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Covid 3rd leading cause of death in the US

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posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 03:04 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: jrod

Heart Attacks and Cancer are #1 and #2:

And nobody goes through their day paranoid about either of those threats killing them, or anyone they know.

You can imagine how un-concerned people would be about Covid-19, if the people who make money from everything associated with the disease, were not fanning so much fear.

of course no one is as rightfully concerned about heart attacks and cancer in the same way as with covid. since of course cancer and heart attacks are not communicable, like covid is. in other words a person with heart problems or cancer can not infect anyone else they happen to meet, with their health problems. where anyone with covid can pass covid on to anyone else they happen to have contact with, and since anyone can be killed by covid, it is worth concern.

one might be appropriately concerned about getting cancer, or having heart problems. but there is nothing anyone but themselves can really do in order to not suffer from such conditions. where reasonable things can in fact be done to prevent covid, such as the very simple step of everyone appropriately wearing masks.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 04:06 AM
a reply to: jrod

Doesn't make sense when the CDC reported less than 0.5% fatality under the age of 70. You can imagine that rate falls dramatically at lower ages. I don't know one person who has died from it.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: generik

Heart attack and cancer will now hold a stronger place as #1 and #2 w the vacc causing ADE / immune deficiency. Many doctors now predict various diseases normally kept in check by our immune systems will break out such as tuberculosis.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 04:59 AM

originally posted by: jrod
a reply to: Middleoftheroad

You can not make a claim like that without sources to back up it up.

My experience is most who make these kind of claims hear it from someone and believe it without questioning the claim because it aligns with their confirmation bias.

I used to source the info I post on ATS, but over time the radical left on this site decided to be a bunch of hypocrites that can’t even read so I found it was a huge waste of time. Feel free to Google it as the left on this site say. It may be a little difficult to find with your tech overlords censoring all the actual facts around Covid and the radical left cheering it on. Hope you enjoy the mess your team made.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 06:14 AM
Ingrown toenails would be the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA....If every hospital mandated it. I have a friend who's son died in a car wreck in 2020. On his death certificate it says cause of death Covid 19. The boy had Covid prior to wreck or tested positive prior to wreck unsure of which one. My friend tells me his son died of blunt force head & chest per private autopsy. So the hospitals & doctors can code toe nail fungus as puts monies in their coffers.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 06:20 AM
Quick question. Is it the third leading cause using the fake number or the actual 6 percent of the number they like to use?

Keep in mind that this outrageously large number in 21 was after they adjusted the accounting methodology to artificially boost the results of the vaccine.

This vaccine is making a large portion of the population sick. Either by killing the host or leaking onto those that didn’t take it. Probably both.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: jrod

You seem to speak a lot about "science," but your "facts" seem to be produced from scientism more than actual hard science. From your own link in your OP:

Heart disease was the leading cause of death in the US in 2020, according to the CDC report, accounting for around 168 deaths per 100,000 people. Cancer was the second leading cause of death with 144 deaths per 100,000 people. They were the two biggest killers in 2019 as well.

That's all well and good, but then you say this:

Currently in the US, about 2.5 per 1,000 have died from COVID.
Now how exactly does that work?

2.5 per 1000 is the same as 250 per 100,000. Your link states that heart disease is responsible for 168 deaths per 100,000 and cancer was responsible for 144 deaths per 100,000. At 250 deaths per 100,000, that would make the Chinese virus number one, wouldn't it? Last time I checked, 250 is more than 168 or 144. I don't think that has changed, has it?

So either your statement is wrong, or your "facts" are uncoordinated.

Your link also says

Many of the excess deaths not related to covid-19 will also have been caused by the pandemic, Woolf says. These could have been due to missed operations, healthcare staff shortages and rises in mental ill health, he says.

