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Going to jail

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posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 03:07 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Alien Abduct

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Alien Abduct
a reply to: chr0naut

If the vaccine works then take it.

I have. All three shots currently recommended.

What does it matter if someone else doesn't want to take it as long as it works for you? Why do you feel the need to chime in on other people's business? If they don't take it and they get covid-19 that's their business not yours.

Inoculations work against diseases as campaigns, and when multiple people develop an immune response that begins to suppress the number of 'open' hosts for a disease pathogen. It is all about the numbers of a population that turns the tide against an infectious disease. So a few 'hold-outs' have far more effect than just themselves and their own situation.

This is actually a good point because the disease will stick around and continue to mutate and side step the current vaccinations and continue to kill as opposed to being eradicated.

Precisely, that is why responding quickly, in large numbers, is of the essence. You don't want to give the disease time, and hosts, to mutate in.

However this is the situation we have with the flu. We just stay on top of the mutations with new vaccinations and the pharmaceutical companies make money, those who want a Vax get it, those that don't don't, and the spread remains under control without mask mandates or Vax mandates. Everyone is happ

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Who had it? still don't know a single person who has..

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 03:15 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Holy hannah, are you my ex? haha, crikey!

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: jerich0
Probably not, but I confess I may have found the meme your ex made years ago and still had it on my mind. Like it burned into my memory ;D

One question though, what did the cops ask you when you woke up next to the stolen, burned down car without ID? Asking for a friend

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 03:41 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Madviking

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: chr0naut

Yeah he should rot in jail, he probably killed a couple thousand because of his 2min visit in a bakery.

Already got your rotten tomatoes?

Law is law and he takes the consequences, what is your problem?

In one day? That's fairly rapid decomposition.

However, no matter how trivial you may naively think his actions were to him or his life, his actions have potentially deadly consequences. That is why responsible authorities are taking the stance with such seriousness.

906,727 people in the US have died, with their deaths attributed to this disease, already. In Switzerland, it is 12,824 people.

The masks do not work as claimed, unless wearing n95 or above, which most people are not. Nor are these required by law.

This was known in 2020, and before.

Secondly, the science and data show that only 5% of "covid deaths" were solely due to covid. The remaining 95% of people who were listed as covid deaths had an average of four comorbidities.

Masks as filters against viral particles aren't that effective due to the size of viral particles being so much smaller than the holes in the weave.

However, masks as a medium for reducing the distance that exhaled particles will travel, have been provably effective and that is the reason for masks.

Face masks cut distance airborne pathogens could travel in half, new study finds

Effectiveness of Face Masks in Preventing Airborne Transmission of SARS-CoV-2

Risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission by aerosols, the rational use of masks, and protection of healthcare workers from COVID-19

Not buying that party line, thank you. The virus can go airborne and STAY airborne. That is the only thing that explains it's infectiousness. So many people have caught it that don't have a clue how it happened. Well, they breathed in the virus. Doesn't matter where it came from or now long it has been floating around. It is THERE, and if you are unlucky you will breathe in some too. Or more accurately, unless you are VERY lucky, you will breathe in some sooner or later. Why is everyone just dancing around the fact that SARS-CoV-2 is an airborne virus? How long can dust or smoke linger in the air? And how much smaller is this virus?

Nope, a mask just will not stop it. Period. It's all just feel good mandates to try to make governments LOOK like they are doing something, anything, about this problem. They can't tell everyone that there is really nothing that can be done about it, now can they? Push come to shove, this will run it's course, mutations will take place, people will get sick, and some may even die from it. And there is NOTHING anyone can do about it now. The horses have bolted from the barn, and closing the door now is not going to change a darn thing.

Just get used to the idea. IMHO.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

in that kind of situation, just pull a shaggy, "it wasn't me".

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Madviking
The hallmark of one losing an argument is ad hominem attacks. Your last comments here were such.

I posted the CDC data. Please address my point. The covid narratives have often been inaccurate, and not matched the data. Many policies, from mask mandates to six foot distancing and school closures, absolutely were not based on the available science. Therefore, at best it's incompetence, but there is sufficient evidence for malfeasance.

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Madviking

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Alien Abduct

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: Terpene

If you pay the fine, it doesn't go on your record.

and, was it worth it?

You do realize that people have died from the disease.

80,000 people died of the flu in 2018, why weren't you people pushing for vaccine and mask mandates then?

