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What Businesses have Closed in your Area

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posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
a reply to: JAGStorm

Place I went to get my hair cut for years closed.
My favorite fine dining steak house turned to crap...had to close two newer branches in neighboring cities.

Here in coastal Florida, however, everything seems to be booming.

You bring up another sad point. A lot of places that are still open have adjusted their quality. They are not the same places.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: IAMTAT
a reply to: JAGStorm

Place I went to get my hair cut for years closed.
My favorite fine dining steak house turned to crap...had to close two newer branches in neighboring cities.

Here in coastal Florida, however, everything seems to be booming.

You bring up another sad point. A lot of places that are still open have adjusted their quality. They are not the same places.

In some cases, it's because they can't get what they used to and in others it's the same rising price crunch coupled with what they've had to pay to get staff to stay open or a combination of all of it. They're aware that customers will only pay so much.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: IAMTAT
a reply to: JAGStorm

Place I went to get my hair cut for years closed.
My favorite fine dining steak house turned to crap...had to close two newer branches in neighboring cities.

Here in coastal Florida, however, everything seems to be booming.

You bring up another sad point. A lot of places that are still open have adjusted their quality. They are not the same places.

Absolutely true.
The steak place was the best in the city.
I know the owner...and his business was expanding before the point he opened two new branches in Kentucky and Ohio.
BOTH had to close at a significant financial loss.

This past year...everything, from service to food quality suffered.
I doubt he'll be open much longer.

The hair place I spoke of was also expanding in 2019 and early 2020...she also opened two new shops...but both had to close (including the one I used).

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 04:49 PM
Spanky's Curls & salon/internet cafe.

Okay....... I made that up.
edit on 8-1-2022 by RickinVa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 05:08 PM
There are a lot of tae kwon do schools that didn't make it. When we go to tournaments, they are nowhere near as crowded as they were. There are a lot of school shirts, decals, etc., missing that you used to see.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
There are a lot of tae kwon do schools that didn't make it. When we go to tournaments, they are nowhere near as crowded as they were. There are a lot of school shirts, decals, etc., missing that you used to see.

All the fitness places here were seriously overcrowded pre covid.

Few weeks ago I was passing by one fitness place, there was a lone guy on a treadmill wearing a mask.
I was like…damn..

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 06:19 PM
The untold damage to people and businesses caused by the direct unconstitutional (illegal) actions by gov Jay Inslee in Washington state is too great to estimate. (not counting his serial murders of retirement home elders). A local mall has seen 50 or more small businesses go bankrupt and close because of the lockdowns. The mall is now a ghost town with only the big giants remaining like Target store, and others. A skeletonized version is what remains of the mall.

After all this time I finally have to choose the jab or be jobless by Feb. 15. Not sure if our lefty HR person will obey the Supreme court ruling if it blocks the mandate. Companies can still implement anything they want.

These "officials" will find out what being sorry really feels like when their judgement day comes.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

It wasn't necessarily about crowded or not. Some of them never had large student bases. Some of them didn't find a way to keep their students going so they lost their clients and didn't have the ability to build back in as soon as they were able. When you're talking about something like fitness, once people stop, it's hard to get back in. And that's aside from your clients losing their jobs.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Yeah, my place of work finally lowered the hammer on the vax thing yesterday too. That's on top of nonsensical COVID jail rules. If you follow their guidance to the letter, no one should be returning to work the next day as soon as they come into contact with any other person because you have no way of knowing if you've been exposed to omigawd. And if you dare call in sick with anything they call a symptom, they put you in five day time-out with a negative test needed before you can come back regardless of why you have that symptom.

I have another coworker who called out with sinus trouble. She *knows* what's causing her sinus issues. She has a deviated septum that tends to cause sinus infections. It's bad enough that she's getting surgery done on it. So she knows that she doesn't have omigawd, but HR is treating her like she does - 5 days and negative test before she can come back. And she has to use her PTO to cover.

For the moment, I'm considered "fully vaxed" but I saw the agreement. If the goalposts change, I may be required to get boosted.

It's insane.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: MichaelCorbin01
a reply to: JAGStorm
hi, in my area restaurants are closing left and right or closing at 5pm with signs saying no staff. Where are all the staff?

Many jobs and businesses wouldn't have staffing issues if it wasn't for the vax passport and mandate. The media outlets blame the short staffing on covid surge not the mandates nor the pass system.
edit on 8-1-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Someone messaged to me a closing.
It brings up another very good point.

When one business closes it often has a domino effect on many other places, including restaurants.
I think about where my husband works. His offices are flanked by many small restaurants that have thrived due to the business lunch crowds. I don't see that lasting for much longer with remote work.
It makes me sad we are losing some real gems. I know not all change is bad.
I hope the smart people out there will figure out some new stuff, mobile coffee etc?

The food truck scene was just starting in my area and covid make that come to a crashing halt.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Sorry to hear that...

I thought this year would see some improvements, and if any are coming, I hope they arrive in time to be worth something.

