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Hey Cali You're Insane XOXO Gunowners

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posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 01:55 PM

San Jose passes first U.S. law requiring gun owners to get liability insurance and pay annual fee
The liability insurance would cover losses or damages resulting from any accidental use of the firearm, including death, injury, or property damage, according to the ordinance. If a gun is stolen or lost, the owner of the firearm would be considered liable until the theft or loss is reported to authorities.

Ok, don't agree with that.... so I kept reading, and there is this...

However, gun owners who don't have insurance won't lose their guns or face any criminal charges, the mayor said.

Sometimes these laws are too funny.
Pay yearly, or don't and nothing will happen to you, looks like California is at least consistent with their insanity.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Forced gun registration?
Good thing all mine were stolen.

How about a law that requires the death penalty for anyone convicted of using a gun to commit a felony.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The govt being connected at the hip with insurance companies, healthcare and big pharma is such a good idea!

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

An unenforceable useless law that panders to the anti gun crowd, so the politicians can say they did something.

In other words, the usual California Democrat BS.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:16 PM
Well, someone who shoots someone's house or car or another person accidently is liable for the damage already. That is covered by our liability insurance on our home already. Now if you intentionally shoot someone without them posing danger to you or your property, no insurance is going to cover that. If they are breaking into your house while you are there, then it is a legal right to shoot them and again, they are committing a crime so they should not be able to sue you for shooting them. How do you know someone breaking into your home when you are in there is not carrying a weapon of some kind, that act is a criminal act and should be considered that you have the right to shoot them. Honest people do not break into people's houses and criminals most often have a weapon if they break in.

I would not automatically shoot a burgler, it might be someone who got in an accident and needs a phone to call an ambulance, but I would go down with my gun asking who is there as I come down fully loaded. I live out in the country and years ago there was very little breaking and entering in occupied homes...but times have changed now, so many people on drugs these days or their parents did not train them to respect the rights of other people to live a peaceful life. I would not shoot someone breaking into my garage, but would if I saw they had any kind of weapon even if that weapon was a crowbar they used to break in and they were coming towards me.

The cops once told me shoot to kill because a dead theif could not sue you...seems like now the relatives of dead criminals can sue you if you are white and they are of any other race....which sucks. Remember, it costs a lot of money to lawyer up to fight a lawsuit, the lawyers seem to get more than the criminals would have been able to take from you so be wise, we do not want to make the rich richer by shooting someone breaking in.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

As with all laws, they keep watering them down until they get to a version that can pass. Once a law is in effect, it often gets revisited and won't be long before they decide to add fines, confiscation of any remaining weapons since you were careless enough in their keeping that one was stolen, etc.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Agree with everything you said 100000%

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

That's why it's always best to put a pot of coffee on and get the shovel out when these things happen.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

So it's voluntary to keep you from losing everything in a lawsuit IF your gun accidentally injures/kills someone.

Anyone who gets this insurance, then either knows they are reckless/careless and not responsible enough to have a firearm, or they may have some other future plans in mind.

Either way, it sounds like it might be a good idea to keep an eye on said person.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

San Jose passes first U.S. law requiring gun owners to get liability insurance and pay annual fee
The liability insurance would cover losses or damages resulting from any accidental use of the firearm, including death, injury, or property damage, according to the ordinance. If a gun is stolen or lost, the owner of the firearm would be considered liable until the theft or loss is reported to authorities.

Ok, don't agree with that.... so I kept reading, and there is this...

However, gun owners who don't have insurance won't lose their guns or face any criminal charges, the mayor said.

Sometimes these laws are too funny.
Pay yearly, or don't and nothing will happen to you, looks like California is at least consistent with their insanity.

I grew up north of San Jose, in between the Silicon Valley and San Francisco. I live elsewhere, and while I miss California and visit often, I do not miss the gun laws, political extremism, and restrictive covid policies.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: JAGStorm

The govt being connected at the hip with insurance companies, healthcare and big pharma is such a good idea!

But but they told me Trump was the corporate fascist!

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: EmmanuelGoldstein

I am not burying a criminal in my pet cemetery, it would be a disgrace to the pets. They would come back and haunt me.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Had a friend lose all their guns in a freak boating accident.

edit on 26-1-2022 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I would not automatically shoot a burgler, it might be someone who got in an accident and needs a phone to call an ambulance,

There's a contradiction in that statement. Since my house is always locked up at night, anybody inside had to break in and I will shoot them sight seen. A person who's been in an accident would be knocking at the door or ringing the bell. Then I would go down armed just in case. The law in our State allows me to shoot anybody who forcibly enters my home.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 03:20 PM
I agree. I used a gun to stop a home invasion in my home several years ago. I live with the fact each day that I took a mans life. Fastest 40 seconds in my life....Door kicked in, all the while I'm on the phone with 911..they recorded it all. The man had a loaded 12 gauge pump. I fired 4 rounds at that intruder and 5 more at the one standing by their car. 1st man dropped about 15 feet outside my front door, 2nd guy was caught about a mile away. He wrecked because I hit him twice neither was lethal. I was never charged in fact the sheriffs I dealt with were in complete support of me defending my life & that of my wife. I would do it all again tomorrow to defend me & mine. California is just a crap hole full of upper class a-holes and homeless people and incredibly stupid politicians. I like calling North Carolina home. For the record they followed me home from a gun show earlier that day. I guess they thought I was an easy mark...they choose poorly. A reply to: rickymouse

edit on Januarypm31b202222527 by Fatboy527 because: (no reason given)

edit on Januarypm31b202222527 by Fatboy527 because: (no reason given)

edit on Januarypm31b202222527 by Fatboy527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 03:22 PM
But wait? How can they, when they wanna play too, now..

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 03:25 PM
Bringing a knife to a gun fight is the Dems idea of equal & fair...poor dems.a reply to: jerich0

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 03:44 PM
These days the way things are going in California, a guy will get arrested for a shooting, get released with out bail and on his way out he'll be told to stop. A government employee will come up to him and say "Here's your gun back. I cleaned it and replace a spring so the slack in the trigger is gone."

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: Fatboy527

The Liberal progressives would love the idea everywhere to remove the right to defend yourself from home invasions or intruders trying to steal, kidnap people, families.

They would rather you be charged for just defending yourself and family.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

but I would go down with my gun asking who is there as I come down fully loaded

As Dad would have said , "don't stand there talking , that will get you dead"

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