The CDC were pushing for mass flu vaccinations back then.

But according to the CDC, it was only 52,000 who died of flu that year, and that had been the worst flu season in 10 years. COVID-19 in 2021 had more than 10x those deaths. There's no comparison.

Disease Burden of Flu
Let's try this again. 95% of "covid deaths" had 4 average comorbidities. Only 5% of them solely had Covid as a cause, meaning the numbers are extremely inflated or inaccurate at best.

So 5% of the 908,571 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the US is 45,429 dead.

Covid has been manipulated for power and politics. Only the blind cannot see.

Only 5% of covid deaths solely due to covid: CDC

Comorbidities and other conditions
Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The number of deaths that mention one or more of the conditions indicated is shown for all deaths involving COVID-19 and by age groups. For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death.

And what exactly are they going to spend all that maskedness on?

Where's the regime change? Where's the economic collapse? Where's the cull?

You need to leave the basement and go outside.

I disagree there. The CDC have made recommendations based upon the science of multiple papers, and expert opinions, and their recommendations therefore changed as more information came to light.

If the CDC had stuck to their initial recommendations unwaveringly, it would have been ignoring the science. Science is ever-changing and scientific knowledge accumulates, occasionally there is a discovery or change of perspective that overturns previous beliefs.

What is also occurring is public misinformation by some people who have their own theories, and distrust everyone who at one stage said something that doesn't fit their opinions. Usually these people also have no actual basis for what they feel, and when asked for verification, can only point to the very people they distrust the most.

Some of these people, even publish 'sciency' sounding papers that support their opinion. But they often disagree entirely with existing science.

This is just like the tobacco companies did to try and counter all the medical studies that showed that smoking causes numerous diseases. But these 'scientific papers' were soon revealed to be bogus. So how did we know? We already had papers that said the exact opposite thing, and we delved into the sponsors of the various papers and found that people were paid to lie.

This same technique has been used to deny climate change and other things where vested interests would loose out to real science. That is why proper peer review and academic agreement is so critical in the days of "alternate truths" and astroturfed popularity.

Bad take here, you are comparing critics of Big Pharma, a notoriously and demonstrably corrupt industry, to Big Tobacco. HA. Your take couldn't be worse.

Secondly, there was plenty of hard data and science that did not support Covid narratives in 2020, let alone 2021 and 2022. Many of us critics were NOT simply making up our criticisms. Fauci himself said many masks were not advised or useful early on, then flipped on that. There was never any evidence that the six foot distancing rule was valid. The evidence did not suggest even in spring 2020 that the actual lethality rate was 3-4% as claimed. I knew than, and yes I have a data background, that this didn't appear correct.

Your claiming "well the science evolved," and "everyone who had these criticisms in 2020 had ulterior motives or are science deniers," is at best ideological and ignorant, and more likely itself composed of intellectual dishonesty. These talking points are straight from Fauci and CNN.

There is nothing scientific about blind trust in Fauci, corrupt pharmaceutical companies, and narratives based on questionable data. This is the antithesis of science.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
a reply to: Terpene

Will you join any gangs or get a prison tat or two?

Bring a toothbrush case you need to make a shank

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: acackohfcc
Bring a toothbrush case you need to make a shank

I learned that by watching Martha Stewart.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: Terpene sorry for you experience I spent 2 years in county jails because of a "First responder " accused me of something and my state does not have a right to a speedy trial.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: acackohfcc

Cigarette filters will do the trick.

Heat them up and shape as desired when they cool down you get a pretty sturdy shape

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: proteus33

Man I'm sorry that is messed up, one day is fun a week still ok, after 2 weeks it gets annoying, i can't imagine 2 years.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: Thenail

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Alien Abduct
a reply to: chr0naut

Did you miss the part where I said mandates?

No, I'm generally against mandates, too.

But there is so much BS and misinformation that some gullible people are extending a preventable health situation, denying it even exists, denying the most proven medicines, and denying that it could affect them, and those they love, with irreversible consequences.

Their civil disobedience has exactly the same effect as bioterrorism. I'm against that too. At least forcing people to wear a mask isn't going to kill people.

You are pro mandate . You’re one of the bigger if not the biggest proponents of mandates and lockdowns of anyone I’ve ever heard .

Here's a hint for future consideration - Believing that you know what someone thinks better than they do, is hardly rational. So to presumptuously tell someone else what they think in an online forum, says far more about you, than it does about them. More so when what you said directly contradicts what they have just told you.

