a reply to:
Let me start with saying I rarely get sick as far as colds and flu's go but the week after my birthday (Nov. 29th) in 2019 over a four to five day
period I started getting what I thought was at first a cold but over a period of another week I was getting worse and not better with what was a lot
of chest congestion, and nothing I did for it with OTC meds was working.
I'm pretty sure it was the second Monday in December I finally told my wife that I better go to the Doctor because I believed I either had the flu or
walking pneumonia and so I called to make the appointment and was seen the next day.
My Dr. wrote me a prescription for regular antibiotics and some prescription cough suppressant while telling me the usual, which was drink clear
liquids eat light etc an that was that.
Fast forward about a week and and a few days and well into the antibiotics I knew I wasn't getting any better with the reality being that I really
felt like hell not like I was going to die or dying mind you, but I felt worse than I could ever remember feeling for a flu and so I asked the wife if
she would call the Dr. back and tell her that I was exponentially worse and I wanted to see her again, the appointment was set for that afternoon.
Each time I went they did labs workups on me so after I did my labs I was waiting in one of the examination rooms when she comes in never mentioning
anything with the blood and or urine workups and says she's going to put me on a Z Pack which as we all know is a 5 day steroidal antibiotic
Well the Z Pack knocked it right out of me well I felt like you do right after a good bout with the flu, a little weak still but the symptoms had
ceased and I was in fine form for New Years Eve which for me was a plus since I had been out of it for my birthday and Christmas, so I at least
salvaged the last of the big (for me anyways) end of the year celebrations. Since I had no follow-up visit scheduled and hadn't thought to call my Dr.
back to tell her it worked I went about life as usual, I must add here that I have never worn a mask since we have had no real mask mandates here in
S.C. as per our Governor but local businesses were allowed to require one if they wanted even though the legality of it was not on their side. Here in
the county where I live the Sheriff stated that he would not not have his deputies enforce any self imposed mask laws if called upon to do so by local
businesses as the businesses did not have the right to have the rule to begin with. This caused a minor stir because now businesses would be at fault
for turning anyone away. Apparently the county was fine with this because no one tried to over-rule the sheriff, and though some businesses put up
signs asking people to wear a mask, no one did and no one was asked to leave.
Anyways fast forward to the second week of February when Covid fear mongering was just starting to blossom my wife hands me the phone and says it's my
Dr. so I took the phone and after our pleasantries I could tell she was uncertain in her coming verbiage so first she starts by asking how I was to
which I replied that I was better than ever, and I thanked her for that. Then there was more hemming and hawing when finally she says that they had
run my labs I did for them on my previous visits again, and that I did in fact back in November, December and January have Covid-19 and then the
hemming and hawing started up again and she piped up and sort of blurted out "I was wondering though if you could come back in so I can do some more
labs on you?" Well for some reason I just replied "Ahh no, I'm good but thanks anyways and thank you for getting me over everything" and I hung up.
Now I still do not know why she would have needed any more lab work on me nor did I ever find out, because she just up and left, a few months later my
wife went to see her and she came back and told me that she had to see another Dr. because she had left. I do now know that the testing for Covid was
here in this county in late January 2020 but I believe I am right in assessing that they had nothing to do with testing through a persons labs, and so
I am stumped as to why she needed more blood and urine? I know it wasn't for drugs because she along with everyone else and their brothers know I have
smoked marijuana since 1973 and now do it for my own self medicated pain management. I'm 62 years old and have severe degenerative nerve damage in my
neck which causes me to have several migraine like headaches within a 24 hour period, and that also causes some issues with my shoulders and fingers.
Plus I have really painful arthritis in my elbows, wrists, knees, ankles, and the bones in the top of my feet, and being a life long guitar player who
has been in the same band now since 1974 I have always babied my hands and the pot keeps me playing guitar, knocks the migraines out, helps the
arthritis and above all, keeps me from having to bow down to those drooler narcotic drugs my Doctors wanted to put me on.
And so I have been in fine form ever since, but I am still stumped as to why she wanted me to come back in for more lab work, that is the million
dollar question.