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The next generation deleted.

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posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Oh. So that's why Main Stream Media is suddenly running all these stories today to try to coerce pregnant women into getting jabbed. Pfizer must have paid a pretty penny to get the media to run their crass stories today.

There was one article that tried to claim that Covid caused birth defects. How odd that no one has mentioned that for the last 2 years. But now that pregnant women are coerced into the jab, any miscarriages, stillborns that they have less than 14 days after the jab counts them as "unvaccinated" when the vax caused the miscarriage/stillborn.

Clearly Pfizer is really scared of the research you posted about being public if the paid off the media in advance to run stories to blame the unvaxxed fir the things the jabs cause in pregnant women (like bleeding for weeks after the jab).

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 11:47 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Sorry bro I was being sarcastic, didn’t mean to offend ya. Me and my lady are talking about having a baby and a part of that discussion is do we want another baby in this crazy ass world or do we want to wait a little longer for some of these covid things to settle etc.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: anonentity

Is worst, the able population between 18 and 49 are dropping like flies,

And is not from covid all.

Care to give a synopsis since the article is behind a paywall?

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: Brotherman

Haha, not offended... More worried someone was blocking off possibilities in life to broad predispositions.

Congrats on you and the lady, and I feel ya on the dilemma on a kid, albeit I can't relate to the discussion about another one.

Personally I can't bring myself to bring one in. Covid aside I can't think of many things going right in the world but can think of plenty of things that are concerning. I only want to bring someone into the world if I can promise them a better life. I just don't feel confident I can do that.

There's no shortage of people having kids though, so that's how I justify my decision not being selfish lol.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 12:10 AM

originally posted by: Brotherman
a reply to: lordcomac

And the magic picture box had me believing the jab made children super heroes so either your a liar or the magic picture box is

That is some thick Irony right there, or is it hypocrisy, extreme bias?.. Which magic picture box are we talking about thats lying? The traditional Boob tube or the magical box linked to the Interwebs (granted those two things are one in the same these days).

So i take it TV bad, Internet/Bitchute good?.. although its all reductable down to I only believe sources of information that fit my narrative.
edit on 21-1-2022 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: BigfootNZ

I don’t believe lordcomac is a liar if that’s what ya mean 😉

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 12:29 AM

originally posted by: Brotherman
a reply to: BigfootNZ

I don’t believe lordcomac is a liar if that’s what ya mean 😉

Im only saying you cant say TV news/info etc is lying, while getting your counter info/news from another 'magical box' with an even larger margin between the truth to falsities.

TV at least is broadcast out into the masses where it can be instantly (and often is) picked over and any agendas are extremely easy to pick up, the vast majority of the stuff you find on the Net is hardly vetted or picked over by anyone and yet people happily take any old what ever they find on some obscure site or spouted by anyone as truth.

And your reply is kinda indicative of the issue, you say you dont think Lordcomac is lying yet he simply stated a wild claim with no evidence to back it up, and you believed him...
edit on 21-1-2022 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: BigfootNZ

What if they are both false and yet all that remains is the magic picture box? One cannot validate one or the other with the same tools. One box has commercials broadcast that says the vaccine makes your child a super hero, one box says it mutilates your wiener, one box can have both while the other can only have the only pictures it’s told to have.

What I am saying is in the end I can’t trust either for valid answers. The picture box is here purely for your entertainment or an extension of your own bias. To find truth, must be observed from natural reality in my opinion.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: PorteurDeMort

More of an email wall

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 03:59 AM
a reply to: BigfootNZ

originally posted by: BigfootNZ
Im only saying you cant say TV news/info etc is lying, while getting your counter info/news from another 'magical box' with an even larger margin between the truth to falsities.

edit on 21-1-2022 by nOraKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 06:14 AM
I don't like wishing bad on anyone or evil but maybe it's just time to throw our hands in the air and say good. If people won't listen to people peacefully expressing their freedoms of choice, then they need to start seeing the consequences firsthand and in big ways. If they want to get vaccinated and # happens, sorry you knew the risks, claimed they were minute, now deal with the consequences... just like us unvaccinated are prepared to do if we contract covid and bad things might happen, then they have to accept the same risks and be 100% ok if it happens to them. That's life, it's cruel, unfair and unforgiving.

I dont wish this bad # on anyone but they need to accept the risks and not bitch when bad things happen to them. If i get covid and die or have long term consequences I accept that. On the flip if you get vaccinated and bad # happens, well welcome to America, you made your choice now deal with it. It just sucks that the consequences could be abortions or deformities in innocents. But until people see the horrors, have to deal with the horror and/or are affected by these horrors nothing will change. People in America are by and large reactive and not proactive. That's a major problem.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck

originally posted by: lordcomac
And then there's the huge spike in children being born with deformed genitalia.
Of course, their mothers ran out and got the jabs while pregnant without a second thought.
Don't hear much from them on the internet anymore...

I read somewhere they were being born with small genitalia, how small I don't know, I never actually looked into the new born vaxxer babies having tiny junk story.

Now "deformed" is not a word I saw being used in reference to this story. That has the connotation of "freak" genitals, or at least a malformation that has reproductive problems after the baby reaches puberty. Makes you wonder what other organs and systems were affected with deformities.