I honestly can’t believe you said that. The misinformation comes from cnn , our politicians, drug companies and people like you .

Are you suggesting that no misinformation comes from Qtards, snake oil peddlers, conspiracy theorists, doom-porn believers, anti-vaxxers, or you?

While the MSM, health authorities, and etc. aren't always right, and may have not always been truthful, they are still far, far more reliable than the internet kooks that inform your posted opinions.

How is anyone extending a preventable health situation?

Well there is a contagious disease spreading, one that kills people sometimes, and we have several tools to minimize or even eliminate the spread of the disease. But if people don't do what is required to slow or stop the spread, then they are not going to slow or stop the spread at all. If they also congregate and create the conditions that speed and enhance the spread, while not taking any precautions, then they will speed and enhance the spread, making the situation worse. Not only that, but it take very few to totally screw up everyone else's good work.

Try and imagine what would happen in, say, a fast food restaurant, if everyone kept everything immaculately clean and they all sanitized themselves and all surfaces, but the cook had an infectious illness, took no precautions, and handled all the food. I'm sure you can see that the one who didn't do all the right things would spread their illness to everyone who ate at the restaurant, despite the efforts of the rest of the staff. That scenario is similar to what has happened.

What does anyone’s beliefs have anything to do with getting covid or not? You get it or you don’t

You are right that beliefs should have little to do with the spread of the disease, except that beliefs drive actions, and what people do, or don't do, is directly responsible for the rate of the spread of the infection.

Also, you don't get a disease spontaneously due to some random chance. You get an infectious disease by being exposed to it and not having sufficient defenses to reduce the disease load as the pathogen in you replicates.

doesn’t matter your opinions about it . No one wants lockdowns. No one wants our economy to go In the tank , no one wants our loss of freedoms .

That is right. No-one wants those things. They are bad for everyone, from the mega wealthy, who have the most to loose as their money and wealth become worthless, to the poor, whose life becomes even harder. There is no massive conspiracy to make them happen because no-one actually wants them to happen.

The mainstream media and our politicians denied that ivermectin works . They all called it horse dewormer

Are you saying that it isn't used as horse de-wormer?

And also, what of the numerous clinical studies that say that ivermectin doesn't have much effect against COVID-19?

And what of the fact that it works as a de-wormer because it is toxic?

Ivermectin - National Library of Medicine PubChem

. How many people did they kill by putting them on ventilators ?

Ventilators are a last resort, when all other efforts have failed. Only people who are otherwise terminal are put on ventilators. Ventilators have actually saved some patients that would assuredly have died.

I would call bioterrorism giving millions to the communist Chinese government to do gain of function testing. Specifically taking virus from bats and giving them to humans .

SARS-CoV-2 has not been found in bats. It cannot even infect them due to bats having different ACE2 than humans. SARS-CoV-2 only means of infecting a cell is entirely dependent on human similar ACE2. You can't take a virus that doesn't infect bats, from bats.

Living in a one one world totalitarian government with no freedom. Absolutely no guns or freedom of speech isn’t going to necessarily kill people either . I never got behind BLM or antifa looting and burning our cities down but I sure as hell respect people standing up for their human rights . We don’t have to take any experiments into our body no matter what our corporate overlords tell us .

Do you see any sign of a one world government happening?

I see all the same fractious conflicts and the same political structures and countries that have existed for ages, still there, and not looking like they will relinquish power any time soon.

You live in America, which was turned into a surveilling corporatocracy police state decades ago by J Edgar Hoover. You don't even own your own bodies, and that is deliberate because the Constitution of the USA was written to accommodate slavery, which requires one person's ownership of another. While anti-slavery has been bolted on to the Constitution, other things have not been resolved. Your Constitution does not even unambiguously define who is a citizen and who isn't. Other laws and acts directly contradict the Constitution, without resolution, and established caselaw also muddies the water.

You really haven't even got the freedoms you think you have.

edit on 9/2/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: Alien Abduct

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Alien Abduct

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Alien Abduct
a reply to: chr0naut

If the vaccine works then take it.

I have. All three shots currently recommended.

What does it matter if someone else doesn't want to take it as long as it works for you? Why do you feel the need to chime in on other people's business? If they don't take it and they get covid-19 that's their business not yours.

