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Fully Vaxxt Comedian Collapses Immediately After Telling Pro-Covid Vaccine Joke

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posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 06:59 PM
What source should I be addressing? Im sourcing your words. Do you always need to be in charge?

a reply to: Oldcarpy2

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 07:37 PM
Let's see it
Til then nuttin if it's been isolated why no mention of the prize being awarded.
First let's see this bio attack since it's been isolated let's see it
a reply to: PerfectAnomoly
I could claim Mr. Johnson had a 12 foot nose but would you believe it without seeing it
Something printed by paid propagandists is not proof of anything
They said Jussie was attacked by white suppremists but it was some guys from the gym who happened to not be white or maga but go ahead and believe drivel written by paid sensationalists (they also said a strand of hiv was woven in but that seems to not be mentioned much anymore.
I want an apology for attempting to pass that as proof of anything but a waste of time clickbait written by ai.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: PerfectAnomolyI like the hair on that one
Please quit parroting the line of msm and nazi's and I will retire it til then take your jabby jab death propaganda and go get a booster FOREVER

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 03:33 AM

originally posted by: CrazyFox
Let's see it
Til then nuttin if it's been isolated why no mention of the prize being awarded.
First let's see this bio attack since it's been isolated let's see it
a reply to: PerfectAnomoly
I could claim Mr. Johnson had a 12 foot nose but would you believe it without seeing it
Something printed by paid propagandists is not proof of anything
They said Jussie was attacked by white suppremists but it was some guys from the gym who happened to not be white or maga but go ahead and believe drivel written by paid sensationalists (they also said a strand of hiv was woven in but that seems to not be mentioned much anymore.
I want an apology for attempting to pass that as proof of anything but a waste of time clickbait written by ai.

I don't understand what you mean by "Let's see it?"... A simple internet search wil show you that it has been isolated...

I can't show you personally, no, of course I can't, but the information is there for all to see..

Obviously, if we hadn't been able to isolate it then we wouldn't have been able to create the vaccines... Common sense dude...

Do you even know what "isolating" means?

It jsut means taking the disease in live form from someone who is infected and developing it in a laboratory..

I'm not sure what your definition is?

With regard to your analogy, if you told me Mr Johnson had a 12 foot nose, then no, of course I wouldn't believe you, because of many reasons...

1) People don't have 12 foot noses. It's never happened.
2) I've seen many pictures of Johnson recently, in none of them did he have a 12 foot nose.

See, I use a mix of research and common sense to come to my opinion... I would suggest you learn to do the same..


posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 06:37 PM
So which paid propagandist has the correct one, the fact that there are more than one "isolated virus" makes proves that the lie did not die. FTR Mr. Jones has an invisibility cloak and is unable to be detected. Any photo's of Mr. Jones are what as Adam Schiff calls a deep fake so therefore whatever you saw is disinformation and borderline treason. In order to save yourself and everyone else you must now get an experimental gene therapy treatment through coercion under the cover of an unconstitutional mandate made by an administration that has won under suspicious circumstances.
I would suggest that you take your "investigative advice" and give to one of your other avatars at least then you can talk to someone of equal intelligence. Maybe together you can team up and figure it out.

a reply to: PerfectAnomoly
Perhaps this will help you figure it out Baaa ba baaa bbbbaa bah bababa bbbbaaaaaaahhhhhhh

edit on 2/10/2022 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Skepticape

The source being the link I posted?

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