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I cannot believe MY cognitive dissonance!

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+85 more 
posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 11:29 AM
Mass formation psychosis is too strong a phrase to use - Or is it?

Back when the injections came out in the UK I was not going to have them. Alas, I travel internationally for work and it was impossible to carry out my job without being jabbed. The option of leaving the job isn’t, at this moment, plausible – I have two mortgages, two kids, it pays well, it’s flexible to allow second incomes form other flows.

I came to terms with the fact I needed the jabs to work. Then the strangest thing happened. Sub consciously I began surrounding myself with pro vaccine information, pro vaccine friends. For the first time in my life I started to rely on data from profit driven businesses, communicated through funded media outlets and voiced out by our government.

This was, without doubt, a defense mechanism, a sub conscious reaction, a complete change in the way I viewed the world around me. I stopped questioning and only looked for comfort. Throughout this I noticed a feeling of unease, discordance within myself, but never strong enough to make me question twice, like I did at the start.

I just didn’t have that option open to me.

Jab number 1 takes place, leaving aside the shambles of the entire set up, I get chest pains a week later. Now, remember I’ve surrounded myself with pro-jabbers, so any mention of the chest pains and “they’re in your head”, “it’s muscular”, “purely psychological”, “side effects are too rare for it to happen”. So I carry on regardless.

Jab number 2. Same again. But the pains get more frequent. Maybe pain is too strong a word, it’s an ache. So I read up on side effects again, and this time there are many more reports of effects in people my age… still, according to Google, rare. (Note here that for the first time in the last 5 years I resorted to Google, not something I ever relied upon).

I end up at the doctors for blood tests and ECG examinations. The results of which are fine – however I’m sitting here still with the feeling in my chest/heart.

It dawns on me that for the last 6 months I’ve been experiencing massive cognitive dissonance as a result of the defense mechanism and I need snap out of it QUICKLY.

Then it all starts making sense. The links between Pfizer, Reuters, BBC, Google. The simple tricks (I’ve written about on here) the media are suing to “bend” the meaning of various statistics. Laura Dosworth’s book A State of Fear – solid evidence of the Government actively deciding to use elevated levels of fear and propaganda against the British public.

I was had, absolutely hook, line and sinker.

Now, I try and discuss this with pro-jabbing friends – they want NOTHING to do with it. You know, I’ve got colleagues in India who are telling me they are taking Ivermectin as we speak, and my friends still did not believe. But I can’t hold it against them because I too had my reasons for being tricked, conned, controlled.

Then I speak to my real friends, my friends of decades, turns out we all pretty much went through the same thing in one way or another.

Here I am then. Double jabbed, really p****d off that, through a defense mechanism, I didn’t research:

Lipid nanoparticles
Spike proteins
Adverse reactions
Relationships between pharma, media and government
REAL statistics

I take full blame for doing this ridiculous thing, I don’t blame the defense mechanism. I blame myself and my situation. Thinking back, if I had a run of the mill job I’d have quit and not bothered with the jabs.

There’s no chance I’ll be having a booster.
Sorry for turning into someone who blindly believed the official stories pushed onto us by authorities. I’m sorry to myself more than anything.
The scariest thing about all this crap? If you’d have asked me 5 months back would I vaccinate my kids…. I think I might have actually said yes!!!!!!!!!!

Very big lesson learned from all of this, I am susceptible to the easy way out, susceptible to the very things I have written deeply about on here, susceptible to the drug that has overtaken a planet.

+3 more 
posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: and14263

In my opinion, this isn't about safety or health and never has been.

It's all about who is going to dissent vs. who will comply. Look at the stories now, where the US Federal gov't wants to collect ALL names of those who filed for religious exemption and compile them into a database. The Pretrial Services Agency of the District of Columbia and then look at why a small, indiscrete agency is being used for this. Under the radar?

It's not good.
Even if these vaccines are effective and useful, the idea that agencies are looking to implement drastic control measures upon the public, in almost every nation/state around the globe, is very telling.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience.

