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Lemme Get This Straight Healthcare Workers

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posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 06:01 AM

originally posted by: slatesteam
a reply to: generik You’re stretching at best amigo.

Why weren’t Mom and Pop shoe stores allowed to say open?

if mom and pop stores" mainly sold actual essential things like food, such as a mom and pop grocery store. or was a mom and pop pharmacy another actual essential product, they were allowed to stay open, just like every other similar business. just as a big name brand store chain selling stereo equipment would have been forced to be closed, just as any mom and pop stereo shop was. it had nothing at all to do with the size or ownership of a store or business, it was all about what they sold/provided being essential or not.

if say a shop that normally sold non essential things like stereos had switched over and sold say food (with all the appropriate licences and permits required to do so), and were only selling a couple different stereo sets, with food becoming most of the store, then they too would have been allowed to be open, just like Walmart.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:21 AM
Reality is that the democrats are in power. They control the narrative and they control what's done with Covid. So I agree with all the "stupider" remarks in your post.a reply to: incoserv

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Ok, Lemme get this straight…..

Healthcare Nurses, workers etc, can now come back to work WITH Covid after five days,
But get fired for not being Vaccinated?

Does that make sense? That’s right, they now say healthcare workers can return from Covid after 5 days, (yes I said it twice) which is really funny since most say that is exactly when a lot of people start showing symptoms.

This is too funny, how is anyone taking this seriously anymore.

I haven't taken it seriously since late March of last year. It wasstupid then she is just kept getting exponentially stupider since.

The news gets stupider.

The politicians get stupider.

The people get stupider.

Reality is making Idiocracy look like a utopia.

Stupider ain’t a word.

Ummm…stupider is…as stupider does…


posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: generik

Just because you ate the whole bowl of propaganda doesn’t mean everyone did. They picked which businesses could stay open whether you want to accept that fact or not. They also chose who could have freedom of speech, which turns out that if you lean left you can say whatever you want with no repercussions, hell you can go rob a business owner and burn down his business with no repercussions, but only if you lean left. They will even call it a peaceful protest on TV for them. They chose who was allowed to go to work, who was allowed to have a job at all, they are choosing who can go to college, who can travel, and now they’re choosing who gets freedoms or not.

I know because I was one of those people that was forced out of my job while the state relief systems crashed at the same time, then the government telling me I can’t leave to go find work and need to due my part and stay home to prevent the spread. All the while, tons of people pour into grocery stores, restaurants, bars and other places with policies to prevent the spread making zero sense. I’m also the parent to a child and have paid a ton of money for a European backpacking trip and now my son is forced to take a vaccine or he isn’t allowed to go and I lose all the money spent on the trip…no refunds! All I know is if my son chooses to get the jab for his trip and something happens to him. Something really bad will happen to some government officials.
edit on 28-12-2021 by Middleoftheroad because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Ok, Lemme get this straight…..

Healthcare Nurses, workers etc, can now come back to work WITH Covid after five days,
But get fired for not being Vaccinated?

Does that make sense? That’s right, they now say healthcare workers can return from Covid after 5 days, (yes I said it twice) which is really funny since most say that is exactly when a lot of people start showing symptoms.

This is too funny, how is anyone taking this seriously anymore.

I haven't taken it seriously since late March of last year. It wasstupid then she is just kept getting exponentially stupider since.

The news gets stupider.

The politicians get stupider.

The people get stupider.

Reality is making Idiocracy look like a utopia.
Agreed all points.

Except. Stupider ain’t a word.

Actually it is.

Both stupider or more stupid are equally correct in the English language.

Doesn't that make you feel...


Smarter would fit in there too. You gave a free education as is your customary policies on ATS IIRC.

Glad to see you posting.

The 5 day policy should be ok if no fever but I can understand where we all are on this one is not a good place overall.

The whole Dr Simon Barr Sinister situation with the CDC and Fraudci has gotten me inspired to help expose the BS of this thing as much as the stomping out of good ideas in almost every walk of our daily lives by these tyrants and their useful idiots trying to hoist BS in our direction while trying to basically tell us it is honey. "How dare we not agree with them?!!?" They think. But they are clearly not thinking a little bit properly it surely seems to me.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: Middleoftheroad

Just because you ate the whole bowl of propaganda

There was no rhyme or reason why they did things the way they did, and if you question anything you (we) were made to look crazy, or not caring.

The reality is that all stores that wanted to, and were able should have stayed open.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: slatesteam

Hold on there chief, that is actually incorrect.

Stupider is the comparative form of the adjective stupid. Because stupid is a two-syllable word, its comparative form can be created either by adding the suffix “-er” or by using more.


On topic, the entire system within a month of the WHO announcements started going off the rails. I believe that there is a lack of communication between various departments, "experts", and government officials. The key is the government officials who probably don't have a lot of medical knowledge in their backgrounds which allows the "experts" to baffle them with BS.

