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Are You Ready To Ride The 2nd Omicron Wave?

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posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: MykeNukem
a reply to: AaarghZombies


I don't believe for one second that any dominoes have fallen, unless you mean our rights.

The UK is the first, the English government is handing back most powers this week, schools are open, entertainment venues are open, covid passports are optional,all that's remaining is masks on public transport. Where England leads Scotland and Wales will be forced to follow otherwise their own people will simply cross the border to go to nightclubs or watch live sports.

Once the UK has unlocked France and Germany will be forced to do the same otherwise the UK will steal business opportunities from them.

From there it's a short hop to the EU unlocking. Which will force the US to unlock.

Sounds good in theory.

Instead I think we'll all be in lockdown for the foreseeable future. They'll find a reason to freak out, again.

That's what I think anyway...I'd really prefer that you're right though.

Check the newspaper, it's already begun. 99 percent of all restrictions in England have already been lifted, and Wales and Scotland have lessened their restrictions.

A big part of this was the fact that English social venues had few restrictions over the holidays so people simply crossed the border and spent their money in English bars and restaurants.

Soon England will allow vaxed tourist ms in with no other requirements, this will force France to unlock and Germany will follow soon afterwards.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: MykeNukem
a reply to: AaarghZombies


I don't believe for one second that any dominoes have fallen, unless you mean our rights.

The UK is the first, the English government is handing back most powers this week, schools are open, entertainment venues are open, covid passports are optional,all that's remaining is masks on public transport. Where England leads Scotland and Wales will be forced to follow otherwise their own people will simply cross the border to go to nightclubs or watch live sports.

Once the UK has unlocked France and Germany will be forced to do the same otherwise the UK will steal business opportunities from them.

From there it's a short hop to the EU unlocking. Which will force the US to unlock.

Sounds good in theory.

Instead I think we'll all be in lockdown for the foreseeable future. They'll find a reason to freak out, again.

That's what I think anyway...I'd really prefer that you're right though.

The reason will be WWIII

Once it starts, so starts martial law and the hunting begins - for people who voted for Trump, who are of course all deemed Russian sympathizers because they voted for Trump.

Now that TPTB know they can energize and manipulate the progressive liberals into desiring and supporting locking up and removing from society, anyone they see as a threat to the social order. (Many liberal Democrats were clamoring not so long ago to lock up in camps the unvaccinated, now they are clamoring for firing them from their jobs and in Canada taxing them for not being vaccinated)

Phase one of depopulation and gaining totalitarian control of the population is ending and phase 2 beginning. At least that is what it all looks like to me. God, I hope I am massively wrong.

edit on 1/25/22 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies


Didn't you yourself say that these figures were artificially kept high to make covid seem worse than it really was?

By your own measure, take this numbers and cut them in half.

So. Your saying there is no way to back your opinion on vaccines?

edit on 25-1-2022 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: AaarghZombies


the vax reduces Omicron to a petty annoyances.

Posting the same falsehood doesn’t make it true…

Again. Cited Studies prove you wrong.

New studies reinforce belief that Omicron is less likely to damage lungs

A growing body of evidence indicates that the Omicron Covid variant is more likely to infect the throat than the lungs, which scientists believe may explain why it appears to be more infectious but less deadly than other versions of the virus. Six studies – four published since Christmas Eve – have found that Omicron does not damage people’s lungs as much as the Delta and other previous variants of Covid. The studies have yet to be peer-reviewed by other scientists.

Same source…

They found Omicron able to evade vaccines, but less able to enter lung cells.

What your source doesn't say is that Omicron only has an increased chance of evading vax immunity not a certain one, and even if you do get sick it will usually be much milder as the vax allows you to produce antibodies after an infection which makes it shorter and less serious.

And as I said, even if Omicron were harmless it's irrelevant as the fact that the UK is unlocking as we speak shows that this isn't a conspiracy about control because they're putting their economy before control.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

COVID boosters do not provide protection against Omicron, study finds
COVID-19 vaccines alone aren't enough to block Omicron, the study suggests.

January 19, 2022 12:13 PM EST

UK records new record number of COVID cases

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Want to keep posting your falsehoods.

You just look stupid again….

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: ScepticScot

How do cheap masks that don’t seal with a matrix with holes too large to stop the virus, and not made to lock in moisture for hour after hour, and not made to be worn during physical activity control covid.

