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COVID Invincibles

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posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 10:50 AM
So its starting to appear many people do not have anything to worry about with COVID, and I may be one of them.


Here is why I agree. I have traveled 50k miles on motorcycle since the start of this pandemic. I even did a cross country trip this summer of 10k miles. I went to Sturgis, shook hands, never wear a mask, eat in restaurants, share joints with strangers, go to bike nights at Hooters and other bars and eat wings, Disney, Universal, flown, been to huge giant crowded events repeatedly. Nothing has touched me.

So maybe its the weed?
SOURCE: AR0zLuhnF5aqBoMBz2q-FntQSaoLSqyS1mB2SjS_NJ58B3ZQIz23hsx6pes

Or maybe it has something to do with my rare blood type? I am AB+, which is the third rarest blood type, and from my understanding means I have two types of antigens on my blood cells than other blood groups.


Regarding the antigen property of the blood all human beings can be classified into 4 groups, those with antigen A (group A), those with antigen B (group B), those with both antigen A and B (group AB) and those with neither antigen (group O).

Now my wife is Type O and vaxxed, she has the RONA it seems. I sleep right next to her, at most I get a tickle in my lungs, but it just goes away. I can tell my body has encountered things multiple times since the beginning of 2020, but my immune system just knocks it down. She has been sick for a week with upper respiratory so bad she can hardly eat.

Now here is a weird part. I was tested by LabCorp for antibodies to COVID last month, NONE, not one. My brother who is vaxxed had COVID, as well as other people I have been around and spent time with. I am sleeping next to my wife while she seems to be fighting Omicron for a week now, and she is vaxxed too J&J. I am in tip top shape, and approaching 40.

Another anecdotal piece, I have tested positive in the past for HIV on the quick test. I do NOT have HIV. My blood was reactive with the test, two times, because my body recognizes it as a threat naturally. I only tested for it because I was like 23 and had new health insurance and my Doc at the time was like, lets just run everything. They called me into the Infectious Disease Department at a large hospital here after the confirmation test in Philadelphia and interviewed me. I was told some people are immune to things, and they do not know why or how. I have ZERO viral load for HIV and do not have it. It seems likely I am one of those people in the population immune to HIV, similar to the bone marrow donor who cured the recipient. Doctors do not investigate people like me enough to actually know. They think its a curious talking point, and it ends there. I have even tried to join studies to get to the bottom of it, but no luck.


This is all anecdotal of course, maybe its the weed. For some people though, this is why things just do not add up. I figured I would put this out there, and see if anyone else has had similar personal experiences.

From my personal lived experience, the people running around with the surgical masks look like the biggest conspiracy theorists I have ever seen in my life. If this world is a simulation, they are definitely the bots and NPCs, IMHO.
edit on 13-1-2022 by TrollMagnet because:

edit on 13-1-2022 by TrollMagnet because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 12:33 PM
Since the beginning I've taken zero precautions, had lots of homeless teenagers coming and going from the house along with my kids, worked in public though outside, no vaccines and got nothing.

As a seriously oppositional person I took the path of washing even less than my usual bare minimum in order to build up my natural biome as disease protection. Works like a charm.

I'm allergic to weed and think my blood type is A-, which I heard might be more susceptible to covid so I don't think it's entirely those factors.

Perhaps we just have healthy immune systems?

Editing to add that that is very interesting about the bone marrow and that some people have hyper immunity to disease.

Figures, they wouldn't want to study your case. No money in the healthy.

edit on 13-1-2022 by igloo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: igloo
Since the beginning I've taken zero precautions, had lots of homeless teenagers coming and going from the house along with my kids, worked in public though outside, no vaccines and got nothing.

As a seriously oppositional person I took the path of washing even less than my usual bare minimum in order to build up my natural biome as disease protection. Works like a charm.

I'm allergic to weed and think my blood type is A-, which I heard might be more susceptible to covid so I don't think it's entirely those factors.

Perhaps we just have healthy immune systems?

Editing to add that that is very interesting about the bone marrow and that some people have hyper immunity to disease.

