far future we could actually find out that we live in nothing more than 2dimensional with the illusion that it is X dimensions , You dig what i'm saying? We dont know anything.

Now that's not a reason to drop everything and believe whatever this or that book tells you , its just at this point from our viewpoint there is an infinite amount of possibilites. BTW i just noticed this is in the rant Forum, My bad for posting dude, I know what's its like to need to let off some steam

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 03:14 AM
bordnlazy you raze some very valid points
While reglion provides a set of rules to live by it is also a source of corrupation there is with humanity.
Sure kids will misbehave when they think no body is watching but once the kids are adults they are able make there own contribution to society who has greater influence the childs parents or "god" ?
Even with reglion to "guide" people still commit murder ,theft and other crimes often in there name of there regilon.
I agree we dont know nothing.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by xpert11
Society functions better without reglion.

Go tell that to any1 who had to live in a communist country

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by the antichrist:


If there is no GOD then how come you exist?

Because of a process known as evolution.

Evolution, eh? Well, then, what did we evolve from? And how did this "pre-evolved" human get here?

I've got something else to ask you. How did the entire universe start anyway? How did it get here? And if you say the big bang I'll rip my hair out. The big bang caused the universe to expand from a black hole, then spread out across huge distances. Particles were attracted to eachother gravitationally, then gradually collected more particles and eventually became planets, stars, nebulae, asteroids, comets, and anything else found within the universe.

The universe was already there, the big bang didn't just create matter from absolutely nothing; that was God's task!

So that being said, I'll ask you again: Where, do you believe, the universe itself came from?

[edit on 4/1/2005 by diehard_democrat]

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 07:17 PM

So that being said, I'll ask you again: Where, do you believe, the universe itself came from?

I belive in the big bang theory the flaw in your idea is this who created god? Your theory leaves two questions instead of one. :shk:

Go tell that to any1 who had to live in a communist country

The lack of reglion wasnt the reason the communist society fell.


posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 07:53 PM
i will agree the where did god come from is a valid question and one that has no good answer. when i die i hope to remember to ask.

in all honesty though i would think that to believe in creation is a lot easyer than the faith it takes to believe in the big bang theroy. but hey thats just my opinion talking. it might not be true for you. guess you be a
man then, enjoy your ansestry, as you see it. :shk:

i would remind you that looking into most of the laws we have, they come from religious sources. interestingly i can not think of a single society that does not have some kind(s) of God. if there was no religion at all the world would likely be a very scary place. like laws most morals that we try to follow come from religion. i think of anarchy in a world without religion. what is to stop you from killing all who got in your way? after all there is nothing "evil" in a world without a God, just what is best for yourself at the moment.:shk:

your arguement now should be along the lines of, "but we don't need a God now, we know right and wrong". so i'll give an answer. sure we do for without a superior being out there, why should i obey laws? after all i should have as much fun as i can before i die. i'm smart enough to not get caught, and if i do well i was inept so deserve what i get. :shk: no there is still a need for God if nothing else than to keep us in check.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 08:25 PM

your arguement now should be along the lines of, "but we don't need a God now, we know right and wrong". so i'll give an answer. sure we do for without a superior being out there, why should i obey laws? after all i should have as much fun as i can before i die. i'm smart enough to not get caught, and if i do well i was inept so deserve what i get. :shk: no there is still a need for God if nothing else than to keep us in check.

But people decided what was right and wrong not "god" what is there to stop me from killing ? Me and myself should I kill someone "god" cant stop.
I agree society has been based on reglion the so called exsitance of "god" has been used to controll the masses.
How many wars have been fought in the name of reglion ?
If I can think for myself why cant others?

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by xpert11

I belive in the big bang theory the flaw in your idea is this who created god? Your theory leaves two questions instead of one. :shk:

Go tell that to any1 who had to live in a communist country

The lack of reglion wasnt the reason the communist society fell.


No one created God. He always was and always shall be. If God had to be created he wouldnt be God.

You moran I did not imply that religion was the downfall of communism(evan though the pope had a large part in it) I was saying that in communism they were forced to be atheist and the government is supposed to be the higher power. I know alot of my family and people were thrown in jail for going to church.

[edit on 4/1/2005 by Croat56]

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