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Alien experience

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posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain
I have problem with getting camera,as nobody has camera that I can use.They are advanced in their tech and hard to get caught.You are thinking that they are some kind of entities that leave trace,that eagerly wait to get filmed or caught in the room.You could do this to human, but not to entity that has more advanced tech than any human.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: Whoarewe
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain
I have problem with getting camera,as nobody has camera that I can use.They are advanced in their tech and hard to get caught.You are thinking that they are some kind of entities that leave trace,that eagerly wait to get filmed or caught in the room.You could do this to human, but not to entity that has more advanced tech than any human.

For instance, they are invisible, fast moving, using disguises, using move through object tech which means that they can enter object and go through it, like window.As I see it, you are sceptic,you wouldn't believe even if you were presented any evidence.Even if it was close up photo of ufo.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 08:22 PM
When you wake up in the middle of the night and there is a presence (seen or unseen) in your room you usually are so scared to move for fear of the unknown that grabbing a camera to capture "proof" is quite literally the last thing on your mind.

My experiences began when I was eight. They were blue white light beings that would appear in the corner of my room and observe/check up on me from time to time. They never spoke, they never moved, they just observed.

I would hold my breath, close my eyes and hide under the covers and remain very still until they went away.

The visitations stopped after about a year, and drifted into memory.

I still have days where I see "blips" of ships for a fraction of a second, but they aren't very common.

I don't stargaze anymore due to being in an urban light polluted area.

I don't experience visitations very anymore because I have asked them not to visit me anymore as it makes me uncomfortable and uneasy, and for the most part, they have been kind and honored my request.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES
I'm so sorry to hear that,I mean it's good if they really did go away.I was followed many times, different places,their ships are either invisible, or look like shiny object, be it orange or yellow color.I also experienced Tv interference, it was night and Tv shut down, I put it on again, and it shut down again.These are not kind, they are evil.I experienced so many bad experiences, from childhood to adulthood.I've seen so many types of aliens in my life.In recent times, it's mostly Greys, and I also smell bad after every abduction.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: Whoarewe

I believe you.

I'm sorry you're experiencing this trauma and I hope you get whatever support you need to heal and find inner peace.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 04:58 PM
Well, I can understand not getting good pics of see. You can't get a good pic of them. They are masters of time, space and matter manipulation.
If you did get a good pic and it somehow found its way into mainstream; They would just send a Traveller Agent(s) to rectify the Temporal Incursion...(make it like it didnt happen.)

Think Dr. Who lvl technology... And no, that statement is not based on that show....called "Trevellers" More likely most time travel stories/shows/movies like that one, are based on real events that have recently, or will shortly, happen(ed).

Going back in time a few months or years and plant the story/movie/show that will describe something like a "Cell Phone"/ "Star Trek Comminicator". and have it come true.

You know the Neuralyzer is a real thing? I have held one in my hand. Had one used on me in it's lowest setting. Utilizes high powered Ultra Violet to stun and inflame the optic nerve and brain causing ingrams o "Memory" to be lost/destroyed...

edit on 19-2-2022 by Khurzon because: eta

edit on 19-2-2022 by Khurzon because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: Khurzon

make it hidden in plain sight... "Oh you saw that in that movie!!! Pffff".

We have been shown more Truth posed as fiction and comedy than we realize...

edit on 19-2-2022 by Khurzon because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: geezlouise

It really did put such burden on me,I feel uneasy going to some places. I was surronded by them in one place, still remembered how they looked at me in eyes, and my phone.Some would say they were police, but they were humanoid aliens.It was one black haired,one brunette who was looking at me directly and I think blonde was there also.They spoke something like give me phone to me.And I was so schocked and uneasy.After they looked at phone, they were gone.I still remember them and still feel bad about that place.Nobody at that time was sproaching us.I wish I could heal, but after distance from family and reminder what they did to me, I'm not sure what I should do.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: Khurzon
I would agree that there is mind earaser, just not like Doctor Who or that movie with Will Smith.They tend to do it, but not in person.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 09:43 PM
Very interesting photos. I have seen these "stars" as well, we call them the "Dancing Stars" AZ they almost lool like they are "dancing" as they move around in different directions, while other times they sit still. Quite often I have had these dancing stars follow me when I was outside late at night and sometimes they will send you subliminal messages if you concentrate your energy. I started having some really weird experiences with the dancing stars a few years back so I have quit looking at them and quit going outside by myself late at night, whenever possible, I was seriously getting freaked out when one followed me home on a long walk and then stayed in my vision on every window I would look out of at home, whether it was North, South, east or west. There was a very extensive thread about the "dancing stars" here on ATS about 5 years ago or so, can't quite remember how long ago but should be easy to search for. One of your pictures, I believe picture 4 looks like it could be a a "UFO ORB".