Figures, they wouldn't want to study your case. No money in the healthy.

I think it's a combo that, to borrow one from gaming, probably acts like stacking boosts. I also haven't been doing much on the hygiene end either, right down to my only 'resolution' this year being to not wash my hands in public, period, to assess a hunch based off of observation -- I know entirely too many who don't even wash hands after the toilet, but never get sick

So the hunch is to let nature take the lead, and balance the biome... WITH the biome & not chemicals other than the trusty basic soaps of old. No more store-supplied bathroom antibacterial, alcohol-riddled, anti-microbial bull this year. Back to bacics, it got humans this far already

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: TrollMagnet

my daughter sent this to me a while ago.

This is from quite a while ago, but pretty dang funny.

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 03:40 PM
Just to add info for later formulation,

I too am unvaxxed,

Type O+

No masks, shake hands, share drinks etc

No Covid.

Also, never have I been bitten by a mosquito. Ever.

Though people around me got Covid vaxxed or unvaxxed.

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 04:02 PM
I do not avoid covid, do not wear mask and go everywhere, I am O+ still alive and well, but is one thing I remember all my childhood I fought the darn cold viruses; I was always sick with a cold and always hit me the hardest.

Now I can not remember when I had my last cold, but I do remember my last Flu.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 06:30 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: hazelavery
Welcome to ATS.
Congratulations on your 1st post.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 09:54 AM
I have a friend whose roomie seems to be invulnerable. His girlfriend and her son had it last spring, he did not catch it. Now a week ago my friend got the omni as well as the roomie's girlfriend and her mother. Again, he skates thru without getting infected. On top of that the guy is not in good health.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: TrollMagnet

Ok so i'm only reading from the OP so far, and forgive me for jumping in before reading just 1 page, ha, old peeps are like that. But i would just like to say, i am kind of slowly dying from covid. I survived the Alpha, that took me down for a week and it was unlike anything I have ever had, and i survived 'russian flu' and Gastro-enteritis before i was 16. In both cases i had a temp of about 104 and nobody thought i would survive.

I did survive, and many things since then i survived also, like being thrown from cars, electrocuted, and being shot by a drug-crazed gangster. I survived all of these things.

I even survived some attempts on my life i would rather not talk about.

But this Covid is a real b*tch. I got the Alpha and survived, though it didf put me out of action for a week. Not only that, i had all the classic symptoms, fever, loss of smell & taste, nausea etc. But by far the worst for me was the muscle pain. I worked 30 years in the metal and machine industry, i have muscles everywhere (thats why they could not kill me remotely except some heart attacks and a nosebleed or 2) but holy carp, i got severe muscle pains from this virus that left me lying in bed, stiff in pain. They still do.
This is my 3rd casde of Covid. I have an A level diploma from Cambridge, i have 2 of them, 1 is in 'Human Biology' where i learned about MRNA aged 15, and another in 'advanced physics' where my thesis on the relavitistic mass gained by a glass object travelling 80% the speed of li8ght would have been...... Pfgf just to keep them happy.

But this virus IS REAL. it can hurt you, it can even deforem you for life. Yes it came from a lab. Of course it does, it has not only an exponential 'gain of function' it also has a 'self-repair' genome, that stops it (like most virii) from mutating beyond it's lethal effects.
Let me say that again; It has a self-repair genome, it will ALWAYS be Lethal. It was designed that way.
Please observe, i am NOT anti-vaxx. But i still prefer to trust MY OWN immuno-system than some Guvmint Bull#e, because my own system can replicate anything that comes along. I DO have an A level in Human Biology from Cambridge at this point, ok?
I will NOT die, even though this bug is real. I simply refuse to. I will tell you that i am in pain 24/7, but i WILL rise above this.
I am PWM, i cannot be killed.

edit on 16-2-2022 by playswithmachines because: update

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: TrollMagnet

perhaps the answer lies in the covid Human Challenge trials in the UK?
50% were able to defeat the viral infection in 2 days or less.
Apparently they infected 36 people.

