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Did this Dad go too Far?

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posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 10:52 AM
This is such an interesting story.

This teen girl was bullied and bullied. There was a report made at the school but it didn’t resolve anything.
Some mean girls were chasing his daughter. She called her dad and he took matters into his own hands and told the girls
If they didn’t stop he would slit their throats.

Well, apparently this is not the way to resolve matters………….OR is it?
Of course the lily livered girls told on him and got him arrested, but will they bully his kid again, doubtful!!!! Go Daddy!
He sent the message LOUD and clear that he will do anything, ANYTHING to protect his kin, INCLUDING go to jail.

Now I think he should sue the pants off of the school! This is a story about a school, but I think it could be reflected in so many of our aspects of society. Things just don’t work like they should.

“Dad accused of threatening to slit throats of daughter’s teen bullies, Texas cops say“

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

As soon as you know she is being bullied and the school wont do #### you pull your kid from the school.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

As a parent I know how easy it is to be protective of your children, I have yet to go to that length but when your baby is being hurt I understand the leap to action.

But what I dont get is why you "think he should sue the pants off of the school!", it wasnt a member of school staff bullying his child.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: UpThenDown
a reply to: JAGStorm

As a parent I know how easy it is to be protective of your children, I have yet to go to that length but when your baby is being hurt I understand the leap to action.

But what I dont get is why you "think he should sue the pants off of the school!", it wasnt a member of school staff bullying his child.

It was happening at the school and they have a responsibility to keep kids safe.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 11:19 AM
Yes, in every way an adult threatening to slit the throats of a teenagers is wrong.

Why is this even a question?

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I agree but suing them in any case of bullying? there would be zero schools open or have any money to fund education.

My own son is autistic and had an incident at his school where another child threatened him with scissors, the school contacted me immediatly, sent the child home and then after an investigation they excluded the other child and we all moved on, I dont see the point in me then suing them for the distress caused to my child, I felt they did everything they could. As a parent i understand there can be no guarantees with childrens behaviour.

Each to their own I guess

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

A little verbal lashing never hurt anyone but their ego.... or pride. I have given verbal lashings to tiny terrorists that were messing with my son a while back. I didn't think twice, they never messed with my son again. Even now if someone is messing with him he will ask if I can scare them.
Do I condone my childish behavior? Heck yea! Parents today have disrespectful brats because their parents are just the same, only add entitled to that as well.

Sue the school? Uh no. The schools have their hands tied in many ways as well. I know a lot of people in education and the bully topic is a hot one. What does suing the school accomplish? Why sue? WHY do Americans love to sue? I mean no wonder people can sue for the dumbest crap and win. How about addressing the issue with the bullies? There are more than likely underlying issues in their home lives that cause them to act out, that is pretty common unfortunately. Instead of suing for money so you can live the high life how about helping these kids not be little brats and bullies?

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: UpThenDown

School inaction against bullies can have tragic results. Such as Columbine. 50 years ago the kid would drop out or commit suicide. Now they bring a gun to school and take out some of their tormentors before they go. That's why schools need "zero tolerance" bully policies. Before they have to get the cleaners to mop up the stains.

Wiki : Columbine

Early stories following the massacre charged that school administrators and teachers at Columbine had long condoned bullying by jocks and this explained the motive.[194][195] The link between bullying and school violence has attracted increasing attention since.[196][197]

Accounts from various parents and school staffers reported bullying in the school.[198] Reportedly, Harris and Klebold were regularly called "faggots."[199] Klebold said on the Basement Tapes, "You've been giving us # for years."[39] And when talking to his father about jocks had stated, "They sure give Eric hell."[200] Brown also noted Harris was born with mild chest indent. This made him reluctant to take his shirt off in gym class, and other students would laugh at him.[201] Nathan Vanderau, a friend of Klebold, and Alisa Owen, who knew Harris, noted they were picked on. Vanderau recalled that a "cup of fecal matter" was thrown at them.[202]

It has been alleged that Harris and Klebold were once both confronted by a group of students at CHS who sprayed them with ketchup while referring to them as "faggots" and "queers." Klebold told his mother it had been the worst day of his life.[203] According to Brown, "That happened while teachers watched. They couldn't fight back. They wore the ketchup all day and went home covered with it." According to classmate Chad Laughlin, it involved seniors pelting Klebold with "ketchup-covered tampons" in the commons.[204] Laughlin also stated "A lot of the tension in the school came from the class above us...There were people fearful of walking by a table where you knew you didn't belong, stuff like that. Certain groups certainly got preferential treatment across the board."

A similar theory was expounded by Brooks Brown in his book on the massacre, No Easy Answers; he noted that teachers commonly ignored bullying and that whenever Harris and Klebold were bullied by the jocks at CHS, they would make statements such as: "Don't worry, man. It happens all the time!"[205]

Cullen and others dispute the theory of "revenge for bullying" as a motivation. While acknowledging the pervasiveness of bullying in high schools including CHS, Cullen claimed they were not victims of bullying. He noted Harris was more often the perpetrator than victim of bullying.[206] In a fact check published on April 19, 2019, on the eve of the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the massacre, Gillian Brockell in The Washington Post underscored that, contrary to the popular view, their attack was not revenge for being bullied.[207] Peter Langman also argues against bullying being the cause of the attack.[208][209] Other researchers have also argued against the bullying hypothesis.[210]

edit on 1-2-2022 by ntech because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

He should have enrolled his daughter in a self defense class.
My teen is 17, and enrolled in Krav Maga since the age of 6. She is highly trained to take down and/or fight off an adult man with her bare hands and can use various weapons such as knives, guns and fighting sticks or any object she may find near by (rocks, etc). If anyone were to grab her long hair, she could fight them off from that. She could literally fatally put someone down. And she is 110 #/5.3 in height

So, his first mistake was not having his daughter be able to defend HERSELF when nobody was around. Every parent MUST do this for their children. They are not there to defend them 24/7. They owe their children this.

