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Mandated C19 Tests to Leave Isolation - This should be interesting..

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posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

It's quite simple and makes sense:

5 days quarantine works for the majority of people, but some people don't conform to the average and will incubate COVID-19 for longer periods.

As part of the reduction in length of quarantine (based on what we have learned about the normal disease progression, and for reason of not over-taxing resources), there should also be testing of those who may not have gotten over the disease, or who may still be asymptomatic carriers.

Testing may not be perfect, but it is enormously better than doing nothing at all and just hoping for the best.

edit on 2/1/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 03:21 PM
This last summer an employee got the Covid and all of us close contacted people had to quarantine for 14 days, then we were asked if we would do a PCR test after the 14 days, Hell no! I refused and said I can’t afford another 14 days quarantine for a possible false positive test result. These people are Insane.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

Don't put yourself in isolation and you will not need a test to leave isolation.

Nobody did that with the flu. And Omicron is no worse than the flu... if as bad at all.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: VulcanWerks

It's quite simple and makes sense:

5 days quarantine works for the majority of people, but some people don't conform to the average and will incubate COVID-19 for longer periods.

As part of the reduction in length of quarantine (based on what we have learned about the normal disease progression, and for reason of not over-taxing resources), there should also be testing of those who may not have gotten over the disease, or who may still be asymptomatic carriers.

Testing may not be perfect, but it is enormously better than doing nothing at all and just hoping for the best.

I vote doing nothing at all.

hoping for the best is exactly what they are doing right now, faulty tests, leaky injections the nazism, and now with the megatron variant, comes the question, how harmless a virus needs to be until we stop this psyop.

after 30 years have passed i will most likely still be laughing at this whole joke, then they will lower my social credit score but i do not care, just like now, i mean the flu? bring it on, i do not use fentanyl but even that has a higher chance of ending me.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 04:07 PM
Tests - they're coming....... but don't hold your breath, the factory to make them isn't even built yet!

The Biden administration struck a $137 million deal to build a new factory in the U.S. to ramp up production of COVID-19 testing kits – but the new facility won't be completed until late 2024 at the earliest.

MilliporeSigma, a brand formed by Germany’s Merck KGaA, will build a new factory in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, the Defense Department announcedBiden signs $137 million deal with German pharmaceutical company for COVID test strip factory that will take THREE YEARS to build and will start producing 83.3 million tests a month in late 2024 at the earliest

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: GlobalGold
Tests - they're coming....... but don't hold your breath, the factory to make them isn't even built yet!

The Biden administration struck a $137 million deal to build a new factory in the U.S. to ramp up production of COVID-19 testing kits – but the new facility won't be completed until late 2024 at the earliest.

MilliporeSigma, a brand formed by Germany’s Merck KGaA, will build a new factory in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, the Defense Department announcedBiden signs $137 million deal with German pharmaceutical company for COVID test strip factory that will take THREE YEARS to build and will start producing 83.3 million tests a month in late 2024 at the earliest

They’ve said from the beginning… “to help end this pandemic and ‘the next one’”

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 04:18 PM
Don't test nuthin'; won't be nuthin'.

I have yet to take even one test, and I have no plans to. At this point, I can't trust anyone related to the medical field to come anywhere near me, and if they send me one and demand I send it back, it goes up the cat's nose.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: XipeTotex

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: VulcanWerks

It's quite simple and makes sense:

5 days quarantine works for the majority of people, but some people don't conform to the average and will incubate COVID-19 for longer periods.

As part of the reduction in length of quarantine (based on what we have learned about the normal disease progression, and for reason of not over-taxing resources), there should also be testing of those who may not have gotten over the disease, or who may still be asymptomatic carriers.

Testing may not be perfect, but it is enormously better than doing nothing at all and just hoping for the best.

I vote doing nothing at all.

hoping for the best is exactly what they are doing right now, faulty tests

All measurements have a margin of error, but that doesn't mean they are faulty.

, leaky injections

No vaccine is 100% effective forever. The Pfizer vaccine has a measured effectiveness of 95%. The best Smallpox vaccine also has a measured effectiveness of 95%, and it was enough to eliminate smallpox.

