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I’m Beyond Happier - and Healthier! - Now That I Am “Unvaccinated”

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posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: chr0naut ion/ Research shows vaccines more than 95% effective

Read the article. VA is the government FDA ...authorization first covid 19 - 95% effective

Read the article FDA is the government pfizer coronavirus vaccine dafety

Read the article from CNN the official spokes agency for the Biden administration covid booster shots vaccination (NBC) hospitalizations rising fully vaccinated hospital admits high fully vaccinated hospitalization rate er-vaccine-wave/ uk hospital data shocks work 80% of covid deaths among fully faccinated fully vaccinated covid deaths 987 fully vaccinated VA covid deaths feds ration treatment treatments rationed to red states race based rationing rationed to red states

As for doing your homework with quotes, this took me long enough. Do it yourself, educate yourself.

edit on 1/10/22 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: Lemon1234
a reply to: VulcanWerks

The persons that I know were already on thyroid meds and their meds are no longer working or are being adjusted. They're having a tough time walking and feel like their hip is giving out and having alot of back pain.a different person never had arthritis, now suddenly they are in pain and need a hip replacement.

Now THIS is interesting!

Thyroid issues run in my Mum's family, (both hypo and hyper)

My sister, who like me has Hashimoto's (underactive), against her initial gut reaction got two jabs and out of the blue is having an awful time with her hip and back - I've no idea if her thyroxine is still working ok as I don't really speak to her, but I'm going to ask my Mum

My uncle, who is now hypothyroid after being over-treated for hyperthyroidism is unwell after the jabs - tired and can't stop coughing

I'm still unjabbed and will remain so!

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: whereislogic

originally posted by: chr0naut
I am agreeing that cases increased, but while cases increased, deaths decreased.

Do you know of any statistics somewhere concerning excess deaths compared to the equivalent period one year ago?

Yes, but there were increasing numbers of cases of COVID-19 as it spread, and so excess deaths from it in total would be expected to rise, overall, until herd immunity levels would be achieved. For instance, in the US in 2020, weekly confirmed cases of COVID-19 averaged 382,884 (total cumulative @ 30 Dec 2020 = 19.91 million). In 2021, weekly confirmed cases of COVID-19 averaged 660,769 (total cumulative @ 30 Dec 2021 minus previous total cumulative = 34.36 million).

United States: Coronavirus Pandemic Country Profile

US Mortality Monitoring - Death, Excess, Ranking, Map, Historical

edit on 10/1/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: Flatcoat

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: lostgirl

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: VulcanWerks

Does the totality of the vaccine really leave the body? Some say "yes". Some say "no".

Correct answer - "no"...
Below is a link to a written summary of a presentation at the beginning of the Dec. 10, 2021 "Doctors 4 COVID ethics" symposium -
- it shows the results of in depth autopsies of 15 people whose deaths were shown to be due to the vaccines...

Link to the summarized research by these highly credentialed pathologists: Doctors 4 COVID ethics

A couple quotes from their presentation:

the vaccines cause cells deep inside our body to express the viral spike protein, which they were never meant to do by nature. Any cell which expresses this foreign antigen will come under attack by the immune system, which will involve both IgG antibodies and cytotoxic T- lymphocytes. This may occur in any organ

Histopathologic analysis show clear evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs. That myriad adverse events deriving from such auto-attack processes must be expected to very frequently occur in all individuals, particularly following booster injections, is self- evident.
Beyond any doubt, injection of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines places lives under threat of illness and death. We note that both mRNA and vector-based vaccines are represented among these cases, as are all four major manufacturers.

Wow, 15 people died from vaccine adverse reactions. How many doses of vaccine were administered to get those 15?

Dec 10th in US - 237,468,235 single doses delivered. 200,717,387 double vaccinated = 638,903,009 doses delivered.

Just saying, their data on 15 cases represents one case in 42 and a half million (roughly). I suspect water is waaay deadlier.

You expect them to perform autopsies un all 20000 vaccine related deaths reported to VAERS ?

No, but 15 out of 20,000 does not sound like a statistically significant sample, either.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: BerkshireEntity
a reply to: chr0naut

Our resident government boot licker!
Since when did johns Hopkins do anything good besides push Mikey Bloomberg's globalist propaganda and squander tax payer dollars? We all know what side they have been on since this BS started, no one with a brain buys into their crap, besides you apparently.
GCHQ much?

