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Question: How Many Women Have Secret Sex Partners, Just Wondered

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posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: coop039

Haha, this is a decent generalisation although personally i've never struggled to pull women.

If you're healthy, well groomed, confident and outgoing then women can't resist, the key is to have just the right amount of rough edges.

Then i lost my hair around age 30 and i took what i can get.

Women will marry a man who is sweet and sensitive, they like the compassionate and caring types to build long term relationships, then they turn to men like me to pin them and show them who's boss. Don't let them fool you, a woman likes to be dominated in the bedroom, especially if their partner is some beta male who thinks the bedroom is for cuddles and whispering sweet nothings in to each others ears.

If your missus seems unhappy then bang her through the headboard and in the morning she'll be all smiles again.
edit on 7/2/22 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 08:59 PM
I married a woman when I was 21 years old. About seven months into the marriage, I found out she banged two guys before we tied the knot and another guy around the 6-month mark. It was a sad time for me. About five years later, I met a woman at church who, though not a virgin, could count sexual partners on two fingers by age 25. She’s a good woman, and I’m thankful I can trust her. She trusts me too. I’ve ran into a few women over our 28 years of marriage who wanted to fool around. It was tempting but I’ve got a good deal going and I refuse to mess it up.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 02:24 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: coop039

Haha, this is a decent generalisation although personally i've never struggled to pull women.

If you're healthy, well groomed, confident and outgoing then women can't resist, the key is to have just the right amount of rough edges.

Then i lost my hair around age 30 and i took what i can get.

Women will marry a man who is sweet and sensitive, they like the compassionate and caring types to build long term relationships, then they turn to men like me to pin them and show them who's boss. Don't let them fool you, a woman likes to be dominated in the bedroom, especially if their partner is some beta male who thinks the bedroom is for cuddles and whispering sweet nothings in to each others ears.

If your missus seems unhappy then bang her through the headboard and in the morning she'll be all smiles again.

You sound like a common tool, exactly like every other man who was used and deceived by their women. You will learn there is two kind of wifes those who cheat and those who have not cheated yet. Need prove? Read what you wrote:

"If you're healthy, well groomed, confident and outgoing then women can't resist, the key is to have just the right amount of rough edges"

The key is women cant resist, use logic or think by themself, they are driven by emotions

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 04:23 AM
I came here for the secrets.

Where's the secrets, dang it.....

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: JamesChessman

I just watched a youtube video and the guy mentioned this
most US women in their 20's - 30's will have a boyfriend they live with and date regularly,
a simp to buy them everything whenever they feel like it , and a side man who gives them the goods in bed

so 3 men , one simp (material gains) , one good guy (for everything else) , and one bad guy (dick)

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: Brotherman

Thanks and yes I set boundaries and after 20 years this Master Bathroom "tuneup" I can do no wrong in her eyes.


posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: JamesChessman

The truth is finally coming out. It's amazing how long it has been a secret, but this seems to be an Apocalypse, in the sense that people are finally getting to know (at least if they choose to) all kinds of secrets they would before remain blissfully ignorant about, like what the Government is really doing, who really controls this world, how money is really made, and so on.

Truth about women's private lives, thoughts and even sexual psychology has long been suppressed in favour of lies and control, the same way suppressing men's access to sexual liberation has provided more control and power to women and military-industrial complex.

Sex wouldn't sell, if men weren't kept constantly and desperately .. let's say, 'thirsty' for it. If everyone's - and I mean EVERYONE'S - sexual needs were met completely, advertisement couldn't use sex to sell products to men.

Interestingly, sex also sells to women, because women love sexual power over men, so they are always looking for ways to appear 'sexy', so they could have maximum control and power.

Women think about 'being sexy' about as much as men think about sex. A perfect situation for the 'fairer' (or unfairer) sex that wants to control and dominate the other.

Men are strong, but their Achilles' heel is their lust for women. This is why women can wrap men around their pinkies so easily. Without vajayjay and bobz, women would have no power over men, at least not in this scale.

It's so easy for women to get their sexual needs met, women can never understand that it even can be hard for men, and of course women don't see all men as 'men' (let alone respect equality on any level), they see only the tiny percentage of high-status men as men. High status of course only means that the men are at a high place in the hierarchy between men. The men that control and dominate other men, are the objects of women's lust. Nothing turns a woman's 'flower-place' more dry than 'an ordinary man'.