I still believe if this wasn't about compliance, then natural immunity would be cheered and we would all be talking about the people who recovered, not the deaths. In some forums, i.e., reddit, they actually celebrate deaths from this.


Yet, everyone will catch this virus.

edit on 18-1-2022 by havok because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: and14263

I took the shots before the full court press was on. I knew going in that it was a risk, one I decided to take.

Watching it all now. There's no way they jab my kid, and any booster is right out.

Peer pressure is powerful and it's hard to hang on to what you know is right when the sea is all washing away against you. You have to be truly stubborn and strong in your convictions. You also have to pick your battles. Some hills aren't worth dying on even when you know what you know.

edit on 18-1-2022 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

+13 more 
posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: and14263

Sorry for turning into someone who blindly believed the official stories pushed onto us by authorities.

You know, we are living in some really weird times right now. It's not just you; it's a huge percentage of the global population who have accepted this cognitive bias willingly and gladly.

So you're not alone.

However, you seem to have pulled yourself out out of that trap, and to that I say, "Good for you!"

It's likely I could have wandered into that same trap you did. At one time, I still had a little faith in humanity. My job was important to me, because it afforded me all these pretty baubles and toys I wanted. But over the years, I watched official stories change, watched obvious malicious behavior excused, and watched all sorts of examples of man's inhumanity to man.

Back in early 2020, when I first heard about this dreaded "novel" virus loose in China, I was worried. Some viruses are quite deadly, and China isn't exactly known for being overly health-conscious or even for first-world hygiene. It could have been something seriously serious. I watched it with a little hope and a lot of apprehension.

Then the stories started not adding up. The fatality rate was 2% (and even less now as more information comes out). Half the cases are asymptomatic. Really? That doesn't make sense... we want to shut down our entire economy, change social interaction completely over a 2% fatality rate? That's when the switch tripped for me. When official stories don't make sense, one is looking at the wrong goal. In this case, the goal of TPTB was never to protect anyone... if anything it was to isolate everyone.

So don't be so hard on yourself. I get it; I really do. It's so damn easy to slide down that primrose path, especially when it is prepared for you beforehand. I would say you should celebrate! Celebrate your awakening to reality.

I don't think the vaccine will be deadly in your case. Watch those chest pains, and get your heart checked out thoroughly. Take it from me, that heart is kinda important. But your symptoms seem to be mild and treatable, even if you have to live with a slightly weakened heart. Others have not been so lucky, and I fear those who continue to take the vaccines and boosters will suffer much worse than those who decide to stop now.

Welcome back.


posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: and14263

Don't beat yourself up for it. Be thankful you have lived to tell the tale -- and to warn others. Take good care of yourself. Maybe try getting the zinc/C/D3/quercitin formula supplements and see if you can un-do some of the damage and/or refortify your system. Consider some probiotics to help repair and replenish the gut biome. Maybe even some activated charcoal or aloe to cleanse and detox. There are a few threads here with helpful links and suggestions.

They've created numerous snares designed to catch us all. They know what they're doing. You didn't, but you do now.

Sometimes the lessons we learn best by living are the lessons we learn best of all. It was a tough lesson, but it could be worse.

Good luck -- and take good care of yourself!

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 11:54 AM
covid is highly contagious. so much so that you must wear masks, social distance, lock down and more.

and it has been two years and we have found that masks, distance, and lock down do not work.

the population in the US is over 320 million and 65 million have been tested and diagnosed with corona.
lets see, 65/320=20%

so over a two year period, 80% of the population has not got covid.
how is that possible with a highly contagious virus that evades masks, distance, and lock down?

It is possible because most of you human and possess built in immunity.
getting the "jab" and not acquiring covid only means you are also immune to the vaccine.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: and14263

For many Science has replaced religion, in that I mean they have made it THERE religion, most of them do not understand it but they treat the scientists and spokesmen as if they were divinely anointed priests.