Very oppressive times right now, but there is always some hope. No matter what comes I'm not letting it ruin my happiness anymore.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 07:38 PM
I had to shut down my window screen business.
The supplier could not supply the aluminum screen frames. To switch manufacturers requires changing many peripherals, and other suppliers are having the same shortages, so I'd be stuck with everything to build a variety of screens, except for the frame. Kind of crucial.
Not good for business.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: ToddB
I had to shut down my window screen business.
The supplier could not supply the aluminum screen frames. To switch manufacturers requires changing many peripherals, and other suppliers are having the same shortages, so I'd be stuck with everything to build a variety of screens, except for the frame. Kind of crucial.
Not good for business.

I think so many are in your shoes, and It's not just businesses that sell items, but so many services. Electricians are having difficulty finding parts. I'm sure many more are in similar situations.
Difficulty with part, employees, all the Covid protocals, Kens & Karens. I'm sure it's easy to just want to throw in the bucket these days.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 07:49 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
The untold damage to people and businesses caused by the direct unconstitutional (illegal) actions by gov Jay Inslee in Washington state is too great to estimate. (not counting his serial murders of retirement home elders). A local mall has seen 50 or more small businesses go bankrupt and close because of the lockdowns. The mall is now a ghost town with only the big giants remaining like Target store, and others. A skeletonized version is what remains of the mall.

After all this time I finally have to choose the jab or be jobless by Feb. 15. Not sure if our lefty HR person will obey the Supreme court ruling if it blocks the mandate. Companies can still implement anything they want.

These "officials" will find out what being sorry really feels like when their judgement day comes.

My reply to the OP was my closing my window screen business, but I left out that I'm in western Washington.
Speaking of old lefty-lisping Jay, have you heard this:
Dear Friends,

Government authorities are directed to develop policies that may result in sweeping rules that affect your everyday participation in society. The purpose of this e-letter is to share such knowledge so that you may be informed.

Late yesterday, I learned that the Washington State Board of Health will be meeting next week to discuss potential policies that you should be aware of. Below are links to the Board’s meeting. Should you wish to send written comments, please be sure to email them before noon tomorrow, Jan. 7 .


On Jan. 12 at 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., the WA State Board of Health will discuss applying current infectious disease WAC codes to include Covid-19 for all WA State residents.

To voice your concerns, register for the live webinar here:
You can also dial-in using your phone for listen-only mode:
Call in: +1 (253) 215-8782 (not toll-free) Webinar ID: 894 7406 4216 Passcode: 957396
Location: 101 Israel Rd. SE, Tumwater, WA 98501
Comments must be in by this Friday, Jan. 7th at noon.

Allowing local health officers to use law enforcement (WAC 246-100-070) to force an emergency order to involuntarily detain a person or group of persons (families) to be isolated in a quarantine facility (WAC 246-100-045) following refusal to voluntary comply with requests for medical examination, testing, treatment, counseling, vaccination (WAC 246-100-040). These specifics come from WAC 246-100.
Including the Covid-19 injections as part of school immunization requirements using WAC 246-105.


Grateful for you!

They are pushing so hard, willing to accost you, willing to jail you, for your health.
Incremental steps, as boiling some frogs, as helping the fence builder that is meant to keep you in.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: ToddB

Wow this is really an unexpected assault on decency, but not completely unexpected from a piece of garbage like Inslee.

I hope I can find out if this becomes "legalized" in time to get the heck outa the state, because I will pack up and move away quickly before this comes to pass. (If I can know in time)..

Appreciate this info, thanks for posting.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 09:41 PM
Where I live we have a ton of commercial retail. A few huge malls and tons of strip malls along with multitudes of smaller stand alone shops. The makeup of the town was such that home owners have received refunds on local taxes, water bills, anywhere refunds could be made, since there were so many businesses that actually foot the bill. Now the refunds are gone and the taxes are rising. The commercial end is simply not there any more.

We have lost a ton of mom and pop shops, I dare say almost all of them. The ones that are left are on short hours and understaffed. Honestly, I think the only ones still open are the ones who own the real estate they are on. No one else is getting enough foot traffic to keep themselves out of debt. At first it was just the stand alones and strip malls that were going empty. Now even some of the big malls have anchor stores closing. The anchor stores are the really big name stores on the corners of the malls that draw the most customers. The little stores try to pack in as close as they can to the big names to benefit from their foot traffic. When one of these anchors closes, there are two hallways each on at least two floors worth of smaller stores that are no longer seeing the majority of their normal traffic. It doesn't take long after that.

Add to that, at least in our area, the youth causing problems: robberies, fights, drugs, etc, and most "normal" residents, for lack of a better word, just don't go the malls any more. Its simply not worth it. What we have a ton of, and I will never understand why, are mattress stores and persian rug stores, both perpetually on 'going out of business sales' that last for years. The only new businesses that opened recently are boutique fast food places. Five guys, smash burger, fat burger, walburger, name it - we have it. Today. Six months from now they will be falafel shops. Its happening right here in our own little town and it will happen in yours too.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 10:15 PM
Live in a small town. Actually two small mom and pop type of businesses opened up. One is a general merchandise type place, and the other is a small coffee shop. Both seem to be doing well. Don't know of any that closed. Then again I only been here six months. I do see where shops use to be. They look like they have been closed a long time already.