Inoculations work against diseases as campaigns, and when multiple people develop an immune response that begins to suppress the number of 'open' hosts for a disease pathogen. It is all about the numbers of a population that turns the tide against an infectious disease. So a few 'hold-outs' have far more effect than just themselves and their own situation.

This is actually a good point because the disease will stick around and continue to mutate and side step the current vaccinations and continue to kill as opposed to being eradicated.

Precisely, that is why responding quickly, in large numbers, is of the essence. You don't want to give the disease time, and hosts, to mutate in.

However this is the situation we have with the flu. We just stay on top of the mutations with new vaccinations and the pharmaceutical companies make money, those who want a Vax get it, those that don't don't, and the spread remains under control without mask mandates or Vax mandates. Everyone is happ

We have inoculations against the flu, and the CDC and other health authorities have been trying to get enough happening to make a serious dent in the flu. However, we would need to inoculate more of the population, and also eliminate it from other species, too.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: Rich Z

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Madviking

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: chr0naut

Yeah he should rot in jail, he probably killed a couple thousand because of his 2min visit in a bakery.

Already got your rotten tomatoes?

Law is law and he takes the consequences, what is your problem?

In one day? That's fairly rapid decomposition.

However, no matter how trivial you may naively think his actions were to him or his life, his actions have potentially deadly consequences. That is why responsible authorities are taking the stance with such seriousness.

906,727 people in the US have died, with their deaths attributed to this disease, already. In Switzerland, it is 12,824 people.

The masks do not work as claimed, unless wearing n95 or above, which most people are not. Nor are these required by law.

This was known in 2020, and before.

Secondly, the science and data show that only 5% of "covid deaths" were solely due to covid. The remaining 95% of people who were listed as covid deaths had an average of four comorbidities.

Masks as filters against viral particles aren't that effective due to the size of viral particles being so much smaller than the holes in the weave.

However, masks as a medium for reducing the distance that exhaled particles will travel, have been provably effective and that is the reason for masks.

Face masks cut distance airborne pathogens could travel in half, new study finds

Effectiveness of Face Masks in Preventing Airborne Transmission of SARS-CoV-2

Risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission by aerosols, the rational use of masks, and protection of healthcare workers from COVID-19

Not buying that party line, thank you. The virus can go airborne and STAY airborne. That is the only thing that explains it's infectiousness. So many people have caught it that don't have a clue how it happened. Well, they breathed in the virus. Doesn't matter where it came from or now long it has been floating around. It is THERE, and if you are unlucky you will breathe in some too. Or more accurately, unless you are VERY lucky, you will breathe in some sooner or later. Why is everyone just dancing around the fact that SARS-CoV-2 is an airborne virus? How long can dust or smoke linger in the air? And how much smaller is this virus?

Nope, a mask just will not stop it. Period. It's all just feel good mandates to try to make governments LOOK like they are doing something, anything, about this problem. They can't tell everyone that there is really nothing that can be done about it, now can they? Push come to shove, this will run it's course, mutations will take place, people will get sick, and some may even die from it. And there is NOTHING anyone can do about it now. The horses have bolted from the barn, and closing the door now is not going to change a darn thing.

Just get used to the idea. IMHO.

The primary route of infection for COVID-19 has been identified as being airborne.

There are numerous studies of aerosolization of COVID-19. How far it travels and how long it is suspended.

Also while the particles may be suspended for significant distances and times, the virus itself is vulnerable to UV and oxidization, especially when aerosolized.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

The primary route of infection for COVID-19 has been identified as being airborne.

Yep, from the breath of the vaccinated super-spreaders

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

It's now a known fact that covid-19 vaccinations do nothing to stop the spread. They only lesson symptoms. So why mandate vaccinations?

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

I can't really disagre with most points.
Here however I think you are wrong

But if people don't do what is required to slow or stop the spread, then they are not going to slow or stop the spread at all. If they also congregate and create the conditions that speed and enhance the spread, while not taking any precautions, then they will speed and enhance the spread, making the situation worse. Not only that, but it take very few to totally screw up everyone else's good work.

If anyone wants to spend his money being a lab rat so be it, but telling me I have to do this or that because you are affraid of a Virus... The world must be a scary place for you.

Proof me that any of the mandated things work against death from covid without comorbidities, like a seat belt works against death without comorbidities. Then we can talk about mandating anything.

You know we're all going to die, It's mostly virus that even out overpopulation in the animal kingdom when no natural predator is found, yes the old and sick die first. Nature is to rough for you to face, fine.... hide behind you face diaper.

