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NASA Hires 24 Theologians To Study Public Reaction To Aliens - Disclosure Coming?

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posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:12 AM
NASA doing this is no odder than the Pope having a really big telescope. It begs to ask the question both ways......What the hell is really going on here? Until I myself meet said alien and interact with said alien...I want buy any of it.....I don't trust NASA (The Government) at all, and I trust the Pope even less.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: midicon

Seems appropriate to me. Need to get the gist on how the religious nut jobs will react when they are told they are not special. Of course their leaders aren't any better but they might help keep the furore down.

The furor over what exactly? what the evangelicals are gonna do? that's the concern? such a small fringe faction of the Christian faith.

Not to mention unless they got something under wraps no indication of any discovery of alien life single-celled or otherwise, is imminent.

Besides when did NASA give a crap what any religion believed...

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:23 AM
Whatever the theorising of any group the irony is that the phenomenon itself does more to drive public opinion.

In that the non nuts and bolts aspect of the phenomenon (for want of a better description) has dangled the ET themed carrot in front of us for more years that we have been able to theorise it's potential existence.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: 2Faced
Isn’t that “people will panic” line a bit exaggerated for this day and age? Sure, in the fifties, when people still thought that Mars had canals (due to inferior optics), and believed hostile little green men visited earth doing anal probes.The only one’s who’ll panic, are those who think they are in control. It is they who stand to lose everything, imo.

They must know, or at least suspect, that a highly evolved, intelligent (hopefully benevolent) race, will probably have a problem with the way we’re governed. They can’t afford (uncontrolled) logic and wisdom reaching the public, or GOD forbid, people questioning faith, possibly causing the religious institutions to lose grip on the minds of their flock. It is their worst nightmare. They rather have hostile visitors, so that they can use it to their advantage, by amplifying and then exploiting people’s fear. It’s happening now!

When you say “hostile visitors”, are you suggesting that Von Bronn’s speculation that WW3 would be ushered in and beset the globe due to an “alien invasion”?

Asking for a few billion natives.

I’m suggesting that tptb wouldn’t welcome intelligent visitors, if they come with the intent to help humanity, they rather have hostile visitors, we freak out, they keep/expand control. For as long as we’re able to fend them off of course, cause they (tptb) won’t be the one’s doing the fighting either.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: Klassified

They have to get the story straight, together.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

Idk. It would be fun to see them try with the fake alien invasion. But I think they are not 100% happy with the sizable population that never bought into the scamdemic. So, idk. It might be back to the drawing board for them.
Poor Klaes. He already has his space suit on.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: 2Faced
Isn’t that “people will panic” line a bit exaggerated for this day and age? Sure, in the fifties, when people still thought that Mars had canals (due to inferior optics), and believed hostile little green men visited earth doing anal probes.The only one’s who’ll panic, are those who think they are in control. It is they who stand to lose everything, imo.

They must know, or at least suspect, that a highly evolved, intelligent (hopefully benevolent) race, will probably have a problem with the way we’re governed. They can’t afford (uncontrolled) logic and wisdom reaching the public, or GOD forbid, people questioning faith, possibly causing the religious institutions to lose grip on the minds of their flock. It is their worst nightmare. They rather have hostile visitors, so that they can use it to their advantage, by amplifying and then exploiting people’s fear. It’s happening now!


posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: slatesteam

I think it’s Because they still have the old fashioned belief that if there are Aliens, then the Catholic Church will fall.
The church is a money printing machine. There are folks who don’t want anything to jeopardize that.
There already is a decline in members of the church. If NASA came out and said there are intelligent aliens in our neighborhood and they are coming here, there will be groups of people who turn their backs on the church.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

Surprised they have not used it as a reason to mandate the vaccines.

We all know what happens when humans travel to areas for the first time. We bring those microrganisms, that make those we encounter for the first time, sick or we kill them.

Maybe that is a bit too much for the masses to handle.

It was a neat idea for the ending of the "War Of The Worlds. As long as it was the aliens dying.

Now if it was us dying from exposure to the aliens, I could envision a huge mass panic.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: Joneselius
Because they know, and have known, that these things are demonic.

