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posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 09:00 AM

EarthSister, I prostrate myself before you. For criticizing your drawing skills, I am sorry. I just think that the subject matter might be taken more seriously if the artwork was a little better. Maybe someone could help you out with it.

As far as what JayKew wrote, I'm still laughing at it this morning. I just can't help it. Remember, I only criticized your artwork.


[edit on 31-3-2005 by Dr Love]

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by sturod84
i like your pictures earth sister! they are very good.

how have you accertained these descriptions?

also where does the councel reside?

Thank you, sturod84

These beings are who my husband and I have been meeting with and working with for fifteen years. We see them ourselves, and everything we tell others about them comes from our own experiences and teachings from them. We don't represent the human's ufo field with all the things that many people think and claim. We only represent what we ourselves learn from the aliens.

The Council resides on the largest craft visiting Earth, which is the organization's community craft with quarters and atmosphere for each visiting race. It is a rectangle shape, 2.6 miles by .52 miles large.

Each visiting race has a number of their own crafts here, both for living in while working here, and smaller shuttle crafts to approach the surface of our planet.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 12:34 PM
Ok, Dr Love. I accept your apology. Thank you very much.

I have considered hiring an artist to draw for me and I may do that in the future. Right now I feel it is most important that everything I tell and display on my site is directly from my husband and me, and exactly as we learn it from the alien races.

I think it is a grave mistake in the thinking of humans, to assume that what looks better and sounds better is what is truest. This thinking makes it very easy for govt-recruited professionals to become leaders in the ufo field for the purpose of taking the masses of people further away from the truth.

For ordinary intelligent people who "believe" that alien life is really visiting Earth, there is a great deal of diverse and conflicting information available through many human sources, but they don't know the difference between any of it. For some, maybe somewhere down the middle is seems close to the truth. For others, the more they hear the same things repeated, that makes those things seem close to the truth.

But the real truth is not common, and it's not being told professionally. The masses of people are still too willing to go along for the ride as all the evidence of the truth is being spun around and manipulated for the benefit of mass public confusion and disbelief.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 01:27 PM
No apology from me Im afraid Earth Sister.

When one is searching for the truth it is important to jettison what is not the truth.

When does saying that you believe something to be utter garbage become personal.

To my mind it doesnt.

I had 45 different alien races round for high tea last sunday ( some had to stand as I ran out of chairs) and we discussed the Amazonian rain forests, SETI and the latest Harry Potter movie.

Now some people are bound to believe that because that is the nature of things on here but most people will call it mindless twaddle.

Well thats up to them if they wish to call it mindless twaddle because it happened and nobody, nobody can prove that it did not.

But I wont be offended if people are silly enough to disbelieve me.

They are the losers in the end.

But it would be a sad sad place dont you think Earth Sister if it was conditional that we had to believe every bit of rubbish that was posted on here. ......

(There is at least one current thread that is being treated with the disdain it deserves and thats how it should be. ) .....

If that was the case then I and others would probably cease to visit.

However going back to your website, as I said there are many one and ones that just do not add up to two and if I can get an inclination then I will start a new topic as this one is being sidetracked.

Anyway just because I dont believe you doesnt mean that I think you are not a nice person.

Take care.


posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 02:31 PM
Dude, its just fine that you have your own opinions. Nobody cares about that. And nobody cares if you believe what they believe. Thats not a problem at all. It becomes a problem when you openly insult people because of their opinions. If you disagree with them, thats fine. But keep it to yourself. If you were giving constructive criticism it would be different, but thats not the case.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 02:45 PM
Where have I open insulted anyone?

I have said I dont believe a word.

Is it insulting to disbelieve?

Must we believe EVERYTHING ?

And just how is it possible to constructively criticise something when that something has no factual basis.

I take it you are miffed that you didnt get invited to my high tea last sunday.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 07:42 PM

Well, all I can say is that I am telling the truth as openly and plainly as I possibly can. Sincerely, with all my heart, it is all right with me if you do not believe it. I swear that if it was not happening to me, I would not believe it of somebody else either. In fact, my contact is so clear and plain to me, and I learn so many things from so many different races, that people who have average contact don't tend to believe me much better than those who don't have any.

