posted on Feb, 3 2022 @ 01:04 AM
Wing sweep is substantially less aggressive than a Draken. Also renders it unlikely that it's exceptionally fast.
Constant vertical curve on the wingtips is not very conducive to super-low RCS, but it does pretty much rule out control surfaces on the vertical
sections (how do you pass linkages through a thin, constant curve?) You can fair the horizontal/vertical join for aerodynamics or signature but to
keep what appears to be, effectively, blended Vstabs you give up actuation. So it's reasonable to guess those devices are for vortex management in a
subsonic regime either for drag reduction or to increase roll authority from the flaperons in high-aoa condition, or, more likely, are supplemental
stabilizers. So there is insufficient yaw stability from the basic planform in which case it's a safe bet spoilerons are out as well then. This also
depreciates 3D thrust vectoring. Exhaust looks like it comes right out the back, no top-exiting exhaust with a ramp for IR masking. No apparent top
mounted, masked inlets. So RCS from bottom front not a priority, or sacrificed for more high-AOA capability (no separation forward of the intake).
So best guess is a high subsonic to moderate supersonic airplane with RCS being a secondary priority to something else. Small, so limited range and
payload. No exotic thrust vectoring. No obvious attempts to aggressively manage IR signature.
Something forward deployed, or easily tankable, lacking cutting-edge and/or exorbitantly expensive design features. Appears to be single engine.
Possibly unmanned.
Sounds like an attritable, moderately priced loyal wingman type companion airplane, or development testbed for a particular piece of equipment.
Odds that it was left out accidentally basically zero. So either it's old and nobody gives a crap, it's new and it's been left out on purpose or
because it doesn't betray any particularly special capability, or it's plywood and Krylon and there's some guys in a pre-fab office building in the
middle of nowhere having a laugh while untold man-hours are tied up in ugly office blocks on the other side of the planet by analysts that could have
been burning gas on something useful.