a reply to:
Great OP. I certainly don't agree with all of the details, but do in principle and it's pleasing to see someone at least capable of breaking through
the brainwashing that keeps us in a neo feudal system/oligarchy under the guise of "democracy". This system is a more evolved and desirable form of
slavery, but hardly freedom, it's more one where people have been taught to love their chains.
Some of the critique claiming sortition is somehow synonymous with totalitarianism and fascism is quite bizarre and I feel your pain but anyway, each
to their own. Western govts are largely fascist at the moment unfortunately and the last few years has offered us a glimpse of just how easily they
could become completely totalitarian.
Athenians/Greeks included sortition in their form of govt around 6th century BCE. They
realised that choosing public administrators via ballot led to corruption and was the defining principle of an
oligarchy (where power is
concentrated into a small group of wealthy people). Filling public office via sortition was considered the way to achieve democracy.
Voting also leads to factions/parties. Where representatives are bound by party policy regardless of the interests of their constituents. This is now
a hugely corrupt system because of the influence of large donors who effectively get to either veto or approve candidacy for important office (by
threatening to remove funding) or simply use such influence to buy whatever legislation they require (via lobbying).
Sortition won't ever stop that completely (would still need tightened anti corruption legislation) but it would end party politics and limit the
potential and scope for corruption massively.
A parliament/govt dominated by two parties that in essence aren't really different anyway (and funded by the same wealthy oligarchs to the same ends)
reduces diversity and causes a type of homogeneity. Corruption is rife and we end up with "career politicians" which is another name for "corrupt and
self interested professional liar". A system that rewards and selects for psychopaths unfortunately.
The idea that voting can really make a difference is also mostly mythical. Whatever conflicts with the interests of wealthy oligarchs might get lots
of lip service and campaign promises but in reality has little chance of being approved. Sortition would certainly end the campaign circus and the
corruption resulting from campaign funding. The only real way to make change now is via lobbying, which is what Washington runs on. If that isn't
obvious by now it never will be.
I also think the US "founding fathers" hugely over rated. Despite flowery words it is obvious that all " rights" are conditional and only extended at
the whim of the state. I also think they were oligarchs themselves who were both terrified by and hated democracy. The system they introduced makes
that obvious. The real history shows they were expansionists who wanted to push west at the expense of the local inhabitants (resulting in
displacement and genocide) and so needed to break away from the British to do so.
The ideas of people that also thought nothing of keeping fellow humans as chattel might still be worth considering (and improving on) but treating
them with a religious reverence seems strange. Then again, I think that patriotism itself is a psychosis, a form of mental illness brought about by
brainwashing from an early age.
One of the worst aspects of such systems (including faux democracies-oligarchis) is that when power is concentrated in the few it seem to lead to
Empire building (yes the US is an empire and was largely used as the model for the third Reich). Which leads to wars. No other pursuit typifies the
human tendency to sociopathy or more clearly demonstrates how easy is to brainwash the masses, than convincing them it is in their interests to
slaughter each other
en masse.
I think we also need a new economic system because I don't think we have ever
really had capitalism either. We have more of a Darwinian system
where the weak are exploited by the strong. Bombing countries and overthrowing govts to get them to play ball economically doesn't seem to be what
Adam Smith had in mind.
Shame I missed out on discussion with you, but would like to compliment you, your ideas sound quite interesting if you do happen to read the thread