Anything 'exotic' and 'powerful' makes the liquid gush from the otherwise dry rock.

Now, when you consider all this, and then think about this question about women and sex partners - no one is more liberated sexually than a modern woman, after all - it should be obvious that only a simp believes what a woman says instead of watching what she actually does. A woman doesn't have to do almost anything to be popular in the internet - if she has a vajayjay and plays an online game, she will be flooded with simps.

If she's even moderately attractive and starts streaming any BS she can think of, she will have millions of followers without doing anything to earn it.

Have any 'that's just misogyny' (how can pondering about someone's sex partners be 'misogyny' anyway?) posters here ever looked at a woman's cell phone, web history and other data like that? Women don't need to lift a finger to get sex - not only that, but most women can even choose a very 'attractive' (not physically, mind you, but having high status) sex partner in a way that men can't even dream of.

Women's sexual options are the equivalent of men's phone having 20 000 really beautiful, young, fertile women and girls that powerfully lust for him and he being able to choose any one (or more) of them any moment to have sex with.

Women NOT having 'secret sex partners' would be the most incredible thing ever - I do not think most people, regardless of gender, would have THAT much restraint, self-control and good morality, that they would be able to RESIST TEMPTATION at that level. Be honest with yourself, if you were in a boring relationship with someone you don't find all that interesting or attractive, but you had the opportunity to ANY SECOND jump into bed with _extremely_ attractive partners, whom with you could easily form long-term relationships, too (or so you would think), wouldn't YOU have some 'secret sex partners'?

We have to stop pedestalizing people based on their physical qualities, we're all just 'human' (I can't call people of this planet humans without quotes, but I try), we can't always control temptation.

We have to understand just HOW much sexual power women have, how many sexual opportunities they have every single second of their life, and how easily they can (and thus do) have sex.

When you understand sexual power and female psychology, you don't even have to ponder this kind of questions (let alone listen to some simpy ducks that talk about how misogynistic it is to figure out or research the truth about certain topics).

Surely it's not misogyny to treat women as human beings, as equals, as entities with motive, means opportunity?

In THIS kind of world and situation, it would be a MIRACLE, if most women didn't have either lots of sex partners, or at least 'some secret sex partners'. How could it be otherwise?

It's like giving someone poor an opportunity to get 10 000 dollars a day by clicking a button, but they would know clicking the button would be slightly wrong for some reason (let's say someone would get slapped in the face or something). Would it be misogyny (or the equivalent of) to just assume most of these poor people would ABSOLUTELY press that button multiple times, regardless of how guilty they would feel about it afterwards?

How reasonable is it to assume most women do NOT have 'secret sexual partners' in this day and age?

How and why would it be misogynistic to put 1 and 1 together and realize most women absolutely have secret and non-secret sexual partners?

Also, wouldn't it be misandry to try to suppress men from talking about this kind of things?

I am neither misogynistic nor misandristic; I stand for humanity, truth and equality.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: JamesChessman

The tile on the floor is all natural Travertine including the wall wrap around the tub. The 2' x 4' sheets are cultured [man-made] marble. They were all bought from The Tile Shop [Claros Silver- Travertine]. The complete layout and design was done by me. I had my load calculations for the header stamped by a Structural Engineer for $500 but he also instructed me how to do [4] other large renovations so I got my money’s worth out of him as he will stamp those also for NO extra cost.

That Column & Header is load bearing as is the floor as [2] Purlin Brace is up in the attic. I always build to Code.

The Tile Cost was reasonable as you can use their credit card and get 20% off each purchase. If you pay in full within 30 days no interest is charged. That’s what we did.

Entire project came in under $35,000. I also bought and I installed [2] James Martin Vanities. They were big bucks but on a 50% off sale they were reasonable. I always buy on sale.

The stone in the shower tray is tapered @ four side to the drain. I told my tile guy that I only wanted a 1/2” slope but he went larger. The glass is tempered as per Code. I will not need another glass panel as the water doesn’t go all over the place as the slope of the stones on the floor tamp down the ricochet.

We never had a Bathroom like this ever in our life. Upon getting other quotes for “Contractor Grade” material I did it myself

No regrets

edit on 8-2-2022 by Waterglass because: layout

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Shower Doors ~ No, its one sheet of Tempered Glass coated to prevent lime stains and water marks. [See blue sticker] Guess what. It works as since we began using it September 2021 I only cleaned the Glass panel [4] times with Repel.