Which brings up the issue of the "experts" not knowing what in the hell they're talking about because they're using data from hundreds of sources - and if a source doesn't think "right" then it's ignored until it becomes obvious that the previous information was wrong wherein the wrong thinking becomes the right thinking. Until the next day where they flip back again.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 06:33 PM
Why weren’t Mom and Pop shoe stores allowed to say open?

if mom and pop stores" mainly sold actual essential things like food, such as a mom and pop grocery store. or was a mom and pop pharmacy another actual essential product, they were allowed to stay open, just like every other similar business. just as a big name brand store chain selling stereo equipment would have been forced to be closed, just as any mom and pop stereo shop was. it had nothing at all to do with the size or ownership of a store or business, it was all about what they sold/provided being essential or not.

if say a shop that normally sold non essential things like stereos had switched over and sold say food (with all the appropriate licences and permits required to do so), and were only selling a couple different stereo sets, with food becoming most of the store, then they too would have been allowed to be open, just like Walmart. [/quo

Shoes are essential. Especially the specialized work shoes. The kind Chinamart doesn't sell.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I just returned to work from my self-imposed exile from the working world.

It's a dangerous virus that has harmed too many.

But we're all tired of it, those of us still working.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: scrounger

Oh really? It took you that long?

I knew it was nothing the moment the politicians refused to go into bunkers for continuity of government.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: VinMan

Riddle me this:

Here is a virus that is uniquely dangerous to those who are morbidly obese and out of shape, so why do we shut down every single youth and adult sports program, gym, fitness venue and deem them "non-essential"?

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: VinMan

Riddle me this:

Here is a virus that is uniquely dangerous to those who are morbidly obese and out of shape, so why do we shut down every single youth and adult sports program, gym, fitness venue and deem them "non-essential"?

Over the real, Big Lie, of course.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

With the at-home tests, nobody needs to know you've tested positive. If you feel OK, go to work, just as you have for decades.

btw..Biden cancelled the massive order of at-home tests in October 2021, because he knows most Americans are like him.

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 12:35 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Ok, Lemme get this straight…..

Healthcare Nurses, workers etc, can now come back to work WITH Covid after five days,
But get fired for not being Vaccinated?

Does that make sense? That’s right, they now say healthcare workers can return from Covid after 5 days, (yes I said it twice) which is really funny since most say that is exactly when a lot of people start showing symptoms.

This is too funny, how is anyone taking this seriously anymore.

I actually read that not only are they allowed to return to work after 5 days, but they aren't required to show a negative test to return to work. So they are still contagious.

Erin Bromage Ph.D.
Dec 27
Completely. My first in 9 months (all delta was symptomatic for me). I’ve now had two asymptomatic people in 7 days, and getting reports of more. So omicron is a little different. But at day 5 everyone is still roaringly positive on antigen tests. I hope they have data.

Erin Bromage, PhD on Twitter

So the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is allegedly good enough for sick and contagious health care workers to return to work BUT the PPE is not good enough for health care workers who acquired natural immunity but refused the vax.

Wow. Imagine that. PPE only works for sick and vaccinated healthcare workers but PPE doesn't work for naturally immune unvaxxed healthcare workers. So only if you get a shot, only then does a mask work. Wow. I'll have to remember that.

No point in wearing a mask if you aren't vaccinated! Masks only work for sick, contagious healthcare workers who are triple-or-quadruple jabbed.

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: scrounger
I have two views on this

view one.. the healthcare workers being fired for not getting the vaccine

wasnt it the healthcare workers (as an industry, with some exceptions who BRAVELY spoke out) pleading, crying, begging and DEMANDING that we follow covid mandates, to get the vaccine when available, and now that the vaccine is available to get it.
with the pictures of them tired, overworked, chapped faces (from wearing masks) and even PROTESTING (i believe in NYC) when a group was protesting the mask mandate (vaccines not available yet).
then when vaccines were available SUPPORTING MANDATORY VACCINATIONS.
all for "reducing the curve" , "lowering those in the hospitals and ER dept" and "to save lives"

but now that THEY ARE BEING HELD TO SAME MANDATORY VACCINATIONS THEY DEMANDED FOR OTHERS, they are refusing and bitching they will loose their jobs if they dont.

seems a tad hypocritical if you ask me.
or more accurate..

Second view... heathcare workers (and other essential workers) can have less quarantine time duet to worker shortage

I didnt know covid (much less ANY VIRUS) can be so selective to follow a political agenda and not effect specific groups due to a need.



To be fair this isnt the first time this claim has been made and no one of the "scientific experts" has called it out, but SUPPORTED IT.

lets list a few examples over the past two years.

you can go to a floyd memorial service and funeral and its safe
go to your relative funeral or any church service and its too dangerous/ spreads the virus
to the point they send police to break up / deny the services

you can go to an antifa , BLM and defund the police protest (and riots) with HUNDREDS TO THOUSANDS in "less than six feet" with no mask mandates and its safe
but go to sturges bike rally, go to spring break, go to anti mask protest, hell go to outdoor water part for that matter and its a "super spreader event"..
to which is banned, closed down, ect.

If your the mayor of chicago, ANY POLITICAN, or a "relative" of such you can get a haircut, eat out, ect... its all safe
but if your anyone else.. its dangerous and must be closed down.

