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The Government Knew the Cure in Early 2020, Vaxx was Never Needed

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posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: AndyMayhew
Ivermectin is also a prophylactic.

It can work as one, yes. In the same way anthrax, arsenic and sulphuric acid, taken in sufficient doses, also prevent Covid.

When you compare a drug safer than Tylenol to anthrax LOL. This guy is drinking pharma koolaid straight from Pfizer's schlong.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 09:56 AM
Criminals, CDC, Fauci, pharma and our government specially all those democrats that make a mockery of then President Trump that suggested alternative treatments.

We the people should do a mass law sue for this entities and people withholding lifesaving treatments and causing unnecessary dead and suffering of thousands of American and millions around the world.

All this in pursue of pushing for an experimental jab and make billions for big China Pfizer and other pharma.

We the people need to held of this criminals accountable.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: AndyMayhew
Ivermectin is also a prophylactic.

It can work as one, yes. In the same way anthrax, arsenic and sulphuric acid, taken in sufficient doses, also prevent Covid.

Perhaps you should also see if anthrax, arsenic, and sulphuric acid also work on brainwashing.

Why do you care what anybody else does to their body? Did you get a vaccine in you that works? if so it shouldn't matter to you if somebody rubs Ivermectin all over themselves and runs around Piccadilly Square

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

yes, in a cost sensitive, conservative world.... the spike protein vaxxine would never have been concocted

but that was/is not the 'Reality' of the situation

the reality is that a pandemic prone socio-economic economy must come into existence and a 3 million strong pharmacy projection infrastructure must be developed to combat continual episodes of Pandemics for the next 50 years

the nurses/ doctors/ walk-in clinics/ school textbooks and trained health monitors areond every turn must become the new normal

remember the cuulture revolution of the 1960s youth in music/dress codes/ hairstyles/ college education.... everything got built-better &-or became race-&-sex equality oriented... then came the digital revolution where we are still just starting --- where all life and sustainability models are being changed radically

well, the same life-styles and digital revolutions of the 60s and 90s are in the process of altering our present citizen health care models...and opening up opportunities for a full heirarchy of jobs & positions that just months ago were never dreamed of

full 15% of the social-economic order is in massive upheavel...
the elite planners don't really consider any COVID or CORONA death to be collateral damage' to be avoided when multiple Trillions are involved

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: AndyMayhew
Ivermectin is also a prophylactic.

It can work as one, yes. In the same way anthrax, arsenic and sulphuric acid, taken in sufficient doses, also prevent Covid.

Just wow, Andy. How is it nobody ever told you?

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: AndyMayhew
Ivermectin is also a prophylactic.

It can work as one, yes. In the same way anthrax, arsenic and sulphuric acid, taken in sufficient doses, also prevent Covid.

Are you saying DARPA is wrong and are conspiracy theorists?

2005, Fauci admitted HCQ was a curative for coronaviruses.
2020: DARPA, Fauci and the government knew HCQ and ivermectin were cures
2020: Frontline doctors discovered HCQ and ivermectin were cures
2020-2022: Studies continue to pour out showing the same thing.

Are you saying they are all wrong, they all independently came to the wrong conclusion?

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
The other day I mentioned how the effects of an infection are treated rather than the cause, in my viruses are caused by parasites rant...remember?

Let's say your car tire keeps going flat. Treating that effect is to reinflate the tire. But to treat the cause is to remove the nail, and either plug or patch the hole that causes the tire to keep going flat.

Without killing the virus/parasite (nail in tire) the same problem/infection flat tire the next day persists.

...this post is for other's who have yet to grasp the concept.
edit on (1/14/2222 by loveguy because:

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 11:43 AM
The whole ruse is about election winning and population suppression/control for profit !!! ©️🎌

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: loveguy

You develop natural immunity while using ivermectin which is far superior to any vaccine. The mrna drug isn't even a vaccine. It creates 1 antibody, natural immunity creates 20+ antibodies and gives t cell immunity.

