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Blues and Greens...

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posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 11:24 AM
Underground mall on Mars...well of course that makes sense. That face we have all seen pictures of is actually the entrance to the undergound city. Do Martians like KFC? And if so, do they prefer the regular recipe or extra crispy? I prefer the extra crispy. Maybe they have a special type just for Mars.....

I wonder if they eat KFC while they anal probe people? That would be kind of cold and rude. I wonder if they'd offer the probee a piece of chicken during the probe? That would at least be polite.

Now what about that underground city on Venus? Now that's a place to party. I've been there many times. Those Venusians are CRAZY!! And when the Martians and Venusians get together,let me tell you, they make some damn good B movies!!

[edit on 2-4-2005 by Zabilgy]

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 11:31 AM
There's another possibility, which I mentioned on the thread titled "Space Federation": that she's being entirely honest, a spokesman for an evil alien people deluding her with fantastic visions so that she will unwittingly help them prepare the way for their glorious arrival, after which they will be worshipped as gods.

At first I thought that behind the nickname "Earthsister" lurked a team of determined quislings, treacherous earthlings that were agents for those aliens. Then I did a web search for "Nancy Malacaria" and I discovered a run-of-the-mill housewife with a cleaning business (carpets, I think it is) and a 2nd-degree taekwondo black belt whose hobby is making jewelry for her acquaintances, who enjoys going to North American Indian powwows, and who is as "untainted" as a newborn kitten, and I believe her when she says all these things.

What exposes the dreadful scheme is the fact that she is constantly saying that ALL ALIENS ARE "FINE RACES", INCLUDING THE REPTILIANS. This contradicts the testimony of thousands of victims. It is tragic that such an innocent housewife --in fact her drawings happen to be charmingly childlike-- is in the clutches of our worst enemies and we can do absolutely nothing about it. They will come, they will see and they will conquer.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 11:59 AM
I find it more suspicious that she is a carpet cleaner. A lot of carpet cleaners that i had met belonged to different cults. Seinfeld did a spoof of that when Wilhelm joined a carpet cleaning cult and became known as Tanya.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:02 PM

It is tragic that such an innocent housewife --in fact her drawings happen to be charmingly childlike-- is in the clutches of our worst enemies and we can do absolutely nothing about it. They will come, they will see and they will conquer.

Why must aliens be "our worst enemies?" Maybe they are our best friends and our best chance of survival as a species? If they wanted to conquer they would have done it by now. They would be so advanced that if they wanted to take this planet, they just would and would have a long time ago.

WE are our own worst enemies. WE are the race that has been fighting against each other since the dawn of man and making better and better weapons to kill each other......

We need to fear ourselves, not aliens!!

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Macrento

What exposes the dreadful scheme is the fact that she is constantly saying that ALL ALIENS ARE "FINE RACES", INCLUDING THE REPTILIANS. This contradicts the testimony of thousands of victims.

You are "told" that there are thousands of victims of the reptilians. So you believe that, not knowing any victims or any reptilians, but you won't believe those who have the personal experience. It's ok, I understand, and I don't blame you for it. You can't know any better, and you can't fathom the magnitude of the disinformation campaign or the invasive extent of disinformation agents. But you can measure it by how pliable the people are under their governments, which you can see in every way of everyday life throughout our history of humanity.

To clarify my position- not to argue: All of the races visiting Earth now are fine races, and all are working together under the leadership of the most advanced of them. The races who were abusing humans had to change their ways or leave. Needless to say, some have been dismissed permanently from visiting Earth.

For those getting a laugh at ridiculing me, what is "really" funny is how those who know nothing personally about the alien races can think they are so smart about them while they have so much nothing to add to the discussions.

Those who learn things personally from alien life are only humbled to realize the magnitude of visitation, how the factions (and idiots, if you will) of Earth are handling it, and what all of it could mean for bringing a better way of life for all people on Earth from this time forward.

All the other races around here have done it. It's our turn, so lend a hand or get out of the way.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister

For those getting a laugh at ridiculing me, what is "really" funny is how those who know nothing personally about the alien races can think they are so smart about them while they have so much nothing to add to the discussions.

Well said, Earthsister!
-Since I haven't seen any proof, I might just as well add this little quote...

Superstition, idolatry, and hypocrisy have ample wages, but truth goes a-begging.
Martin Luther

You might tell the truth, but then you'll have to fight for it!

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 01:49 PM
I know what you are saying....these people who are ridiculing you are ignorant for sure.....they are afraid of what you may with you on this one....i have had many sexual encounters with other alien races....and have learned alot about know...pillow talk

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 01:56 PM
link have had relations with aliens?? When you have relations, you should at least make sure they have a Green card. Ha card....that's funny. Do green aliens have green cards??

UFOria....did you have relations with these aliens because you are unable to have relations with women from Earth??

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 01:58 PM
to put it simply women wont sleep with me...i am pathetic.....

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 02:00 PM
So what exactly have the 'greys' done to get under everyone's skin. All I hear tell of is that they are ok guys, just a little careless with their probes.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 04:20 PM

(posted by EarthSister)
You are "told" that there are thousands of victims of the reptilians. So you believe that, not knowing any victims or any reptilians, but you won't believe those who have the personal experience.

I believe some people who say they "have the personal experience", like lizzardsamok, and not others, like yourself.

True, I don't personally know any of their victims, but I don't know you either. You could be a ghost, as far as I know, or a group of secret service disinformers, or I could be those things, as far as you know. We are all virtual acquaintances here. To that extent, in a manner of speaking, both you and I do know a victim, namely, "lizzardsamok", who was banned a few days ago. All we have to fall back on here is words on a screen. Based on those words, I choose to believe all that he says about his incident, which means that I can't believe you when you claim that ALL aliens who are now here are benevolent, even while choosing to believe everything you say about your private life.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 07:05 PM
Well from all of the freaky wonders I absorbed from the internet!! Martian are from the 4th dimensional plane..thus...we can see dont know...until i can Astral Project...I cant never give you a definate answer...

but honestly....its a great excuse...when are of a higher plane than us!! with astral plane prove me otherwise

[edit on 2-4-2005 by skyblueff0]

posted on May, 7 2005 @ 02:09 PM
From what I have been able to accertain, the Green are of the same race as the Greys. The differences between them are interesting, on the whole the greens have a higher ability for empathy and the showing of emotion, this is due to a split in their society long ago. The greys started as the scientific, logical part of the society that decided to seperate and began selective breeding programs. Due to this seperation of many generations of selective inbreeding in both sects, they came to find that neither could reproduce and rejoined in an attempt to fix this problem to no avail, such is why they have initiated genetic experiments here.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 08:08 AM


I saw a blue light being last year at the bottom of my bed. It hadn't even acknowledged me. It was glowing with a big blue aura, it had a bald head, it wore a robe, it was thin with a thin neck, small head, all in proportion. It looked female but i don't like to assume. The being looked human except it was blue all over. The blue aura looked almost electric and it illuminated the part of the room where it stood.

I'm afraid i hid under the devet like a big child, i was petrified, it took hour to get back to sleep after this. She eventually vanished after a few minuets and i have never seen her again since.

This being doesn't match Earth Sisters description, which by the way i fully respect and appriciate as im not here to laught at other people as i wouldn't expect to be treated that way myself

We all have our own knowledge and thats what it is! belife doesn't even come into it.

Can anyone shed some light on what i saw and has anyone seen anything similer?

[edit on 05012005 by Earth Angel]

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