We haven't survived as species because we were totally defenseless against the tiniest of creatures.
I trust the natural mechanism that has evolved over billions of years much more than some megalomaniac scientists that opened pandoras box to gene manipulation barely 10 years ago.

The flu vaccine is the same.
Although these multi nationals have become better at not being caught the have proven time and again to not care about human live at all. The only thing that matters is profit, and their shareholders agree.

It's just a huge business and regurgitating the fear porn is just plain stupid, well unless of course you are a share holder, either that or hypochondriac.

How would you feel if you had 99.8 chance to not # your pants but you'd still have to wear diapers?

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: Alien Abduct
a reply to: chr0naut

It's now a known fact that covid-19 vaccinations do nothing to stop the spread. They only lesson symptoms. So why mandate vaccinations?

It's a known fact, is it?

The Effect of Vaccination Rates on the Infection of COVID-19 under the Vaccination Rate below the Herd Immunity Threshold.

“When will it be over?”: An introduction to viral reproduction
numbers, R 0 and R e

Decreased infectivity following BNT162b2 vaccination: A prospective cohort study in Israel

Prevention and Attenuation of Covid-19 with the BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 Vaccines

Impact of vaccination on household transmission of SARS-COV-2 in England (.pdf)

Initial report of decreased SARS-CoV-2 viral load after inoculation with the BNT162b2 vaccine

COVID-19 vaccine impact in Israel and a way out of the pandemic

How vaccines reduce transmission

As these papers and articles have explained, the percentage of the population that are inoculated is critical in reducing transmissibility within that population. Although I am generally against mandates, I can see a reason why some authorities have implemented them, in an environment where others are being led to abstain from inoculation, by misinformation.

Please feel free to post a study or paper, that supports your statement.

edit on 9/2/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: Terpene

I hate the world and the people living in it, all a bunch of scared lemmings to affraid to say no to tyranny.

I know what you are saying, and you are right, of course.

However, taking the 'obedient' route is not exactly saying no to tyranny, you're surrendering to their terms and regulations.

If you research 'freeman-on-the-land' (more controversial than it should be, but what isn't in this world?), you can realize there is a third option; conditional acceptance. They have no authority over you about what you wear or don't wear, because you have right to dictate whatever you want when it comes to things you own, which includes your physical body. Wearing or not wearing something is none of anyone else's business, unless they use tricks like 'indecent exposure', and even then I think it's debatable (but it's one rule I wouldn't really mind obeying, for general sanity).

There are ways to nullify those fines without having to talk to any 'officials' or going to court.

There are ways to make them not only prove that they have any authority over you (if you answer 'yes' to when a cop asks 'do you understand', then you admit to 'standing under his authority' in legalese - remember, they don't always use english, and legalese words, although look and sound like english, have very specific meanings that might be very different from the english ones, never assume you know what they are saying or asking, always question everything - that is, if you are TRULY going the 'non-lemming-route').

If they do not have an authority over you, and yet they waste your time - don't resist an arrest or anything, because that would create dishonor, but you can tell you are under protest and duress when they arrest you, they have to note that down, and then you can use that later on when you give them your bill for wasting your time.

You can also give them your price schedule for anything they do to waste your time - you don't have to let them do that for free, and you can name your own prices! One hour could mean 250 dollars they HAVE to pay you if they detain or arrest you, especially if peace hasn't been breached (= actual LAW broken).

I wish people knew more about these, instead of seeing cops and the system's officials automatically as AUTHORITY YOU HAVE TO OBEY.

Going to jail voluntarily without making them work for it or pay for it, sounds like going along with tyranny, no offence.

You can also use the opportunity to spread the information about all this to other prisoners - and that's something they do NOT want to happen!

Research "Meet Your Strawman" - there used to be a 5-minute video in youtube, explaining the basics, and a website of with this same name, that goes a bit deeper into it, but I am not sure if any of it is up anymore, I kinda stopped researching this stuff, as it became really infuriating to watch people be so ignorant about such fundamentally powerful things, voluntarily giving their access to their rights away and being bounced by the system like a beach ball in a tornado, when they could actually DO something about these things.

I admire your attitude and bravery, but you also need information if you are going to TRULY win this kind of situations, and truly keep your freedom and prosper when the bullies in uniforms think they can do anything they want. Lawfully, they can't, and we should all start finally realizing that.

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