My twisted mind has conjured images of these deformed genitals being like the shock photos we were shown in high school sex ed class of people's privates with severe nasty STDs.

I also read about this issue with small genitalia... very odd that its happening now and never before.. not on this scale! Also read about auto-immune disease becoming more active in people of Asia and Middle East (blaming it on food though not Vaccines).

The thing about small genitalia does make you wonder though if this vaccine was the first step to depopulation and the next will be no genitalia appearing on babies! David Icke spoke about this very thing quite a while back.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 02:11 PM
Depopulation is a dangerous thing just how do you control the numbers ?

Last time I checked there are around 450 Nuclear power plants that need trained people to run them. What about all the Bio labs and other facility that need to be manned to prevent disaster on a global scale .

We have destroyed the World and every thing on it - Depopulation asteroid strike super volcano we are dead the Earth will look like Mars 2.0

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: PorteurDeMort

The entire article was available yesterday, I got another link

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 10:41 PM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck

originally posted by: lordcomac
And then there's the huge spike in children being born with deformed genitalia.
Of course, their mothers ran out and got the jabs while pregnant without a second thought.
Don't hear much from them on the internet anymore...

I read somewhere they were being born with small genitalia, how small I don't know, I never actually looked into the new born vaxxer babies having tiny junk story.

Now "deformed" is not a word I saw being used in reference to this story. That has the connotation of "freak" genitals, or at least a malformation that has reproductive problems after the baby reaches puberty. Makes you wonder what other organs and systems were affected with deformities.

My twisted mind has conjured images of these deformed genitals being like the shock photos we were shown in high school sex ed class of people's privates with severe nasty STDs.

I also read about this issue with small genitalia... very odd that its happening now and never before.. not on this scale! Also read about auto-immune disease becoming more active in people of Asia and Middle East (blaming it on food though not Vaccines).

The thing about small genitalia does make you wonder though if this vaccine was the first step to depopulation and the next will be no genitalia appearing on babies! David Icke spoke about this very thing quite a while back.

I feel bad for the tiny weenie vaxxer babies. Although I prefer using the little guy for bladder relief, I'm glad to have a man sized member. It still misbehaves, you just need a firm hand to deal with it.

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Where do all these odd ways of thinking come from?

There's so much to unpack, I don't even know if I am able to make a good effort, but let's try anyway. I disagree with Yoda, i think there is trying.

The next generation deleted

Star Trek?

First of all, are you too lazy to type the word 'is', let alone two words like 'has been' or perhaps 'is being'? It's hard to know what you mean, if you don't adhere to english rules when you are trying to communicate an unclear idea.

Secondly, a generation can't be 'deleted', as you put it. What do you mean by 'deleted'? Computer files can be deleted, not anything living. There are other words for what can be done or happen to living beings. It's dehumanizing language, I advice to avoid using such if you want to reach people or affect people's human side.

Thirdly, generations can't be 'deleted' ANYWAY, even if that word could be applied - people don't stop living just because something is done to bodies or a 'body pool'. They will just incarnate later, or some other planet, etc. They are alive before incarnation, during incarnation and after incarnation, so I don't see how a 'generation' (whatever you really mean by this) can be 'deleted'.

Fourthly, what do you mean by 'the next generation', exactly? When does a generation start and end? How many people are you even talking about?

Fifth, abortion is not 'deleting' of anything. This world is already overpopulated, it could USE a bit of 'population control', if you want to call it that. I am not talking about anything unethical, either - just refuse to REPRODUCE for awhile, until the amount of people on this planet stops expanding and starts contracting, and then continue doing it when the number of people reaches acceptable and sustainable levels.

I am aware that this planet is not 'physically overpopulated' - people could very comfortably be packed in Australia and everyone could have enough living space to reach comfort. However, it's clear that this many this crazy people create way too many problems - the cities are growing to be too big, the buildings are too tall, and there's too much poverty and misery, and it's only logical that with fewer people there would be fewer problems as well. This may sound harsh, but just as a thought experiment; if all poor and miserable people left this planet in an instant, there would not be poverty or misery anymore here.

..number of abortions caused by the Vax.

Oh, now it's 'the Vax', with a capital first letter, too! Have you ever seen a dictionary, by the way? I know it's an archaic, odd object in the modern times, but I am pretty sure the word 'Vax' is not in any of them, and even if it is, it's most likely not spelled with a vapital 'V'. Why use the masonic spelling when you can use the actual, correct spelling, that is "vaccine"?

Also, there's not only one vaccine, there are several, so which one is 'the Vax' in your opinion?

To be even more accurate, they are not really even vaccinations, because they do not function as vaccinations, they are just 'designated' as such. It's like calling a cat a dog, and everyone thinking it's a dog, when it's clearly a cat.

As someone said, they're called vaccinations because vaccinations can be mandated. Vaccination is supposed to provide immunity to something, which these concoctions clearly do not do.

In any case, what's wrong about abortions? Isn't it a GOOD thing that overpopulation is curbed, fewer people are born? Traffic jams can't happen as much with fewer people, crowding during rush hour, people blocking your way, etc. happens less, when there are fewer people.

