The discovery of Time Travel was not by conventional means, but as a happy accident while doing research on trying to resurrect the dead.
We had learned that humans whom had recently passed on, could in essence have their consciousness transferred into a new "human host" who also
recently passed away. For reasons still unknown, the bodies of the deceased reset to having zero health problems. The scientist had a field day trying
to figure that one out. But it had to be done within 2 hours of the original host body passing on to have any chance of a successful transference.
They called it "merging" and it was being hailed as the greatest scientific accomplishment of all time! If only they had been able to keep it out of
the public scrutiny.
It only takes one person to destroy miracles. When the public caught wind of the Resurrection Bed by a disgruntled CERN employee turned "whistle
blower", the walls began to fall.
The entire Religious Communities cried out that one's soul was in jeopardy of being lost forever and that 'Man was meddling with God'. Within two
years, the greatest scientific discovery on Earth became outlawed and illegal and we heard nothing more about it.
That was mostly due to a well planned & expansive campaign instigated by the Central Intelligence Agency. In fact truth be known ... it was the C.I.A.
that had caused the uproar in the Spiritual arenas in the onset. They had wanted this discovery to be all theirs, and so they tossed everything they
could to discredit and raise awareness of the program. It was even one of their men at CERN that had leaked out the information concerning the device
known as a "The Resurrection Bed".
So while the Media was condemning CERN, and religious Zealots were mourning the loss of one's soul, the C.I.A. was starting their own clandestine
research on the "Resurrection Bed" in an undisclosed underground location.
Now a few years later, some bored scientist are jokingly kicking around 'out of the box' concepts while they enjoy their coffee break. Someone
half-heartedly said "wouldn't it be wild if they could use the Resurrection Bed on those that had died longer than just a few hours"?
And so the journey began on experimenting with how far back in death a "resurrection" could be successful. The experiment and research was classified
as "Project TENCE" (Temporal Energetic Nexus Consciousness Exchange).
As fantastic as it may seem, they had found out with the original CERN experiments that although up to two hours had elapsed for the deceased... when
a new host was 'merged' into the deceased, time would reset backwards (up to) two hours earlier. It was if the deceased had a frozen time 'pause'
button when they died, and once there was a newly merged 'host' inside, they reverted back also to that time period.
This greatly excited all the scientist and it so intrigued the 'think tank', that they conceived an idea to see how many merges they could
continuously keep sending back a 'new host'. Risk was already small as the greatest commodity was that the volunteers would be dead, the human target
for a Temporal Consciousness merger is dead, so to the C.I.A, this went far beyond a win - win scenario.
Agents who had life-threatening illnesses could volunteer to continue working as an undercover "T.C.N." or "TemporalConcioussNaut". In essence they
were being given another chance of life, but in a different body. In the onset the C.I.A. were interested in "key" foreign diplomats that were
severally ill. The transference had to be exactly performed at the time of death for the merge to be successful. To anyone in the room, the Diplomat
would have appeared to have had a miraculous recovery. The 'new host' on the other hand had to immediately take on the 'cover' of that person they
just emerged into. Even if they couldn't facilitate their new identity quickly enough, to the outside observer they were just witnessing the ramblings
of someone incoherent and near death.
Once the consciousness had been sent, the human shell of the volunteer is vaporized at the same time the merging begins. Once started, that's it, this
is a one way trip. This helps also to solidify that the "TemporalConcioussNaut" has no where to come back to. As long as they stay within the
structured rules as a "Temporal Agent", they would be privy to stocks and securities that would do well and create a tidy nest-egg for the rest of
their new life.
To make sure they had it correct, they had fashioned a message that the new host would repeat to a contact. After several years they had been able to
position themselves up to a year 'backwards in time' with a number of CIA agents. They had specific instructions to help in influencing Geo-political
events from the past year. They would inform the 'future' of what was happening by taking out ads in the classified sections of a pre-arranged
And that's when "Project TENCE" evolved into it's first incarnation, which was then known as "Project PAST-TENCE".
Everyone was quite proud of themselves, the system was working out flawlessly and the C.I.A. was maneuvering themselves into quite the reliable super
power of knowledge. Our enemies had no chance of getting the upper hand as we were sneaking around long before the thought of an attack was even
conceived. We were able to know when terrorists were going to attack long before "they themselves" knew what their targets were going to be.
But like all good things, everything went South when the Russian's started playing with their new Temporal experiment code-named "Peter The Great" or
'PTG' ("Pre-Time Gravity"). They were opening and closing time portals very haphazardly...... But that's a story for another time.
The above is just an example that you don't have to have a futuristic laser firing Cyborg traveling in time to kill anyone named Sarah Conners. Let
your imagination go and write something that takes us to places not so well traveled.
Looking forward to reading your story!
edit on 2/21/2022 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)