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Covid-19 Vaccines Were Deadly in Rare Cases. Governments Are Now Weighing Compensation!

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posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 11:53 AM
Published Feb. 19, 2022 5:30 am ET by WSJ

OK, so this was written by The Wall Street Journal. Its a pay site so you cant read it all but it does exist. I go to the Medical University of South Carolina at Charleston for my evaluation after a Pfizer post Covid-19 vaccine as I collapsed onto the floor last November 05, 2020. Now I have central nervous system issues. So why take so long? They are the best in the state and its a 2 hour drive one way. That's how backlogged they are. I called them last November. At least I am no longer dizzy.

I also don't want financial compensation. I wish heads would roll but hey in the USA the elites are a protected species.

LONDON—Vikki Spit’s partner of two decades received his first Covid-19 shot in early May. Two weeks later, he died from a condition doctors for the 48-year-old former punk rock musician attributed to a rare vaccine side effect. Ms. Spit now lives alone in a north England farmhouse, home to the couple’s rescue pets. Finances are tight. She struggles to maintain the online art-resale business her partner, who went by a single legal name, Zion, had started. She’s learning to drive—a task that had always fallen to him.

Covid-19 Vaccines Were Deadly in Rare Cases. Governments Are Now Weighing Compensation

This is really a mess
edit on 20-2-2022 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:43 PM
vaccines take, on average, 10+ years to develop.

they made the virus, lied about having a real vaccine for it, then used their lies to essentially throw the whole world into chaos.

If you took their vaccine, you weren't paying attention to the part where its a "cure" to a virus that didn't exist three years ago, while it takes a decade to make such a thing.

Of course now that more than half of all people have taken it, they'll never admit that this is another solution meet problem scenario.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

May I ask how you were vaccinated in November of 2020?

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

Sorry this had happened to you. Hope you are doing better.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

Governments are mandating this lottery and the breakthrough cases amongst the vaccinated and boosted are probably in the millions. Nobody should be forced or coerced into taking that gamble.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 01:39 PM
Anyone else notice Completely out of the News not even on the front page of FOX , Seems the Russian distraction has worked .

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: lordcomac
vaccines take, on average, 10+ years to develop.

they made the virus, lied about having a real vaccine for it, then used their lies to essentially throw the whole world into chaos.

If you took their vaccine, you weren't paying attention to the part where its a "cure" to a virus that didn't exist three years ago, while it takes a decade to make such a thing.

Of course now that more than half of all people have taken it, they'll never admit that this is another solution meet problem scenario.

Vaccines don't take an average of 10 years.

Some vaccines took a long time 20 years or more ago because we needed to breed specially neutered forms of certain virus.

Some vaccines too a long time 10 years ago because they were for diseases that mostly effected poor people living in places such as Africa and Pakistan that big pharma didn't care about and so didn't throw much money at.

Some vaccines took a long time 5 years ago because you spent 6 months creating the actual vaccine and then had to wait 2 years to get the first trial going as half of your team was busy doing research on things that were more likely to get them published, and the other half were busy fighting a title 9 case because they held a door open for a feminist.

The covid vax was so quick because A) They'd perfected a technique required to synthesis the outer shell of a virus and didn't need to bother with a lot of the other stuff that they'd had to do previously, and B) Governments threw money at them.

The speed of this vax being created is how it should be. 10 years to create a vax is criminal.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: frogs453

It's possible that they're British.

If memory serves, they'd given the vax to about 10,000 people in the UK by the end of November 2020. This was before the vaccine was officially pushed out to the general population, as part of the final trial.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I suppose it's possible, although their location states U.S. and they mention South Carolina. Even if in the U.K I believe it was first responders, nurses etc who got vaxxed first. No mention of being one of those either. I was just curious how the OP got it months before anyone here in the U.S.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

If you are talking about only the creation of a vax, then sure 10 years might be incompetently slow. But making it isn't what takes time. Vaccines take so long to be distributed because they need years of long term trials to make sure there there aren't any unexpected side effects. New medecines of all kinds tend to have unexpected consequences that don't show right away.

The covid Vax had all the money in the world thrown at it, but that didn't magically make it proven safe. You do that through years of trials. It came out this quick because long term trials were simply skipped.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

I hope they have a long-term $500 Billion fund set up to take care of the vaccine victims, and families of victims, who are now developing blood clots and other issues that have yet to surface as medical problems.

Hideous illnesses enabled by, and induced by the vaccines, will suddenly send people to the hospital (or morgue) for years to come.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 09:49 PM
This was in the NYT today:

In an article titled, "The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects," reporter Apoorva Mandavilli writes: "For more than a year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has collected data on hospitalizations for Covid-19 in the United States and broken it down by age, race and vaccination status. But it has not made most of the information public."

They know a lot more about it than they are letting on because they've been collecting all the data. The reason cited why they aren't letting that data out into the wild? It might be misinterpreted. So basically, they want to control how it's understood.

Last year, the agency repeatedly came under fire for not tracking so-called breakthrough infections in vaccinated Americans, and focusing only on individuals who became ill enough to be hospitalized or die. The agency presented that information as risk comparisons with unvaccinated adults, rather than provide timely snapshots of hospitalized patients stratified by age, sex, race and vaccination status.

But the C.D.C. has been routinely collecting information since the Covid vaccines were first rolled out last year, according to a federal official familiar with the effort. The agency has been reluctant to make those figures public, the official said, because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.

They have to control it, see, because if the wrong people saw it, it would look like the vaccine is ineffective. That doesn't say good things about what the data is showing.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Sounds like the government is still in the mode of viewing us as too dumb to know, and too lazy to force the issue, if we suspect something fishy going on.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher
Anyone else notice Completely out of the News not even on the front page of FOX , Seems the Russian distraction has worked .

The Ukrainian conflict is nothing but a distraction from rising inflation, "covid xv mandate issues"

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: carewemust

It does show the CDC is political. They know best and we're too dumb to decide on our own.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: carewemust

It does show the CDC is political. They know best and we're too dumb to decide on our own.

I'm going to try and restrain give the November elections a chance to put us on the correct trajectory.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

I am sure that the law sues are going to explode against the pharma, CDC, FDA and government, the cases are growing every day and is becoming hard to hide, these people gave themselves protections, but when the numbers starts to grow out of control the protections can be challenged in court as negligence.

Sadly the corrupted criminals will walk away with the tax payer money and the tax payer will be left to pay for the injured cases.

Nobody will trust the corrupted pharma and government ever again.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: vNex92


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: Lemon1234

I agree 100%

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 07:43 AM
Big Pharma and the Elite' puppets in government must have supreme confidence that when 5G is fully 'Up & running' that the vaxxine injections are not making some people drop-dead as the frequency permeates/saturates the environment and activates the nano-bots in the serum world-wide (just like at the Wuhan 5G switching)

transhumanism' great-leap-forward
edit on st28164545126121472022 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

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