So, assuming that the Chinese virus is responsible directly for 77% of the excess deaths, it would then follow that the Chinese virus is indirectly responsible for 23% of those excess deaths. I can actually see that... I do know that hospital operations were halted for non-emergency cases because there was this expectation that Chinese virus cases would cause a healthcare shortage (which, I will point out, never materialized). I also know from personal experience that I would do almost anything to avoid going into the hospital right now, as I would literally be in fear for my life from the over-the-top "precautions" being implemented. I also know, from experience, both in my own life and in the lives of elderly family members i have acted as caretaker for, that continued life at an advanced age is greatly dependent on healthcare availability. There is a reason people used to be encouraged to get tested for various conditions early: most such conditions are easily treated if detected early, but almost 100% fatal if not detected early.

So what this is indicating is that 23% of the excess deaths in 2020 were due to a lack of healthcare as mandated by the government in order to fight the Chinese virus.

But, I am sure you will retort, we probably saved more than that by locking down the country. Possible, but I do not consider that likely. Despite an attempt at a population-wide "quarantine," economic lockdowns, social distancing requirements, self-isolation requirements, mask mandates, rushed vaccinations, and now mandated vaccinations, the death numbers, so we are told, continue to rise. It is now plainly apparent to anyone who can look objectively at the numbers that nothing that has been tried has actually worked to slow either spread or severity of the disease.

Indeed, as I have pointed out on multiple occasions, everything that has been tried seems to have been designed specifically to increase the spread and severity of the Chinese virus. I believe if we treated the most benign version of the common cold the way we have treated the Chinese virus, the numbers would be just as bad.

So according to your own evidence, our responses to the Chinese virus are themselves responsible for 1/3 again as many deaths, without providing any sort of quantifiable drop in direct deaths.

You also seem worried about the drop in longevity rates. Well, it is a known fact that the original flavor of Chinese virus was primarily deadly to elderly and immune-compromised individuals. In addition, there have been several documented cases of mass, wholesale murder by government officials in response to the panic over the virus, the most notable when Andrew Cuomo forced nursing homes in New York to accept patients who were known to have tested positive, and refused to provide equipment to allow any reasonable amount of protection to staff or other residents. Indeed, the very first outbreak to get media attention was at a retirement home in Washington State.

We also now know that the more serious complications of the virus occur when the virus invades the bloodstream; at that point, it can induce sudden, acute anemia via hemoglobin destruction and blood clotting issues. Yet, we were at one time regularly placing patients with damaged lungs from the virus on ventilators set on aggressive settings. That was forcing more of the virus into the bloodstream by increasing the external pressure in the lungs, increasing virus transmission into the bloodstream. It is little wonder that 85% of those patients placed on ventilators died; we killed them though ignorance.

So it comes as no shock that longevity rates under such conditions would drop.

I'm really not sure what it is you are attempting to argue here. Is your sole point that there have been deaths from the Chinese virus? I thought that was pretty much common knowledge. The point many of us are making is not that the virus is not deadly; it can be. Our point is that the reactions to it have been ineffective at best and may have worsened the problem considerably. That is what science seems to me to be indicating. Scientism, on the other hand, can say whatever those who want to believe want it to say. Science looks at experimental data and makes a decision based entirely on whatever the data shows; scientism uses opinions by "scientists" who happen to agree with the current preferred narrative, and tries to explain away any data that is contra-indicative to that narrative.


posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: jrod

Here you simply repeat the official fear porn narrative, and it's not persuasive.

If you bother to read and examine this article, you will discover that insurance companies are now seeing that in the last 3 quarters of 2021, more people are dying from all causes by as much as 40%, and the only factor that can explain this is that half or more of the population have taken the shots.

The data regarding causes of death during these last two years has been manipulated from the very start. Many doctors have reported that, and so have coroners.

The coronavirus has a survival rate greater than 99%.

Your claim is false.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: Fatboy527

The reason hospitals test for the Chinese virus so religiously and list it as a cause of death for anyone who tests positive and dies, is that they will get paid in full by doing so. Hospitals have a very hard time collecting for their overpriced services... if no insurance exists, the patient likely cannot afford to pay and the hospital ends up eating the costs. If insurance is available, it only pays a very small percentage that barely covers operating costs, leaving the hospital in the position of going after the patient to realize any profit. And, as stated, often the patient cannot afford to pay.