Blue painters tape is temporary until we train ourselves NOT to walk into the glass as its so clear.

Now the Mrs. wipes the shower side of glass daily. Takes her 10 seconds as there is not much splash and I also oversized the primary exhaust fan to evacuate the entire room, not just the shower. I went with a Panasonic Whisper. Dam thing is quiet and we get NO mist or moisture buildup on the glass or mirrors so the extra $$$ on an oversized fan has other benefits. Same for door. Went with a Masonite MDF solid core instead of hollow and I insulated all the walls. I can barely hear her in shower.

edit on 8-2-2022 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: JamesChessman

Well, JC (ha), I have no compunction to ‘fess up’ to a young’un who is experiencing love’s cruel sting. You and McGinty are looking to do some thrashing like young bucks like to do...maybe write it down and burn it to purge the bad experience.

I had my fun and got my comeuppance in spades, to be sure. Only able to say that after a whole lotta reflection.

Karma, what is coming your way, can be seen in astrology. I learned palmistry and that has helped me understand my path - both helped me see my final match was years away and I had to prepare.

It’s time for the entire planet to heal, you, McGinty, all of us. Only you can figure out your role.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: BlissSeeker

If i can be a young buck in my 50s then that's great news

In terms of my role... The guy who thinks he's the male lead only to discover when he watches the movie that he was barely an extra.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

Shower Doors ~ No, its one sheet of Tempered Glass coated to prevent lime stains and water marks. [See blue sticker] Guess what. It works as since we began using it September 2021 I only cleaned the Glass panel [4] times with Repel.

Can it be coated on site? We have chalky water here and I have double the surface to wipe the water off after showering.

Have been looking for foils that repel water, but I want a transparent one, not milky.

Looks awesome btw!

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: JamesChessman

This might be the weirdest OP in the history of ATS

The cheating ways of women
The conquests of men
and how to complete an awesome bathroom renovation!!

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 10:30 AM
Some may cheat inside bathrooms, discussing parameters about these possible crime scenes is adequate.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Women NOT having 'secret sex partners' would be the most incredible thing ever - I do not think most people, regardless of gender, would have THAT much restraint, self-control and good morality, that they would be able to RESIST TEMPTATION at that level.

Well I must be quite extraordinary because never have I ever!

I consider myself decently attractive and know how to work the womanly magic (well at least I learned later in my career). When I worked in the office I used my womanly ways and had an entire team of men waiting at me hand and foot. I had my water boy, yes seriously a coworker that fetched water for me. My favorite was my IT guy, yes darling thank you for the three screens and ergonomic keyboard (my coworkers hated me for being able to get them! they tried and were told no!!), I had my gossip friend that knew the dirt on everyone, I had my cafeteria guy that to this day made the best omelet that I've ever had in my life. I can't tell you how many times coworkers would bring me fancy chocolates or gifts at work! They all knew I was happily married. That's why I didn't feel guilty for doing what I did. The thing a man wants absolutely the MOST is what he cannot have!!! If you are nice to a guy, bat your eyelashes, and geniunely say thank you, they would pretty much do anything. Sorry for that string of bragging, but it is all true and just wanted to point out the other side.

My coworker beat me though, one day she was complaining about her bills. The very next day one of our coworkers handed her an envelope, inside of it, 10K to "help" her with bills!!! She did not accept it at all because she knew strings were attached. We laughed and laughed.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

10 grand?

Who was she, Scarlett Johansson?

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: CJCrawley
a reply to: JAGStorm

10 grand?

Who was she, Scarlett Johansson?

No and she was kinda old (or at least seemed like it to me at that time, near 50). She was very pretty and feminine!
Don't laugh when I say this, but we worked for Big Pharma... there were a lot of rich people,
not just rich, but buy your own island kind of rich.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: JamesChessman

This might be the weirdest OP in the history of ATS

The cheating ways of women
The conquests of men
and how to complete an awesome bathroom renovation!!

Lol! I love the weird ones

edit on 8-2-2022 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: AcerM

It's called fishing, i knew someone would nibble.

People are untrustworthy, i don't save that characterisation solely for women. You're right about one thing, i've been f*cked over many times by women, my first real relationship left me as a teenage single Dad while she ran off to live a party life. From that day onward i've devoted my life to my children, my relationships since then take a back seat to being a good father.