Don't look at me, I've got an hermetically sealed mask with a dual lock cartridge filter. It's good for covid, teargas, and most forms of nerve gas stockpiled by our enemies.

It's not my fault if other people choose to strap a doily to their face.

I wish you wear that hermetically sealed mask more. How do you breath in that mask of yours?

A hermetic seal is any type of sealing that makes a given object airtight (preventing the passage of air, oxygen, or other gases).

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: MykeNukem
a reply to: AaarghZombies


I don't believe for one second that any dominoes have fallen, unless you mean our rights.

The UK is the first, the English government is handing back most powers this week, schools are open, entertainment venues are open, covid passports are optional,all that's remaining is masks on public transport. Where England leads Scotland and Wales will be forced to follow otherwise their own people will simply cross the border to go to nightclubs or watch live sports.

Once the UK has unlocked France and Germany will be forced to do the same otherwise the UK will steal business opportunities from them.

From there it's a short hop to the EU unlocking. Which will force the US to unlock.

Sounds good in theory.

Instead I think we'll all be in lockdown for the foreseeable future. They'll find a reason to freak out, again.

That's what I think anyway...I'd really prefer that you're right though.

Check the newspaper, it's already begun. 99 percent of all restrictions in England have already been lifted, and Wales and Scotland have lessened their restrictions.

A big part of this was the fact that English social venues had few restrictions over the holidays so people simply crossed the border and spent their money in English bars and restaurants.

Soon England will allow vaxed tourist ms in with no other requirements, this will force France to unlock and Germany will follow soon afterwards.

The reason might be the reason for this thread.

2nd Omnicron wave.

Media and Health Authorities are already riding the wave (pun very much intended).

Enjoy the fake freedom while it lasts...

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

I wish you wear that hermetically sealed mask more. How do you breath in that mask of yours?

There's a regulator on the side that forces air to come through the filter canister. If it didn't seal air tight to your face unfiltered air would get.

Now, let me sit back and laugh at you for falling for all of those fake videos on bitchute, what was it... The vax makes you magnetic, or was it that space laser that you were ranting about?

Tell me, do you still believe that the universe is electric, or that cavemen herded dinosaurs, or that Justin beiber is a shape shifting lizard?

Yes, I can Google your posts and see all of the things that you wrote all those years ago. I bet you want to forget about being a fan of some of those tweeniebopper bands. The Internet doesn't.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies


There's a regulator on the side that forces air to come through the filter canister. If it didn't seal air tight to your face unfiltered air would get.

The definition of hermetically sealed…

Hermetic sealing is the process of creating a container of some sort that is airtight. That means that any material in the container, whether it's a gas, liquid, or solid, will not leak from the container. Hermetic sealing is commonly used to encase electrical mechanisms, as well as to contain functional gases.

The fact the mask let’s you exchange CO2 with oxygen to support life means it’s not hermetically sealed.

You wear this in public?

edit on 25-1-2022 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 08:23 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: MapMistress

Omicron BA.2 has 30 more mutations that are different than the mutations to BA.1. This means that vaccines will be even less effective on BA.2 than BA.1. And with that many mutations, even the unvaccinated with natural immunity will probably have to build up additional immunity to these 30 more mutations.

That is the very nature of a RNA based virus, nothing new. So what you are saying is just get it and move on, and that is how we maintain herd immunity. The vaccine was great up front, but constant updates will need to be made with not only the vaccines, but monoclonal antibody treatments too which are just like the vaccine in they need to match the virus to be effective.

This takes us to the main problem in that we went from just wanting to flatten the curve so as to not overwhelm the medical system to some idea we need to prevent all infections, period. That is not only a stupid thought but impossible, so it is time to get back to normal, get your yearly flu/COVID shots if you are high risk and everyone just relax and live their lives.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

You keep quoting that article.

Did you miss these statements from your own source?

All the cases were mild or moderate, providing support for the extra shots’ ability to fend off severe disease, death and hospitalizations.

The shots appear to generate protection against Omicron with other parts of the immune system in addition to antibodies, such as T-cells, and so far hospital and mortality data have been less severe than with the Delta variant that dominated earlier.

