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Alien experience

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posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: TheCrimsonUniverse
Demons are not physical beings and we don't see them with our physical eyes, but rather sense them spiritually with our soul. When we try to rationalize and explain, even to ourselves, our experience with them, is when other aspects enter and play their role: we live in a largely technological, scientifical society and "angels", "demons", "fairies" and other beings are considered "superstition" nowadays, so we interpret this experience of beings coming from afar into our world as material living beings travelling with material spacecraft. So I think Erick von Danniken thesis has to be completely inverted: what people in the past interpreted correctly as non-material, psychical beings, we see them as "astronauts". Our ancestors were right, we are not.
edit on 23-3-2022 by Romanov because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: Romanov
a reply to: TheCrimsonUniverse
Demons are not physical beings and we don't see them with our physical eyes, but rather sense them spiritually with our soul. When we try to rationalize and explain, even to ourselves, our experience with them, is when other aspects enter and play their role: we live in a largely technological, scientifical society and "angels", "demons", "fairies" and other beings are considered "superstition" nowadays, so we interpret this experience of beings coming from afar into our world as material living beings travelling with material spacecraft. So I think Erick von Danniken thesis has to be completely inverted: what people in the past interpreted correctly as non-material, psychical beings, we see them as "astronauts". Our ancestors were right, we are not.

Nonsense! You are not a spokeperson for the "other side" and you are not well versed on reality. Go to YouTube and look at the videos under trail cam videos which are set up in the woods and unattended. Then look at the usually cellphone videos featured on TV shows such as "Paranormal Caught On Camera" and other similar shows. "Demons" may not be physical beings but they can be recorded. What's a soul? " "angels", "demons", "fairies" and other beings are considered "superstition". Maybe so but cameras record them and humans can see them. Erick (sic) von Danniken ( Erich von Däniken) is a Swiss author of books about extraterrestrials and is one of the main figures responsible for popularizing the "paleo-contact" and ancient astronauts hypotheses. He doesn't have a "thesis", he is a rich joke.

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 02:13 AM

originally posted by: nugget1

Here's one from Idaho. It's interesting what one can see when looking skyward.

I'm in Idaho outside boise ...where was this? And what's w the red?

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: nugget1

Here's one from Idaho. It's interesting what one can see when looking skyward.

I'm in Idaho outside boise ...where was this? And what's w the red?

The red is what happened when it was enlarged to 16x24". We have about 7 frames of the double rainbow, and this 'anomaly' only appeared in 3 frames. We didn't notice it when taking pictures; only 3-4 months later when we had the film developed. It rose higher in each frame; pictures taken with a Cannon A-1 + motor drive. Mufon was not interested. lol

I'm near Lewiston, Idaho. LOTS of strange aerial phenomenon around here, which makes me think living within 100 miles of Fairchild AFB has something to do with it.

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 06:21 PM

edit on 3 24 2022 by idusmartias because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: Whoarewe

yes pretty much just like in the movie M.I.B. I've seen two versions of the neuralyzer. Chrome plated periscope looking one with a small red Lazer pointer; and a smaller banaca blast sized version.
From what the agent told me it operates off of ultra-violet waves to shock the optical nerve and erase the engrams from your brain.

The pariscope one was used on me at its lowest setting which was about as much as an old flash bulb...

The smaller one was used on me by a military officer, again on a lower that made me unable to see and faded hearing as well for several minutes before comming out of it...I was in 3rd grade...

In the past, I saw it used for perverted and nefarious/clandestine reasons.

edit on 25-3-2022 by Khurzon because: eta

edit on 25-3-2022 by Khurzon because: eta

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