posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to:
Now if you are talking about action vs belief and specifically R's and D's rather than Conservative/Lib, the leadership and representatives on both
sides are trash, but Conservatives vs. Liberal/Progressives is easy ( It really isn't a party thing, just the Venn diagram of conservatives includes
more R's)
Returning to traditional values
Celebrating normalcy OVER abnormalcy (ie. nuclear family vs single mom, celebrating not tranny vs. tranny etc.) rather than denigrating normalcy or
laughing at moral ideals
Striving for the ideal rather than dragging everyone the lowest common denominator (not dumbing down, removing math and other requirements for
learning, desiring people try to remain chaste outside of marriage rather than throwing in the towel and encouraging indulgence, ... among other
Putting individual responsibility over government responsibility (you waste your paycheck, that's on you, no UBI)
not killing babies
not peddling/condoning drug abuse via the govt.
The simple fact is, Conservatism can exist on it's own in any context regardless if everyone succeeds. Liberalism fails without an oppressed or
underprivileged class to coddle and take personal accountability away from-- there are no policies left if everyone succeeds.
edit on 12-2-2022
by Halfswede because: (no reason given)