Fully vetted no vaccine, no evidence of previous infection and no comorbidities.
18 infected sero-negative
16 uninfected sero-negative
2 Uninfected sero-positive

So 16 dealt with virus without any effect and didn't generate anti-bodies the innate immune system just shut it down
2 dealt with it in 2 days generating antibodies.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 02:53 PM
Well I have to change the story, still do not wear mask, still do not avoid other human beings and I am still O +.

But about 4 weeks ago I got the rona, yes lasted 5 days and I was done with it, no lingering effects no problems at all, still unvaxed.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: playswithmachines

This suggestion was quickly confirmed by biochemical analysis of the Ku and LigD proteins encoded by the Mycobacterium tuberculosisgenome [5]. LigD is an ATP-dependent DNA ligase, one of three encoded by the organism [6]. Like its eukaryotic counterpart [1], bacterial Ku forms a stable dimer in solution and preferentially binds double-stranded DNA ends. In addition, Ku stimulates LigD activity and is capable of recruiting LigD to DNA [5]. Again, this parallels the situation seen in eukaryotic cells, where the Ku heterodimer acts to recruit DNA ligase IV to sites of DNA damage [1].

suggesting to someone that their mind can heal their body is a phenomenon less put to practice.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: playswithmachines

That was the side effect I had with the first shot. It lasted overnight. The second shot gave me low grade fever, swollen glands, and general malaise for about 3 days.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 03:54 PM
I posted up here someplace when I got it, my brother ambushed me with it, didn't tell me he was sick til he was in my living room. I had a fever, to what degree I don't know because the meat thermometer said 95. And I was in no mood to build an arduino thing just to see. So just a fever, aches, & funny taste. Drymouth too.

I didn't have symptoms for 2 weeks, I stayed away from people for 7 days (CDC rec +2). My kid visited just when the fever started, I told him I felt feverish, but I was shoveling snow, sweating, at 15 deg outside. Him & his friend who visited both got it, verified by test. We're all better now, but when compared to other seasonal type flu things this was nowhere near as bad as others I've had. Ibuprofen from dollar tree COMPLETELY relieved the symptoms, to the point where I wondered if I really "had it". O+ with an immune system that gets lots of practice.

I might have stayed home from work for 2 days if it wasn't "the Rona".

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

My husband have the same effects with Moderna, fever, body aches and pains, swollen glands and stiff neck he felt miserable, second shot he did not feel anything.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 06:03 PM
Considering somewhere around 30% of even people who catch covid will be totally asymptomatic, it seems pretty reasonable that between them and the ones that just have natural immunity, there will be a pretty high number of those who just never get it or never show it. Either way, you didn't have the disease.

Early on there was some study done on blood donated well before covid and looking at T and B cells, it appeared that around 60% of the population has some level of inborn natural immune response as well. That could be anything from fully, to something less.

I haven't and don't plan on getting it and have been in significant contact with positive cases.
edit on 16-2-2022 by Halfswede because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: TrollMagnet

interesting post. I am a walking cure for lukeemia. I have a bone marrow mutation called Esential thrombosis and Polyphysema Vera. But my hemotoligest says it would just give the reciepent my mutation. But people do not die from this. I just have to take a drug called hydroxy urea every day.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: loveguy

Try it.
Try it after your mind and body are hijacked and blasted by drugs.
Hell they did not even bother with drugs on me, they knew i would resist them. They used other, oh so subtle things.Give me a tough man and i will get his innermost secrets. These guys are like 10 times better than that. They will not only know your thoughts, but they will dictate them. And yes they use this kind of programming to get peeps to kill other peeps.
ETA so yes i survived it. Sorry about that...update
edit on 19-2-2022 by playswithmachines because: update

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: TrollMagnet

As far as I know I haven't gotten it. If I did, I had omigawd back around Thanksgiving, but without a positive test, it's hard to say. If I did, it didn't make me sick, and I never have coughed with any of it.

I know for sure I've been exposed at least twice. I had a coworker who spent all afternoon coming down with it. She sits right next to me for about 4 hours every day. And my husband got it, and I *live* with him and took no precautions that whole time.

I didn't get it.

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