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The Covid Vaccine Injured Suffer Silently - Ignored By The Government and Big Pharma

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posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 02:54 PM
VAERS is a manufactured site to keep people thinking is all good and you can trust the big entities that only have your best interest at heart.

Just like the FDA asking big pharma for the test results on their money making crap, they are going to be very honest about it, after all they give millions of dollars to the FDA for their drug approvals, yep dream on gullible.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: opethPA

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: opethPA

If this is to be discussed rationally, we do need to find a source for the facts that we all agree on. My point was the insurance guys who prefer to make money, not pay it out, have skin in the game, and are saying something strange is happening. So far, nobody is saying what that is, just that it's there. Which seems to be the best way to approach this. What source of data would you approve of for this topic?

I actually aim for multiple sources of data that backup a similar statement without just repeating what another source says.

It's the same reason why I try to never just use CNN or TheGatewayPundit a sole source for anything. Both definitely have a spin to them and that doesn't mean you can't find facts on either just that relying on one house of cards isn't the best way for me to prove a point.

IMO what VARES shows is that there is enough of a pattern that something could be going on and as such valid research should be done to prove or dispeove what that something might be. That isn't the same as saying "I see it on VAERS so it must be true"

You managed to take the thread off topic. It's not about VAERs, and I stated that it shows a signal, and did not state every single report was correct.

Are you trying to ignore the vaccine injured or just saying they don't exist?

The first graphic you used in the OP is from VAERS so I didn't take anything off topic. When people were being called shills did that also take it off topic?

I don't ignore any piece of useful data that helps me understand something regardless of if I inherently agree with it or do not . For example in my last reply to Network Dude on this thread I say the following, "IMO what VARES shows is that there is enough of a pattern that something could be going on and as such valid research should be done to prove or disprove what that something might be. "

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: opethPA

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: opethPA

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: opethPA

If this is to be discussed rationally, we do need to find a source for the facts that we all agree on. My point was the insurance guys who prefer to make money, not pay it out, have skin in the game, and are saying something strange is happening. So far, nobody is saying what that is, just that it's there. Which seems to be the best way to approach this. What source of data would you approve of for this topic?

I actually aim for multiple sources of data that backup a similar statement without just repeating what another source says.

It's the same reason why I try to never just use CNN or TheGatewayPundit a sole source for anything. Both definitely have a spin to them and that doesn't mean you can't find facts on either just that relying on one house of cards isn't the best way for me to prove a point.

IMO what VARES shows is that there is enough of a pattern that something could be going on and as such valid research should be done to prove or dispeove what that something might be. That isn't the same as saying "I see it on VAERS so it must be true"

You managed to take the thread off topic. It's not about VAERs, and I stated that it shows a signal, and did not state every single report was correct.

Are you trying to ignore the vaccine injured or just saying they don't exist?

The first graphic you used in the OP is from VAERS so I didn't take anything off topic. When people were being called shills did that also take it off topic?

I don't ignore any piece of useful data that helps me understand something regardless of if I inherently agree with it or do not . For example in my last reply to Network Dude on this thread I say the following, "IMO what VARES shows is that there is enough of a pattern that something could be going on and as such valid research should be done to prove or disprove what that something might be. "

Yeah, it's still off topic. VAERs shows a huge safety signal, which I mentioned and showed in my post. It's that big red spike. But no comment on the vaccine injured?

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: and14263

My bet is that on your visit #2 the blood tests your doctor ordered DID NOT include D-Dimer or Troponin tests.

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