Vaccine Basics | Smallpox | CDC

the nazism

The Nazi's rounded up and exterminated about 6 million of people, in the space of three years, almost purely with 'race only' as a criteria.

Quarantining the sick, and maintaining reasonable disease control rules to prevent the spread of an infectious, and in some cases deadly disease, is nothing like what the Nazi's did.

, and now with the megatron variant, comes the question, how harmless a virus needs to be until we stop this psyop.

The psyop is the denial of the reality, and the umpteen excuses that are often contradictory to each other.

after 30 years have passed i will most likely still be laughing at this whole joke, then they will lower my social credit score but i do not care, just like now, i mean the flu? bring it on, i do not use fentanyl but even that has a higher chance of ending me.

So, you are a child.

Worldwide, nearly two out of every hundred cases of COVID-19, have died.

Deny all you want.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 04:34 PM
I was suppose to go to a get together with maybe 10-12 people
on New Years Day to work our Border Collies on sheep, have drinks
& etc. This is all outdoors & they are all jabbed but me. On Thur
mentor (the function at his farm) told me I would have to take a test
& show results on Sat morning. He gave me an at home test lateral flow
"ON/GO" 2 test in the box. Well here's the bloody kicker on
have up load & use their mobile app to the results! WTF To me a huge red flag
due to possibly being tracked & all the BS that comes with that...I had to do
one in the fall at a CVS & was Neg (I still isolate & don't go anywhere blah blah)
& that is an automatic answer on phone & I HATED that. The intrusion of privacy
keeps getting worse & worse. Yeah I know people say there is No Privacy but I
sure as hell do not need to help them take away our freedoms.

I ended up NOT taking the test because I decided Fri nite I wasn't going. I wasn't
feeling well & still having post SX issues.


posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 04:38 PM
Not simple.

Tell me how an asymptomatic carrier can spread something if no symptoms are causing micas..coughing etc?

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: VulcanWerks

It's quite simple and makes sense:

5 days quarantine works for the majority of people, but some people don't conform to the average and will incubate COVID-19 for longer periods.

As part of the reduction in length of quarantine (based on what we have learned about the normal disease progression, and for reason of not over-taxing resources), there should also be testing of those who may not have gotten over the disease, or who may still be asymptomatic carriers.

Testing may not be perfect, but it is enormously better than doing nothing at all and just hoping for the best.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 04:40 PM
Hi kids.

Can anyone please explain, if there is an understanding we can reach, about these tests ?

Are they considered genetic tests ?

If so : would they be subject to statutes, or acts such as these ?
( We have a very similar ' act ' in Canada. )

Has this been previously discussed here on ATS ?


Peace and health for all of you, and your Loved-ones.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: GlobalGold
Tests - they're coming....... but don't hold your breath, the factory to make them isn't even built yet!

The Biden administration struck a $137 million deal to build a new factory in the U.S. to ramp up production of COVID-19 testing kits – but the new facility won't be completed until late 2024 at the earliest.

MilliporeSigma, a brand formed by Germany’s Merck KGaA, will build a new factory in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, the Defense Department announcedBiden signs $137 million deal with German pharmaceutical company for COVID test strip factory that will take THREE YEARS to build and will start producing 83.3 million tests a month in late 2024 at the earliest

Doesn't look like this ' Operation™ ' will be ending anytime soon, eh ?

Perhaps these are clues ?

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

What part of this is hard to comprehend?

the time, right? But that’s not actually what that number means. That 95% refers to the Relative Risk Reduction, but it doesn’t tell you how much your overall risk is reduced by vaccination. For that, we need Absolute Risk Reduction. In the Pfizer trial, 8 out of 18,198 people who were given the vaccine developed COVID-19. In the unvaccinated placebo group 162 people got it, which means that even without the vaccine, the risk of contracting COVID-19 was extremely low at 0.88%, which the vaccine then reduced to 0.4%. So the net benefit or the absolute risk reduction that you’re being offered with a Pfizer vaccine is 0.84%. That 95% number refers to the relative difference between 0.88% (unvaccinated) and 0.4% (vaccinated) (0.88 – 0.04). That’s what they call 95% Relative Risk Reduction. Relative Risk Reduction is well known to be a misleading number, which is why the FDA recommends using Absolute Risk Reduction instead, which begs the question of how many people would have chosen to take the COVID-19 vaccines had they understood that they offered less than 1% benefit?