They've known it for a long time.... The theologians are probably casting demons out of the employees......

You do realize if the "aliens" are demonic, so are we! I don't believe demons need their own breathing air nor do they have to use a craft to travel. But, I'm sure the "demonic" crowd will believe in angels and demons before they will ever believe that we are being visited by extraterrestrials...

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 09:29 AM
I wanted to echo the obvious concern of others here. Any time you have a scientific body that has to spin their findings it's probably not a good idea to just take them at their word. Furthermore, while I do enjoy NASA and all their hard work a fair bit of their engineers aren't nearly as smart as they think they are. I don't want to sound like I'm bashing them, but there's a right and a wrong way to do certain things. They don't always go about it the right way, but that's not to say they haven't done more for the cosmic understanding exercised by the human race than pretty much any other single party.

As far as ET life in this universe, I could hardly care less at this point personally. I like to remain undecided on the issue of whether or not we are being visited, but I do have an opinion on likelihoods and criteria in any case. I see a lot of compelling evidence, but have not seen proof. Their philosophy and history would be interesting, at least for a mirror to our own animate nature. I have a theory that as philosophy and science advances within a species or sect the less proactive they become. They begin to understand primary necessity as their imperatives become more succinct, and as their abilities trend toward the limits surpassing forces of nature things which are whimsical or self gratifying in nature become less alluring. I won't go into justification in detail here since my posts tend to already be more voluble than I would prefer, and I think others could do their own legwork along avenues I haven't had the time or perspective for. I will say it is something I see in elders of our own species, they become more metered and measured as time goes on and their needs become less in magnitude while more secure in availability.

I don't expect a species advanced enough to contact us would be especially inclined to do so for noble reasons, and if we found a species similar in capability to ours I would be very apprehensive simply in regard to their vestigial ignorances- which our species has in excess. I personally find it ridiculous that we still live on the surface of our planet for instance, knowing the cosmic dangers which are capable of bottlenecking the species with little to zero notice. We know it's not safe to be fools in the face of the cosmos, and yet we are beating the brakes off the species simply to inevitably drive into the same pitfalls which ended creatures who came before us. We're even driving other species on this planet to extinction to do so. I would expect a comparatively advanced species to understand this as well, and they would probably be very hard to find if they wisely chose to adapt to the inevitable before it were upon them.

Then there is the food chain, we enjoy being at the top here on earth- that is when we're not getting crushed to death by our own furniture or forgetting our offspring in hot cars. Given the supposed age of the universe relative to how quickly we have advanced it is highly unlikely that within the cosmos our supremacy is absolute. We could even be cattle for all we do not know. There is very little which would surprise or bother me both in regard to how grim and how complicated our existence is in truth. We enjoy a philosophical separation from the rest of the animal kingdom, but it stops there. The thing that is most real to a consciousness with any limits is its own need and desire, on that basis a great deal can be justified against others. We like to think that an absence of malice means inherent good intention. Yet we don't hate cows, in fact we care for them, but again we damn well have been eating them since Christ was a carpenter. Our diversification in our diets is supposedly a primary element which enables us to have such powerful brains, who here would now knowingly invite stupidity for the sake of a lesser inclined species? Furthermore, then declining into stupidity would we not still comprehend they taste very good and again begin to eat them without the broader understanding as to how it would enable us otherwise? When it comes to ET I think a great deal of interacting with them will have to be predicated on watching what they do and not what they say, as humans should be interacted with respectively.

