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The Search For Natural Immunity

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posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 02:19 AM
Your title confuses me. Natural immunity is not searched for. It already is.
edit on 6-2-2022 by UncleAnimal because: *is

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 02:50 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Unvaccinated people who have previously been infected with COVID-19 are five times more likely to be reinfected than those who are vaccinated.

"Excellent natural immunity confirmed"

edit on 6-2-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ntech
I would suggest getting Ivermectin immediately and all infected take a dose as fast as possible. And if a Dr. won't give you a prescription then go get the horse paste and take a dose by weight. Available at all farm stores and vet supply stores nationwide.

I had the Covid and I could feel the effects 10 minutes after the first dose. Suggest a dose a day for 3 days min. And speed is essential if you want to reduce the damage and scarring in the lungs. And check on the availability of other therapeutics as well. The Joe Rogan approach is fine when it comes to a virus that can kill you.

The FDA and the CDC and other health authorities around the world are specifically advising against self-treating with veterinary products.

This is an official CDC HEALTH ADVISORY (.pdf)

Ivermectin Overdoses: National Poison Data System Reports 245% Surge In Cases

That's why you read the package and dose by weight. The one I bought specifically had a calibrated plunger that would allow you to put out a measured amount of product. The entire stick was for a 1500 lb horse but could be adjusted all the way down to a dose for a 200 animal.

Besides you realize that since Biden took office the government has been actively blocking the use of therapeutics? Ivermectin been proven it's safer than Tylenol in a proper dose. And it worked for me along with the evidence that it significantly reduces Covid infections and deaths.

See this thread.

And especially this one.

Those vaccines are a crime against humanity along with Ivermectin denial.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: chr0naut

Unvaccinated people who have previously been infected with COVID-19 are five times more likely to be reinfected than those who are vaccinated.

"Excellent natural immunity confirmed"


If you survive the natural infection.

Do you think when the US hits the 1 million US citizens dead attributed to COVID-19, in a month or so, that the penny will drop?

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: ntech

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ntech
I would suggest getting Ivermectin immediately and all infected take a dose as fast as possible. And if a Dr. won't give you a prescription then go get the horse paste and take a dose by weight. Available at all farm stores and vet supply stores nationwide.

I had the Covid and I could feel the effects 10 minutes after the first dose. Suggest a dose a day for 3 days min. And speed is essential if you want to reduce the damage and scarring in the lungs. And check on the availability of other therapeutics as well. The Joe Rogan approach is fine when it comes to a virus that can kill you.

The FDA and the CDC and other health authorities around the world are specifically advising against self-treating with veterinary products.

This is an official CDC HEALTH ADVISORY (.pdf)

Ivermectin Overdoses: National Poison Data System Reports 245% Surge In Cases

That's why you read the package and dose by weight. The one I bought specifically had a calibrated plunger that would allow you to put out a measured amount of product. The entire stick was for a 1500 lb horse but could be adjusted all the way down to a dose for a 200 animal.

Besides you realize that since Biden took office the government has been actively blocking the use of therapeutics? Ivermectin been proven it's safer than Tylenol in a proper dose. And it worked for me along with the evidence that it significantly reduces Covid infections and deaths.

See this thread.

And especially this one.

Those vaccines are a crime against humanity along with Ivermectin denial.

The people pushing Ivermectin are the same people who were pushing Hydroxychloroquine. Some of them still are pushing both.

Health authorities around the world are advising against use of veterinary Ivermectin against COVID-19. If it's so good, and available, and cheap, why?

Could it be that it isn't safer than Tylenol? You do know it is a poison that kills some quite resilient parasites, and couldn't do its job if it wasn't significantly toxic?

Ivermectin - PubChem

edit on 6/2/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

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