While the blog styled post isn't screaming expert or credibility to me they are sourcing the pfizer presentation so the slide is there as well as the data.

There is a lot of misleading stats being used to push the narrative as well as a lot of backhanded hiding of info and flat out lies in the media. Its obvious we are being played...sorry you haven't realized it yet and hopefully its not to your own detriment.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 04:49 PM
I am pretty sure vax effectiveness rate is now estimated 30-50 percent effective.
Maybe stop using remdesivir and inducing comas....might be a reason 2 out of 100 cases die...which by the way...
I am going to take a guess and say that 2 percent death lines up pretty close with icu cases and hospita stays

Deny all you want....only time wasted is yours in this forum.
I mean it not even a conspiracy motivated type mind...SO WHY DO INSIST on sticking around where you obviously DONT fit in?

reply to: chr0naut

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 04:52 PM
You're a fool to take a test unless you have no choice. The way they test now, you can shed viral particles for up to 3 months past infection. No one in their right mind thinks you're actually sick and contagious that whole time, but if you need a negative test to leave isolation, then there you are ...

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: Faeded
Not simple.

Tell me how an asymptomatic carrier can spread something if no symptoms are causing micas..coughing etc?

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: VulcanWerks

It's quite simple and makes sense:

5 days quarantine works for the majority of people, but some people don't conform to the average and will incubate COVID-19 for longer periods.

As part of the reduction in length of quarantine (based on what we have learned about the normal disease progression, and for reason of not over-taxing resources), there should also be testing of those who may not have gotten over the disease, or who may still be asymptomatic carriers.

Testing may not be perfect, but it is enormously better than doing nothing at all and just hoping for the best.

The average adult human generates about 1.5 quarts of mucous per day, most of which we swallow.

The continual flow of mucous protects us against all sorts of disease and irritants. The aveoli in our lungs are extremely susceptible to toxins and irritants as they are the interface to pass oxygen directly to our blood.

Simply talking, and singing, and shouting, aerosolizes the moisture that coats our vocal chords, and that in measurable amounts:

Aerosol emission and superemission during human speech increase with voice loudness - Nature

edit on 2/1/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 05:13 PM
You have to isolate and stay inside until you go outside to get a test that proves you can go outside?

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: gspat
You have to isolate and stay inside until you go outside to get a test that proves you can go outside?

Well when you put it that way, it makes perfect sense!

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 05:25 PM
Ok genious...

Then what about all those that are vaxxxed and carriers?
Seems they would fall inline with asymptomatic eh?
Yet no restrictions ?
a reply to: chr0naut

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 05:34 PM
And I want actually asking..I knew the answer you would give...

Also seems like if no excessive
micas and coughing is being tossed out..that the viral load would be at least small enough that social distance and mask to significantly curve the load.

Otherwise what the point?

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Faeded
Not simple.

Tell me how an asymptomatic carrier can spread something if no symptoms are causing micas..coughing etc?

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: VulcanWerks

It's quite simple and makes sense:

5 days quarantine works for the majority of people, but some people don't conform to the average and will incubate COVID-19 for longer periods.

As part of the reduction in length of quarantine (based on what we have learned about the normal disease progression, and for reason of not over-taxing resources), there should also be testing of those who may not have gotten over the disease, or who may still be asymptomatic carriers.

Testing may not be perfect, but it is enormously better than doing nothing at all and just hoping for the best.

The average adult human generates about 1.5 quarts of mucous per day, most of which we swallow.

The continual flow of mucous protects us against all sorts of disease and irritants. The aveoli in our lungs are extremely susceptible to toxins and irritants as they are the interface to pass oxygen directly to our blood.

Simply talking, and singing, and shouting, aerosolizes the moisture that coats our vocal chords, and that in measurable amounts:

Aerosol emission and superemission during human speech increase with voice loudness - Nature

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