Umm, Johns Hopkins are a the premium US university hospital. Not only fulfilling the role of research and training at a medical university, but also a major hospital group.

GCHQ is in the UK. I am from, and residing in, a different country.

What have you done for medicine?

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: BerkshireEntity

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: chr0naut

Nope cases increased after the jab was rolled out or you forgot the summer of fun that turned into the summer of covid comeback?

Really you think we can not read, yep right after the roll out the infections increased. Get the darn mask off and get the darn virus, that is the only way to get over it.

I am agreeing that cases increased, but while cases increased, deaths decreased.

As people have said ad-nauseum, vaccination won't stop people from getting exposed to the virus until the level of herd immunity (90+% of the entire populace - including old people and children) is reached.

The decrease in severe cases and in deaths, has to be for a reason. There is no medicine, or procedure, or treatment regimen, that has been applied to as many people as vaccination in the time frame. With the obvious and large reduction in deaths relative to cases of COVID-19, vaccination is the best 'explainer' of that.

While cases doubled, deaths halved and this was before Delta and Omicron became prominent. Even with Delta and Omicron, the reduction in deaths compared to cases is significant.

So do you really buy into the "90% herd immunity to stop the spread" lie?
So if 90% get it, who decides what 10% of the population doesn't get it?
Ah, careful answering that one GCHQ

The people who choose to not be vaccinated, or those with valid medical exemptions, make up the 10%, so I suppose they decide for themselves.

And I have no connection to GCHQ.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: BerkshireEntity

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: chr0naut

Nope cases increased after the jab was rolled out or you forgot the summer of fun that turned into the summer of covid comeback?

Really you think we can not read, yep right after the roll out the infections increased. Get the darn mask off and get the darn virus, that is the only way to get over it.

I am agreeing that cases increased, but while cases increased, deaths decreased.

As people have said ad-nauseum, vaccination won't stop people from getting exposed to the virus until the level of herd immunity (90+% of the entire populace - including old people and children) is reached.

The decrease in severe cases and in deaths, has to be for a reason. There is no medicine, or procedure, or treatment regimen, that has been applied to as many people as vaccination in the time frame. With the obvious and large reduction in deaths relative to cases of COVID-19, vaccination is the best 'explainer' of that.

While cases doubled, deaths halved and this was before Delta and Omicron became prominent. Even with Delta and Omicron, the reduction in deaths compared to cases is significant.

So do you really buy into the "90% herd immunity to stop the spread" lie?
So if 90% get it, who decides what 10% of the population doesn't get it?
Ah, careful answering that one GCHQ

The people who choose to not be vaccinated, or those with valid medical exemptions, make up the 10%, so I suppose they decide for themselves.

And I have no connection to GCHQ.

One way or another, most of us have a connection to GCHQ....if you know what I mean?


posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: chr0naut

BE careful with that one, my friend, after all the reason for jabbing with an experimental technology is to stop people from dying for covid.

So is ok if the person die from the jab?

Think carefully.

It's called triage.

When hundreds are dying per day from one thing, it makes no sense to concentrate on minor band-aid fixes, placating the ones you can't save, or worrying unduly about the ones that no-one can anticipate.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: chr0naut

BE careful with that one, my friend, after all the reason for jabbing with an experimental technology is to stop people from dying for covid.

So is ok if the person die from the jab?

Think carefully.

It's called triage.

When hundreds are dying per day from one thing, it makes no sense to concentrate on minor band-aid fixes, placating the ones you can't save, or worrying unduly about the ones that no-one can anticipate.

Nice poetry, but it does not nullify free choice nor that pesky subjective risk assessment for one's person by any means.

Especially here in the US of gloryhole A, where one can be HIV positive (in at least California, no less) and NOT get in much legal or work trouble for willfully spreading HIV by way of ... Not being required to tell a partner. Of your infection status.

So do spare us your It's All For Others bull#. When Covid is supposedly worse than HIV in terms of criminality & shunning approval, you're just peddling ass-backward #ed up pretzel excuses for being authoritarian enough to dissuade free choice & self-concern risk assessment.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: VulcanWerks

It's too late.

You have died.

