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COVID Invincibles

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posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: loveguy

TBC doesn't need an MRNA spike protein, in fact all you need for covid is the tip of the spike which is a complex folded up protein.

What we have here is a ton of 'mostly unknown' DNA sequences, and the spike on the end. That in turn activates T-cell mutation. In other words you make antibodies (of which there are 4 main types) as i'm sure you know.

I am not a microbiologist, but we did study ATP, transcriptase, and MRNA, DNA, and plain old RNA as part of my human bio A levels in 1980 under Cambridge.
I am not a chemist, but i do have a grade 1 CSE in that very subject from above college, even though i did not really want to do it, i had 2 weeks to study for that one.

When you have a hard case of Covid like i have, there is only one thing that can save you and that is your own immune system, and that depends on your lifestyle, diet etc. This vaccine and all recombinations thereof, lose effectiveness over time.

We are now at 1 shot every NINE MONTHS.

The reason i did not die from Mumps or Rubella is because of the jabs i had as a baby. Your body has a lifelong memory, but this vaccine (with unknown DNA) only lasts NINE months?.

If that foreign DNA enters a nucleus of a cell, it will be with you forever.

Good luck with that!

By the way, i survived. I am now testing negative and i have work to do.
edit on 22-2-2022 by playswithmachines because: Clarification

edit on 22-2-2022 by playswithmachines because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 04:14 PM
I got A whole lot of wakeups to this message/sorry....

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 02:02 PM
And after all that kerfuffle? NOTHING.Well yes Putin tore into Ukraine i guess. I really hate that guy. I really like Ukraine more and more. They have resolve on their side. But that's for another thread. Fark You, Vladimir!

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: playswithmachines

By the way, i can smell my own farts again, well thats sometimes a blessing and sometimes a curse, now at least i will know if it's a dry or wet one, LOL
But the muscular problem remains. Vax or no vax, as in my case, i have long-term muscle pain from this.
I am happy if i can sleep 5 hours in a row without pain, that is rarely the case.
OR it could be simple RSI from using the Mouse too often?

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