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Play Along They need to Teach This in Schools

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posted on Feb, 3 2022 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

how to read a ruler.

posted on Feb, 3 2022 @ 11:22 PM

originally posted by: Mike27
a reply to: JAGStorm

how to read a ruler.

I would laugh if that wasn’t so true/sad!

posted on Feb, 3 2022 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Return On Investment: How to not to go into eternal debt on useless degrees and college classes.

Compounding Interest: How to retire a multimillionaire.

Lies and propaganda: MSM examples of not only bias but outright lies to push an agenda.

Lobbying and Legalized Bribery: How your Government officials are owned and do not work in your best interest.

I could come up with quite a few more.

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 02:11 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
They need to teach this in schools. At home would be great, but we know that isn't happening.

I'll Start.

How to behave on an airplane
How to put your grocery cart away

Your turn...

IMHO those two points falls under the g'damn responsibility of being a parent.

If you don't take responsibility for teaching your own child basic manners and acceptable behavior, how on earth do you expect teachers to successfully teach your kid anything at all?

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: DupontDeux

IMHO those two points falls under the g'damn responsibility of being a parent. If you don't take responsibility for teaching your own child basic manners and acceptable behavior, how on earth do you expect teachers to successfully teach your kid anything at all?

That is the big catch 22, they used to teach both these things at school and at home, now it’s neither!

The airplane thing just makes me shake my head. I remember getting really dressed up to go on a flight. Like dressed up more than church dressed up.

As for the shopping cart, if you don’t put your cart away I automatically assume you are a piece of ….

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 03:32 PM
Lol real world finance.

Here we go.

So when you want a loan from a bank to buy a house and land you put down a deposit and depending on where you are or the situation it could range from maybe a 20% deposit to in my country Australia usually about a 5% deposit.

Then the bank asks the central bank or in Australias case, the Reserve bank of Australia (privately owned by the rockerfellas i think), for the money. The reserve bank of Australia creates that money out of thin air, gives it to the requesting bank (Anz, NAB, Commonwealth bank of Australia, etc) at a low interest rate of say 2%. Then that bank adds on an extra interest rate of say an extra 4%. It makes it a say $400,000 loan at a 6% interest rate. The bank gives the money to the person wanting the loan to buy their land and house that they wanted.

Then the person buying it has to pay back $400,000 plus 6% interest on money created out of thin air which over the lifespan of a 25 or 30 year loan they will probably pay back twice the amount loaned to them originally… and to do so that person has to most likely work their arses off 5 days a week 8 hours a day, for 25 to 30 years. They are a slave to society now.

If they don’t keep up their payments the property is taken away.

Yes. It is economic slavery and this is how society functions and is based around.

Money created out of thin air that you have to pay back nearly twice over.

You were in essence, like what is told to Neo in the matrix movies… “You were born a slave Neo.”

Everyone in society just accepts it as it is. They don’t question it.

It is completely immoral, unethical, wrong. The government lets it happen. I find it incredibly sad and frustrating.

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
They need to teach this in schools.

Your turn...

That you get the living Hell whipped out of you for willful misbehavior.

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

How to have a real conversation ( put down your phone )

Everyone has the same rights regardless of skin color or gender and nobody has more rights than anyone else .

There is equal opportunity not equal results .

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 08:47 PM
In todays world I would teach kids:

The only person who thinks you are special is your momma
No one owes you anything
There are winners and losers, learn how to be both
You wont get a trophy at work just for showing up
The guy you were flicking boogers at isn't going to tattle on you, he is going to knock your phucking teeth out


We had a vocational program at our high school. You could actually work 3 hours a day two days a week at a real company (for money) at a chosen vocation while in school. At the end of the program you were meant to have enough skills to get an entry level job in that vocation. the company you trained at often hired the students when they graduated or for summer help.

I would also bring back:

shop classes, metal wood and auto
home ec, especially basic cooking skills
real world math - taxes, 401k, check book balancing, etc.
edit on 4-2-2022 by Vroomfondel because: (no reason given)

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