Welcome to ATS and there are a few other abductees here who I'm sure will chime in :
edit on 19-2-2022 by MisguidedAngel because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2022 by MisguidedAngel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 10:29 PM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
It's not about that. Your OP checks all the flags just a hint on the most common one:

- Use camera: no money
- Lend camera: no answer
- not yet: Has camera: uncomfortable being filmed

You wrote they are every night in your room. I came up with a couple of ideas how you could get more info on it. Yet excuses. You fit that pattern perfectly.

How was this nights abduction?

If it was this easy to get picture of the aliens we would already have it, people have tried camera traps and trail cams already the only reputable pictures I have seen are q couple of the Grey alien outside looking in the window and the person lucky to trick them into getting a picture. Someone here on ATS I remember got a picture of one looking into his patio doors but it was a bit tough to see

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: MisguidedAngel
Thanks for info,I found many threads about topic, including dancing stars.These stars are moving from place to place, usually for second or two, they are fast.They can dissapear usually near stars.I remember that 7 years ago, the orange lighted object was near my flat,and it moved from sky to my place around.I wouldn't contact them as most part, experiences were bad.The fourth picture is saucer,as it moves around.The orbs are usually very distant, these were close to my place.The pictures wasn't taken the same night, but different nights.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Whoarewe

A suggestion to better detect, and possibly end abductions. Get and wear (24/7) a cheap sport's watch, one that detects heart rate, steps, and sleep.

The data YOU can collect from this device can give you the times and patterns of your abductions, that is IF they don't stop.

The watch cannot be removed from your wrist without the event being recorded, if the device is left on you, all movements, and changes to heart rate are recorded. It's not perfect, but they do say to; "fight fire with fire". Or in this case fight technology with technology. Terrestrial technology has its good points.

The watch will set you back about as much as a cheap webcam...$25.00US or so.

Ultimately, it's up to you; to fight back or not.

Oh, by the way; ETs are NOT demons, or demonic; simply misunderstood. You Terrestrials are far too quick to label something "demonic" when you don't understand.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to: Jimy718
I'd say they are, because they do many things which reminds me of being demonic.They are not that simply because they are abducting or doing research.They are behaving very evil and that is mostly demonic in nature.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 03:00 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
a reply to: Whoarewe
Welcome...and good to see your first thread.

Definitely something interesting going on in PHOTO #1.
From which part of the world are you getting these?

What do you find interesting happening in this photo?

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: Whoarewe

Oops, I thought I pushed the wrong key and landed on a comedy website. Sorry.

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 04:22 PM
I don't believe a word the OP types (poorly), and clicking on the quote unquote photos are not a good use of your limited time on Earth.
For the people in here who have actually been abducted, it's a tough thing, I hope you're holding up. At least take satisfaction in the fact that you understand that aliens are indeed here, which is more than all of mainstream science knows. And you've had alien contact? You're at the forefront of humanity. Rejoice in that, even if they are just breeding you like cattle to create hybrids to take over the Earth. Some of your genes will survive the transition to a post-human world.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 05:21 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: Whoarewe

Sorry to hear, have heard to many similar stories to think you are making up a story for attention. I have always believed aliens to be demons or fallen angels in disguise, many believe that they will fool the world
Video worth a watch, see if it gets with you

Starts at about 30 minutes in

I dont understand why some think of aliens as demons.
I am not denying that demons interact with humans in our physical plane by masquerading as angels and that their intention is to cause physical harm and turn us against God etc. etc. but as far as i know demons are spirit entities. Why would they need machines or vehicles like spaceships to travel?
Being supernatural spirit entities they could just turn up anywhere without the need of machines.

Besides, the universe has millions of galaxies and planets. Don't you think intelligent physical beings can come from those worlds?
edit on 7-3-2022 by TheCrimsonUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: TheCrimsonUniverse
Besides, the universe has millions of galaxies and planets. Don't you think intelligent physical beings can come from those worlds?

How, why hide, what’s their transport, what’s their fuel, how can they travels so far so fast
To many problems unless they are here already

posted on Mar, 21 2022 @ 05:47 PM
I managed to get camera, this UFO is seen everyday.It s far, but I used zoom on this camera, and you can see that its not just light.From far, it can be seen as orb.

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