I never understand this worshipping of reproduction on an overpopulated planet. Babies are not special, there are enough people in this world already, it doesn't need more right now. Do you really want to increase the amount of poor people living in slums and dying from starvation? Do you want to increase the amount of homeless kids falling asleep in busy traffic in Manila after sniffing some glue?

What's wrong with people when abortion (a COMPLETELY ethical and harmless procedure, at least as much as removing a tumor would be, it's just organic mass, not a living being, when done correctly) a crime, but breeding like rabbits or banana flies is seen as something to be encouraged?

Do I have to explain again how the soul isn't yet attached to the body of a fetus, and it only visits the fetus from time to time to 'practice' and to get used to it, and thus, if abortion is done when a soul is not visiting, and it's made clear that this fetus is not going to be viable for an incarnation, the soul won't even bother coming anymore, THERE IS NO ETHICAL PROBLEM with it?

Abortion is NOT murder, because the soul has not attached to it yet, the silver cord is not yet connected, it's a 'point of return' until the first BREATH is taken, then the silver cord attaches, and after that first breath, it will be murder, and 100% unethical to kill the baby at that point.

Removing a fetus is like removing a cancerous tumor, it's just biological mass. There's no murder or killing involved. Do you call a stillborn a murder as well? No. It's just a soul that decided to NOT incarnate after all, there's nothing sad about it, it's just biological mass. The only 'sadness' is ego-based selfish greed of 'wanting to have a baby', it's not anything like 'wanting to do something good for humanity or this planet'.

Is worst, the able population between 18 and 49 are dropping like flies,

Do they even teach english in schools anymore? Do you really think beginning a sentence with "Is" is completely good and correct? Do you think 'Is worst' is english?

Do you even know about tenses and conjugation?

Have you ever heard of the word 'it'?

The correct way to write that - at least I think, because I can't be sure WHAT you intended to write when you do not adhere to the rules of the language - would be "It is worse than that" or "It's worse than that", or maybe even "It gets worse".

At least you used a comma, though. That fact can't be applauded enough in modern times, when people seem to have forgotten that punctuation even exists.

What do you mean by 'the able population'? Able to do what? To think and choose to not work for an insane system? Are you thinking about people as just some automatons and worker drones, whose philosophy, lifestyle, thoughts, opinions, choices, desires, goals and viewpoints do not matter - they are either 'able worker robots' or 'some disabled bums'?

In any case, between 18 and 49 what? You are not using units here, so you could be talking about strawberry pies for all know. Are you talking about 'ages' or 'years'?

Why such arbitrary numbers anyway?

Also, how does a fly drop? I don't think I have ever seen a fly spontaniously just drop. Why are you talking about 'dropping flies', when usually flies don't drop, they just fly and then land on some wall or window, and keep buzzing and flying about until your nerves are shot or until you just let it out or something.

Flies very rarely 'drop', as far as I am concerned - is this a common occurrence in your life? Perhaps there's something wrong with your environment or breathing air if every time you see a fly, it just 'drops'. I mean, it would have to happen really often for this sentiment to make any sense.

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Wtf is wrong with you? You just have to bash someone's use of language on an internet forum? You must be fun to be around.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Seeing how there is typically a 'baby boom' after people return from 'war' and this is just playing Devil's advocate to the OP; A vaccine to mitigate such a boom... Um, then of course further 'paranoid' 'conspiracy' evidence would be all the sign on bonuses offered to f.o.b. recruits to not marry or build families for their entire service 'career'.

Mind you China has the same thing in contractor eugenics with their wars of go build this super complex... then have to get their army to oust them that didn't stay wife and family free once the build contract was over or caput; making tent cities of the third world kind of women and children who then has a dishonorable spouse that they knew or didn't know was suppose to not have a wife or children before the building contract was over.

Then the world looks and says what the hell China? China just shrugs and says you do it to your military and they are 'optioned' to sign up ours aren't... then people back off, having forgot... then there is the people saying well if we did do that also forgetting when the US did that(draft) a million man army sounds like A lot but there millions upon millions of guys out of nowhere wearing beards and loving soccer(futball) that didn't the previous year... making that compulsory number pitiful; China are Y'all OK over there? Not going extinct?

In cradle to grave ideologies YMMV is really what government is; Being honest about it shouldn't have shame arise with it... no more than someone started this fire... yeah and then what happened. No no no before that know anything not wood that can be added to it? Sorry but I am glad you asked... knowing you are beyond help. Wait what were you going to say? Sigh... what happened to all the trees for yalls sustenance? One guy yells impermanence, another guy yells not self and then another guy runs by smelling like pork.

Perhaps now that Mr. Carlin is boots up in the dirt the planet has taken his concept of us all being 'fleas' to heart, and wondering where the hell Joe Pesci is to delver Mr. Carlin to his pearly gates having no more need for his earthly corpse.

edit on 26-1-2022 by Crowfoot because: editing

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Dude no offense but what the hell are you saying??

I feel like a bot wrote this.. legit trying to make sense but I can't make heads or tails of this long post

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