If you go to wal mart or any other major retailer, its safe with some limits that really dont increase social distancing and it is safe
but go to mom and pop small businesses and its too dangerous unless you only let in a few, mask up and clean things to the point of silly.

shall i go on

to sum this up

either the virus is so dangerous and a "pandemic" then EVERYONE MUST FOLLOW THE SAME PROCEEDURES, MANDATES (like quarantine) or it isnt.

its that simple

your job title and/or how many workers you are short DOES NOT CHANGE THE VIRUS..

that is SCIENCE


Just to make sure you are aware of this:

"Health care workers" are not a homogenous group of people. Not all think alike.

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Ok, Lemme get this straight…..

Healthcare Nurses, workers etc, can now come back to work WITH Covid after five days,
But get fired for not being Vaccinated?

Does that make sense? That’s right, they now say healthcare workers can return from Covid after 5 days, (yes I said it twice) which is really funny since most say that is exactly when a lot of people start showing symptoms.

This is too funny, how is anyone taking this seriously anymore.

Well, let's not forget you have to be asymptomatic.

This is one possible line of thought:

People who are still asymptomatic at day 5 probably suffer from Omicron.

Omicron infection immunizes against all other known variants.

If we send people with omicron back to hospital we can quickly immunize the entire population.

Just saying, it's possible they are indeed making sense on some level, but are still not revealing their true motives.

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
a reply to: generik

I used to live in Toronto, so that doesn't surprise me. There is no common sense anymore. If I sit on the bus without my mask on people several feet away will act uncomfortable. Yet they are sitting on a public bus seat where many people have sat, sweated, coughed, sneezed, etc. They are far more likely to get sick from the seat they are comfortable in than one person several feet away, but everyone is scared out of their minds by the corporate propaganda.

I live in Toronto. Everyday I see cars with only one occupant wearing a mask. I step over or around upwards of 100 discarded masks each and every day. To date though, I have NOT stepped over or around any bodies. The level of idiocy in these parts astounds me.

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: knowhatamine

originally posted by: scrounger
I have two views on this

view one.. the healthcare workers being fired for not getting the vaccine

wasnt it the healthcare workers (as an industry, with some exceptions who BRAVELY spoke out) pleading, crying, begging and DEMANDING that we follow covid mandates, to get the vaccine when available, and now that the vaccine is available to get it.
with the pictures of them tired, overworked, chapped faces (from wearing masks) and even PROTESTING (i believe in NYC) when a group was protesting the mask mandate (vaccines not available yet).
then when vaccines were available SUPPORTING MANDATORY VACCINATIONS.
all for "reducing the curve" , "lowering those in the hospitals and ER dept" and "to save lives"

but now that THEY ARE BEING HELD TO SAME MANDATORY VACCINATIONS THEY DEMANDED FOR OTHERS, they are refusing and bitching they will loose their jobs if they dont.

seems a tad hypocritical if you ask me.
or more accurate..

Second view... heathcare workers (and other essential workers) can have less quarantine time duet to worker shortage

I didnt know covid (much less ANY VIRUS) can be so selective to follow a political agenda and not effect specific groups due to a need.



To be fair this isnt the first time this claim has been made and no one of the "scientific experts" has called it out, but SUPPORTED IT.

lets list a few examples over the past two years.

you can go to a floyd memorial service and funeral and its safe
go to your relative funeral or any church service and its too dangerous/ spreads the virus
to the point they send police to break up / deny the services

you can go to an antifa , BLM and defund the police protest (and riots) with HUNDREDS TO THOUSANDS in "less than six feet" with no mask mandates and its safe
but go to sturges bike rally, go to spring break, go to anti mask protest, hell go to outdoor water part for that matter and its a "super spreader event"..
to which is banned, closed down, ect.

If your the mayor of chicago, ANY POLITICAN, or a "relative" of such you can get a haircut, eat out, ect... its all safe
but if your anyone else.. its dangerous and must be closed down.

If you go to wal mart or any other major retailer, its safe with some limits that really dont increase social distancing and it is safe
but go to mom and pop small businesses and its too dangerous unless you only let in a few, mask up and clean things to the point of silly.

shall i go on

to sum this up

either the virus is so dangerous and a "pandemic" then EVERYONE MUST FOLLOW THE SAME PROCEEDURES, MANDATES (like quarantine) or it isnt.

its that simple

your job title and/or how many workers you are short DOES NOT CHANGE THE VIRUS..

that is SCIENCE


Just to make sure you are aware of this:

"Health care workers" are not a homogenous group of people. Not all think alike.

Fair pool. "Feet on the street" types I am more inclined to ease up on. It the "elite" level hobgoblins who know everything that I have a problem with.

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: VinMan

Shoes are essential. Especially the specialized work shoes. The kind Chinamart doesn't sell.

so, you are saying you will die without those shoes? that is what "essential" businesses being allowed open were about. things you actually NEEDED to survive. things like food, and medicine for example, things that people would literally die without. shoes may possibly be important, but they are not at all "essential" to living. you can live without a brand new pair of shoes.

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: BiffTannen

Same in most cities, it seems.

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