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Boosted Bob Sagat's Death Likely Caused From Falling and Hitting Head

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posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

You didn't mention that he had klonopin in his system at the time of death. I've never done barbiturates, but I've heard they don't help with balance.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: joejack1949
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

You didn't mention that he had klonopin in his system at the time of death. I've never done barbiturates, but I've heard they don't help with balance.

Yep that's pretty dangerous stuff...

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: cmdrkeenkid

The first case is almost a year old. but does fit known patterns of Vaccine related TTS in predominantly younger women. There should be some follow up on it by now on this case to provide clarity. Link please.

The second case does not fit the pattern as the subject is an older male and has a multiple co-morbidity that would be a better fit, your own link states that a causative link is purely speculative.

Statistically, an American citizen alive today has an approximately 0.005 percent chance of being murdered in any given year, and a 0.193 percent chance of dying of a heart condition (Unrelated to covid).

The chance of having (Not necessarily dying) of a vax related blood clot are 0.0018 percent

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

I'm not sure if you're agreeing with me or trying to make a point. I'll reiterate my point either way. It's plausible that a person using barbiturates after a performance-high might black-out and hit their head. People have certainly fainted from less.

Edit - just for fun

Common side effects of Klonopin include:

loss of orientation,
sleep disturbances,
problems with thinking or memory,
slurred speech,
dry mouth,
sore gums,
runny nose,
loss of appetite,
constipation, and
blurred vision.

edit on 2022-2-11 by joejack1949 because: posterity

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 01:37 AM

WHY is the family blocking release of any records related to Bob's death?

The family of Bob Saget filed a lawsuit in Orange County, Fla., Tuesday in an effort to stop the release of medical records related to the investigation into his death.

The lawsuit, filed by Saget's widow, Kelly Rizzo, and his three daughters, names Orange County Sheriff John Mina and the medical examiner's office as defendants, according to Orlando TV station WESH2.

The suit argues that the further release of Saget's medical records would cause the family to "suffer irreparable harm in the form of extreme mental pain, anguish and emotional distress," WESH2 reported.
More at:

Saget bumped his head, laid down, and brain-bled to death in his sleep. What could be the reason for wanting to keep details of that unfortunate death hidden? Knowing more/publicizing, could help others not make that same mistake.

edit on 2/16/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Saget bumped his head, laid down, and brain-bled to death in his sleep. What could be the reason for wanting to keep details of that unfortunate death hidden? Knowing more/publicizing, could help others not make that same mistake.

The family doesn’t want it released due to embarrassment.. That leads me to think of a couple of things
Suicide gone wrong, but then it happened?
Some kind of kink play, maybe he was chocking himself and went too far bumped his noggin and passed out.

What else could there be?

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Where is the word "embarrassment" used by the family?

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: JAGStorm

Where is the word "embarrassment" used by the family?

Here is how it is worded

Circuit Judge Vincent Chiu found that Saget’s wife and daughters will “suffer irreparable harm in the form of severe mental pain, anguish, and emotional distress if the requested temporary injunction is not granted” and that they “have a clear legal right or interest in the Protected Records as the surviving spouse and children of Mr. Saget.”

It isn’t hard to put 2+2 together, they don’t want it released because it is embarrassing. We all know he hit his head, there is no reason why his manner or death or “details” would further cause “severe mental pain”, “emotional distress”.

Like I said, it’s either suicide, which is very common for comedians, or some kind of kinky stuff.
edit on 16-2-2022 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: carewemust

WHY is the family blocking release of any records related to Bob's death?

Because they don't want pics and videos of dead Bob released to the public. Sounds reasonable to me.

In a statement to The Post, Brian Bieber, the family’s attorney, said his clients are mainly concerned about photos or videos of Saget being released.

“The facts of the investigation should be made public, but these materials should remain private out of respect for the dignity of Mr. Saget and his family,” Bieber said. “It’s very simple — from a human and legal standpoint, the Saget family’s privacy rights outweigh any public interest in disclosure of this sensitive information.”


posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

You don't have anything to support you're wild speculation.

If it was your loved one, would you want photos, videos etc of them made public and even more of a media scrum?

Just to satisfy folk speculating anonymously on internet forums?

Have some respect and leave them alone.

Some compassion and sympathy would be nice, too.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: JAGStorm

You don't have anything to support you're wild speculation.

If it was your loved one, would you want photos, videos etc of them made public and even more of a media scrum?

Just to satisfy folk speculating anonymously on internet forums?

Have some respect and leave them alone.

Some compassion and sympathy would be nice, too.

Photos and videos aren’t necessary but I don’t think it is unreasonable for people/fans to know how he really died.
If you spend your entire life in the public eye, that is exactly what you signed up for.

Also there is something REAL suspicious with this entire thing.

This is significant trauma,' said Dr. Gavin Britz, the chair in neurosurgery at Houston Methodist Hospital, told the New York Times. 'This is something I find with someone with a baseball bat to the head, or who has fallen from 20 or 30 feet,' he said, noting that Saget's fractures were not only widespread, but in particularly thick parts of his skull.

Is this a murder coverup?

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm


Isn't that for the Police to investigate?

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

WHY is the family blocking release of any records related to Bob's death?

The family of Bob Saget filed a lawsuit in Orange County, Fla., Tuesday in an effort to stop the release of medical records related to the investigation into his death.

The lawsuit, filed by Saget's widow, Kelly Rizzo, and his three daughters, names Orange County Sheriff John Mina and the medical examiner's office as defendants, according to Orlando TV station WESH2.

The suit argues that the further release of Saget's medical records would cause the family to "suffer irreparable harm in the form of extreme mental pain, anguish and emotional distress," WESH2 reported.
More at:

Saget bumped his head, laid down, and brain-bled to death in his sleep. What could be the reason for wanting to keep details of that unfortunate death hidden? Knowing more/publicizing, could help others not make that same mistake.

They specifically don't want photos and videos the investigators made of Bob being released to the media. I can't blame them, considering the ghoulish freaks that comprise the media. They feel that showing images of Bob dead is disrespectful to him and to them, and I'd agree.

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