With all of that said, nope, I don't think he was wrong. At some point, a parent needed to step in. Schools NEVER do anything. I know, as my daughter was bullied at various times at school which is why we kept her in KM so if needed, she could physically take done one of the POS kids if they didn't leave her alone.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: mblahnikluver
a reply to: JAGStorm

Sue the school? Uh no. The schools have their hands tied in many ways as well. I know a lot of people in education and the bully topic is a hot one. What does suing the school accomplish? Why sue? WHY do Americans love to sue? I mean no wonder people can sue for the dumbest crap and win. How about addressing the issue with the bullies? There are more than likely underlying issues in their home lives that cause them to act out, that is pretty common unfortunately. Instead of suing for money so you can live the high life how about helping these kids not be little brats and bullies?

There should be NO place for bullies in schools. If the parents want their child to get an education, they should deal with their children's anti-social behaviour.

These children have no right to adversely effect other children's education. They are causing psychological stresses, and, often physical violence. That is something the school MUST deal with, to protect their non-agressive innocent pupils.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: shaemac

He should have enrolled his daughter in a self defense class.

Yes and I should add as soon as your child can understand…
They have a human right to protect themselves. As you can see the school will not do it, 911 won’t be there in time, and many other situations.

You must protect yourself at all costs.

Why sue the school, BECAUSE they do not allow you to protect yourself and they won’t protect you either. So you protect yourself by suing them. That is sad but that’s the truth. That is just working the system, but seriously parents drill into your kids, nobody is allowed to touch them. This is so important especially for girls. When raised in this manner, abusive types know this and don’t go after the fighters.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 12:03 PM
Sounds like from the article that the Dad took it to far too quickly. There should have been a few more steps in there; including perhaps holding the knife at the throught of the principle who was putting his daughter in danger by neglecting to do his job.
edit on 1-2-2022 by dandandat2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

This is a subject that bothers me greatly!

I was bullied in elementary school, I made a friend who taught me to stand up for myself, she later worked for the fbi. We’re still friends and I’ll never forget her.

Fast forward, my son was in middle school, I’m driving by back parking lot and decide to pick him up to take him to lunch as a surprise.

Well I wait, I wait, and I notice kids showing up in huge #’s, I text him and ask what’s up, his friend texts me back a bunch of kids want to attack him.

Since I work for the school system I know who to call, and I immediately call the principal (who was an ass) and advise him there are kids gathering in back of the school for a fight. His reply was no there isn’t, ken is parked out there. Ken is the school officer.! Ken was not parked there that day. I explained that to idiot who was still acting like nothing was happening. I lost it; I told him I was recording it with my phone and he better get his ass out here now to break it up!

I then texted my sons friend and told him principal on his way, and to get to my car stat!

I still have fb messages from other paras/teachers that told me they couldn’t believe how incompetent that idiot was (principal). I never thought about suing, as I wouldn’t want to get my coworkers fired, which trust me they would have been.

I did meetings with counselors, principal, went to court friggin monthly for CRA with threats of putting him in juvie for not wanting to go to school. I changed schools as soon as I could.

Schools care about test scores not your children.

Ironically, my son has hands. The kid/s that wanted to fight would have left crying!

edit on 1-2-2022 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: opethPA

Unless that teenagers name is Kyle and the adults threatening him are pedos.

Then the adults are hero's and get their name chanted

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The Dad should have gone farther and shamed them on social media. Throat-slitting is sooOOOooo old school.

Ruining the teen bullies lives on social media would destroy them forever and they'd have to suffer like it's a living and eternal Hell on Earth.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 12:18 PM
He should never have threatened the teens, he should have kept complaining to the school while keeping her daughter at home, then with all the paperwork on the issue and videos of the bullying he should have gone to the media and expose the school and the teens.

That should have been enough, then sue the darn school district and the teens parents.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 12:33 PM
Yeah. It is one thing to tell them to leave her alone or even call out the parents of the bullies but this is too far. Do not threaten the kids.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: opethPA
Yes, in every way an adult threatening to slit the throats of a teenagers is wrong.

Why is this even a question?

But being bullied RELENTLESSLY is perfectly acceptable? I bet they made her life a living hell. I know, I was bullied and dreaded Sundays for a reason.
Bullying often goes from a little to more and more severe.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: dandandat2
Sounds like from the article that the Dad took it to far too quickly. There should have been a few more steps in there; including perhaps holding the knife at the throught of the principle who was putting his daughter in danger by negotiating to do his job.

I'm sure he tried all that and was at his boiling point. Bullying is ignored . Actually often the bullies get treated like VIPs as at my son's school.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

I'm sure he tried all that and was at his boiling point. Bullying is ignored . Actually often the bullies get treated like VIPs as at my son's school.

YES, YES YES. If people think this dad just did this on the first go round they are silly. Chances are they have been doing this to his daughter for a long time. This dad was fed up and didn’t know what else to do. He did things the “right” way by going to the school. They didn’t do crap. Should he have to remove his daughter from her school, why aren’t the bullies removed? Like you mentioned, often the bullies are teachers pets, they change faces.

If you live in a small town you know how bad it is. Where I live there are people that have lived here for FIVE generations and there is bad blood that goes back a LONNNNNNNG time.

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