Still, I will never, ever stop sharing what I am learning, because even though it may not have any meaning to you, the people who have contact today and those who have it coming, may hear something important that will help them understand their own contact, whether they believed me or not.

There is no better way to learn than to experience. But if a person is not prepared in some way, and doesn't have an open mind to the possibilities, especially the positive ones, his contact with alien life might send him running to those who would damn him to hell for it, and tell him how close he was to being abducted and abused. When this is the case, it is better for a person to not even be approached by alien life yet.

Your personal criticism of my site is not welcome because you assume that you can tell me what my own experience must be like and how I should tell it, when you call it twaddle! You are just like the publishers I would not allow to publish my books.

I think you are one of the happily ignorant people who is going to believe anything a high ranking, high IQ, government director in a crisp suit is going to tell him to believe about the alien races. You won't care whether it's the truth or not, you just want to be in the popular, politically and socially correct group. In fact you will probably be in front, running it, since you do not know anything at all about what the alien races are really like. You would be perfect for the job.

How arrogant.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 03:05 AM
Earth Sister .... one moment you are saying this....

"Sincerely, with all my heart, it is all right with me if you do not believe it. I swear that if it was not happening to me, I would not believe it of somebody else either."

Then towards the end of your diatribe you say" how arrogant" I am for not believing.

I am at a loss

I would join your crusades in a heartbeat if you had any tangible evidence... maybe a picture or two instead of the hours you spend drawing them..... because its a wondrous tale indeed.

Its much quicker to take a picture.

However Ive only read Chapter 1 of your book and you appear to have no evidence at all of what you say and that really is a shame.

I have no issue with you at all.

You just get too uptight when people do not fall into line.

Come on, how about a picture of one of these 218 different races, we would all love to see one or two.

Take care.


posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 03:21 AM
mods are mods ... mods will be mods ... forever

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 01:41 PM

You are arrogant to assume you could critique my experiences or how I tell them. And you are still complaining that I want you to believe me while I am only telling you that I don't. You keep saying it-- I don't. My answers are explanations that you can take or leave, they are not challenges.

I have no physical evidence to prove my personal knowledge, and that is the rule for all true alien experiencers. It is too dangerous to have on Earth, so the aliens do not give it to their human contacts. Instead, they place evidence of themselves all over our planet for all to see. Look for yourself, you can see it as well as anyone. What you think of it is for you to decide, but you probably will choose to believe what you are told by those in authority who lie about it, since that is the politically and socially correct thing to do.

I would like to be finished talking with you. So unless you have any serious, respectful questions about my personal experiences, this is my last reply. My computer time is not unlimited and I have many conversations ongoing.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 02:10 PM
Earth Sister you say.............

"I have no physical evidence to prove my personal knowledge, and that is the rule for all true alien experiencers. It is too dangerous to have on Earth, so the aliens do not give it to their human contacts."

Well aint that a shame (not that the answer was unexpected) but wait!!

You are saying that anybody who lays claim to have pictures of any sort Alien Contact is a charlatan.

I have been studying the UFO phenonema for nigh on 30 years and can now put to bed about 80% of anything Ive now studied.

You intimate (and its only a supposition on my part) that you are in contact or within contact with the ultimate leaders of the 218 different races that are working on this planet.

Well this places you without doubt within the top four or five contactees of all time because in all my years of extensive research Ive never come across someone with such hot contacts or such credentials.

Surely because of such importance maybe you should just publish the whole of your book online so that we can all benefit from your knowledge and your learnings.

I have lots of questions about your contacts and about your are here to spread the Word ... surely you are prepared to answer some polite and searching questions from me and others about your experiences and your aims.

Are you willing to take serious questions from me and others ?

Why do I have this inner feeling that your answer will be a resounding no.

Best wishes.


[edit on 1-4-2005 by JayKew]

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 03:17 PM

I have been answering questions about my personal experiences for 15 years. You are right- the extent of my husband's and my contact is unheard of on Earth.