If the patient is hospitalized for, or dies of, the Chinese virus, then it's a different story. The patient pays nothing, by Executive mandate... the insurance company pays the full cost, or if no insurance is available, the government pays the full cost. So from the hospital's point of view, they can either be honest about the cause of death and lose money, or lie about it being the Chinese virus whenever possible and profit.

And, of course, the result is that the number of deaths from the Chinese virus are then over-reported as you anecdotally explain. That renders the data we have on this virus inaccurate at best, and makes it more difficult to accurately determine impact and create reasonable policy based on that impact. Just another instance where an attempt to fight the outbreak has helped prolong and increase the outbreak.


posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: jrod

originally posted by: sirlancelot
ok when a gun shot victim is killed but also test positive for covid and then is called a covid death I guess you are correct! a reply to: jrod

No. This is simply not true.

I have to LOL when I see someone on the internet tell me how my job works.
The cause of death is whatever I write on the death certificate. With the OBSCENE amount of money my facility receives per covid death, it becomes a rubber stamp.....”oh they were in the covid unit? ...well that settles it”
edit on 6-1-2022 by Whereistheflu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 07:18 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: jrod

Heart Attacks and Cancer are #1 and #2:

And nobody goes through their day paranoid about either of those threats killing them, or anyone they know.

You can imagine how un-concerned people would be about Covid-19, if the people who make money from everything associated with the disease, were not fanning so much fear.

Shutdown Marlboro and McDonald you heartless Government Jerks

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: jrod

I remember when if you had the vaccine, you wouldn't get covid, but if you did, you wouldn't be hospitalized.

Now, if you have the vaccine, you may not die, then again, you may.

Enjoy this lie as you like. The smart kids saw this for what it was a while back, apparently you need to catch up a bit.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 07:41 AM
I believe COVID is listed on death certificates as the 3rd leading cause. In order to push a fear agenda.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: carewemust

Where is the government mandated healthy eating program?
Government mandated physical training program?
Government mandated shopping local produce program?

Have you ever tried to get a fat old baby boomer to change their habits? They're already used to going to the doctor for every tiny ailment. It could take an obese 60 year old several years to reduce their risk for heart disease. It's so much easier to stand in line for a few minutes and receive an injection. It's been shown to keep people out of the ICU.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: generik

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: jrod

Heart Attacks and Cancer are #1 and #2:

And nobody goes through their day paranoid about either of those threats killing them, or anyone they know.

You can imagine how un-concerned people would be about Covid-19, if the people who make money from everything associated with the disease, were not fanning so much fear.

of course no one is as rightfully concerned about heart attacks and cancer in the same way as with covid. since of course cancer and heart attacks are not communicable, like covid is. in other words a person with heart problems or cancer can not infect anyone else they happen to meet, with their health problems. where anyone with covid can pass covid on to anyone else they happen to have contact with, and since anyone can be killed by covid, it is worth concern.

one might be appropriately concerned about getting cancer, or having heart problems. but there is nothing anyone but themselves can really do in order to not suffer from such conditions. where reasonable things can in fact be done to prevent covid, such as the very simple step of everyone appropriately wearing masks.

There are dozens of things others do that contribute to your cancer risk and potential cardiac problems. You just haven't been told about them daily by the nightly news and "officials" so they are not perceived as causing risk. Indoor air quality and pesticides on foods have historically been two of the highest risk things you're exposed to and you have almost no control of either outside your home.

I've discussed this before and it's entirely about risk perception.

Risks that people feel are outside of their control (me not wearing a mask) are consistently given completely skewed ratings on surveys. It doesn't matter what we're talking about. It can be medical, or safety, or anything where people do not have control over others. People rank those things way outside their actual risk range.