So if NASA wants to talk to the bible thumpers I don't see it as an indication of anything other than man's inability to come to terms with knowledge- again. Additionally I know many here do not forget the church's historical role in diluting science for the aim of control. It does not bode well from any angle in my opinion. There are many who would not appreciate their intellectual, philosophical, or construct apple carts being upset. Whatever the truth is or is not someone is going to cry about it. I am not firmly in either category, so I simply worry how NASA might misuse preconceived notions to pose new discoveries. If the religions of the world are more correct than false so be it, if not then so be it. I'm sure we could all know everything every human has ever known and we would still die incomprehensibly ignorant. The discomfort of being bewildered or stretching our minds to entertain wild notions is actually fulfilling to me, it means there is something new to be understood or prepared for in the event of. Not everyone shares that opinion, some are very happy to be fools if it means happiness. I'd rather know how things truly are than build my own reality under the aim of comfort or control. None of this ET business really scares me and without the fear of them the topic seems very small. All we can do is come to terms with whatever the truth is going to be and hope one day our species makes it out of this universe instead of getting smeared against Earth's bedrock by a planet killer or self-induced conflict.

I will say that the distant future has no place for the people we are now, due to intellectual mothering such the church practices. Many of the things which define us as human on this planet will hold us back both collectively and individually in the future, the near future. There is a great deal of junk we hold onto when it comes to who we think we are and our immutable natures respectively. With further understanding and abilities it will be necessary to shed these notions and tendencies which we now as such a young species seem to find still enthralling and vital. We can remain the same to die ignorant and indulgent or we can adapt and learn, those are the only choices I see for advanced civilizations. I'm not saying that individuality needs to be curtailed. I think it needs to be expanded and expounded, but based on intelligent thought. Personally I have no use for the church when it comes to science of any kind, but I have little grace in regard to embellishing facts or theory under the concern of audience reception. I don't think Christ himself could get us all to swallow the pill of inevitable change and cascading uncomfortable truths, and certainly not self-proclaimed servants of such. It has been how many thousand years since supposed Christ? Not really lighting up the tires on the way to that Christly finish line, are we? I say whatever it is just rip the band-aid off, coddling the ignorant- whatever they might have faith in, whether established science or proverb- will do the species at large no further good.
edit on 28-12-2021 by AstroDog because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

NASA is made up of thousands of people. There would be "leaks" of the evidence, if NASA knows non-earth life is real.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 10:14 AM
Project Bluebeam may well be the next "emergency" facing the planet. The holographic technology is ready to swindle the alien movie drenched masses in to believing the threat is real. Start making your mashed potato sculptures now before the rush.
edit on 28-12-2021 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 10:40 AM
I don't know about the rest of you but pre or post disclosure, we all have rent/mortgages to pay.

Keep your freak outs to a minimum.
edit on 12 28 2021 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

Can I just say when it does come out, and I don’t just mean acknowledgement.
I mean when someone goes on live tv, or whatever with an alien or spacecraft, or does an interview etc.
I am going to fashion my tin hat like a Fedora and wear a shirt that has

Conspiracy Nut

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

If NASA is really hiring 24 theologians, they are not hiring them to gauge reaction. They are hiring them to manufacture reaction.

Can’t let religion crumble. It’s already at it’s breaking point. My guess is they will tell people they need to pray more and that aliens were sent from God.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 11:10 AM
If it were me, I would introduce it as Jesus from Bethlehem.

No wait, that would piss of the Muslims and atheists.

Well whatever ya do, now all the "loons" who go to Roswell will look like geniuses.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: 19Bones79
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

Here's a question for ya:

Why would a space agency whose main purpose is to turn its gaze outwards to the heavens in the pursuit of scientific discovery suddenly redirect its attention on how to handle the people down below from a spiritual context?

Does it fall within their scope of responsibilities to hire religious spin doctors to indoctrinate the masses concerning reality?

Yes : Spin™.
It's a PR™ move, they market the politics to the plebes, with supposedly credible ' Authority-Figures™ '.

It's all about the optics, and how they want the story to unfold.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
I don't know about the rest of you but pre or post disclosure, we all have rent/mortgages to pay.

Keep your freak outs to a minimum.

Ha, hope in one hand, poop in the other, see which fills faster.

I'd like to see people showcase a whole hell of a lot more self-control in the first place, all things considered today. But asking the paranoid religious to calm their proverbial tits is akin to asking the Doomsday Signboard guy ringing the cow bell to carry on, but quieter -- he's just going to double down like the whackadoodle he is.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Why do you feel like this is what faithful people even want to hear?

Seems you have some prejudice to get over.

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