You can read my previous posts here on ATS to see what some of my many answers to questions are. But I only continue to take direct questions from those who are serious in asking and respectful of my answers, regardless of their belief.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 03:27 PM
When Albert Einstein was struggling to marry his new theory of relativity to gravity, he realised how difficult it would be to tamper with the most succesful theory of all time.

Max Planck, founder of the quantum theory, warned him.......... "As an older friend, I must advise you against it for in the first place you will not succeed and even if you do succeed, no one will believe you".

What have you got to lose Earth Sister in answering some questions........ after all you have 218 of the Universes top minds to help you with the answers.

First far do these 218 races long does it take, what energy do the use to travel here and just as an aside, what do they eat?

There ya go.......... a simple couple of starter questions

The difficult questions will come later

Kind regards.


posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 03:44 PM

I have already answered those on ATS. If you are interested, take a look through my previous posts. There is a great deal of information there already. I refuse to encourage your rude insults.

You have no respect or interest in my work, so I will not be answering any questions for you directly.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 04:59 PM
Ok we will bring the curtain down here, its doubtful to tell the truth if your explanations would pass muster with many.

But such is life.

One of the questions that have always intrigued me is why aliens have such pathetic track records in making contact with Earthlings.

Its always the same scenario, the same as you have "experienced".

They appear unannounced complaining that we are destroying the planet not withstanding the fact that they have been visiting our world for tens of thousands of years and stood idly by.

Not only that but they continually choose people who have no hope whatsoever of bringing in the swingeing changes needed to stop deforestation and bring about ecological change.

You know what, if they came to see me on such a premise I would say" fine, right .......all well and good but look Im just me, I cant do much about this have you considered contacting people like Bush and Blair directly? "

It worked ever so well in that 1950s movie, The Day The Earth Stood Still.

But they dont, they choose people who just have not the street cred to change aanything.

Your tales about being approached are a dime a dozen and sadly each new one has to outdo the last one.

Anyway..............Japan it is .........three years so far............ and still we wait.

I hope you eventually find a sympathetic publisher and you make No 1.

Take care

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 06:18 PM
Just drop it, JayKew, won't you?

If you don't believe it, you don't. It's your choice!

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 06:37 PM
so my big question is like when are the so called "ALIEN" going to unviel themselves and show us all of their goodies....

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by skyblueff0
so my big question is like when are the so called "ALIEN" going to unviel themselves and show us all of their goodies....


They have already been unveiling themselves and will show us some of their goodies when we ally with them. Their organization wants nothing more than to assist us with our most dire world problems.

When they will make open contact with a nation, I don't know, it depends on us. Certain things have to be in place on Earth first, in order for the results to be more progressive than destructive.

Japan is chosen for first official contact of a nation. USA was asked first, but refused.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 09:09 AM

These beings are who my husband and I have been meeting with and working with for fifteen years. We see them ourselves, and everything we tell others about them comes from our own experiences and teachings from them. We don't represent the human's ufo field with all the things that many people think and claim. We only represent what we ourselves learn from the aliens.

The Council resides on the largest craft visiting Earth, which is the organization's community craft with quarters and atmosphere for each visiting race. It is a rectangle shape, 2.6 miles by .52 miles large.

Each visiting race has a number of their own crafts here, both for living in while working here, and smaller shuttle crafts to approach the surface of our planet.

I have to say I'm with Jaykew......this stuff is pure nonsense, unless of course you live in Fantasy Land. And hey, maybe this young lady does indeed live in Fantasy Land.

As was said earlier, what a load of twaddle!! (whatever twaddle is, but I like that word!!)

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 10:26 AM
Be careful Zabilgy people actually believe this stuff !!

And you know quite well that its rude and impolite to question somebody who has NO evidence at all.

I fell out of bed so to speak when Earth Sister said that she has been to Mars.

Did you know that its full of underground cities and shopping malls and parks.

I must try and hitch a ride sometime.

I presume the Martians are wise enough to have approached KFC rather than Ronald MacDonald for the francise for their version of Disneyland.


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