Couple this with the Sermons given by Media and an age of Anti Religionism and replacing Religion with Science and you can well and truly see how these people like dumb sheep have been led to the abattoir.

The truth is Science is a Tool and not reality, it is opinion and not fact, it works mostly at the Newtonian level and loses it's way once it hit's the quantum realm's of the microcosm.

But like ANY tool it is only as good as the one that wields it.

In the hands of malign intellect it becomes a danger and a threat as it becomes a weapon but in the hands of the benign it is invaluable and the greatest tool man has made.

It's many branches have progressed humanity but they have also sadly Regressed us into a modern age of dumbed down idiocy.

So it is no wonder that governments of imbeciles will and have made imbecilic decisions.

This is NOT A vaccine, I have little time for genuine Anti Vaxx'ers though I understand and agree with those that take offence to any medicine made in an unethical manner.

However this mRNA technology which even it's own creator is outraged at being used as a vaccine is NOT a vaccine, it does not grant immunity, does not prevent the spread and does not even stop an infected person getting ill from the covid no matter how many jabs they have had, jabs which wear off after only one month and are completely useless between three and six month's.

But for the elite whom own the big corporations behind this false science it is a money spinner like never before.

A real vaccine does exist, we just never got it but I would bet that those guy's and many in top government positions did and they tried to destroy the a man whom brought his own out to try to save people over on Germany.

His Vaccine was and is a REAL Vaccine that would if rolled out give you Immunity, prevent you Spreading it and also from getting sick from the Covid so why?.

Ulterior motives, profit.

Shrunken genitals on baby's indicates birth control as well being a likely aim of this crime against humanity.

When will we wake up, never, when will these vile scum be brought to justice, never.

Why?, lithium sprayed from planes into the air to tranquilize the population, poison in the water and food, media that brainwashes literally the population and they start young with school curriculum's that are as basic as possible and aimed at keeping people in there place instead of liberating them, can't have EVERYONE playing monopoly now can we or else there would be too many players on the board for the elite to remain the elite.

And it help's to keep the poor poor by taxing them while giving tax breaks to the multi billionaires some of whom are playing rocket Robby and living out childhood fantasy's of escaping to planet mars or making AI robot's so they can have someone as dumb as themselves to have long meaningless conversations with (of course I am just thinking of two well known jokers but the real elite are far above them with there far greater wealth so well hidden you will never even hear how rich they really are and laugh at these disposable idiots that have climbed onto perhaps only the first rung of a very long ladder below them).

Governments are corrupt, you are a prisoner and a totalitarian system is being implemented on a global scale to keep you in your place, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports and god only knows what hellish crap alongside the false vaccine mRNA component of those jab's is being put into people, you are awake sadly those that are pro mRNA vaccine are not, they may wake up but the world they will wake up in is now a very different one to the one they went to sleep in.

edit on 18-1-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: and14263

for the very forthright comments.

Hope you feel better soon.


posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

As far as mRNA and vaccines go, the approach is similar to methods used to make vaccines now. Where it differs is in how it uses your own cells to replicate certain proteins for the immune system to target. But we've been making vaccines out of very small protein snippets of viruses for a while.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: and14263

I take full blame for doing this ridiculous thing, I don’t blame the defense mechanism. I blame myself and my situation. Thinking back, if I had a run of the mill job I’d have quit and not bothered with the jabs.

There’s no chance I’ll be having a booster.
Sorry for turning into someone who blindly believed the official stories pushed onto us by authorities. I’m sorry to myself more than anything.
The scariest thing about all this crap? If you’d have asked me 5 months back would I vaccinate my kids…. I think I might have actually said yes!!!!!!!!!!

Very big lesson learned from all of this, I am susceptible to the easy way out, susceptible to the very things I have written deeply about on here, susceptible to the drug that has overtaken a planet

It is best to not look back with regret of any kind.

You have awoken to the reality and have the chance to stand in your power and shift the narrative of everyone you interact with by sharing your story.

It is vital that our vaccinated friends and family are honest about their VAERS, are honest about buying into the lies, are honest about their experience as you have shared here.