Also i'm an independent spirit, i see a lot of my friends in relationships because they need a surrogate mother to look after them, curtailing their spirit and acting like children while their wives walk all over them. "I'll need to ask the boss" is quite a common response when you ask a mate if he's coming out for a few drinks.
edit on 8/2/22 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 04:38 PM
You know what, I didn't really plan out the thread / discussion, when I made the OP. It was basically random, but the larger ideas are things that I've spent years contemplating, as things that were basically forced into my life and mind. Don't worry though, I'm over everything now, I managed to force a positive new mindstate in 2020 onward. I was only distracted and miserable for 10 years, before that, lol.

So I posted out of curiosity of people's responses, on a random whim.

Anyways jeez, I guess everyone is a prude around here, LOL!! There's a severe lack of personal reports in this thread. Maybe I should have framed it differently.

Anyways thanks to the folks who acknowledge that it's not terrible to just wonder and discuss such ideas. This isn't a gender-bashing thread, as some folks were mistaken about that.

The traits of HONESTY and loyalty etc. are character traits, so it's complex characteristics that boil down to an individual, not a gender.

Really, as I said earlier, the gender part is basically that there are just some basic gender differences of how sex works. And the fact is, that it puts one gender in a special privileged place, it's really just nature / biology. Men are basically always starving, and notoriously non-discerning of who they engage with physically... because after all, the real issue is that we are always feeling like we're starving, and that's the real issue to take care of. It's why men are not choosy, lol, because they're addressing their own individual starvation, each day, so that's the main importance, more than the other participant, maybe.

This is really disgusting but it's nature & biology.

And then women apparently have less sex drive, generally, while they're all surrounded by starving men, all the time. It obviously puts ladies in that position of choosing who, if any, disgusting men to embrace, out of the teeming masses of starving primates.

So anyways, the pure biology of it all, does give a different role to men and women, generally, and it gives women like 1,000% more ability to just choose whatever partners they want, including the option of collecting sexual partners over the years, as I described my ex-gf earlier.

Now before that relationship ran its course, I never really even thought of dating & infidelity in such terms, i.e. I never really thought of fairly normal women, just collecting sex partners over their life, like that. And then to just routinely hook up with her group of sexual buddies, just indefinitely, regardless of actually dating a sucker nice guy.

My previous long-term relationship had been very honest and trusting, and faithful, etc., so I never even thought of such an arrangement, lol.

And if we're honest about it, then it's a good strategy that such women have, in collecting sex partners, over the years, like that.

Probably we should ALL be doing that, lol. The only problematic part is the honesty / dishonesty. I just really believe in honesty being important in life, and in relationships, etc.

So I think we should ALL collect our favorite sex partners over our life, and we should keep hooking up with them, if possible.

I just think we should be honest about it, at least with a dating partner, at the very least.

My relationship with my ex took forever to reflect on, and re-form my ideas about the entire 6 years with her, once I realized she had been unfaithful all along, it actually takes a few years to adjust your memories and your ideas about those years of your life.

But so eventually, I realized that her constant unfaithfulness, was the explanation for a lot of dynamics in the relationship, that I didn't completely understand, during the actual relationship.

For example, her near total lack of sexual interest... in retrospect, makes a lot more sense, when I realized that she was actually always getting f*cked-out by her friends all the time, lol. So then it's automatic that there was no more sexual interest for the actual sucker boyfriend, lol.

But so that's the kind of reason that honesty is important, though. Dating and living together, talking of marriage etc., both people should really just KNOW whether their partner is banging other people or not.

Because it affects the entire relationship with dynamics that are otherwise pretty incomprehensible, without knowing what's actually going on...

Plus, fair is fair, so if one partner is always banging her friends, then the partner should ALSO have the same freedoms, obviously. It's just basic fairness.

But oh well, god bless everyone. The 6 years dating were actually genuinely LOVING and wholesome, so that was the real relationship.

And people's personal activities are really MOSTLY nothing to do with anyone else, anyway, so that's how I keep my outlook now. I spent years contemplating the different implied disrespect and insult etc. but truly, it's the MOST true that people's personal choices, in their solitude, really have almost-nothing to do with anyone else. So it's MOST true that there's really NOT all the disrespect and insult. It's most true that people just do what they want, in their personal time, and really nothing to do with anyone else.

It's similar to a person's eating-habits when they're alone. Whether they secretly indulge in junk food, or whether they eat healthy food, when they're alone, the bottom line is that they eat what they WANT to, and we all need to just own our own actions and choices.

We can't blame our solitary choices on anyone but ourselves.

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