The relative risk of COVID and the relative risk reduction offered to you by me wearing a mask is miniscule, but the drums of fear have been going non-stop for two years. Your best protection against COVID is to be an appropriate weight, have a healthy diet, and do regular exercise, which is true for almost every disease. If more people were worried about cancer and heart disease they would have already been in prime shape to avoid serious illness from COVID.

Masks, contrary to what the little goblin king Fauci says, have never been widely used or recommended for general population outside close interaction or in high risk settings. He knows this which is why he didn't recommend them immediately. This isn't because we've never faced a disease as dangerous as COVID, but because they don't work and when not worn properly actually increase your risk of contracting disease. Risk perception means masked people believe they're "safe" when in reality they are gaining almost no protection from COVID. Why is the country being polarized over something that has virtually no impact on relative risk, ask yourself that.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 12:06 PM
Yes and the second cause of death is the Vaccine.
Go Figure

originally posted by: jrod
Now two years in a row that COVID is the 3rd leading cause of death. Hopefully with with Omicron and beyond it will mutate to a less lethal version and we can put this behind us.

Despite what many believe, being vaccinated greatly reduces ones chances of serious complications and death from COVID. They are not perfect but they do help.

Covid-19 was the third leading cause of death in the US in 2020

More than 3 million deaths were recorded in the US in 2020 – an increase of 500,000 from 2019. The coronavirus was directly responsible for more than 350,000 lives lost there in 2020, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“At this point in the pandemic, it’s clear that these numbers are pretty accurate,” says Steven Woolf at Virginia Commonwealth University. This is the largest increase in deaths in the US since the second world war, he says.

This should also put to the rest the notion that the overall death rate has not increased with COVID, a viewpoint that many have tried to push when confonted with the large number of COVID deaths.

Currently in the US, about 2.5 per 1,000 have died from COVID.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

He's using 825k deaths, which is over the entire pandemic, to calculate the 2.5 per 1,000. The other figures are from annual deaths. Adjusted properly that puts the COVID number around 125 per 100k annually. We already know the 825k is bs as does anybody paying attention. The number is like closer to 200k, when adjusted for annual it drops COVID to #8 or so around 31 per 100k. Still a lot, but a lot of people are going to die of a novel respiratory infection. No amount of mitigation can change that.

It's what has become routine with COVID numbers because the people pushing this disease are allergic to using statistics in an honest fashion and the people consuming the data don't bother with things like due diligence or data accountability. They just don't care as long as the numbers "look" like they fit the narrative. Essentially any number pushed out by these jokers has to be traced back to source data and recalculated if you want any degree of certainty that it hasn't been completely twisted.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Yet, we were at one time regularly placing patients with damaged lungs from the virus on ventilators set on aggressive settings. That was forcing more of the virus into the bloodstream by increasing the external pressure in the lungs, increasing virus transmission into the bloodstream. It is little wonder that 85% of those patients placed on ventilators died; we killed them though ignorance.

Yes YES that is exactly what happened.

I wonder how many people truly understand that is what happened in New York City , All those people who died are a combination of Nursing home deaths and Ventilator deaths .

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: jrod

Your post basically says...

Being infected with SARS COV 2 is dangerous and sometimes lethal.

So please people, let us infect you with SARS COV 2, and your chances of dying will be much smaller.
edit on 6-1-2022 by InachMarbank because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

That's kinda what I was hinting at... the dataset is flawed. An easy way to know something is up with the numbers is when one source states a statistic per 100.000 people while another states the statistic per 1000 people. Anyone who intended to present actual, factual comparisons would use a common statistical framework.

So any time I see a post like the one in the OP, I immediately assume there is a statistical error in there somewhere. And so far, there seems to be every single time. Probably, someone will eventually prove me wrong on that, but as a general rule it seems appropriate.

I actually don't mind it so much when someone just doesn't understand or fails to comprehend the data. But when it is followed by such inappropriate conclusions as the OP shows? That's when I start to get concerned.


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