Your reflection is one of the most honest and IMHO, most important stories that can be shared.

Wishing you well!

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: and14263

For many Science has replaced religion, in that I mean they have made it THERE religion, most of them do not understand it but they treat the scientists and spokesmen as if they were divinely anointed priests.

Couple this with the Sermons given by Media and an age of Anti Religionism and replacing Religion with Science and you can well and truly see how these people like dumb sheep have been led to the abattoir.

The truth is Science is a Tool and not reality, it is opinion and not fact, it works mostly at the Newtonian level and loses it's way once it hit's the quantum realm's of the microcosm.

But like ANY tool it is only as good as the one that wields it.

In the hands of malign intellect it becomes a danger and a threat as it becomes a weapon but in the hands of the benign it is invaluable and the greatest tool man has made.

It's many branches have progressed humanity but they have also sadly Regressed us into a modern age of dumbed down idiocy.

So it is no wonder that governments of imbeciles will and have made imbecilic decisions.

This is NOT A vaccine, I have little time for genuine Anti Vaxx'ers though I understand and agree with those that take offence to any medicine made in an unethical manner.

However this mRNA technology which even it's own creator is outraged at being used as a vaccine is NOT a vaccine, it does not grant immunity, does not prevent the spread and does not even stop an infected person getting ill from the covid no matter how many jabs they have had, jabs which wear off after only one month and are completely useless between three and six month's.

But for the elite whom own the big corporations behind this false science it is a money spinner like never before.

A real vaccine does exist, we just never got it but I would bet that those guy's and many in top government positions did and they tried to destroy the a man whom brought his own out to try to save people over on Germany.

His Vaccine was and is a REAL Vaccine that would if rolled out give you Immunity, prevent you Spreading it and also from getting sick from the Covid so why?.

Ulterior motives, profit.

Shrunken genitals on baby's indicates birth control as well being a likely aim of this crime against humanity.

When will we wake up, never, when will these vile scum be brought to justice, never.

Why?, lithium sprayed from planes into the air to tranquilize the population, poison in the water and food, media that brainwashes literally the population and they start young with school curriculum's that are as basic as possible and aimed at keeping people in there place instead of liberating them, can't have EVERYONE playing monopoly now can we or else there would be too many players on the board for the elite to remain the elite.

And it help's to keep the poor poor by taxing them while giving tax breaks to the multi billionaires some of whom are playing rocket Robby and living out childhood fantasy's of escaping to planet mars or making AI robot's so they can have someone as dumb as themselves to have long meaningless conversations with (of course I am just thinking of two well known jokers but the real elite are far above them with there far greater wealth so well hidden you will never even hear how rich they really are and laugh at these disposable idiots that have climbed onto perhaps only the first rung of a very long ladder below them).

Governments are corrupt, you are a prisoner and a totalitarian system is being implemented on a global scale to keep you in your place, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports and god only knows what hellish crap alongside the false vaccine mRNA component of those jab's is being put into people, you are awake sadly those that are pro mRNA vaccine are not, they may wake up but the world they will wake up in is now a very different one to the one they went to sleep in.

Such a great thread and the above sounds extremely plausible does it not?

Im just afraid those that need to be convinced just don't have the attention span needed, to read and comprehend posts like those in this thread. Today's nuevo fascist think in 20 second sound bites or 240 character tweets, if this was a meme perhaps it would change some of their minds.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: and14263

The number one way to have a healthy distrust of the Pharma Industry....

Work for them. 🤡🌍

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: elementalgrove
a reply to: and14263

I take full blame for doing this ridiculous thing, I don’t blame the defense mechanism. I blame myself and my situation. Thinking back, if I had a run of the mill job I’d have quit and not bothered with the jabs.

There’s no chance I’ll be having a booster.
Sorry for turning into someone who blindly believed the official stories pushed onto us by authorities. I’m sorry to myself more than anything.
The scariest thing about all this crap? If you’d have asked me 5 months back would I vaccinate my kids…. I think I might have actually said yes!!!!!!!!!!