Furthermore the mrna drugs have killed 800k people in the US alone. It's being used for depopulation which is why it sucks so bad, and doesn't stop infection or transmission. That means it's working.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: AndyMayhew
Ivermectin is also a prophylactic.

It can work as one, yes. In the same way anthrax, arsenic and sulphuric acid, taken in sufficient doses, also prevent Covid.

One word.....speechless!

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: AndyMayhew
Ivermectin is also a prophylactic.

It can work as one, yes. In the same way anthrax, arsenic and sulphuric acid, taken in sufficient doses, also prevent Covid.

One word.....speechless!

You must realize the persons objective, right?

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: Dalamax
Can we collapse the big pharma bubble now? Or is it too big to fail?

a reply to: v1rtu0s0

People have to first understand the implications of this thread before action can be taken. So far, the mainstream media is completely silent.

You mean all the news stations and TV studios who are being funnel fed ridiculous investment profits in exchange for their advertising services. They stop advertising, their golden goose stops laying eggs and they have to do honest work for peanuts like the rest of us.

edit on 14-1-2022 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 04:17 PM

The Fundamental Principles of Ethics

Beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice constitute the 4 principles of ethics. The first 2 can be traced back to the time of Hippocrates “to help and do no harm,” while the latter 2 evolved later. Thus, in Percival’s book on ethics in early 1800s, the importance of keeping the patient’s best interest as a goal is stressed, while autonomy and justice were not discussed. However, with the passage of time, both autonomy and justice gained acceptance as important principles of ethics. In modern times, Beauchamp and Childress’ book on Principles of Biomedical Ethics is a classic for its exposition of these 4 principles [5] and their application, while also discussing alternative approaches.


The principle of beneficence is the obligation of physician to act for the benefit of the patient and supports a number of moral rules to protect and defend the right of others, prevent harm, remove conditions that will cause harm, help persons with disabilities, and rescue persons in danger. It is worth emphasizing that, in distinction to nonmaleficence, the language here is one of positive requirements. The principle calls for not just avoiding harm, but also to benefit patients and to promote their welfare. While physicians’ beneficence conforms to moral rules, and is altruistic, it is also true that in many instances it can be considered a payback for the debt to society for education (often subsidized by governments), ranks and privileges, and to the patients themselves (learning and research).


Nonmaleficence is the obligation of a physician not to harm the patient. This simply stated principle supports several moral rules – do not kill, do not cause pain or suffering, do not incapacitate, do not cause offense, and do not deprive others of the goods of life. The practical application of nonmaleficence is for the physician to weigh the benefits against burdens of all interventions and treatments, to eschew those that are inappropriately burdensome, and to choose the best course of action for the patient. This is particularly important and pertinent in difficult end-of-life care decisions on withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment, medically administered nutrition and hydration, and in pain and other symptom control. A physician’s obligation and intention to relieve the suffering (e.g., refractory pain or dyspnea) of a patient by the use of appropriate drugs including opioids override the foreseen but unintended harmful effects or outcome (doctrine of double effect) [7, 8].

memo to fauci

All health care practitioners are constrained by the principles of professionalism in honoring and upholding the interests and well-being of their patients. This embodies the concept of the fiduciary relationship; work performed that always and without exception favors the client and not the professional performing the work. 

edit on (1/14/2222 by loveguy because:

edit on (1/14/2222 by loveguy because: Felt the need to bold some text ☺

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 04:45 PM
It is worse than the jab just not being required, the Emergency Use Authorization is a crime against humanity. With WW2 it was not until Hitler and Germany fell that the Nuremberg trials began. This time Fauci and Pfizer need to fall to clean up this swamp.

It is good to see more evidence building, tough dealing with the mass formation psychosis still in play. I know this scam is not going to last forever, as for when and how this castle cracks?

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

What if it's a part of the plan, to have supposedly 'hidden' 'cures' : and then to have this info 'escape' ?

In other words : they need a big crash-and-burn, to usher-in ' The-Not-So-Great-Reset™ '.

So worldwide riots may be just another carefully planned tactic, to continue the corralling of humanity, towards the desired ' Bio-Security-State™ ' of their wet dreams ?

