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Families of U.S. Embassy personnel must evacuate Ukraine, State Department orders

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posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 02:17 PM

The State Department issued an order Saturday directing families of U.S. Embassy personnel in Ukraine to evacuate the country as soon as Monday, Fox News reports. Per Fox, the State Department is also expected to issued guidance next week encouraging American civilians to begin leaving Ukraine on commercial flights.

News of the evacuation order comes only hours after the first shipment of a $200 million military aid package U.S. lawmakers approved last month arrived in Ukraine, Reuters reported. As U.S. and Russian diplomats continue to pursue a peaceful solution, Russia continues to move more troops to the Ukrainian border and refuses to back down from its demands that Ukraine be barred from NATO membership and that the alliance roll back its military presence in Eastern Europe.

Well it seems this is no longer a maybe but a go, I guess Russia is giving US time to remove the American personnel before they move into Ukraine, I bet as soon US empty the Embassy the fireworks will start.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 02:26 PM
So, not only did Biden respond to Putin "in writing" within the allotted time,
Biden is also clearing out diplomatic personnel.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: marg6043

I’m reading a civil war book right now.
The diary of Mary Chestnut. I’ve read it a few times, and it never fails to entertain.

Amazingly even though she wrote it in the 1860’s so much of it is relevant today.
At one point she talks about the price gouging. She talks about wearing a dress that she isn’t happy with but her husband scolds her saying soon enough she could be wearing burlap. Even though she is very much a confederate wife so much of the story is about how war just sucks for the average person and how much of the choices those in charge make, eventually falls on all of us, especially the sorrow.

Do we hate Russian People, not really, Do we love Ukrainians, not necessarily. Yet here we are.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: sraven
So, not only did Biden respond to Putin "in writing" within the allotted time,
Biden is also clearing out diplomatic personnel.

Biden's Afghanistan kill box was just too damaging and embarrassing to commit the same murders of US citizens this time I suppose.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 02:40 PM
Guess we now know what all those secret talks were REALLY about 😁

Blinken and Lavrov are rock'n the rockabilly songs tonight !!! 🥳

Putin says LET's GO NOW !!!!!!

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Are they really going to start a war or global war over Ukraine?

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: sraven

He’s an excommunicated Catholic Biden, he wants this bad, he’s not immortal, he thinks he is, and he’s been deceived, he’s an abortionist, a liar, a hypocrite and if a war with Russia gets him re elected from what looks like a sure fire 🔥 Trump re-election, from a fraud of an earlier election, but nobody believes the president of the United States, and the military has been gutted if they mandate vaxs, they will essentially be getting rid of Trump loyalists, and replacing them with an aborting party’s loyalists who are anti Russia, it’s Armegeddon basically, because China may take Taiwan, and it will spiral out of control, they will order a lock down, all this is being done to prepare the world for war. To obey orders, to behave like human beings and wait for help, wait for food, don’t be greedy but a power outage will starve millions.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 02:45 PM
What about families of the military stationed there? It is not just the people working at the embassies that are at high risk.

Of course, those in the Embassies are diplomats, military people are expendables.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: marg6043

Are they really going to start a war or global war over Ukraine?

Rona didn't work. Biden probably thinks it will boost the economy and regain popularity. He will have a chance to make changes without approval requirements.

I think that's what other presidents did when they failed. Not only here but in other countries too. I remember the Falkland Islands/Malvinas.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: marg6043

This is a win win for Russia extricating ourselves from our Ukrainian entanglements will inevitably instill doubts about our more important commitments elsewhere. Many allies will have to think twice about security agreements made y the United States. Even if they do not invade which I think is unlikely he damages the United States as allies have to question if the US would ack them if they need it.

oh, I expect Russia to continue to put pressure on Ukraine hoping that their shaky democracy crumbles.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 03:02 PM
Okay, here's a conspiracy theory for you. Don't flog me for being crazy; my mind just wanders to all possible scenarios to try to understand what's REALLY going on, and why.

I knew when the election was called we would be going to war somewhere, and that Biden would only last half way through his term. I keep hearing that Obama said 'you don't have to do this, Joe' before he announced his bid for the POTUS- like it would be some great life sacrifice. WTH?

I still can't forget how 911 is believed to have been an inside job by many. It did solve some pressing issues legally and financially for the pentagon.

The latest scenario the crazy side my brain has concocted is: Biden gets bumped off; it's quickly discovered an assassin sent by Putin is to blame. Kamal comes out in rage, promising to avenge his death, and the American sheeple cheer her on.

Are these are the dark days people have been feeling? Every day I wake up and feel I must enjoy this day to its fullest, because there aren't going to be many more before the dark days are here.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: vNex92

No invasion until Russia begins the cyber attacks against Ukraine military and electric grid.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: vNex92
No; this is about the Democrats approval rating tanking, and the very real risk they won't be able to cheat enough to retain power. I really believe there will be war, even if America has to start it in such a way that they can say Putin made the first move.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: vNex92

No invasion until Russia begins the cyber attacks against Ukraine military and electric grid.

Aren't you glad Biden's minions don't have the ability to do that and blame it on Russia?

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: marg6043

I read this earlier today here.

Looks like they may be asking Americans to leave while flights out of the country are still available.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: vNex92

No invasion until Russia begins the cyber attacks against Ukraine military and electric grid.

Aren't you glad Biden's minions don't have the ability to do that and blame it on Russia?

Bidens minions will give Russia the Green light like they did the Taliban to take over Afghanistan.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: marg6043

So glad it's been agreed by all involved not to use nukes.

Just like clockwork as the Olympics are about to start again. Crimea, Georgia.....

So while we're focussed on the European front...
China will wrap up the olympics and proceed to Taiwan..

Stay safe everyone.
edit on 22-1-2022 by Bigburgh because: Bothered my eyes

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 03:35 PM
what if it's a way to cover joeys ass by letting Putin take and destroying Ukraine. (evidence)? Putin doing joe a payback for the pipeline.

he can say look how we got everyone out before the shtf!

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: Bigburgh

So glad it's been agreed by all involved not to use nukes.

If people want war let's do it old fashioned style, eye to eye, where you have to see who you killed.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: sarahvital
what if it's a way to cover joeys ass by letting Putin take and destroying Ukraine. (evidence)? Putin doing joe a payback for the pipeline.

he can say look how we got everyone out before the shtf!

Actually, destroying Ukraine would be in Biden's best interests. Can you imagine what would happen if Putin got all the records of Joe and Hunter's dealings in Ukraine during the Obama misadministration? Biden needs those records gone before they fall into the wrong hands....

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