Preliminary data from an Israeli trial involving 154 health workers—released Monday, just two weeks after that study began—showed that a fourth dose of Pfizer’s shot didn’t prevent infection with Omicron. Still, those in the trial had mild symptoms or none at all.

Strong responses from T-cells were detected in the subjects, the researchers said. “The mild to moderate course of illness suggests that full vaccination followed by a booster dose still provides good protection against severe disease caused by Omicron,” they said.


I wanted to add something else. You've chosen to link an article with a clickbait title: "COVID boosters do not provide protection against Omicron, study finds."

But the title of the study is actually: "Breakthrough infections with SARS-CoV-2 omicron despite mRNA vaccine booster dose"

The clickbait title has tricked you into thinking something that the study did not say.
edit on 2022-1-25 by joejack1949 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 10:17 AM
I think the 2nd supposed Omnicon is fake and invented and ment to keep the money rolling in for whoever is making money on the pandemic.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: joejack1949

Did you miss this…

New studies reinforce belief that Omicron is less likely to damage lungs

A growing body of evidence indicates that the Omicron Covid variant is more likely to infect the throat than the lungs, which scientists believe may explain why it appears to be more infectious but less deadly than other versions of the virus. Six studies – four published since Christmas Eve – have found that Omicron does not damage people’s lungs as much as the Delta and other previous variants of Covid. The studies have yet to be peer-reviewed by other scientists.

Same source…

They found Omicron able to evade vaccines, but less able to enter lung cells.


So. How do you quantify how much was to omicron being less severe vs wishful thinking and the actual title “ COVID boosters do not provide protection against Omicron”?

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: joejack1949

“ The mild to moderate course of illness suggests that full vaccination followed by a booster dose still provides good protection against severe disease caused by Omicron”

Suggests means they hope….

Gots a study that has something more than biased people suggest?

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

I haven't done a literature search recently - my comment was a review of the article summarizing the study that you linked. I haven't read a study with any convincing evidence that the vaccine is effective against omicron - however, that doesn't mean you can post clickbait junk and accept it as truth. We're here to deny ignorance, not perpetuate it.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: joejack1949

So. No real way to quantify if it’s just less severe vs wishful thinking….

And how do you rectify with, “ They found Omicron able to evade vaccines, but less able to enter lung cells. ”

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: joejack1949


post clickbait

And how is this click bait…

New studies reinforce belief that Omicron is less likely to damage lungs

Six research groups’ findings all suggest variant multiplies more in throats and causes less serious disease

UK records new record number of COVID cases

COVID boosters do not provide protection against Omicron, study finds

Seven German visitors to Cape Town experienced symptomatic COVID-19 infections between late November and early December despite being boosted, the researchers, whose investigation was authorized by the University of Cape Town and Stellenbosch University, said in findings published Tuesday in The Lancet.

So? Mainstream media is now click bait by your own admission?

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: MapMistress
The Spanish flu clocked out after 24 months using medical tech from a hundred years ago. Which to my understanding gain of function was never a factor back then.
All these extra legs growing on this corona virus point to gain of function research and development.

Today's medical tech is absolutely retarded compared to a hundred years ago.
Arrest fauci should be next course of treatment to cull the virus and leave the herd grazing in the field.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

1) Yes of course MSM is clickbait. They make money because you click on their links and view ads. Link studies instead. PubMed and Google Scholar are decent databases of medical journals. also publishes peer reviewed studies. The article you kept posting from has the title "COVID boosters do not provide protection against Omicron, study finds." That title is clickbait and it's saying something that the study did not. The study says several times that the booster does provide protection against omicron.

2) Regarding your guardian link, did you notice that they didn't even provide a link to the primary source? That's just crappy journalism in my opinion. In terms on the content, did you notice the following quote:

However, Prof Lawrence Young, virologist at the University of Warwick, said the study was not significant enough for conclusions to be drawn. “This is a small study on acutely symptomatic, non-hospitalised patients. On the one hand it confirms previous studies indicating that salivary testing could be useful as a more easily performed sampling approach. I don’t think this study is significant enough to conclude anything about the behaviour of Omicron.”

3) I am well aware that Omicron is less severe than previous iterations of the disease - you don't have to convince me. I just haven't seen any study that confirms or denies the claim that vaccines/boosters do not provide protection from Omicron. None of your sources support this claim.

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