I would be happy with an ice cream place opening up, and a grocery store that carries fruit and vegetables. We do have a Dollar General.

edit on 8/1/2022 by Mystery_Lady because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2022 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: ToddB

Wow this is really an unexpected assault on decency, but not completely unexpected from a piece of garbage like Inslee.

I hope I can find out if this becomes "legalized" in time to get the heck outa the state, because I will pack up and move away quickly before this comes to pass. (If I can know in time)..

Appreciate this info, thanks for posting.

It's really ratcheting up, and fast! They must be scared.
Now is not the time to flee, its time to fight back.
Look at today's fare: lready-set-up-the-internment-camps/296763
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,..."
The flesh and blood part is definitely coming. There are FAR more of us than them!! And we will overcome.

posted on Jan, 9 2022 @ 03:49 PM
New Mexico & Texas Oil and Gas Drilling -Big Fire Sale !
Big fire sale going on many ,many companies selling off lots of Fracking and Oil Drilling equipment from Southern NM Oil Fields, San Juan Basin, Hobbs, Artesia, all the way to Odessa and Midland Texas reducing size or going out of business. All those cities are less then 60 -70 miles apart.

What is being sold ? Oil Rigs, Fracking Equipment, Truck fleets, everything used in drilling and support. All types of equipment used in drilling process. I was down Hobbs NM visiting and checking out the equipment. Hundred of companies are selling off there equipment. First thing the Marriott hotel receptionist asks me “ Are you here for this weeks sale.” Then I met a trucking company representative in the lobby. “We will haul anything you buy and handed me his card”, its been going on a while. As I drove around all I could say was Wow, the place is getting deserted very fast. I see complete strip malls closed, large groceries stores closed, it’s beginning to look very, very bad. The oil drilling has an effect on other businesses in these small cities that support the oil & gas industry , Survey companies ,Aviation operations ,Field clean up companies,Transport trucking companies- moving oil , freight, equipment, byproducts etc. ,Real Estate companies , Rental Companies , there are hundreds of these companies in each and every one of these small cities some are struggling , some are closing, some are already gone for good. I cant stress enough how bad this is.

And last week I heard on the news Biden wants to sell Natural gas to Europe, being that I have a very unique perspective of this industry , how is this administration ever going to do that when companies are selling all there equipment off at this very minute due to his executive order ban on drilling. This is nothing like I ever seen before, and I think that is because we now have better technology to locate wells for drilling,moving and selling the end product with lots of companies involved in the process than there ever was before, It also means these is allot more loose. But is also the biggest reason why the USA was exceeding in energy production under Trump and we were selling to other counties. Now those very same countries are buying the equipment up for auction, I know I met some of these reps. This administration and media are far from telling any truth. It’s like we are going backward 30-40 years in drilling because of this. Everyone one of these oil workers knows that Iran and Russia and going to sell the natural gas to Europe mostly Iran.
These workers got bigger worries than a mask which seems to be all but gone in that part of the country.

NM is the third largest producer of natural gas in the world – 1,024 billion cubic feet. The USA is #1 Natural Producer in the world, well at least we were . Not mention surveyors and driller just found a new large basin of Natural Gas and oil in NM some are saying it's larger than some fields in the middle east and by far could be the largest in the US. it has been tested and capped.

Further down the list.

Grocery Stores.
What stands out the most is there are lots of items missing at the grocery stores, each weeks its something different. Then there are isles empty one or both side or half of the isle. What I have noticed lately is stores moving around the shelving or removing the shelving, putting isles closer together and adding material good to there store to take previous food sale space. I guess this is to make seem like there is no shortages. I have seen this practice in SmithKroger Walmart, Albertsons, Food King, etc. Then they are the Grocery stores that have closed completely which I noticed in New Mexico and Texas due to the ban on drilling. this compounds things in a very bad way.

Restaurants and Tourist.
Where I live in NM large tourist restaurants have closed permanently. These places seated anywhere form 50 to 150 people at a time and are were also favored by the locals as well.
I stood in line outside at one restaurant that had been auction off. I was waiting to go inside to collect the items I purchased from there online auction. Custom iron tables, chairs, IT equipment, registers etc. I spent less than $200 bucks. Anyway tourist were still walking up and reading the menu I kept telling them it’s closed permanently. All them were shock “ what ! why! How come! " But this was our favorite place when we come to visit.” I don’t know why they felt like dumping on me. I didn’t own the place, most of them were from California and have no clue what is going on elsewhere in this country, they really don't . There were other restaurants in the same area that closed there is only 1 left. That tourist area might not come back at all ( Known as Old Town) in crime ridden Albuquerque NM. Santa Fe New Mexico is being hit very hard as well the small city of Santa Fe NM main income is from Tourism there is no other industry unless you work at Los Alamos Labs. There are many more small business in tourist cities across the united sates just like like Santa Fe that are struggling or closing.

The biggest felt business struggles and closings will be from the oil & gas drilling industry and everything related. its already started. in SW New Mexico , & West Texas. they are being hit so hard right now. pray for these people

edit on 9-1-2022 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

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