Very big lesson learned from all of this, I am susceptible to the easy way out, susceptible to the very things I have written deeply about on here, susceptible to the drug that has overtaken a planet

It is best to not look back with regret of any kind.

You have awoken to the reality and have the chance to stand in your power and shift the narrative of everyone you interact with by sharing your story.

It is vital that our vaccinated friends and family are honest about their VAERS, are honest about buying into the lies, are honest about their experience as you have shared here.

Your reflection is one of the most honest and IMHO, most important stories that can be shared.

Wishing you well!

perfectly said!!!

The truth always welcomes w open arms man. The fact you pulled yourself out says volumes about you
edit on 1/18/2022 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: LABTECH767

As far as mRNA and vaccines go, the approach is similar to methods used to make vaccines now. Where it differs is in how it uses your own cells to replicate certain proteins for the immune system to target. But we've been making vaccines out of very small protein snippets of viruses for a while.

However I would point out that the whole virus approach was always better, irradiated virus that were basically no longer able to infect but which had there entire protein sheath more or less intact allowed immune systems to actually respond more readily and learn to fight them off better than this partial approach.

Like any virus the covid has more than one Protein structure on it's sheath, proteins which act as enzymes allowing the virus to pass through the cell walls and also helping them to integrate there genetic material into the cell nucleus (I don't know of any virus that attacks the mitochondria but likely there have been or even are out there and most virus are actually beneficial such as bacteriophage which attack bacteria).

Usually most virus will take over the host (infected) cell and force it to replicate them instead of going about it's normal cellular functions until the cell dies and the cell wall ruptures releasing thousands or even millions of copy's of the original virus into the surrounding tissue ready to infect more cell's.

As for how this is made I do not accept that explanation, it is very different to a standard vaccine and in the old days as you know they used to incubate the virus in something like for example Chicken egg's as virus need cells to replicate within.

Then they would be irradiated so as to destroy the viral genes leaving as much of the protein sheath intact as possible, sometimes this left a damaged but less lethal virus and so there was still a risk of infection but either way when this was given to a recipient there immune system was given a taste of the live (they are not actually alive in any sense except when they are in a cell and have taken it over but I digress) virus and so allow the immune system to respond by creating tailored immune cells programmed to respond to the particular protein signatures of the virus sheath.

If the recipient then became infected with the real virus there immune system already had it's immune cell's ready to fight it off and so the infection was less severe and they survived.

However it has been a long time since I took AS level classes in Biology.

I do not therefore accept that the mRNA Jab's are Vaccines, they simply do not fit the definition of a vaccine, no immunity, no prevention of spreading it and the only claim they keep making is that you still catch it but it is less severe, how do they even prove that claim which is spurious at best and really bad science at worst.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 12:23 PM
Its easier to fool a man then to convince him he has been fooled.

Good on you OP for figuring it out . All it takes is for people to stop lying to themselves

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: and14263

for snapping out of it, it's harder than to get caught up in it.

Don't blame yourself too much though. There has been so much military research and so little public education on mind control, we barely stand a chance. And they haven't even brought out the big guns yet...

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: and14263

Happens to the best of us, I also had to get stuck for my work and it messed with my head for a bit as well the important thing is you realized it and checked yourself.

Count me in Ketsuko's camp no way in hell I get a booster, and no way in hell my son gets jabbed period.

We are lucky stateside we have areas that told the fear monger to go to hell, so we have real time data showing truth, yall got the full court press all day every day, almost everyone will buckle at some point. But you figured it out and are back on your feet, stay true to who you are and it will all work out.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I am not arguing what the shots are or aren't, only saying the approach was theoretically similar. The catch is that, of course, what looks good on paper does not always work in practice.

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 12:35 PM
Thank you, and1. This was a brave & important message. When we share our struggles, reactions and realizations, we help folk that we will never even know we helped.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 12:55 PM
this has helped people detox from the vaccine if you are interested.

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