I saw it online, the vaccine is the primary tool in the depopulation agenda of the lizards, Bill Gates, Soros, 5G, and Fauci.

I am dead as well. I am already a few months past my 6 month vaccine induced death. I don't have a single medical bill, have full use of my lungs and heart, but I have been lead to believe I probably only have days or weeks to live. It's despicable what they have gotten away with.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: The2Billies
a reply to: chr0naut ion/ Research shows vaccines more than 95% effective

Read the article. VA is the government FDA ...authorization first covid 19 - 95% effective

Read the article FDA is the government pfizer coronavirus vaccine dafety

Read the article from CNN the official spokes agency for the Biden administration covid booster shots vaccination (NBC) hospitalizations rising fully vaccinated hospital admits high fully vaccinated hospitalization rate er-vaccine-wave/ uk hospital data shocks work 80% of covid deaths among fully faccinated fully vaccinated covid deaths 987 fully vaccinated VA covid deaths feds ration treatment treatments rationed to red states race based rationing rationed to red states

As for doing your homework with quotes, this took me long enough. Do it yourself, educate yourself.

An excellent conglomeration of up to date information. Thank you!

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: marg6043
I swear there has been issues with these vaxes and the flu shots.
In the early 90's I got the flu shot for about 3 years in a row. My employer had a clinic in house come in. I stopped getting the shots after coming down with bouts of the flu anyway. By the summer of 1995 I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, an Autoimmune disorder (immune system targetedmy pancreas). Not one person in my family or my extended family has Type 1 diabetes or Type 2.

Fast forward to 2016, I began to have stiffness in my joints most notably in my hands..bloodwork revealed Rheumatoid Arthritis, another Autoimmune disorder.(my immune system is attacking my joints)

June of2021 I got the Pfizer jab, 1 and 2 in July. 2 weeks after the second jab I got stung by a wasp. I immediately had hives and ended up in emergency for 8 hours and now carry an epipen. Another Autoimmune disorder (my immune system over reacting)

I will NOT bee getting a Damn booster! One size does not fit all!

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

Good for you. Despite some scary sounding information about, "You can't detox from this vaccine," etc. etc., I think you can. Keep treating yourself well, and there ARE some detox protocols online you can follow, with supplements etc.

This is your personal path, and no one can judge you for what you did, and nor should they, on either side of the equation.

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: whatnext21
a reply to: marg6043
I swear there has been issues with these vaxes and the flu shots.
In the early 90's I got the flu shot for about 3 years in a row. My employer had a clinic in house come in. I stopped getting the shots after coming down with bouts of the flu anyway. By the summer of 1995 I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, an Autoimmune disorder (immune system targetedmy pancreas). Not one person in my family or my extended family has Type 1 diabetes or Type 2.

Fast forward to 2016, I began to have stiffness in my joints most notably in my hands..bloodwork revealed Rheumatoid Arthritis, another Autoimmune disorder.(my immune system is attacking my joints)

June of2021 I got the Pfizer jab, 1 and 2 in July. 2 weeks after the second jab I got stung by a wasp. I immediately had hives and ended up in emergency for 8 hours and now carry an epipen. Another Autoimmune disorder (my immune system over reacting)

I will NOT bee getting a Damn booster! One size does not fit all!

Yes, I've thought even the "garden variety" flu shots from yesteryear were not a great idea. Anything that has an adjuvent, something that forces your immune system to respond, has got to have unintended side effects.

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: CthruU
a reply to: VulcanWerks

So glad you finally decided to listen to and finally accommodate your spirits wishes in turning your back on the agenda.

Better late than never.......but please lets not continue to fool yourself by considering yourself unvaccinated- you are not unvaccinated you are a contributor to the agendas numbers and a contributor to their abilities to push aided and abetted their nonsense.

You are now vaccination reformed- not unvaccinated. Lets be clear.

Next you'll be saying that you haven't had sex for 7 years so your so glad to be a virgin again.

I don't think anyone needs words like that. You ARE considered unvaccinated if you don't get your third booster eventually. And in fact, more and more people who were jabbed but are now refusing it is a GREAT contribution to the dismantling of this agenda.

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: shaemac
a reply to: chr0naut

Why should he have to post anything that has probably been removed from the net by now.
We ALL heard the same propaganda in the beginning.
Don't be contrary, just because you can and it's who you are.

