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CDC Decided Not To Publish Large Amounts Of Data Fearing "It Could Be Misinterpreted"

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posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 01:22 PM
I literally have a friend whos brother was a big wig there, now retired. I pushed him and his pals one Christmas week party at his house on changing the name to Center for Disease Eradication. My point was the word Control in the mix seemed like a Nazi phrase to say CDC, and that made their eyes spin. I see the compromise as CDC and Prevention. A bit better but the results haven't changed. The whole lot of them sincerely looked me in the eye and said they loved my idea too. So that was 35 or 40 years ago. All of those people are long gone. I don't trust the people they have there now as far as I could throw a one ton rock bare handed.

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: marg6043
CDC is a joke, been a lap dog of pharma and getting millions of dollars in "donations" they are nothing but a darn joke,

What I don't understand - what utterly baffles me - is how so many people continue to believe them about everything else they have ever said about vaccines in the past, knowing what they know now.

This is not new. This is business as usual for them. The only difference is the scamdemic actually brought things out into the open.

edit on 25-2-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 06:05 PM
How I'm looking at it as their narrative crumbles, since the insurance and mortician numbers caught them off guard (those arent fake numbers like some others), and the stock of these nasty companies tanks as ppl like Ed Doud explain how wall street votes when it cant speak out against a 'bad' product, it just sells its interest and jumps ship.

I'm sure the CDC and all the bought-off cronies are enjoyin' the psyop

Scared of data, they want us scared of the truth I tells ya


posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 07:15 PM
Afraid to release the information... consider me in the camp that now has severe trust issues with anything they put out.

That is not a good situation for the country to be in, they should (if they werent owned by big pharma) let the chips fall and follow the science results be damned.

posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
Afraid to release the information... consider me in the camp that now has severe trust issues with anything they put out.

That is not a good situation for the country to be in, they should (if they werent owned by big pharma) let the chips fall and follow the science results be damned.

But, they won't get all the million dollars in kick backs if they report any data that makes the vaccines look bad.

So... it's probably wise the don't give it out, as long as they want those new yachts...

posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 10:01 PM

originally posted by: BigfootNZ

originally posted by: Rich Z
In other words, all of us are too stupid to be able to correctly interpret the data. :/

... you have seen most of the threads in this sub forum haven't you?

I have read many posts here - and they are not all wrong.

I can cut data just fine and, like me, some of us have read “how to lie with statistics”

Give me all of your raw data and let me draw my own conclusions - the data will tell the story.

Doesn’t take a rocket science to understand “misinterpreted” is code for “understood and damning”.

You must be on your 4th booster with your double mask and face shield on and are seeking confirmation bias that getting stuck like a pin cushion will save your from COVID. It won’t. But your efforts to be safe may very well hurt you (but I hope it doesn’t).

posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 10:03 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
Afraid to release the information... consider me in the camp that now has severe trust issues with anything they put out.

That is not a good situation for the country to be in, they should (if they werent owned by big pharma) let the chips fall and follow the science results be damned.

According to Fauci, they only lied to us to protect us. Because we can't handle the truth.

posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 10:55 PM

originally posted by: VulcanWerks

originally posted by: BigfootNZ

originally posted by: Rich Z
In other words, all of us are too stupid to be able to correctly interpret the data. :/

... you have seen most of the threads in this sub forum haven't you?

I have read many posts here - and they are not all wrong.

I can cut data just fine and, like me, some of us have read “how to lie with statistics”

Give me all of your raw data and let me draw my own conclusions - the data will tell the story.

Doesn’t take a rocket science to understand “misinterpreted” is code for “understood and damning”.

You must be on your 4th booster with your double mask and face shield on and are seeking confirmation bias that getting stuck like a pin cushion will save your from COVID. It won’t. But your efforts to be safe may very well hurt you (but I hope it doesn’t).

He lives in NZ which is literal f# modern nazi Germany with that Jacinda Arden world economic freak that will follow whatever commands Klaus Schwab requests, just like every other world leader in the WEF. It was interesting watching Jacinda's net worth go from 800K to 25 million from 2020 through 2021. She got paid off just like everyone else. NZ is screwed as is Australia, but they are the WEF test grounds for Agenda 2030.

posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 11:03 PM
It would be a nice time for a good ole border war to take our pretty little minds off of little ole things like facts and lies.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

They lied to advance the plandemic agenda. They lied to scare everybody so that they would take the clot shots.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

They lied to advance the plandemic agenda. They lied to scare everybody so that they would take the clot shots.

The fact there were people who didn't want to get the shot that were coerced into it because of threat of loss of their jobs, is really f# bad.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 12:11 AM
Makes sense. The CDC knows we Americans aren't smart enough to interpret the data because the same government that runs the CDC runs the Department of Education.

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