This is an Official ATS Short Story Writers Contest!
It is open to ALL members of ATS.
This area is a safe place for our 'mighty fine creative minds' to gather. If you'd like to participate, know that the
Terms and Conditions of your membership are strongly enforced. You are not in the
Mud-Pit. Profanity, Political baiting, Personal attacks, are not allowed or welcomed at all. Want to talk about something else? Then go to the other
forums here at ATS. We only discuss the stories in here written by YOU, the membership.
Your Entry Has to be Original Fiction & posted in it's own threadHERE in the Short
Stories forum,. Then in this contest thread, create a post with a link to your story. If you need any help with Spelling or Grammar-checking,
Word-Counting, and more please visit; Writer Tools; Spell Check and More
Your Story Should be written and edited with proper paragraphs. We have noticed that stories copy & pasted from 'mobile devices' might lose
their formatting. Please review how it looks on the ATS Thread and add the proper editing (as you have only about 20 minutes to make
edits/corrections). This is a contest, no one wants to read a solid block of words.
"The END" needs to be at the bottom of your story, it wont add to the wordcount.
You will be awarded "Writer" Status if you win 1st or 2nd in the non-writer category, please add in your title 'non-writer'.
The contest will run from NOW to Tuesday, March 1, 2022. Any submissions after that date will be disqualified. A period of ONE WEEK after the
closing of the contest will be provided for reading & voting.
Contest Winners get to choose the next Contest Theme. This contest theme is courtesy of our last winner DBCowboy, and is entitled; "TIME
TRAVEL" [TT2022]
Time Travel.... The dangers, risks, rewards of time travel. From killing baby Hitler to convincing a young Fauci to become a dentist.
Is it more like "Beam Me Up Scotty", H.G.Wells, Back to the Future or another version of travels through time.....
How you perceive this Journey is entirely up to YOU!
RULES OF ENTRY (are simple)
* Entries must be original fiction. ATS members cannot be characters.
* Entries MUST include -TT2022- in your Stories title. ( e.g. When I Lived with the Romans -TT2022- non-writer )
* No word-count limit (in this Current contest), but remember it is a 'SHORT STORY' Contest. Stories that run past the OP are accepted but no points
given for additional posts.
* You need to post a link to your story here in this contest thread so others know that you made up an entry.
* You must stay within the Terms and Conditions (please read)
ATS "Writer" status, prizes as follows:
1st -- 5 Applause, and gets to choose the next contest theme (Repeat winners can choose to pass to another for the theme of a future contest).
2nd -- 3 Applause
3rd -- 1 Applause
non-writer will receive the following:
1st Place -- 3 Applause & Writer Status
2nd Place -- 2 Applause & Writer Status
3rd Place -- 1 Applause
How the Contestants get points to win all depends on you! You can give FLAGS to your favorite story and add STARS to your favorite stories opening
We then tally up the scores of 'Flags' (worth 2 points each). And 'Stars' in the opening post (worth 1 point each)
And that's it! Got a question? We're happy to try and answer anything about the
contests/rules etc. But ENJOY this new contest, GOOD LUCK, HAPPY READING and HAVE FUN!
Note: New OP contest format, image selection and artwork thanks to JohnnyAnonymous.
edit on Mon Jan 31 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because:
(no reason given)
The last contest which granted me writer status (yay) was like some fluke of nature in having any motivation or ideas at all, but I would like to
participate in this one.... waiting for ideas.....
good luck all : )
Keep thinking like a Robinson Crusoe perspective (perhaps from a "native" view).
Imagine, the 90 Day Time Machine Fiance.
You can literally pick somebody from history and you got 90 days to marry you, or they go back.
Or vice-versa, you back in history for ninety days ... but wait a minute.
By my proposal, you can literally take anyone out of history and date them?
After two hours.
Christopher Columbus found with an ice-pick in his cranium.
edit on 1-2-2022 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)
I know that the inner gears of your Creative Story Motor are zipping away and firing off those synapses. While I let you get back to thinking up your
submission, please consider and smile on the below....