COVID-19 Dashboard
by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)

Please notice the upward trend in weekly cases of COVID-19 since the first quarter of 2021.

Then notice the downward trend in weekly deaths with/from COVID-19 since the first quarter 2021.

Please explain how and why that is happening, and for most countries around the world.

It coincides with the roll-out of vaccinations, but with the lifting of lockdowns and other things that should otherwise have driven the trends in the opposite direction.

It looks to me that unequivocally, the vaccines are working. Which makes all the stuff others are saying here, about how the vaccines aren't working, look like utter BS - baseless opinion.

There is so much about this that could be debated, but let's say the vaccines "are" working, at what cost? If your health were damaged from the vaccine, but "Oh I didn't get covid," but instead have health issues, potentially dangerous ones, what exact worth is that?

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: thebtheb

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: shaemac
a reply to: chr0naut

Why should he have to post anything that has probably been removed from the net by now.
We ALL heard the same propaganda in the beginning.
Don't be contrary, just because you can and it's who you are.

COVID-19 Dashboard
by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)

Please notice the upward trend in weekly cases of COVID-19 since the first quarter of 2021.

Then notice the downward trend in weekly deaths with/from COVID-19 since the first quarter 2021.

Please explain how and why that is happening, and for most countries around the world.

It coincides with the roll-out of vaccinations, but with the lifting of lockdowns and other things that should otherwise have driven the trends in the opposite direction.

It looks to me that unequivocally, the vaccines are working. Which makes all the stuff others are saying here, about how the vaccines aren't working, look like utter BS - baseless opinion.

There is so much about this that could be debated, but let's say the vaccines "are" working, at what cost? If your health were damaged from the vaccine, but "Oh I didn't get covid," but instead have health issues, potentially dangerous ones, what exact worth is that?

Smallpox vaccination usually left a scar. Should it have been stopped?

With more than 9 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered and VARES and similar adverse reaction database sites keeping tabs on things, exactly what do you think is the proportion of those with health issues due to the vaccines?

Yes, there are adverse reactions, and even some dangerous ones, but the risks are really exceptionally low.

There are foods and additives that are routinely consumed that are hundreds, if not thousands, of times more health damaging.

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 02:31 PM

Even if you obtain a physician letter that states you should not take the vaccine your employer can have it reviewed and decline it based on “broader medical community information”.

Disappointing indeed.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 02:47 AM

originally posted by: VulcanWerks
I am posting this in the D&P forum as I believe this should live here.

I have no links to share.

Mods - not that you need my permission, but if you think this should be moved I respect that - I am offering a testimony and first-hand update about something I care about. If this needs to be removed entirely - no hard feelings.

Preamble over….

I was extremely displeased to get the jab in the first place.

I got the jab because my employer would make my life hard for not getting it.

Now, said employer is mandating a booster by 3/1/22 if you are eligible. Otherwise, they’ll make your life hard if you encounter COVID or get sent home due to exposure.

I am not getting the booster.

I got both shots in May of 21 and proceeded to:

- gain 45 lbs in 5 months despite being MORE active year/year and have data to prove it.
- Develop RA and Hypothyroidism
- Be cognitively “off” and more emotional

I’m now 6+ months removed from getting that garbage shoved in my body. I did it willingly but I will never, ever forget how I felt waiting in line for that shot. I’ve never felt more “forced” to do anything in my life.

If my employer terminates me, so be it. It took me fasting 16-18 hours a day, finding a good concoction of NATURAL supplements to take daily and months of rest to finally not spend every non-working hour on the couch, be able to be active again and feel “normal”.

Not a chance in heck I’m getting jabbed again.

So, I am now part of the “great unwashed” who “doesn’t care about others”. I’m fine with that. I wouldn’t have gotten the shot in the first place I’d it wasn’t for work. Better some people think I have a problem than develop another autoimmune disorder - I’m putting my health first.

The vaccines should NEVER have been given to everyone. We know not everyone is the same - yet we jab away.

Since I’m technically “unvaccinated” now, please welcome me to the club. I’ve already physically paid the price for the jab so any words of “I told you so” are agreed with.

Enough is enough.

Welcome to the world's crappiest club. I'm only here for the cheap instant coffee and belief in bodily autonomy with out chemical coercion.

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