Useful-Idiot™ politicians and public-figures will be the sacrificial lambs.

Then : our Technocrat™ saviors will come to save the world.

Dunno. Just dumb-ass guessing.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

There is a definite and real campaign to hype Ivermectin and HQC. They outright lie about their effectiveness.

Japan never officially approved Ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19. Similarly, as far as I have been able to determine, there were no increases in sales of Ivermectin in Japan, neither human nor veterinary, which one might expect to be obvious if tens of millions of people were taking it. So the claims that it was the reason for a reduction of COVID-19 cases in Japan is just bogus.

Japan is not using ivermectin instead of vaccines to treat Covid-19

Japan Continues to Use Vaccines, Not Ivermectin, to Fight COVID-19

Similarly, the claims about Uttar Pradesh seem to be negated by the fact that a few months later, India removed Ivermectin from its list of medicines for use against COVID-19 because it was proven to be ineffective.

No new COVID-19 cases in Uttar Pradesh, India, due to use of ivermectin

Why HCQ and Ivermectin were removed from India’s Covid-19 treatment protocol

Similarly, those who promote Ivermectin as a magical cure suggest it works both as a prophylactic, and as a treatment. Yet they put down the papers that show that Ivermectin doesn't have much effect against COVID-19 (in several different human clinical trials) by suggesting that the trials were done 'at the wrong time' in the course of the COVID-19 infections, specifically to show ivermectin in a bad light. How does a drug that is supposed to work well in every situation, prove to be ineffective in most situations, and the reason was they didn't test it in exactly the right way.

In each case, different people and groups, are saying it is ineffective. The internet snake oil salesmen, the ones who previously have sold dubious supplements, dodgy 'cures', and bad health advice, are still not the people you can trust for good and truthful health advice.

edit on 14/1/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

How the medica lied about japan no using invermectin

Interesting information.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 11:01 PM
Fauci knew as early as 2005 . . .

21st Century Pandemic Timeline

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 12:47 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

There is a definite and real campaign to hype Ivermectin and HQC. They outright lie about their effectiveness.

Japan never officially approved Ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19. Similarly, as far as I have been able to determine, there were no increases in sales of Ivermectin in Japan, neither human nor veterinary, which one might expect to be obvious if tens of millions of people were taking it. So the claims that it was the reason for a reduction of COVID-19 cases in Japan is just bogus.

Japan is not using ivermectin instead of vaccines to treat Covid-19

Japan Continues to Use Vaccines, Not Ivermectin, to Fight COVID-19

Similarly, the claims about Uttar Pradesh seem to be negated by the fact that a few months later, India removed Ivermectin from its list of medicines for use against COVID-19 because it was proven to be ineffective.

No new COVID-19 cases in Uttar Pradesh, India, due to use of ivermectin

Why HCQ and Ivermectin were removed from India’s Covid-19 treatment protocol

Similarly, those who promote Ivermectin as a magical cure suggest it works both as a prophylactic, and as a treatment. Yet they put down the papers that show that Ivermectin doesn't have much effect against COVID-19 (in several different human clinical trials) by suggesting that the trials were done 'at the wrong time' in the course of the COVID-19 infections, specifically to show ivermectin in a bad light. How does a drug that is supposed to work well in every situation, prove to be ineffective in most situations, and the reason was they didn't test it in exactly the right way.

In each case, different people and groups, are saying it is ineffective. The internet snake oil salesmen, the ones who previously have sold dubious supplements, dodgy 'cures', and bad health advice, are still not the people you can trust for good and truthful health advice.

Nice try, but the leak of the classified DARPA documents confirms they are cures.

Also, Japan is using ivermectin. They also dropped the vaccine mandates and slapped myocarditis warning labels on them.


Good try though. You can't stop the truth now. Just make sure you're not in the way of some very angry people when they realize what happened although I'd add you to the Nuremberg list if I could.

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 02:00 AM

originally posted by: Tekner

This guy is drinking pharma koolaid straight from Pfizer's schlong.

I heard that smack from here. I think it's undebatable that Tekner won the internet today. Heck...maybe the whole month.

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